The queen is so fierce

Chapter 253 The 2 Clan of Heavenly Kill

Chapter 253 The Two Clans of Heavenly Slaughter


"Hey! What are you running for, little dragon, I haven't cured you yet! Don't run!"


"Hmph, it's useless for you to run! I won't let you go to the ends of the earth!"


At dusk, the sound of the waves died down.

The golden sunset reflects on the sparkling water, and the hermit crabs hiding under the white sand begin to migrate with their families.

The work of the various chambers of commerce at Sanjiang Wharf is almost over. Dozens of cargo ships sail away and disappear into the red sun on the edge of the horizon.

The people of Sudu who had dinner in advance, took their wives, children and children to the beach for a walk, blowing the gradually cool wind, and they lived their days very well, and they didn't look like they had experienced a war at all.

Conversation continues in the shadow of the banana tree.

"What does that mean?" Su Huanqing asked quietly.

Xu Wanyi looked down at her fair jade hand, and said in a trance with her beautiful eyes:
"It literally means it. From the very beginning of our birth, we have a 'destiny' to correct the injustice in the world."

She turned her head to look at Su Huanqing, and thought about it: "You know that Sister Fuyao is the daughter of Heaven, right?"

Hearing this, Su Huanqing hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly.

Although she looked up and saw her every day, but in fact, Su Huanqing and Zhao Fuyao were not very familiar with her, and what she knew about her basically came from the dictation of the dragon ancestor in the Tiangong ruins, as well as the information that Xu Shoujing inadvertently leaked.

Not only Su Huanqing, but also Qiu Xuanji, Chu Shuwan, and Jiang Rongyue, apart from the self-introduction when they first got together, no one could have a normal conversation with Zhao Fuyao after that.

At first, Su Huanqing thought that Zhao Fuyao, like Xu Shoujing, also had a "sense of rejection" similar to the blood of the gods, but after getting along for a long time, he realized that it was not the same.

It's not a 'feeling of exclusion', but a 'feeling of alienation', or 'instinctive reverence for the superior'.

The huge innate contrast in identity, blood, and race naturally forms a 'feeling of alienation'.

It's okay to just talk a little or two, but if the conversation goes on for a long time, even if you know that the other party doesn't have that kind of intention, you will have an inferiority complex in your heart that "I'm just an ant in front of her", which is awkward and uncomfortable. comfortable.

Among the girls living in the east hall, I am afraid that only Nangong Xiaoxiao dares to have a normal conversation with Zhao Fuyao... Although she herself is actually quite afraid.

"Heaven and earth are born from the five elements, and the great road is stable from yin and yang."

Xu Wanyi picked up a small pebble buried in the sand, her beautiful eyes were deep and dark, as if she was looking at the present and the future.She whispered:
"Just like in the world where there is good, there is evil, and where there is good, there is evil. Even if it's just a person's heart, there will be two completely opposite sides."

Su Huanqing frowned slightly and lowered her head thoughtfully.

Seeing this, Xu Wanyi chuckled lightly, and swayed her jade hand forward, and the crushed pebble was sprinkled on the white sand. There was no conflict between the two and they merged into one, as if it had been like this from beginning to end.

Xu Wanyi rested her cheeks in her jade hands and looked into the distance:

"Everything has two sides, even the Dao of Heaven is no exception... The Dao of Heaven has no self-awareness, and all its actions are based on the 'instinct' that occurred naturally when the world was born."

After a pause, she continued:
"That is - maintaining absolute order."

If Su Huanqing realized something, after thinking for a while, he asked aloud:
"For example, in the Age of Gods, the way of heaven cuts off the 'Road to Ascension?'"

Xu Wanyi was stunned for a moment, looked at Su Huanqing in surprise, nodded and said:
"That's know quite a lot. Heaven has no self-awareness, let alone what is 'right or wrong', even the so-called order is imposed on the world by it.

Interrupting the path of ascension and locking the peak of the path of cultivation in the Xuanye Realm forever seems to be for the pursuit of stability and to prevent more monks from leaving this world, but it actually kills countless possibilities that are still budding.

The 'Destiny Clan' represented by Sister Fuyao is an existence that can walk sideways in this world with the blessing and blessing of the will of Heaven.If there is nothing wrong with Tiandao itself, the Destiny Clan will always serve as a 'monitor' to protect Tiandao from interference from external forces. "

Speaking of this, Xu Wanyi gave a wry smile and clenched her fists secretly:

"On the contrary, the duties of our Heavenly Punishment Clan and the Destiny Clan are exactly opposite. As I said just now, there is no right or wrong in Heavenly Dao, but for the world, what Heavenly Dao does will eventually affect the world. When thousands of souls are affected by it..."

Before Xu Wanyi's words were finished, with Su Huanqing Bingxue's smart mind, she immediately said the following words:
"The Heavenly Punishment Clan will stand up to 'kill' the current Heavenly Way, and support the new Heavenly Way in a way of eliminating the old and fabricating new ones."

Xu Wanyi sighed and nodded helplessly.

Hearing this, Su Huanqing finally understood why there were bloodlines cursed by the will of Heaven like the Heaven Punishment family in the world.

The meaning of the existence of the Heaven Punishment family is to obliterate the way of heaven.

Although Tiandao has no self-awareness, it is impossible for a race that is coveting and wants to obliterate itself every day, like a blessing to the Destiny Clan?

Wouldn't that be equivalent to killing me with a knife, and before I died, I wished your family a hundred years of life and a healthy family?
Su Huanqing pondered for a long time, obviously all doubts were solved, but he always felt that something was inconsistent, and asked aloud:

"...Aunt Wan, since the Destiny Clan has the grace and blessing of the will of the Dao of Heaven, if there is a disagreement when the Punishment Clan decides to obliterate the Dao of Heaven, isn't the system of 'removing the old and creating the new' impossible to complete?"

Indeed, the question raised by Su Huanqing was very pertinent.

The Destiny Clan and the Heaven Punishment Clan are indeed very similar just by their names, and their respective responsibilities are barely the same in the general direction.

But... after all, these are two ethnic groups with completely different bloodlines. When they also have the world's top power, it is impossible to unify their opinions at any time.

Whether it is two powerful countries or two powerful sects, in the case of disagreement and repeated negotiations, the measures they will take immediately have been very unified from ancient times to the present - launching wars, violent suppression .

A random war between mortal dynasties may lead to rivers of blood and the displacement of people; wars between top sects, small ones cover mountains and reclaim seas, and large ones are intercontinental fragmentation.

Compared with the above two, this 'small dispute' between Changhe Su Clan and Tianyuan Sect seems to be a small fight?
In any case, if the Destiny Clan and the Punishment Clan go to war, the impact will not be as simple as a continent, and the whole world will be hit hard.

"You're right, when the will of Heaven in the Age of Gods began to block the world, the Destiny Clan and the Punishment Clan did have differences."

Xu Wanyi did not hide it, and very simply confirmed Su Huanqing's guess.

Su Huanqing's breathing stagnated slightly, and asked in a tight voice:

"Then how was it resolved?"

"Solution?" Xu Wanyi tilted her head to look at Su Huanqing, "In the great disaster of the age of gods, those monks who were prevented from ascending, obviously possessed super strength, but they still died unexpectedly... Don't you feel strange, Is it too far-fetched to blame it all on 'Heaven's way out of control'?"

Su Huanqing's beautiful eyes were stunned, and after thinking for a while, her pupils shrank suddenly:
"Could it be..."

"You're right."

Xu Wanyi did not wait for her to finish her words, and took over the words with a wry smile:
"Including the cracks in the Heavenly Dao, all the powerhouses in the age of the gods have fallen, and even the Destiny Clan and the Heaven Punishment Clan are dead, only me and Sister Fuyao are left... The culprit of all this is because of that "Destiny" The 'World Destruction War' with "God Punishment". "

Su Huanqing was shocked, although she had vaguely guessed, but she actually heard the truth of the matter from Xu Wanyi's mouth, and she was inevitably lost for a while.

The fate of the world, the rise and fall of the Great Dao, and the fate of thousands of beings were changed only by a battle between the two races.

I always feel unreal...

Su Huanqing was in a trance for a long time before she regained her senses. She pursed her thin lips and asked again:

"Aunt Wan, you just said... The Heaven Punishment family has the destiny of 'correcting the injustice in the world', but from Shoujing, I have never felt how strongly he felt about saving Jiuzhou. I really still don't believe this kind of thing. fatalism."

"No, Jing'er has already fallen into the fate of the Heavenly Punishment family, but he hasn't noticed it yet."

Xu Wanyi closed her eyes, and when she opened it again, that perfect face showed a bit of bitterness.She lowered her eyes and asked in a low voice:
"Huanqing, let me ask you... From the time Jing'er set foot on the cultivation path until now, what is the biggest goal he has on his shoulders? Or, what does he most want to do now?"

Su Huanqing was stunned for a moment, and replied subconsciously:
"Naturally, it is to stop the teaching of the end..."

The words just started, Su Huanqing's voice became smaller and smaller, and Qingshui's eyes were round.

The conspiracy to stop the Cult of Eternity... Regardless of the reason, just from the point of view of this purpose, it is indeed echoing the 'fatalism' of the Heaven Punishment Clan.

Xu Wanyi's eyes drooped slightly, and her mood seemed to be a little gloomy:

"Now you should understand... It has nothing to do with your own will and thoughts. As long as you are a member of the Heavenly Punishment family, as long as you have the bloodline of Heavenly Punishment in your body, no matter how different the process or method is, you will eventually reach the end of the extended road. controlled by 'fate'.

Back then, I thought I was going to die, so I entrusted everything to Jinger when I sent him away.But now that I'm still alive, it's necessary as a mother to solve all the problems before he's forced to accept his fate. "

Su Huanqing opened his mouth, suddenly not knowing what to say.

Just because of the 'cursed blood' flowing in the body, one must bear the fate of the whole world.

Either Xu Wanyi or Xu Shoujing... This is too sad.

Su Huanqing pursed her lips, Zhao Fuyao's indifferent expression flashed in her mind, and said in a low voice:

"Will the Destiny Clan not be affected by 'Fate'?"

Xu Wanyi leaned against the trunk of the banana tree and slowly shook her head:
"No... The one from the Destiny Clan is not so much a 'fate', it is better to say that they are 'destiny' themselves, and everything they do is recognized by the Tao of Heaven.

As long as they don't have the intention of resisting the Tao of Heaven, the common sense of the world will always be on their side. Even if they fall into a mortal crisis, the Tao of Heaven will create some 'coincidences' to save them. "

Hearing this, Su Huanqing couldn't help but think that Xu Shoujing's 'accidental' entered the matter of sealing Zhao Fuyao's ruins.

According to Long Ancestor Cangyin's words, the group of Tiangong traitors who sealed Zhao Fuyao should all have a considerable position, and their cultivation base must not be low.

Three years ago, Xu Shoujing, who was still a mortal, could not 'accidentally' stray into the seal set by a group of Xuanyang realm bigwigs, even if he was in a hurry to be hunted down.

Now it all seems a lot more reasonable.

Xu Shoujing possessed the blood of Heaven's Punishment, and was the only one who could rescue Zhao Fuyao at that time.

Tiandao knew this, so Xu Shoujing appeared there by accident.

Everything is taken for granted and can only be described by coincidence.

One coincidence may be the blessing of fate, and two coincidences may be the personality.

But many coincidences overlapped, making that extremely distant result appear in front of you with ease...

"I always feel... Heaven's 'common sense' is terrible..." Su Huanqing said with lingering fears.

Xu Wanyi let out a long sigh, then pretended to be relaxed and said with a smile:

"Yeah... There are a lot of unfavorable conditions, and even 'luck' is on the opposite side of you. It can be said that the conditions for the Heaven Punishment Clan to win the Destiny Clan are extremely harsh. But..."

Speaking of this, Xu Wanyi changed her words, and her tone was obviously subdued:

"Even if there are many unfavorable conditions, the Heaven Punishment Clan cannot lose to the Destiny Clan."

"Why?" Su Huan was stunned for a moment, Liu Ye's brows were slightly wrinkled, and her eyes were very puzzled.

Xu Wanyi smiled lightly, turned her head and glanced at Su Huanqing, and said meaningfully:

"Because... 'The Destiny Clan will never win the Heaven Punishment Clan' is also a kind of destiny itself, even if Sister Fuyao restores her cultivation base in the heyday, even if my strength is less than one-tenth of the tenth in the heyday... Anyone can easily Beat me, but in the battle of life and death, she is the only one who will never be my opponent."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xu Wanyi found that Su Huanqing was intimidated by her own words, so she quickly restrained the heavy atmosphere and smiled softly:

"It's okay, don't worry too much. Sister Fuyao is a few years older than me, but she doesn't know anything about the Destiny Clan. The Destiny Clan has the inheritance of 'blood memory', but the Destiny Clan does not have such a thing. In order to avoid future generations Knowing the secrets of the two clans can only be passed on by word of mouth. This also led to the direct disappearance of the inheritance of the bloodline of destiny after the extermination of the clan."

Saying that, Xu Wanyi got up and stretched out, her graceful figure was slender and seductive against the last rays of the setting sun.

She shrugged and looked indifferent, and continued:

"I have never told Sister Fuyao about the two clans, so the possibility of us fighting now is almost zero. Although she seems to have kept a lot of secrets from Tiangong from me back then... But compared to the grievances between the two clans It shouldn't be a big deal."

Knowing that Xu Wanyi was leaving, Su Huanqing also stood up, hesitated for a moment, and said:
"The last question...why is Wanyi willing to tell me so much?"

Speaking of which, Su Huanqing said at first that he would not ask more questions, but before he knew it, he had already asked a lot of questions, and Xu Wanyi had also completely violated the promise of "Well, I won't tell you". Except for some key details, there were hardly any questions. Concealed and told Su Huanqing everything.

Hearing Su Huanqing's words, Xu Wanyi hesitated for a while, and said solemnly:

"I don't want to lie to you... Although I survived the pursuit of the Tiangong traitors, my strength is still not as good as it was back then. What I'm going to do next is very dangerous, and I'm not sure if I can come back alive..."

She turned to look at Su Huanqing, her eyes flashing softly: "If I really can't come back, just tell Jing'er what I said just now... He has the right to know this."

Su Huanqing opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she could only weakly say "um".
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 Well, I don't understand the relationship between destiny and punishment, you can refer to the tree of the beginning of the lock clan and the tree of the end of the garden, I basically see this system from that work.

(End of this chapter)

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