Chapter 254
"Oh, right."

Xu Wanyi suddenly seemed to recall something. She took out an ancient book with a shabby cover from her bulging placket, and reached out and handed it to Su Huanqing:

"I've translated the old saying above. It's a pretty good pupil technique. It's very suitable for sword cultivators like Jing'er. Take it and return it to him."

Su Huanqing gave a "hmm", reached out to take the ancient book, and stuffed it into the Qiongyu Pavilion without looking too much.

There is no doubt that this ancient book is the pupil technique delivered to Xu Shoujing by Cang Yin of the Dragon Clan.

After the battle between the Changhe Su Clan and the Tianyuan Sect, Xu Shoujing finally found time to study the pupil technique of the Dragon Clan Cang Yin.

But Zhao Fuyao was one of the few who knew the language of the Age of the Gods. Because he had just obtained the Moonfall Immortal Soul, he had to go into retreat every once in a while, so he couldn't find the time to translate Cang Yin Tong Shu.

Xu Shoujing originally wanted to slowly wait for Zhao Fuyao to get out of the gate while cultivating, but Su Huanqing left Cangyin Ancient Books and claimed that he could solve it.

With Xu Shoujing's unconditional trust in Su Huanqing, he naturally had no doubts, so he immediately handed over the expensive "Blue Silver Eye Technique" to Su Huanqing.

As for the 'method' in Su Huanqing's mouth, it meant that Xu Wanyi, who also knew the language of the Age of the Gods, would translate it.

Although it is an ancient language in the age of the gods, it is the language of the 'Dragon' after all. It is not like the language of the human race to directly write down what you see.

The language of the dragon race, and even the language of other beast races in the age of the gods, also has a very strange habit.

To put it simply, I like to use modal particles very much. Although they can be understood by themselves, they are too ambiguous for human beings who have been pursuing precise expressions for many years.

For example, in the ancient book given by Cang Yin, the question of how the spiritual power in the body should be supplied to the eyes is described in this way:
"Swish" to open the body, "bang" to open the meridians, remember that the spiritual power must be "patta pata", and finally "gulugulu" is given to the eyes and you are done.


With such a bizarre explanation, Xu Wanyi couldn't help tilting her head when she first translated it, her eyes full of question marks.

-Is this really for people to see?

Oh, it's for the dragon, that's fine.

But the problem has not been solved at all!

What does "swish" unfold the body mean?Want to be fast?
What does "bang" open the meridians mean?Do you need to explode when you open the meridians?
Who knows what it means when you just write "gulugulu" and "patta pata"?

For Xu Wanyi, the most time-consuming and labor-intensive part of the whole year of translating this book "Blue Silver Eyes" was not the language barrier, but the effort to understand the content that took up half of the book. The "guru", "papa" and "dada".

Although it is not completely without language assistance, but relying on those meticulous paragraphs at the end, trying to infer the meaning of those tone particles according to their own theories again and again, the difficulty is actually no less than re-editing a book of exercises.

The process was arduous and even tortured, but fortunately it finally paid off.

Under Xu Wanyi's almost re-edited translation, the newly released "grey silver pupil technique" is undoubtedly extremely friendly to the human race. With Xu Shoujing's talent, it may not take much time to fully master it.

This can also be regarded as the first gift she gave to her son, a derelict mother.

Thinking about these things in her mind, Xu Wanyi's calm and beautiful eyes were a little ecstatic.

Su Huanqing noticed her expression, was stunned for a moment, and said suspiciously:

"Aunt Wan, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Wanyi suddenly came back to her senses, smiled and waved her hand:

"It's okay, a little distracted..."

Before she could finish her words, Xu Wanyi paused and froze in place again, the look in her beautiful peach blossom eyes flickered slightly, as if she saw something extremely surprising.

Su Huanqing was stunned for a moment, and followed Xu Wanyi's line of sight.

I saw two more eye-catching figures on the white sandy beach where people came and went.

A young man dressed in a gold-trimmed black robe and a simple long sword on his waist stood on the edge of the clay pot and looked down, while beside the young man was a beautiful woman in a dark green dress holding hands.

Both of them looked very outstanding, and as soon as they appeared on the beach, they immediately attracted the attention of the crowd walking at night.

At first, they only looked at them curiously, but after recognizing the identity of the black-robed youth, most people called out in surprise:
"Isn't this Xu Gongzi?! I haven't seen you for such a long time, where have you gone? The old man hasn't thanked you for this great benefactor!"

"Huh? Ah... The old man doesn't need to care so much, it's just..."

"Isn't this Xu Daxia! Are you going out for a walk with your wife at night? I haven't finished dinner yet. My house is near, so I'll have my mother-in-law prepare it and bring it to you right away."

"Ah? Don't be so troublesome, I'll just walk around with Aunt Chu... my wife."


The handsome black-robed youth showed a slightly troubled look, and it seemed that he was being treated too warmly by the people of Sudu, but felt at a loss.

The beautiful woman in the green dress next to her covered her mouth and chuckled. She was quite pleased with this scene, and even chatted with an old lady.

Su Huanqing didn't expect Xu Shoujing to leave the customs, and came to this beach inexplicably, the first reaction was to go up and say hello.

After all, she hadn't seen Xu Shoujing for a long time. As a 'love girl' who had just confirmed their relationship, it was only natural that she wanted to tell her love to her lover immediately.

Su Huanqing suddenly woke up with her front feet already stepped out, and only then did she recall her current situation.

Su Huanqing turned around and peeked at Xu Wanyi's expression, and found that the other party did not show what she imagined, because "Sizixinhe" overturned all the previous words, and rushed to the mother and son to recognize each other desperately.

Xu Wanyi was laughing, very reluctantly.

Behind that smile that is mixed with relief, bitterness, guilty conscience, sadness...all kinds of emotions, the deepest emotion reluctance.

Xu Wanyi just stayed in the shade in the corner, staring at the 'hero Xu Shoujing' surrounded by everyone.

I don't know how long it took, she took a deep breath, and there was only firmness in her eyes:
"Huanqing, in the future... Jing'er will ask you..."


A gust of wind blew past, Su Huanqing closed her eyes subconsciously, and when she opened it again, there was no one around.

Su Huanqing stood there for a while, biting her lower lip with her teeth:

"Please come back alive... Shoujing needs you."

This sentence contains the most sincere emotion of 'Fairy Bingyu', but whether it was passed on to Xu Wanyi's ears, at least no one knows now.
"The little girl has just turned sixteen and is still waiting for her boudoir. She talks about Xu Gongzi at home every day, and she can't eat anymore! Why don't you take a look!"

Seeing the old man in front of him with sadness and tears, Xu Shoujing laughed and thought to himself how to decline without hurting the old man.

He had just opened his mouth before he had time to speak, and immediately felt a chill that pierced his heart, from the murderous gaze that had nowhere to hide from behind him.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Aunt Chu, calm down, I haven't said anything yet.

"Gulu" Xu Shoujing swallowed his saliva silently, and after a long sigh of relief, he politely declined the old man's kindness.

Although the old man still looked unwilling, "I want to settle this son-in-law", but under the pressure of 'Zheng Gong' watching from the side, he blew Xu Shoujing's ear again, and then he left reluctantly.

The old man's attitude was not an exception. Until the people of Sudu on the branches of the moon went back to their homes, a large group of people gathered around Xu Shoujing to greet him.

Xu Shoujing was very helpless to the enthusiasm of the people of Sudu, so he had to deal with it tiredly and perfunctory under Chu Shuwan's gaze like a joke.


After seeing off the last few 'hospitable people from Sudu', Xu Shoujing lay down on the beach, gasping for breath.

Hearing Chu Shuwan's half-smile tone, Xu Shoujing let out a long sigh and said in a prostration:

"Well... I'm tired. Just let me fight with others. I guess I won't be so tired."

Chu Shuwan rested her legs next to Xu Shoujing's head, her hands resting on her cheeks and her elbows on her knees, her almond eyes narrowed into two crescent moons:

"Human beings are born like this, no matter how round-the-clock maliciousness, the parties can easily counterattack; but if it is straightforward and undisguised kindness, a child with an awkward personality like Jing'er will only feel at a loss."

Xu Shoujing glanced at the landscape with hollow patterns, put his hands behind his head, found a comfortable position for himself, then looked at the starry night sky, and laughed softly:
"Aunt Chu, are you educating my husband from the wife's point of view?"

Chu Shuwan raised her hand and tapped Xu Shoujing's forehead lightly, the corners of her mouth evoked a shallow arc, on the surface she still looked unhappy:
"Isn't it? Can you only let Qiu Xuanji take care of you, and I'm not qualified to switch to me?"

Xu Shoujing hurriedly sat up straight with a carp, moved his thighs to Chu Shuwan's side, put his arms around her shoulders lightly, and said with a smile:

"How come, of course, you can control it. As long as Aunt Chu wants to scold, she can scold whatever she wants anytime, anywhere, and Jing'er will definitely fight back."

Chu Shuwan snorted softly, and lay comfortably in Xu Shoujing's arms, muttering proudly:

"It's almost... eh?"

Fight back and fight back?
Chu Shuwan noticed that something was wrong, Liu Yemei frowned slightly, and turned her head suddenly to look at Xu Shoujing, wanting to question.


The mouth shape of the word "you" has just been made, and Xu Shoujing has already pressed the back of her head and kissed her unceremoniously.

The bright moon hid in the clouds, and the stars lit up the night sky.In this silent night, only the sound of the waves sounded rhythmically.

However, hidden behind the sound of the waves is the unfinished love of a man and a woman in love, which arouses the infinite imagination of others.

In the past, Chu Shuwan had always stood in a very passive position. Even though she was so many years older than Xu Shoujing, in fact, it was precisely because of this awkwardness due to her seniority that she was in the 'offensive and defensive battle' between the two. It is the one who is guided.

But today, I don't know what happened, Chu Shuwan took the initiative more than ever before.

He took the initiative to reach out and hooked Xu Shoujing's neck, actively responded enthusiastically but unskilledly, and even took the initiative to grab Xu Shoujing's big hand and clasped it with his fingers.


Xu Shoujing felt that something was wrong, and always felt that Aunt Chu seemed to be hiding something in her heart, and all her actions now were to express that stagnation.

Could it be that their conversation in Linxiang Pavilion failed to unravel all the knots in their hearts?
Xu Shoujing could not find a conclusion, so he could only forcibly push Chu Shuwan away, his eyes revealing worry:

"Aunt Chu, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Shuwan pursed her red lips, and her apricot eyes flickered, seemingly absent-minded.Hearing Xu Shoujing's words, she suddenly recovered, adjusted her breath, and smiled sweetly:

"I'm fine, what's wrong, Jing'er?"

Xu Shoujing blinked and stared at Chu Shuwan's apricot eyes for a long time, but couldn't see any guilty feelings.

Does Aunt Chu have nothing to hide from me?Am I feeling wrong?
Xu Shoujing was not quite sure in his heart, so he scratched his face:

"It's alright... It's almost Hai Shi. It's quite cold by the Sanjiang River at night. Let's go back."

Saying that, Xu Shoujing stood up and stretched out his hand towards Chu Shuwan.

Chu Shuwan didn't hesitate, she naturally shrank her small hand in Xu Shoujing's palm, and stood up slowly.

Xu Shoujing didn't pay attention, just a few seconds after he pulled up Chu Shuwan and turned around.

Chu Shuwan showed a look that seemed reluctant and firm - just like Xu Wanyi who left.

"Big brother, what were you doing just hugging each other?"

A childish voice sounded from his feet.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and followed the direction of the voice to search, but found a little girl with two ponytails clinging to the hem of her black robe, staring at him with big eyes.

It's like... seeing a novelty toy.

After noticing the existence of the little girl, Xu Shoujing's first reaction was not because of her age, she 'pinch off' the part where he made out with Aunt Chu.

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly, and picked up the sleeping little Zilong lying on the head of the girl with two ponytails. His watery peach blossom eyes gradually lit up with anger:

"Yo, long time no see."

Xiao Honglian slept soundly, dreaming that she was sleeping and drinking in a lake of milk and honey, she was suddenly shaken mercilessly, and a burst of anger suddenly appeared in her heart:

Xiao Honglian waved her small claws in the air in protest, probably saying: Which bastard dares to disturb Benlong's sleep, believe it or not, he will spit fire and grill you into meat skewers!
However, after seeing Xu Shoujing's grinning expression, Xiao Honglian froze immediately, and let down the little claws that were waving indiscriminately, and gently began to manicure Xu Shoujing's nails.


Xu Shoujing replied coldly: "It's useless for you to please me. Tell me, why didn't you accomplish a single thing that I told you last month, and you still dare to appear here now."

Xiao Honglian scratched her head, tilted her head slightly, and put on a blank and innocent expression:

"Don't you think it's useful to be cute?" Xu Shoujing's crusade broke out in front of his forehead, and his smile became more and more fierce.

Xiao Honglian stretched out two small claws, pressed against each other lightly, and then slowly separated, extremely aggrieved.

"Okay, there is something."

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, and his right hand ignited a red fire; Xiao Honglian was covered in cold sweat, and the tone of "Yah" became weaker and weaker.

Just when Xu Shoujing was going to punish the lazy dragon, Longya couldn't help it:

"Big brother, how can you bully Xiao Longlong!"
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 The title is wrong, this is the title of the next chapter, and the title of this chapter is: Wan Yi leaves.

  I can't change it, let's do it

(End of this chapter)

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