The queen is so fierce

Chapter 255 The Unexpected Person

Chapter 255 The Unexpected Person
The sparse thin clouds were swept away by a gust of evening wind, and the stars in the thousands of miles of sky were no longer as dazzling as the bright moon.

Xu Shoujing held Xiao Honglian by the back of the neck, and looked down at the little girl with two ponytails, his handsome face was still indifferent, and he didn't seem to be shaken at all:

"I bullied her? Why didn't you ask what the dead dragon did."

Long Ya blinked, not knowing how to respond for a while.

She just looked at the cuteness of 'Xiao Xiaolong', so she couldn't help but speak up. She really didn't know what mistakes Xiao Xiaolong made in the past.

Seeing Xu Shoujing's serious appearance, Long Ya hesitated, ran to his arm and pulled Xiao Honglian's feet, and asked aloud:
"Little Xiaolong, what did you do to make Big Brother so angry?"


Xiao Honglian kept sweating coldly on her bald head, feeling Long Ya's straightforward eyes, she silently staggered her gaze.

Long Ya frowned. With her intelligence, she couldn't detect any tricks, so it would be so big in vain.

Seeing that even Longya was no longer on her side, Xiao Honglian panicked and waved her claws in a dance, trying to justify her actions on 'that day':


Xiao Honglian explained it very hard, with a sad expression on her face and an immersive action, which brought tears to her eyes.

It's a pity that the few people present did not get the certificate of the tenth level of the dragon language. For Xiao Honglian's serious performance, it can only be seen that she has a strong desire to survive.

I couldn't understand it, and it was even more whimsical to want Xu Shoujing to forgive her.

Seeing that the situation was deadlocked, Xu Shoujing started digging sand pits to "bury the dead dragon alive".

Chu Shuwan let out a long sigh, stepped forward and grabbed Xu Shoujing, snatched Xiao Honglian from his hand, and hugged her gently in her arms.

Xiao Honglian was ready to 'death', but at this critical moment, she was actually allowed to escape from Xu Shoujing's 'magic arrest'.

Xiao Honglian was so moved that Long Tong's eyes were full of tears, and she kept using her head to arch the two peaks above her head:
"Yeah! Yay!"

Chu Shuwan thought that Xiao Honglian was frightened, so she patted her head lightly to comfort her, and then glanced at Xu Shoujing, who was staring at her beside her, and said helplessly:

"It's almost done. Jing'er, what the hell did Red Lotus do to be so angry?"

Hearing this, Long Ya raised her head and stared curiously at Xu Shoujing's handsome profile. She also wanted to know the answer to this question.

Xiao Long Long is clearly so cute, but he can't bear to pinch her... If he hadn't done something particularly egregious to offend this big brother.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have to bury Xiao Longlong alive...

Everyone's eyes narrowed on him, Xu Shoujing sighed a long time, restrained his feigned expression, and said helplessly:

"Aunt Chu, in fact, I asked Aunt Yu to send a hosta a while ago."

Chu Shuwan frowned when she heard the words, not understanding how the two things were related.

Xu Shoujing spread his hands, "I bought that hosta as a gift to Aunt Chu. Just after the decisive battle with Tianyuan Sect last year, I ordered it from Aunt Yu. It's a limited edition from Tianyu Firm. The species... have been out of stock until a while ago."

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, her beautiful cheeks became rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her mind was full of the phrase "I bought it for Aunt Chu".

"Humph~" Chu Shuwan dragged a very long tail, her green fingers tangled in her long hair that fell from her shoulders, twisting round after round, her apricot eyes full of shyness and anticipation:

"Well...and then what?"

Xu Shoujing silently looked at Xiao Honglian, whose face was gradually turning pale, and said indifferently:
"Then the hosta was lost by her."

Chu Shuwan's shy expression stopped abruptly, and the air nearby was obviously much colder.

Xiao Honglian's small body trembled uncontrollably, she turned her neck stiffly, and through the dark canyon, a smile that was more terrifying than any fierce expression came into her eyes.


Long Ya blinked her eyes, and she was extremely astonished in her heart.

After a long time, I lost a hairpin... If I lose it, I will buy it again. Big brother doesn't seem to be a person who is short of money. As for killing him like this...

What a fuss, this fairy sister must think so too...

Longya turned her head in a rogue way, trying to snatch Xiao Xiaolong back and begging her for forgiveness with 'love hugs'.

However... Long Ya just turned around and didn't have time to speak.

The fairy sister, who had been very gentle until now, suddenly shoved the little red lotus into Xu Shoujing's hands, and she was looking for holes all over the ground.

"Jing'er, find a firmer place when burying it. Bai Sha will break free too easily."


"..." Long Ya.

Xiao Honglian was really panicked now. She no longer struggled symbolically as before, but flapped her wings with all her strength. Taking advantage of Xu Shoujing not paying attention to her own space, she ran wildly like a chicken on the ground while flapping her wings.

"Eyee! Eyee!"

With a strong will to survive, he drew a shallow ditch on the beach at night.

Xu Shoujing had been on guard for Xiao Honglian's escape, and he took a step forward when he heard the movement.

Xiao Honglian hadn't run far, and once again, like a chicken, pinched by the back of her destiny, she could only keep kicking her legs in the air, protesting weakly.


"Don't say baa, it's useless even if you baa. You have to pay a price for doing something wrong. You don't need me to teach this principle, you should understand it."

Xu Shoujing pursed his lips, and was about to come up with "eighteen sets of deterrents, 24 kinds of threats", when a black shadow of a human figure appeared on the beach in front of him.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then slowly raised his head along the outline of the shadow, and what caught his eye was a pretty face that was cold and indifferent.

"Huan Qing... why are you here?" he asked subconsciously.

Su Huanqing glanced at Xiao Zilong who was about to cry, and then glanced at Long Ya who was running towards her nervously, her head suddenly getting bigger.

She took Xiao Zilong from Xu Shoujing and said helplessly:

"Let's forget about Red Lotus, anyway, you didn't plan to punish her, go back to the East Hall."

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and pouted a little indignantly.

He really didn't plan to do anything to the red lotus. Although that hosta was a gift that he had planned for a long time, it would be too much of a fuss to take the life of the 'flying dragon mount' just because of this.

Having said that, if no punishment is given at all, the immature Red Lotus will only become more and more reckless, until in the end it is very likely that everyone will lose their dignity with her.

...just like Ash's fire-breathing dragon.

Ahem, pets have been that way since time immemorial.

If you are good to it, and treat it as a belief, then it will only treat you as a shit shovel officer, and go to your face to poop and pee when you have something to do.

On the contrary, if you have a certain amount of rewards and punishments, you will 'reward' the stick without hesitation when you make mistakes, scold you when you should, praise when you should, and don't forget to give a candy occasionally.

Then it will enter a state of being 'tamed'. When you first enter the door, it will give you shoes, and within 2 minutes of sitting down, it will know that it will come and act like a baby to heal your busy day.

Xu Shoujing had never kept pets in his previous life, but his roommate who shared a room in the university did, so he was fairly familiar with them.

Therefore, he really didn't want to just put Little Red Lotus back, at least give him some 'rewards'.

Su Huanqing saw that Xu Shoujing was silent, as if seeing through his mind, and said speechlessly:
"I asked you to go back to the East Hall because someone was looking for you, not to protect Red Lotus."

Xiao Zilong trembled all over, raised his head in shock, looking at Su Huanqing's chin, his eyes were full of incredulity - so you didn't come to save me? !
"Looking for me?" Xu Shoujing was distracted, frowning slightly: "Who is it?"

Su Huanqing sighed, just about to answer, but stopped when the words reached his mouth.

She thought carefully for a moment, then tilted her head and said:

"You'll know when you go."


The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the shadows of the trees are rustling.


A figure wearing a black robe quickly passed under the huge ancient tree in the courtyard, and came to the door of the main room in three or two steps, raising his hand to knock.

A solitary clear light was lit in the room, and through the thin window paper, one could vaguely see a figure fidgeting on the chair, and the anxiety was extremely strong even across a door.

Xu Shoujing's hand that was about to knock on the door was raised in the air, but suddenly stopped.

After hesitating for a moment, the dark sea of ​​ink surged in his body, and the water-like peach blossom eyes were covered with a bright golden color.

The pupil of Jiuxiao is not a see-through eye. It is naturally impossible to see the true face of the figure inside through an actual door.

However, the great thing about Jiuxiao Tongshu is that it can see the 'trajectories of the movement of different people's spiritual power'.

Simple and easy-to-understand explanation... Now the figure in Xu Shoujing's eyes has become a 'spiritually filled thermal image'.

Xu Shoujing observed the 'thermal imaging figure' for a moment, then pinched his chin with one hand and thought.

The five elements belong to metal... First rule out the possibility of the locals in Sudu.

In addition, although the speed of spiritual power flowing through the meridians is quite fast, it is not as aggressive as a sword cultivator. It is generally regarded as a relatively moderate type of spiritual power... It is not like a monk who is used to fighting, but a bit like a nurse...

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing raised his eyebrows slightly, and became a little curious about this mysterious character who was looking for him by name.

Xu Shoujing was quite confident in his memory ability, and he was almost certain that there was no 'nanny whose five elements belong to gold' around him.

Moreover, Su Huanqing's attitude when he brought him back was also very suspicious. Who is this person...


The cool summer night wind blew in bursts, and the leaves in the courtyard were rolled into the air, which also blew the cuffs of Xu Shoujing's robe.

I don't know if it was because of this gust of wind, the restless figure in the room glanced in the direction where Xu Shoujing was.

The other party is obviously not a fool, and immediately noticed that the gust of wind was too unnatural to cut off at Xu Shoujing, and then said vigilantly:

"who is it?"

Xu Shoujing sighed, it was already exposed, and there was no point in hiding it any longer.He had no choice but to raise his hand and pushed open the other door, and crossed the threshold cleanly:

"This is my line, I have to ask you... Zuo Lingxuan?"

Xu Shoujing's eyes widened. He had deduced the 'imaginary enemy' countless times in his mind just now. He didn't expect that it would be broken so easily at the moment when he actually saw the true face of the person coming.

"I actually have a day when I will fight with the air..." Xu Shoujing closed his eyes and looked up at the sky, and there was no love in his heart.

Zuo Lingxuan didn't wear the 'Jianghu Warlock' costume before, but put on the very serious Tianyan Pavilion costume.

It was just a change of clothes, but it made a huge change in his whole temperament.

A street liar who was not doing his job properly before, but now he seems to be like a real master, and even the shocked expression is very immortal.

No wonder people say "people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles" every day, this is actually quite true, even Zuo Lingxuan can become a 'daoist', what else can't do?
The candlelight of the cold green lamp fluttered left and right under the intrusion of the wind that leaked through the door, as if it might be extinguished at any time.

Zuo Lingxuan and Xu Shoujing both forgot to close the door, and relative speechless fell into an awkward silence.

Xu Shoujing was ashamed of the "battle with the air" just now, and he kept thinking about "can it be reopened"; Zuo Lingxuan was shocked by Xu Shoujing's internal changes:
"Are you really Xu Shoujing? It's only been a year, why have you changed so much?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, his index finger scratched his side cheek, his eyes were slightly inexplicable:

"Is there? I don't feel anything..."

"No, no, the change is super big..." Zuo Lingxuan shook his head like a rattle, his eyes filled with emotion.

Indeed, from the perspective of Xu Shoujing himself and Chu Shuwan and the others, maybe there really isn't much change.

Although Xu Shoujing spent most of the year in retreat, after all, he did not go out at all. When he went to buy treasures from heaven and earth, he could still meet Chu Shuwan and the others.

It is precisely because they have never been separated at all. From their perspective, Xu Shoujing's only change may be that he has grown a little taller.

Zuo Lingxuan was different. The time he spent with Xu Shoujing was not short. There was a gap of more than a year in the middle. When we met again, even if it was a very subtle point, I am afraid that the change would be strong.

However, Xu Shoujing's changes this year cannot be described as 'minor'.

As the saying goes, what the heart thinks, what the eyes see, what the heart thinks, and the action follows.

When Xu Shoujing in the past started to do things, it was obvious that he had come to the result after thinking a lot, but he always gave people a sense of impatience of "rushing home for the New Year".

The most obvious is that after the big competition in the sect, Xu Shoujing was determined to see Ji Dan. Although he was worried about Jiang Rongyue's safety, he was always too hasty.

Even if he was imprinted by Dong Huangli, 'death and then living' has become a last resort.

But even so, in that case where everything is unknown, there should be a better solution.

He didn't even try to think about those methods, and decided early in his heart that the only way to solve the problem was by 'driving himself into a corner'. This simple thinking mode happened to be the proof that Xu Shoujing was too impatient.

But the current Xu Shoujing is completely different, at least for Zuo Lingxuan, the current Xu Shoujing is the same as three times a year, and the growth of mental age far exceeds the appearance.

Still like a mountain, still like water.

... This is probably how Xu Shoujing feels for Zuo Lingxuan.

"Okay, stop flattering."

After Xu Shoujing learned that it was an acquaintance, he no longer had any scruples. He slumped on the chair quite casually, rolled his eyes, and said speechlessly:
"Hurry up and say anything, my time is very precious."

"..." Zuo Lingxuan.

Taking back the foreword, he was still impatient, at least on this matter.

Zuo Lingxuan sighed, tilted his head to look at the crescent moon outside the window, and said solemnly:
"It's not that I am looking for you for something, it's my master... No, it should be said that the entire elder pavilion of Tianyan Pavilion is looking for you."

With that said, Zuo Lingxuan hesitated, and bowed his hands respectfully:
"Xu Gongzi, please take a walk with the next one, the pavilion master will see you every time."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
(End of this chapter)

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