The queen is so fierce

Chapter 256 Tianyan Pavilion

Chapter 256 Tianyan Pavilion


The sea breeze in deep summer rolls up some waves on the beach; the blue ocean stretches as far as the eye can see, and the towering cliffs of thousands of feet rise from the sea.

A dilapidated fishing boat was swaying in the waves, and it took a long time to barely get close to the sharp cliff, but was quickly rushed back by the surging waves.

This process has been going on for nearly twenty times. Even a person with a firm mind will inevitably begin to doubt life.


The white silver sword and scabbard were casually thrown on the groove of the fishing boat, and the handsome young man in black robe slammed it on the stool with a rather unfriendly tone:
"Zuo Lingxuan, you are really not lying to me... Your Tianyan Pavilion's guardian formation is like this? No matter who comes, they will be pushed back several times, and there is no quick way for any insiders to pass... How is this thing? It’s more troublesome than Changhe Su’s labyrinth.”

Zuo Lingxuan didn't look back, still holding the oar as thin as a bamboo pole back and forth, and said with a wry smile:

"I don't have the guts to lie to you... I didn't know it before, but at least since I entered the Tianyan Pavilion, this sea area has been driving the guardian array.

We disciples usually have trouble going out. We must first cross the 'Sea of ​​Death' and then climb up the 'Tiantian Wall'. It may not take even one day to go down the mountain, but if we want to go back to the sect, we need at least three days to start... "

The so-called "Sea of ​​Dead Silence" means that in this sea area, no matter how strong one's own strength is or how high one's realm is, the amount of spiritual power one can use will definitely be limited.

This has nothing to do with the monk's own 'spiritual power reserve', it's simply a limitation of 'output'.

If the "spiritual power reserve" of a monk is roughly calculated, the spiritual power reserve of a monk in the sea state is about [-], while that of the nirvana state and the heavy sky state is directly multiplied by tens of times, hundreds of times, or even Thousands, tens of thousands of times...

If there is no such special ability as the power of heaven's punishment, or the extremely cold ice and the fire of the phoenix, this purely "accumulation" gap is completely irreversible.

However, if it is in the 'Dead Sea' it will be different.

In this sea area of ​​unknown origin, '1000 million' and '[-]' can only output '[-]' at the same time.

Of course, even with the same 'two hundred', depending on the realm, the characteristics and quality of their respective spiritual powers will also change.

Great power is great power no matter where it goes, and this will not change because of external factors.

Even so, such an all-round blockade of "ignoring each other's personality" in the Dead Sea is a trouble for most monks, even for the powerful.

After all, this is almost equivalent to completely cutting off the possibility of hitting the sect by means of a strong attack.

You are struggling to cross the sea below, and the group above has bombarded with various spells early on, hitting high and low, snoring, and you can't fly, and the places to hide are very limited.

This... This is simply the perfect defense method.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing felt a little bit of doubt besides admiration.

Xu Shoujing walked to the side of Zuo Lingxuan who was paddling hard, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, puzzled and said:
"The Sea of ​​Dead Silence is indeed very powerful. I have already clearly recognized this. But... going to the mountain is so troublesome, what do you usually do?"

"We don't usually go down the mountain." Zuo Lingxuan said awkwardly.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Is this the reason why your Tianyan Pavilion's ranking has been unable to rise?Because you don't communicate with other Tiannanzhou monks at all...

Seeing Xu Shoujing's expression, Zuo Lingxuan knew what he was thinking, sighed a little, and said helplessly:

"Actually, it's not that exaggerated... After all, our Tianyan Pavilion is not the Changhe Su Clan, and we don't have the family rules of not communicating with the outside world like them. Although the cost of going out once is indeed relatively high, as long as it doesn't bother you, you can go out within a year." A dozen times is still no problem. And..."


Seeing Xu Shoujing's suspicious eyes, Zuo Lingxuan clenched his fist and coughed lightly, sneaked into his ear, and whispered:

"The senior sisters in the Zongmen usually don't want to go down the mountain, but they also want to buy those expensive rouge. At this time, it's my turn to run errands. We have always been poor in Yusheng Peak, and I almost rely on this door to barely support Life."

"..." Xu Shoujing. worked really hard too.

The corner of Xu Shoujing's mouth twitched, and he turned his head in every possible way, staring at the cliff that seemed to be far away from the fishing boat in a daze, but his thoughts returned to two days ago.


"Xu Gongzi, please take a walk with the next one, the pavilion master will see you every time."

"See me? The owner of the Tianyan Pavilion knows me? He also heard about the Donghuang City and the Changhe Su Clan, and learned of my great reputation abroad, so he wants to see me?"

"'s not because of this. The pavilion master wants to see you... To be honest, I don't think it has anything to do with Brother Xu's deeds. He seems to care more about your ability..."



Although they haven't met each other yet, Xu Shoujing can be sure that the owner of the Tianyan Pavilion is definitely referring to the 'power of heaven's punishment'.

This is also his only 'ability' that can be used as a status symbol.

Originally Xu Shoujing wasn't very interested in meeting the owner of the Tianyan Pavilion, but when Zuo Lingxuan said that day, he suddenly remembered something.

When encountering the group of 'tentacle monsters' in the ruins of Tiangong, Zuo Lingxuan used the secret method of the sect, joined forces with Wei Ya of Tianyuanzong and himself, and used huge spiritual power to create a transfer method similar to the magic of the space system Array.

Being able to allow a few young disciples who have never learned 'space magic' at all to use such a large-scale transfer magic circle under the blessing of complex runes... This is naturally very powerful. Presumably those monks must have learned it early after returning. Report the fact that Tianyan Pavilion has this hole card to Ge's own sect.

However, Xu Shoujing was concerned about another point.

That night, everyone successfully transferred through the "Tianyan Secret Technique". If Su Huanqing hadn't forcibly "get off" at the last second, it is estimated that the effect of transferring the magic circle would not be able to escape.

——Only myself, like a foreign object, was completely excluded from the transfer circle, obviously most of the spiritual power in the circle was provided by him.

At first, Xu Shoujing thought it was because of the nature of his divine punishment that he was not able to 'get on board'. So many things happened at that time, and it was too late to review carefully.

In retrospect, there are obviously many unreasonable points.

Xu Shoujing would reveal his identity at that time, and let Tian Yuanzong set up an ambush outside the gate of Tiangong early... In the final analysis, it was all because when he was providing spiritual power to the "Sky Eye Secret Technique", the power of heaven's punishment suddenly went berserk up.

This was something that had never happened before. Xu Shoujing thought it was because his body growth rate could not keep up with the expansion of the spiritual sea, which caused a huge contrast between the two, which caused the rampage.

For a long time after that, except for the decisive battle with Tian Yuanzong when he had no energy left, at other times, Xu Shoujing carefully controlled the output of "Power of Heaven's Punishment".

And the result is also obvious, the power of heaven's punishment is like the blood in his body, flowing endlessly in every corner of his body, and there has never been any sign of runaway.

Obviously, this shows that the problem is not Xu Shoujing.

All kinds of doubts and evidences superimposed, and finally pointed the finger at "Sky Essence Secret Art", a large-scale space-based spell of unknown origin.


The waves of the dead sea gradually entered the fishing boat. Xu Shoujing sat beside the baffle, stretched out his hand in a daze, squeezed a ball of black as ink spiritual power, and slowly put it into the sea water.

The first thing I feel is the refreshing and coldness that is the same as ordinary sea water. The salty and wet smell surrounds the tip of the nose, as if this is the most ordinary sea water.

However, the short breath time is not enough.

The power of heaven's punishment that could cut through the Crescent Moon Realm with a single sword, in this seemingly ordinary sea water, spread like ink poured into a pond, spreading weakly and long.

"What are you doing?"

Zuo Lingxuan was paddling the oars, looked back at Xu Shoujing, and said inexplicably:
"Didn't I say it a long time ago? Even if it's your strange spiritual power, you can't use it 100% here. Don't waste your energy, you can't break the big formation of Tianyan Pavilion."

Xu Shoujing glanced at Zuo Lingxuan, didn't speak back and just looked at his palm in a daze.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingxuan frowned, and tentatively said:
"Hey... you won't be hit, will you?"

Of course Xu Shoujing wasn't hit by Zuo Lingxuan's words that were not even provocative, on the contrary, his current state of mind has calmed down to the point of 'heart like still water'.

That night, Zuo Lingxuan recalled the words that people cared about:

"...The pavilion master wants to see you no matter what he says. 』

"To be honest, I don't think it has anything to do with Brother Xu's deeds. He seems to care more about your ability. 』

It is possible to create a large array of guardians that can even limit the power of punishment, a way of speaking that clearly understands the power of punishment, and the "Secret Technique of Heaven" that can only respond to the power of punishment.

These are all coincidences at first glance, if there is the same reason behind it...

So, it seems that Tianyan Pavilion is not as simple as the outside world said, "it's just a group of stinky Taoist priests pretending to be ghosts".

Xu Shoujing raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and while confirming his guess in his heart, he quietly clenched the hilt of his sword, as if giving himself courage and confidence.

The dilapidated fishing boat rushed to the cliff again and again, and was soon 'repatriated' by the waves of the Dead Sea.

This process lasted for a whole day and a half, and Xu Shoujing finally found an opportunity when Zuo Lingxuan was about to collapse from exhaustion.

At the moment before the fishing boat was washed away, he took out the smoke of the painting boat and nailed it into the smooth cliff, using it as a support to stop himself on the cliff.

The "Tongtian Wall" is different from the Dead Sea of ​​Silence, it doesn't have any special formations, it's just a precipitously high cliff.

The only special point is that there are almost no footholds on this cliff, and there are no uneven stones. At first glance, the rock formations are as thrilling and exciting as pebbles, and they are as smooth as a layer of oil.

If you want to climb to the top of the cliff, you can only attach spiritual power to your fingertips and climb up step by step... However, because the cliff itself is not out of the range of the Dead Sea, the total amount of spiritual power that can be output is still very limited .

Hmm... a bit like practicing Ripple.

Xu Shoujing complained from the bottom of his heart, pulled the painting boat nailed into the cliff twice, and then firmly grasped the hilt of the sword. With a turning and somersault, he stood tall and empty, and stood on the sword accurately.

After finally finding a temporary foothold, Xu Shoujing sighed, patted the dust on his hands alternately, and looked down at Zuo Lingxuan.

Zuo Lingxuan walked forward on the cliff with a ferocious face, with the pulps of his ten fingers clinging to the cliff. From a distance, it looked like Spiderman attached to the glass of a building, but the overall movement was much slower.

After noticing that Xu Shoujing was suddenly so much ahead of him, Zuo Lingxuan clenched his teeth, took a step up, and shouted with difficulty:
"Tongtian Wall...under normal circumstances...huh...there is no way to insert...a did you do it?"

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing frowned, as if knocking on the door, and lightly hammered on the sky-reaching wall a few times.

The first thing I felt was 'hardness'. Apart from being as hard as steel, the overall thickness was so thick that I couldn't make a sound.

If it were someone else, it would undoubtedly be quite difficult to nail a handful of immortal martial arts into the wall in such a situation where there is no point of leverage and spiritual power is scarce.

It's a pity that Xu Shoujing didn't rely on spiritual power to develop his family. His body is composed of martial arts accumulated over time and "Nine Tribulations Heavy Prison Body".

This level of problem is far from being called 'difficult'.

While thinking about it, Xu Shoujing used the method of 'repeatedly nailing the wall' to create a foothold, and had already climbed nearly one-third of the distance.

Zuo Lingxuan was left far behind, he looked up at Xu Shoujing who could barely see the outline of a smile, and said suspiciously:

"Obviously I've been crawling here too...why did my speed drop so much today? Is it because I haven't climbed for a long time?"

Although it was far away, Xu Shoujing still heard Zuo Lingxuan's words clearly.

He temporarily stopped 'nailing the wall', looked down at Zuo Lingxuan, and said meaningfully:

"It's not that you are unfamiliar, it's probably because the master of your pavilion has increased the difficulty."

The spiritual power of Zuo Lingxuan's fingertips was frightened for a moment, and he almost fell down.He looked at Xu Shoujing with fear in his eyes, and said in astonishment:
"You can't talk nonsense about this. The sect-protecting array of the Tianyan Pavilion is an ancestor's thing. Even the pavilion master would not dare to change it randomly...Do you have any basis?"

Xu Shoujing shook his head, and flatly denied:

"No, it's just a pure 'intuition'."

Zuo Lingxuan frowned, and said with unclear meaning:

"Even if the pavilion master really committed something disrespectful to the ancestors, why did he adjust the difficulty of the Tongtian Wall and the Dead Sea of ​​Silence? Is it to lock the disciples from going out? This is too much circles..."

Xu Shoujing glanced at him, folded his arms and leaned against the cliff, and sighed softly:

"You might as well look a little closer."

Zuo Lingxuan was taken aback for a moment, thought for a moment, and then widened his eyes:
"You mean..."

Xu Shoujing nodded, his eyes gradually narrowed:

"In order to give 'Xu Shoujing' a bad start, or to test my level, no matter what it is, he must have come after me..."

Just like "Tianyan Secret Art" and "Death Sea", it was born to target me - the blood of Heaven's Punishment.
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(End of this chapter)

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