The queen is so fierce

Chapter 257 The Sect That Goes Against Heaven

Chapter 257 The Sect That Goes Against Heaven

More than half a year had passed by the time Xu Shoujing used the "Saber Nail Spear Technique" to climb to the top of the Tongtian Wall.

At this time, the sun is scorching hot, and the effect is immediate, and any time is the hottest time of the day.

Sighing at the hotness of the sun, Xu Shoujing stuck his head out from the top of the cliff and glanced casually.

Zuo Lingxuan was still halfway up the mountain, struggling to climb up with 'fingertips sticking to the spiritual power method', looking at the ferocious and laborious expression, he would not blame him if he fell at any time.

"Well, cheer up, I'm going to rest for a while."

Xu Shi felt that he would not be able to climb up for a while, Xu Shoujing looked around, found a sturdy tree and sat down. While resting under the shade of the tree, he observed the appearance of Tianyan Pavilion.

The Tongtian Wall faces south as a whole, and there is no detour around it. At first glance, it is full of dark blue oceans. Therefore, before reaching the top of the mountain, the true appearance of Tianyan Pavilion will always be a mystery.

When viewed from the fishing boat, the entire Tongtian Wall is an extremely flat "right angle", at least among the mist-shrouded peaks, there are not many peaks ups and downs.

At first Xu Shoujing thought it was strange, it was already such a high mountain, no matter what, there shouldn't be any ups and downs, the traces of man-made are too heavy, and the sense of disobedience is too strong.

Just like a mountain like Mount Tai, it is very strange that it suddenly becomes an 'upside-down right angle' from a distance.

However, the moment he climbed the Tongtian Wall, Xu Shoujing immediately understood why the mountain was so strange.

In general, the non-elders' private areas such as the martial arts field and the alchemy pavilion in the sect are distributed in various parts of the sect's territory.

Take Longyumen as an example, Xu Shoujing and Chu Shuwan live in the Nanshan Mountain of Yinlong Mountain, but the martial arts field is on the northernmost side of the entire Yinlong Mountain.

When Xu Shoujing was still in body training, he had to cross more than half of the Dragon Jade Gate each time, passing through the Baiyu Square and the Alchemy Pavilion, and finally arrived at the Nanshan Martial Arts Arena.

Day after day, time has passed, and this behavior has also laid a solid foundation for his later endurance.

At this time, someone may want to ask, what facilities are distributed where, doesn't this completely depend on the mood of each sect?

Wrong, terribly wrong.

Cultivation of immortals pays attention to luck, flipping the foundation of the mountain indiscriminately, although the layout of the facilities can be made more reasonable, but a careless will lead to the disorder of the 'spiritual veins', making the guardian array lose its original effect.

Luck is governed by the Tao of Heaven, no matter how strong a cultivator is, there is no way to resist the Tao of Heaven at this point.

People's luck is still like this. The luck of sects and dynasties cannot escape. The rise and fall of luck is most directly related to whether the sect or dynasty can continue.

Therefore, almost all the well-known or unknown great powers chose to 'follow the sky' when they established their sects.

The performance stage, the alchemy pavilion, the Tibetan scripture pavilion, the elder pavilion, the trial ground... All the facilities that are standard for a sect ignore the distance factor and are only built in the most suitable places.

Except for the Changhe Su Clan, which is itself a very friendly basin, the rest of the sects...even the Tianyuan sect, cannot avoid the problem of building facilities in rugged areas.

No matter how powerful a cultivator is in the face of Heaven, there is no way to make an exception. '

That's right, that's how it should normally be...

The Qingshan Mountains are rolling and rolling, and the green water river forms a rushing waterfall at the end of a ravine. Although the cliffs on both sides are not as smooth as the Tongtian Wall, they are also as steep as a knife.

It looked normal so far, until the end of the field of vision, the rolling peaks were suddenly flattened and most of them were cut off.

It was replaced by the abyss crater inside the deep concave mountain. The crater was shrouded in black shadows and surrounded by clouds and mist. A rhombus-shaped giant floating island seemed to have stopped time, freezing in the air in an extremely discordant manner.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Not to mention protecting the spiritual veins, it is good that the spiritual veins are not thinned.

The sect was built in such a chaotic way, accurately avoiding the spiritual veins that were invisible to the naked eye, and the strange guardian formation was also running smoothly.

Sure enough, Tian Yan Pavilion is not as simple as outside rumors... There must be something tricky here.

Xu Shoujing nodded secretly, and he would not be able to return home if he didn't figure this out.

Just thinking about this, a few weak moans suddenly came from the rear, which had been silent for a long time:
"Huh... ah ah ah..."

A hand soaked in sweat clawed at the edge of the sky-high wall, and the knuckles trembled and turned white with force.

Xu Shoujing heard the movement and looked back. After seeing Zuo Lingxuan's half-dead appearance, he couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Zuo Lingxuan has long since lost the appearance of a 'serious Taoist priest'. Although the clothes on his body are still the same as the Taoist uniform, the front and back have long been soaked in sweat, and they are wrinkled and stuck to the skin.

The hat and hair tie on top of his head have long since flown to where, the long black hair like a woman swayed freely, a few hair tips covered his eyes, with a flushed face, he could only use 'horror'. ' is the word to describe.

"..." Xu Shoujing thought to himself, could this be the Taoist version of Sadako?
Seeing Zuo Lingxuan climbing up, he lay down and gasped, Xu Shoujing slowly stepped forward and held out his hand to him:

"There's no time for you to rest, so hurry up."

"—" Zuo Lingxuan opened his mouth, feeling quite hurt by Xu Shoujing's 'ruthless' words, he wanted to reply, but unfortunately he didn't even have the strength to reply.

He could only sigh lightly, silently grabbed Xu Shoujing's hand, and stood up staggeringly.

Before Zuo Lingxuan could stand firm, Xu Shoujing threw his hands away in disgust.
"You Tianyan Pavilion floats directly in the air, and you can't use swords within the range of the Dead Sea, so how should we go up? Stack stones? Take a ladder? Or the whole giant catapult or something..."


Zuo Lingxuan rolled his eyes and took out a handkerchief from Qiongyu Pavilion to wipe his sweat, hesitantly said:
"Don't be so troublesome, just use the sword directly. Although this is the scope of the Dead Sea, most of the spiritual winds are blocked by the sky wall and only blow upward, and the impact on the use of our spiritual power is not as great as when it was below. ."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

It's broken, he's been infected and sane.

Xu Shoujing coughed dryly, took out the painting Fang Yanqian from the Qiongyu Pavilion, pretended that nothing had happened, picked up a sword trick, stepped on the sword and floated.

"Then I'll leave first, and come after you when you're rested."

The voice fell, and the dark as ink's spiritual power was like exhaust gas, spewing backwards from the hilt of the bright white long sword.

In just an instant, in the blink of an eye, Xu Shoujing was already ten miles away.

Zuo Lingxuan was stunned for a moment, but when he regained his senses, Xu Shoujing had disappeared from sight.

"Hey... do you know where the elder pavilion is?"

Zuo Lingxuan was dumbfounded and quickly mobilized Feijian. Unfortunately, at his speed, it would take a lot of time to catch up with Xu Shoujing.


The mountain suspended in the sky of Tianyan Pavilion is very high, even if it is vertically upward, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time to fly.

Xu Shoujing's seemingly impatient wait to get rid of Zuo Lingxuan was actually deliberate.

He was not in a hurry to climb to the top, but observed around the lower part of the mountain floating in mid-air.

At a glance, the mountain of Tianyan Pavilion is made of rocks and soil blocks in the mountain. Xu Shoujing turned around and found no traces of runes or formations.

That is to say, this mountain is literally the same, it is not built with spiritual materials, but a piece is really dug out of the mountain, and it still floats in the air without falling apart.

This is not surprising in itself. If the influence of the spiritual veins is ignored, even Longyumen, which has the weakest overall strength so far, can do it.

What really makes people feel strange is that the mountain floating in the air has no fluctuations in spiritual power.

It's as should have been there in the first place, not man-made.

If you want to go deeper, this is a rather exaggerated thing... It essentially changes the laws of the world of immortal cultivation, and even ignores the will of heaven.

You must know that the Will of Heaven is the pinnacle of existence in the entire Jiuzhou. If you want to directly interfere with it, even the Heaven Punishment and the Destiny cannot do it.

Tian Yan... Tian Yan...

The great road is fifty, the sky is four and nine, and people are one of them.

It's called the Way of Heaven, because they really have mastered the only 'Heavenly Secret'?
"How is it possible... this is too ridiculous..."

Xu Shoujing smiled reluctantly, shook his head, put his complicated thoughts behind him, lowered the hilt of the sword with his back foot, and started flying towards the top.

Said to be a diamond-shaped mountain, the upper part is much flatter than the lower part.

Stepping on the rock steps of Tianyan Pavilion, the dense jungle like a shadow first catches your eye; there is only a steep stone step path to go.

At the entrance of the trail, an archway in the shape of 'kai' is built with mahogany, and a golden plaque is hung in the center with the three characters "Tianyan Pavilion" written on it.

There were two young Taoist priests standing under the redwood archway. They looked like they were disciples who were instructed to guard. One of them was sleepy with his back against a log red pillar. His snot bubbles accompanied his breathing, and his snoring was clear in the jungle. visible.

The other disciple looked much younger, but his appearance was very serious and serious; when he saw Xu Shoujing coming, he immediately reached out and woke up the sleeping brother next to him, while he stepped forward quickly.

Xu Shoujing blinked, thinking in his heart how to answer their cross-examination.

Before he came to remember to open his mouth, the young Taoist priest had already raised his hand and said respectfully:
"It's Mr. Xu, the Tianyan Zhu Pavilion is just after the first level of 330 [-], and the owner of the pavilion has been waiting for a long time."

"..." Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and said with a surprised expression, "You know me?"

The little Taoist kept his hands and bowed his head, and said calmly:
"do not know."

Xu Shoujing raised his eyebrows: "Then how do you know that I am Xu Shoujing?"

The little Taoist raised his head and glanced at Xu Shoujing, and answered neither humble nor arrogant:
"The pavilion master has instructed that a handsome young man in a black robe with a golden pattern will come to the door within three minutes, and that person is Xu Shoujing."


Seeing Xu Shoujing stunned, the little Taoist hesitated for a while, and said in a deep voice:
"The pavilion master said that you will definitely ask this question at that time, and you can ask the disciple to answer it truthfully."

Xu Shoujing pouted, displeased with the feeling of being seen through inexplicably.

After thinking for a while, he planned to reply with "Then did your pavilion master expect that I would turn around and leave now?"

But he just had this thought, and the little Taoist said again:

"The pavilion master also said that after the disciple said the above, with Xu Gongzi's unyielding character, the next sentence will definitely reply 'then did your pavilion master expect me to turn around and leave now'."

"—" Xu Shoujing's face stiffened, and he silently closed his open mouth.

Who the hell is your pavilion lord...

The little Taoist had a panoramic view of Xu Shoujing's reaction, and after pondering for a while, he said:
"The pavilion master finally asked the disciple to convey a word to you - if you really get angry and leave, you will never know about the 'Daughter of Heaven' and your biological mother in this life."


Xu Shoujing's heart sank completely. This was the first time in his life that he felt the discomfort of being "squeezed".

He finally understood a little bit. Others' perception of Tianyan Pavilion was 'a group of stinky Taoist priests pretending to be ghosts'.

Not to mention anything else, this simple 'showing one's wrist' has indeed made Xu Shoujing a lot of interest in the pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion who he has never met.

"Let's lead the way..." Xu Shoujing sighed as if giving up.

"Then Master Xu, please come with me." The little Taoist sank his hands, and then turned his head to look at the younger brother who was fighting with his eyelids, and said speechlessly, "Watch the class for me for a while, and I will bring Master Xu to the pavilion master. "

The little brother suddenly woke up, standing straight with his sword in his arms:

"oh oh!"

Xu Shoujing followed behind the little Taoist priest and glanced at him slightly in astonishment when he passed by the little brother.

The other party had closed his eyes again within half a second of the little Taoist turning around, and the snot bubbles that had just broken were blown up again.

"Is this really okay..."

Xu Shoujing complained in his heart, and silently retracted his gaze.

The stone steps of the mountain road are long and rugged. Except for the densely packed trees that almost look the same, there is not even a small animal on both sides; and because of the perspective, even if you look back, you can only see the endless dead ocean. Resolve orientation by reference.

Xu Shoujing could only count the steps one by one, just as the little Taoist said, after walking 330 steps, he finally saw the scenery other than the trees.

Passing through the last mahogany archway, behind it is a huge disc square with a bronze cauldron with dense runes in the center. Hundreds of Taoist priests tucked their whisks in their arms and sat cross-legged on the square to meditate.

The square is surrounded by a hollowed-out lake, where you can see spirit fish and water beasts splashing in the clear water. one way.

The little Taoist priest took Xu Shoujing to choose one of the corridors to cross the lake. After walking for about two quarters of an hour, the hollowed-out lake water under his feet once again turned into an upward rock staircase.

The little Taoist stopped in place and made a gesture of invitation to Xu Shoujing:
"In front is the elder pavilion, and the pavilion owner is waiting inside. Next, please go to Xu Gongzi by yourself."


Xu Shoujing glanced at him suspiciously, said goodbye to the little Taoist priest who was still friendly, and walked up the stone steps alone.

This time, the stone steps were not as long as when they went up the mountain. They were only less than a hundred steps. When they were about to reach the top, a figure could vaguely be seen sitting on the steps with a big smile, looking towards him with a smile on his face.

Xu Shoujing frowned. Although he had doubts in his heart, he did not use the pupil technique to investigate.

Since the pavilion owner of Tianyan Pavilion has such a perverted ability to almost predict the future, even if he uses pupil technique to observe in advance because of his vigilance, he may only expose the fact that he has no bottom in his heart. .

Thinking so, Xu Shoujing walked into the shadow.

Just when there were only ten steps left, Xu Shoujing was about to look up when he heard a very familiar voice:

"Long time no see, little friend."
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(End of this chapter)

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