The queen is so fierce

Chapter 258 Heavenly Secret Daoist

Chapter 258 Heavenly Secret Daoist
"This is an old man who is 'not old with a sword'."

I don't know why, but Xu Shoujing had this thought in his heart the moment he saw him.

The old man had long hair like white snow, and he was dressed in an ancient red brocade robe. The wide cuffs and collar corners were embroidered with gilded dragon patterns.

His heavenly court is full, and although he has crane hair, he has a boyish face, and his white beard extends from his chin to his chest.

However, his posture is unusually tall and straight. Although he maintains a sitting posture, he can still see the toughness of his waist and even the entire drive, which makes many young cultivators feel ashamed.

"Why, Xiaoyou forgot about the old man so quickly?"

The white-bearded old man smiled kindly, and found that Xu Shoujing was looking at him absent-mindedly, he slowly stood up from the stone steps, one hand behind his back, lightly stroked his long beard, and his tone was teasing:

"The ghost realm is inherently different for a year. The conversation between the old man and you is indeed less than a cup of tea. It is natural that you will forget it."

At this time, Xu Shoujing suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly bowed his head and posed a junior salute:
"No, how dare this junior. I just didn't expect you to be the pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion, I'm a little surprised..."

When Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing went to the ruins of the Ghost Domain Heavenly Palace together, they met an old man who was a big boss in Hongxi Mansion.

Yu Yuanzhou, this is the old man's name.

At the beginning, Xu Shoujing suspected that he was from the Tianya Yu clan because of the word 'Yu'. Although he quickly dispelled his doubts, he did not expect to meet him here.

After hearing Xu Shoujing's words, Yu Yuanzhou was slightly startled, his eyes showed a bit of "suddenness", and he laughed dumbly:
"Little friend, you are mistaken. The old man is a good person from Tianyan Pavilion, but he is not the pavilion master. The pavilion owner and his old man are still waiting for you in the inner hall of the elder pavilion. You can go directly."

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he heard the words, looked up and down at Yu Yuanzhou, and asked doubtfully:

"Then you are..."

"I heard about your deeds, and I want to ask a little friend for a favor. It's just a personal request. It's up to you to agree or not."

Yu Yuanzhou paused, as if he felt something, looked back at the magnificent five-story pavilion, and pondered:

"The old man's matter will be discussed later. The pavilion master has been waiting for a long time, and I am afraid that he is a little impatient. You should go there as soon as possible."

"Uh...thank you senior."

Xu Shoujing scratched his side cheeks, cupped his hands to express his thanks to Yu Yuanzhou, stopped half a minute, and walked quickly towards the elder pavilion.

Yu Yuanzhou looked at Xu Shoujing's leaving back, sighed lightly, and muttered to himself:

"What is that old guy thinking..."


There are no other buildings on the top of the peak where Xu Shoujing is located, except for the natural growth of ancient trees in the sky, which are the strange rocks where ivy climbs the mountain.

In the center of this natural geographical environment, there is an octagonal five-story high pavilion. Each corner is made of spirit gold to form small animals of different styles. From the bottom floor, the area between the floors gradually decreases. It took a lot of effort to come out with the design.

Xu Shoujing stopped under the platform of the Elder Pavilion, looked up at the hot gold plaque, took a deep breath, and slowly walked away.

The stone steps on the platform are only ten stories short, and within two steps, they reached the door made of mahogany.

Xu Shoujing couldn't be sure if anyone was there either. After hesitating for a while, he knocked on the door lightly:
"Junior Xu Shoujing is here to visit the senior pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion."

No one paid any attention to him inside, it was as quiet as an empty house.

Xu Shoujing frowned, feeling that something was amiss, the little Taoist leading the way and Yu Yuanzhou both said, 'The pavilion master is waiting in the elder pavilion', how could there be no one?
Are you asleep?shouldn't be...

Xu Shoujing hesitated, and this time the knock on the door was slightly stronger:

dong dong dong-

"Junior Xu Shoujing, came to visit the pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion, is the senior there?"

The crisp sound of knocking on the door reverberated in my ears, and the leaves seemed to be blown off by a gust of wind, disappearing into the dirt and dust.

Xu Shoujing narrowed his eyes slightly, almost certain that the Pavilion Master of Tianyan Pavilion did it on purpose.

What does it mean when you call me over and don't open the door?
According to the temperament of the old man in front of him repeatedly getting rid of his horse, this time he must be playing some small calculus again.

Even so, even if you know this, it seems useless. You have come here, and you can't change your mind and go home.

Come here, at least to clarify what the little Taoist said.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, pretended to be unaware, pressed his five fingers on the door panel, and pushed it away slowly...


The sparse light in the hall shot onto Xu Shoujing's face through the crack of the door, revealing the scene that was just hidden by the plum blossom window.

The first thing that caught Xu Shoujing's attention was a huge round mirror located on the central floor of the hall, occupying [-]% of the entire hall.

It is a bit inaccurate to say that it is a round mirror. It should be said that it is a lake that is "completely reflective" and has no water waves.

On both sides of the hall are erected six red marble pillars in turn. The ceiling corresponds to the 'round mirror lake surface' and is engraved with a beaded blue dragon lying in the shape of a mosquito coil.

Qinglong's eyes are empty and dead, and its pupil light reflects the black-robed youth who opened the central gate, and it also reflects himself reflected in the round mirror lake.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment at the door, his eyes swept back and forth on the furnishings inside the hall, and muttered to himself:
"It feels...a little too majestic."

When I looked at it from the outside, I didn't think it was very big. I didn't expect that there was a cave inside. It was not as spectacular as the elder pavilion of the general sect, but it looked like the glorious and magnificent when the ancient heavenly palace was still there.

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief, silently turned on the pupil technique and glanced around. After confirming that there was nothing special, he lifted his foot and crossed the threshold.

This is an extremely natural action, so natural that he didn't realize what was wrong with this step.

That is, the moment he settled in the hall, Xu Shoujing's cloud boots made circles and ripples on the 'round mirror lake', and the feedback returned was a down-to-earth peace of mind.

But the scene in front of him changed drastically in the blink of an eye.

The round mirror lake, hot gold plaque, dense jungle, six beams and pillars... The surrounding scenery is like a world in a photo frame.


was smashed to pieces.

As far as the eye can see, there is boundless darkness.

When I raised my hand, I couldn't see the lines on my palm, and when I walked forward, I didn't feel as if my feet were on the ground.

Although he could breathe, he couldn't speak a word.

Xu Shoujing adjusted his breathing rhythm, trying to calm himself down. At the same time, he secretly mobilized the Rong Lingzhu of the Phoenix Fire, trying to illuminate the way forward with firelight.

Well, failed.

The fire of the phoenix is ​​a divine fire that can burn even the soul and originates from the companion divine fire of the ancient divine beast Huofeng clan.

Putting it in Qiu Xuanji's hand can directly leapfrog the power and kill the power in seconds. Although Xu Shoujing can't use the Rong Lingzhu simulation to have such exaggerated power, it is still no problem to reach about [-]%.

However, such a domineering phoenix fire only ignited a cluster of inconspicuous flames in this boundless darkness.

Then, like a gust of wind, it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Xu Shoujing was unwilling, and urged the Rong Lingzhu to try it twice, but the results were almost the same. Neither the Phoenix Fire nor the Frigid Ice could survive for more than two seconds in this darkness.

"Just like the Dead Sea..." Xu Shoujing said to himself in his heart.

Within the scope of the "Dead Sea", no matter how powerful a cultivator is, and no matter how special the spiritual power itself is, the 'amount' of its spiritual power output will definitely be limited.

This darkness of unknown origin is also the same. When the spiritual power still exists in Xu Shoujing's body, everything is the same as before.

As long as the spiritual power leaves the body in some way, it will be compressed into weak clumps by this darkness and eaten up in an instant.

However, compared with "Dead Sea of ​​Silence", the effect of "Darkness" is undoubtedly stronger, I don't know how many times, and in the darkness, there is also a faint trembling conscience, which is not possessed by Dead Sea of ​​Silence.

"This is troublesome..."

Xu Shoujing sighed, his whole body was lying on the ambiguous floor, and he couldn't see anything anyway. He simply closed his eyes and fell asleep, while his brain was running fast, thinking about a way out.

There is no doubt that he will end up in the present field, and it must be the handwriting of the 'Tianyan Pavilion Pavilion Master' who has never met before.

The good news is that the purpose of the Pavilion Master of Tianyan Pavilion should not be to obliterate himself or maim himself, so as to eliminate future troubles for future disciples...

I still remember that when Zuo Lingxuan first looked for him, he used this rhetoric: The pavilion master has to see you every time he says anything.

Don't talk about meeting now, I haven't even seen a person yet.

At the foot of the mountain, he instructed the little Taoist priest to keep using "your next sentence is" to get rid of himself, and finally used the things about shaking and punishing blood to arouse his interest, obviously wanting to let him go up the mountain.

Xu Shoujing didn't feel that Zuo Lingxuan had to lie, and he was half his life saver no matter what.

Since it is said that it is necessary to meet, it means that there is something to look for him, or simply want to get some information and things from him?
If the purpose of the Pavilion Master of Tianyan Pavilion was just to 'invite you into the urn', he could have killed himself at the very beginning, and there was no need to go around such a big circle.

As for the bad news... of course it can't escape.

Although the pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion would not kill him, Xu Shoujing still had no clue what he wanted to do.

Right now in the darkness of unknown origin, the senses of the body are almost non-existent, and it is not even clear how long the outside world has passed. It is even more impossible to break through with your own strength.

Xu Shoujing felt that his head was getting bigger. What if the old man went crazy and locked him up for 100 years?
In 100 years, it is better to think about it. Anyone who seals anything on TV will start with a five-digit number.


Xu Shoujing let out a long sigh, and a carp sat up straight, shook his head, and put those messy thoughts behind him.

If you can't get out, get out!
Zheng worried that there is not enough time to retreat, and there is no way to experiment with the five elements to break through the Nirvana realm!

I will practice as long as you keep me locked up!

Thank you!


The bright and shimmering grand hall, the air is filled with the fragrance of ancient trees.

A middle-aged Taoist priest with a ruddy face sat slumped on the red carpet stairs of Zhutai, with a half-dressed Taoist robe showing his strong chest.

Holding an earth-red wine gourd, he glanced at the round mirror lake as if nothing had happened. After realizing that Xu Shoujing below had started to cross his knees, he sneered and shook his head again and again:

"This little slick..."

The words fell, and the Taoist priest poured a sip of strong wine into his mouth like he was nothing.


The mahogany partition door, which was always sealed, opened, and Yu Yuanzhou walked in slowly.

Seeing that the Taoist priest was pouring alcohol on himself without heart, Yu Yuanzhou frowned slightly and couldn't help sighing:
"Long Yiyang, can you be serious?"

The Taoist priest glanced at him, didn't take it seriously, and continued drinking and humming to himself.

Yu Yuanzhou had become accustomed to his attitude towards him and did not pursue further investigations.After looking around a few times, he asked in a low voice:

"Where's little friend Xu?"

Long Yiyang lay dozing between the stairs, and lazily pointed to the surface of the round mirror lake below the platform, with a slightly impatient tone:

"See for yourself."

Yu Yuanzhou was stunned for a moment, looked in the direction of Long Yiyang's finger, and immediately saw a small figure hidden in the endless darkness.

"Why did you send him there!" After Yu Yuanzhou reacted, he couldn't help being furious.

Long Yiyang didn't care, and didn't even open his eyes:

"Otherwise, where will it be sent? With his weak bloodline, how far can he exert the power of divine punishment? Do you think... I won't pull him, and when "the end comes", this kid will can come in handy? "

Yu Yuanzhou was silent for a while when he heard the words, but he knew in his heart that although Long Yiyang was extremely indecent on the surface, he was also the current pavilion owner of Tianyan Pavilion, the owner of the name "Tianji" passed down from generation to generation.

Since he said so, it is basically not far from the truth.

Thinking of this, Yu Yuanzhou no longer tangled, and sighed lightly:

"How long are you going to keep him locked up? One day? One day at most. If it lasts longer, even Xu Xiaoyou may be unbearable..."

Long Yiyang was about to fall asleep, and was awakened by Yu Yuanzhou again in a hazy consciousness. He stretched out his finger impatiently: "Three days."

Yu Yuanzhou was stunned for a moment, and then, the bloodshot pupils stared round, and the eyeballs almost jumped out:
"What? Three days! Long Yiyang, are you really crazy? Did the disciples of the Tianyan Pavilion last for more than half a day?"

The echo was rippling in the hall, and the rest of Long Yiyang's sleepiness was dissipated, so he had to sit up helplessly, rubbing his eyes, and said speechlessly:

"Old man Yu, are you finished? I said three days, just go back to your peak when you have nothing to do, don't bother me."

Yu Yuanzhou was so angry that his chest was puffed up, he walked to Long Yiyang like a thunderbolt, and pulled him up:
"Do you know what three days mean? Let alone three days, on the way the next day, Xu Xiaoyou only had bones left at most. How do you want him to survive?"

Long Yiyang was most annoying when others grabbed his Taoist robe. He didn't wear it tightly, but Yu Yuanzhou grabbed it like this, and he almost disappeared.

He casually flicked his finger, and threw Yu Yuanzhou away with a "bang", while pulling up the collar, he sneered:

"If this kid is really dead, it means that he is also good fortune. Let me tell you, when I say three days, I mean the three days in 'here', as for the 'Qingmai Xuan's departure'. …”

Yu Yuanzhou is a lot of age, still like a young man who has never seen the world, the whole person collapsed on the ground unable to move, only pursed his lips:

"Three... 30 years..."

Yu Yuanzhou swallowed his saliva, slowly raised his head, looked at Long Yiyang with an indifferent face, and said with a trembling voice:
"You... you are really crazy, do you want to kill him?!"

Long Yiyang glanced at the sluggish Yu Yuanzhou, fastened his simple belt as if nothing had happened, and stared into the distance:

"Old friend, you will understand one day. How can you gain the Tao without suffering."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a refund, and ask for a reward;

 The lake mirror in the Elder Pavilion, I can't imagine it, you can use the hall in the ghastly remake as a reference

(End of this chapter)

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