The queen is so fierce

Chapter 259 Space cut off

Chapter 259 Space cut off
Sudu East Courtyard, the night is dust-free.

The bright moonlight is like a layer of hoarfrost, sprinkled on the quiet small long corridor; the shadows of the old trees float slightly, and there is a gentle footsteps from far to near.


The red-painted door was pushed open by a pair of white and tender hands, and Jiang Rongyue, who was wearing an apricot slim dress, stepped in.

She stopped in front of the ancient tree and looked left and right, looking like she was looking for a familiar figure.Unfortunately, after watching it for a long time, there was no result, so I had to approach the main house a few steps and called softly:

"Xiaojing? Master... I'm back... Hey, weird... where is the person?"

Although a whole year's time buffer has passed, to be honest, including all those messy aids, Su Du cannot be said to have regained its prosperity.

In addition, due to the change of policy, projects such as Sanjiang Wharf that are open to the outside world are gradually increasing, which is when there is a shortage of manpower.

Even Chu Shuwan, who was used to fishing in Longyumen, helped Su Du rebuild a lot during the year.

As the senior sister of Longyumen, Jiang Rongyue, who is usually busier than the door owner, is naturally dispatched to do things.

Jiang Rongyue's business trip for the past two weeks is mainly to lead a team to survey some roads leading to Sudu, such as geological conditions, aura content, whether it will affect Yujian, etc... These should be compiled into reports in advance to provide ideas for building new roads in the future .

After all, the Changhe Su Clan is not the same as the Changhe Su Clan. Since he has chosen to 'violate the ancestor's precepts' to open the door to the world, he should do it simply.

Not only is it profitable to open a waterway, but also land and air roads can be opened, so that Sudu will simply become a must pass in this area, so that you can take those famous monks to visit for a fee that spans tens of thousands of people. The ancient Xiandao tribe with the longest history.

Jiang Rongyue has never been ambiguous about the work to be done. She completed the survey with amazing efficiency. In less than two days, she sorted out all the reports on the 49 main roads and [-] branch roads, and submitted them to Su Benevolence.

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, Jiang Rongyue heard that Xiaojing, who had been 'autistic' for a whole year, was willing to come out. She couldn't stand it any longer and ran back non-stop, wanting to give her brother a loving hug after a long absence.

However, when Jiang Rongyue actually arrived at the East Courtyard, what responded to her was a cold echo from the wall.

"It's come there is no taste of Xiaojing..."

Jiang Rongyue stared at the closed door of the master bedroom in the east courtyard for a long time, and the watery apricot eyes revealed some doubts.

Even if you go out all day, there shouldn't be any smell left...

"Did Xiaojing go out and never come back?"

Jiang Rongyue frowned in a beautiful arc, and her jade hand squeezed her chin lightly, pretending to be contemplative.

At this time, a familiar voice came from the side of the entrance door, and answered her question reluctantly:
"Well, the little rascal went out the afternoon before yesterday, and I just missed it. I still have something to look for..."

Jiang Rongyue was stunned for a moment, and when she heard the sound, she looked back. After seeing the face of the person who came, Mei Mu lightly blinked, and said in a surprised tone:
"Uncle Yu?"

Yu Zhiqiong was wearing a dark blue brocade skirt, her beautiful figure was hidden by a thick piece of cloth, and half of her body was hidden in the night, only her mature and attractive face became more and more tempting under the background of the moonlight.

She pursed her delicate red lips and sighed while leaning back against the door frame, but she helped her forehead helplessly:
"I heard from girl Su that your family's Xiaojing was called away by someone from Tianyan Pavilion. It seems that there is something important to discuss... But it's really strange that you haven't been in contact for two days."

"Tianyan Pavilion?"

Jiang Rongyue blinked her almond eyes and subconsciously remembered Zuo Lingxuan, who was dressed as a liar every day.

To say that the only connection between Tianyan Pavilion and Xu Shoujing is Zuo Lingxuan alone.

Speaking of which, Jiang Rongyue hadn't acted alone before, but when she went out to survey the road conditions this time, she heard a lot of the customs of Tiannanzhou, one of which was the rumor about Tianyan Pavilion.

The overall strength of Tianyan Pavilion is not as outstanding as that of Tianyuan Sect, and the degree of mystery is not as secretive as Changhe Su Clan.

Whether it's a scattered cultivator in the rivers and lakes, or a cultivator who inherits from an orthodox sect, almost everyone's description of Tianyan Pavilion is very similar.

—— Those old men who pretend to be ghosts can see through the 'Heavenly Secret' arbitrarily.

What is the sky machine?
The opportunity of heaven, the secret of heaven.

As the saying goes, 'the secret cannot be leaked', and for real liars, it is naturally a deception.

But for experts who are good at hanging arithmetic, they see through it, but they dare not point it out.

The hexagram is only half of the truth. If you see too much and know too much, you will one day be attacked by heaven. Whether you can continue to cultivate immortals is a small issue.

Therefore, most Taoist priests touch their beards every day and pretend to be high-level "when the time comes, the donor will naturally know", "the secret cannot be leaked, and this is all the poor talk".

That's just because they are cowardly, afraid that the will of heaven will find trouble and find themselves... Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that it is just a simple liar.

However, on the point of 'Tian Dao's backlash', the 'Tian Yan Pavilion' that the cultivators of Tian Nanzhou spread by word of mouth seems to have no such worries at all.

As long as you dare to spend a lot of money to find people in Tianyan Pavilion, they will not be stingy with their own words, and they will tell you that they have fully explained the fortune-telling. Inform as much as you can.

And, until now, there has never been an undeserved precedent.

Some children's shoes have to be asked here, isn't that good?Who doesn't want to know about their future?
But that also has to show a 'good hexagram'.

In fact, as long as you are willing to spend money, Tianyan Pavilion will definitely help you fortune-telling, but it will not give you some ambiguous advice like those Taoist priests in the rivers and lakes, saying that it can avoid disasters.

Tianyan Pavilion will only tell you the answer, no matter if it is bad or good, it will only tell you the results of the hexagrams. Besides that, no matter how much money you spend or the gift you give, it will not give you any advice.

This has led to the fact that although the hexagram of Tianyan Pavilion is very accurate, the number of monks who dare to come to the door to ask for a signature is constantly decreasing.

No one wants to live a good life. Suddenly, a declaration of "you will die soon" is issued, and it will still happen [-]%, without any evasion means of 'predicting the future'.

Jiang Rongyue didn't think Zuo Lingxuan would want to kill Xu Shoujing. After all, his own Xiaojing was still half his life-saving benefactor. During the few days they spent together last year, he didn't see the kind of courage in his character to "repay kindness with vengeance".

But... Tianyan Pavilion said otherwise, at least in the past two weeks of Jiang Rongyue's business trip, I haven't heard good rumors about Tianyan Pavilion yet.

Thinking of this, Jiang Rongyue's calm heart was rippling, and her beautiful eyes looked at Yu Zhiqiong worriedly:

"Didn't the tutor try to contact Xiaojing?"

Yu Zhiqiong waved his hand and sighed:

"I've been in touch long ago, but..."

"But what?" Jiang Rongyue clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest.

Yu Zhiqiong was silent for a moment, then answered:

"Your Xiaojing's Longxun card is probably in 'another space'."

"What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

Yu Zhiqiong thought for a while, and took out a white jade sign the size of a palm from his collar. Apricot-colored spiritual power gathered on his thumb and fingertips, and slowly drew a picture of a Wolong drinking water.

After the drawing of the pattern is completed, the 'Wolong Drinking Water Diagram' blooms with dazzling colors in the night, and a layer of aura cloud gradually condenses in the air.

It's not that Jiang Rongyue has never used the Longxun card. Naturally, she knows that these clouds and mists are the spiritual power clumps used to 'display the screen'. Since the clouds and mists have all come out, it means that the other party has at least left the Tiannanzhou Continent, and they can be contacted at all. on the distance.

According to the normal process, if Xiaojing didn't deliberately not pick up, the clouds and mists would disperse, revealing the scene where he is at the moment...

However, when the clouds and fog really dispersed, the ambiguous picture was covered by layers of fog, not to mention Xu Shoujing, he didn't even see a figure.

"This is..." Jiang Rongyue realized that something was wrong, so she looked at Yu Zhiqiong suspiciously, waiting for her to answer her.

Yu Zhiqiong maintained the posture of holding up the jade token, coughed lightly, and said:

"Your master contacted the little villain yesterday. It was the same situation at that time as the current situation. Although the wavelength of the spiritual power could match, there was no way to show the picture... This shows that Xu Shoujing did not exceed the Dragon Xun card. Maximum range, but he is likely to be in 'another space'."

Jiang Rongyue was stunned when she heard the words, and said subconsciously:
"Another space?"

Yu Zhiqiong gently swiped the Longxun card to close the fog, put her green onion fingers on her slightly thick sexy red lips and thought for a few seconds, then raised her index finger towards Jiang Rongyue and explained seriously:
"For a should remember the 'Sanjiang Cloud Defense Formation' that Sudu launched last year, right?"

Jiang Rongyue was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and nodded:

"Um... Could that be considered another dimension?"

Yu Zhiqiong stretched towards Mingyue and replied lazily:

"Well... that's right, but compared to the one your Xiaojing encountered, the concept of space is much weaker."

Jiang Rongyue took a deep breath, silently bowed her head to Yu Zhiqiong, turned around and walked outside.

Yu Zhiqiong was stunned for a moment, and quickly stopped Jiang Rongyue when she passed by:
"What are you doing?"

Jiang Rongyue pursed her thin lips, her beautiful eyes were slightly angry, and the flames were obviously suppressed between her eyebrows:

"Go to Tianyan Pavilion and find Xiaojing."

Yu Zhiqiong rolled her eyes, her tone very helpless:
"You just ran over like this? Let's not talk about the issue of the Tianyan Pavilion protecting the sect, even if you really go to Tianyan Pavilion, they probably won't admit what they did to the little villain."

Jiang Rongyue frowned slightly, thought about it carefully, and found that it was indeed the case.

Yes, bad people never admit that they are bad people, and murderers still call me a good citizen every day.

"Then what should we do? Are we just waiting like this?" Jiang Rongyue felt resentful in her heart.

Yu Zhiqiong slowly raised the corners of her mouth, and put her index finger in front of Jiang Rongyue:
"Of course can wait a few more days with peace of mind. I will let them obediently send the little villain back."

Jiang Rongyue was dubious, but Yu Zhiqiong had already said so much, and if she persisted in going all the way recklessly, it would be difficult to get results, so she could only sigh deeply in her heart: should be all right?


In the endless darkness, silent groans of pain resounded through Xu Shoujing's mind.

Xu Shoujing's handsome face was hideous, and his peach blossom eyes were bloodshot.

The black robe on his body had long since disappeared, and the bloodshot oozing from the scalp slid down the roots of his hair, and finally disappeared into the endless darkness.

The pain is thousands of times more painful than scraping bones with a blade, cramping and peeling skin!

It was as if the more than 60 trillion cells in the whole body were pierced one by one by dense silver needles invisible to the naked eye.

The blood scattered throughout the body's meridians stopped flowing, and the bones gradually turned into 'charcoal' that would shatter at a touch. The heart, liver, lungs, large intestine... Xu Shoujing could even clearly feel that all the organs in his body were in corrupt.

This is simply a crueler torture than 'simmering an acquaintance in an iron pot'.

At the beginning, Xu Shoujing thought that he was only locked in a place similar to the Azure Silver Illusion.

Xu Shoujing even wanted to take advantage of boredom to take a good retreat in this hard-won quiet space.

Unfortunately, things backfired, he only practiced the cycle of Zhoutian for less than two weeks, and immediately felt a little wrong.

It's not that there was a mistake in cultivation, it was a problem with the environment.

If it was said that this darkness gave people the feeling of being harmless to humans and animals, now it will pull people into the quagmire of the abyss, getting deeper and deeper and unable to struggle.

Under such inhuman torture, Xu Shoujing's will will inevitably be affected, and his previous inferences will not be so firm.

"Am I guessing wrong? The pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion actually wants to kill me? And is it an inhuman method of torture to death?"

Xu Shoujing thought about whether there are some or not, and secretly mobilized the spiritual power in the spiritual sea, wanting to use the power of divine punishment to insure his body and relieve some pain.

But soon, he discovered that it was not only the surrounding environment and body that was wrong, but even his own spiritual power seemed to have some problems.

To put it bluntly, spiritual power is also a kind of physical ability, and it is no different from the muscles that are usually accumulated over time.

At the realm of Xu Shoujing, it is almost a matter of thought to mobilize spiritual power.

But now... Xu Shoujing has more than used 'one thought'. The instructions he sent to Linghai through neuron signals in his brain were like a silver needle thrown into the sea, and no trace of it could be found.

"what's the situation?"

Xu Shoujing frowned, and tentatively replaced the object of mobilizing spiritual power with the few spiritual fusion beads floating in the sky over the Linghai Sea.

However, the result was generally the same as when the power of Heavenly Punishment was used. The four Fusion Spirit Orbs of different colors failed to respond in time to his instructions.

Only then did Xu Shoujing realize that this feeling of 'body out of control' did not just appear now.

From the moment he first entered this dark space, the sense of incongruity with his physical activities gradually increased over time, but at that time his mind was more immersed in the 'darkness', so he did not pay attention to the senses The change.

It has evolved to the present, and the body basically does not listen to his commands, and Xu Shoujing only reacts with hindsight.

"...No, it's not that the body is out of control."

A wise light flashed in Xu Shoujing's eyes, and he came to a conclusion again in his heart:

"This is... the 'signal' of the soul to the body is blocked by this darkness."
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(End of this chapter)

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