The queen is so fierce

Chapter 261 Soul memory finally unsealed...

Chapter 261 Soul memory finally unsealed...


The pure white space seemed to be highlighted, the breath inhaled through the nose was colorless and odorless, and the support point under the body was ambiguous, like lying in a pile of soft cotton candy.

When Xu Shoujing woke up from the coma, the pain of being cramped and his blood vessels melted still lingered in the depths of his soul. His consciousness was still wandering outside the sky, but his body twitched instinctively.

The very slight shaking of his body made Xu Shoujing's consciousness gradually awaken, and his dull thoughts became active, but his hands and feet were still unconscious. He wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids were heavy as if they were caught by clips.

Xu Shoujing was no stranger to this feeling of his body not obeying his orders.

Thinking about it carefully, from the moment he officially embarked on the path of cultivation, every time he fought with others, it was inevitable that he would be painted everywhere in his body.

And because Xu Shoujing is in most cases leapfrog combat, every time he has to use some tricks that exceed the upper limit of his body, such as "Ji Ye" and "Bi Tian Yi Jian", each use will bring extreme damage to his body. large load.

From the perspective of others, Xu Shoujing seems to have been in a 'suicide battle' all the time. He has almost never suffered minor injuries.

If possible, Xu Shoujing really wanted to open a court to make amends for himself.

——Who wants to be a paralyzed person every day when he has nothing to do?That's really impossible, right...

Everyone praised him as a kendo genius, but in fact Xu Shoujing didn't think his swordsmanship hurt anyone.

To deal with those cultivators who suppress themselves in their own realm, when ordinary sword skills don't work, what should you do instead?
Don't you just have to give it a go and fight for everything you have?

Sigh... it would be great if my physique could be stronger, so that at least after the "simulated polar night" shot and injured a thousand enemies, the self-damaged [-] can be slightly folded in half... eh?

'If I were a little stronger...? '


Thinking about this, an exclamation mark and a colon suddenly appeared on Xu Shoujing's head. He felt as if a bolt of lightning had passed through his spinal cord, and his brain was clearer than ever.

"Am I looking for the wrong direction of cultivation?" Xu Shoujing doubted life in his heart.

The Five Elements Homologous, which he spent a whole year researching, can certainly get through, but if he encounters a leapfrog battle again in the future, he will have to use the "simulated polar night" to fight in the end.

The "simulated polar night" that Xu Shoujing uses now is probably about half the power of Zhao Fuyao's heyday.

However, this value is not fixed. With the improvement of Xu Shoujing's realm, the power of "simulated polar night" will inevitably increase in the future.

At the same time as the power increases, it also means that the spiritual power that needs to be consumed will increase the load on the body.

It’s okay to say that the spiritual power consumed is directly drained at any time, and the difference in the amount consumed is not much different from before.

But the physical load is hard to say.

Thinking about it carefully, if the Five Elements Homology is really practiced, the total value of one's spiritual energy savings will definitely be greatly improved, but the physique is still the same as before.

It is assumed that a single shot of "Simulated Extreme Night" will inevitably drain all the spiritual power in Xu Shoujing's body, and as the power increases, the negative impact on himself will be more serious.

... Then he cultivates the five elements of the same origin, isn't he cutting the way?

In the past, I lost half my life at most with one shot of "Simulated Extreme Night", and the physical strength remained unchanged. If I had to take a shot of "Five Elements Homologous Blessed Version Simulated Extreme Night", wouldn't that be... send it.

"I practiced in vain?!"

The more Xu Shoujing thought about it, the more depressed he became. The abnormal state of his body just now seemed like a pleasant lie, and it disappeared easily.

When he regained his senses, he had opened his tired eyelids and stood straight on the hardened floor.

It was at this moment that Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, the anger that had appeared in his heart dissipated, and he could only be dazed and surprised.

Blank, empty, there is nothing that can be used as a reference in sight, everything is pure white.

Literally, it's a pure white space.

Well, old acquaintance.

If it was someone else, he might have mistakenly thought that he might have experienced something like a 'second time crossing'.

However, Xu Shoujing is more experienced, and he is not only familiar with pure white space once or twice.

If nothing else, the next step should be the part of 'recalling the picture'.

Xu Shoujing sat cross-legged and pondered for a while, and suddenly felt that maybe this was the real purpose of the Pavilion Master of Tianyan Pavilion.

When he was trapped in the darkness of unknown origin, he was brutally abused from his body to his soul, and in the end he was overwhelmed and even passed out.

Those were most likely just foreplay, and the real play was the pure white space he was now in.

"Huh? Speaking of which..."

Xu Shoujing seemed to have reacted to something, raised his hand slightly and shook it, his eyes revealing a bit of strangeness.

"Is it a psychological effect? ​​It always seems to be much lighter than before..."

It's not just as simple as 'light'. If you want to use an analogy, it's like the wifi that was originally separated by several walls, and now suddenly connected to a gigabit fiber, the response speed has changed directly from the level.

Xu Shoujing played with his fingers for a while, and proved with practice that his feelings were not wrong.

But in his current state, he couldn't see through too much, so he focused on the bridge of the 'memory space'.

But no matter how long they waited, the messengers of 'Memory Fragment' and 'Soul Body' failed to appear, and the pure white space was as unchanged as when it came.

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly, feeling that things were not simple.

No matter when he was in Cang Yin at the Tiangong Ruins, or when he looked back at how Su Jin died, there would definitely be some kind of easy-to-understand prompt in the pure white space, telling Xu Shoujing how to go down.

But this time, nothing of that kind appeared at all. Eye surgery, meditation, recall... Xu Shoujing had tried all kinds of methods for the time being, but there was still no response in the pure white space.

Is it the wrong way to open it?

In the past, every time I entered the pure white space, there was a clear purpose, so I could accurately find the desired picture.

This time, he was a passive entry into the pure white space, not to mention the purpose, even the pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion didn't know what he wanted to do, so the pure white space could not give a corresponding response?

"No, treating the pure white space as an 'other thing' is a real misunderstanding. This space has always been in my mind."

Xu Shoujing shook his head, stood up again, looked at the blank space in front of him, slowly closed his eyes, and muttered to himself:
"Nothing exists... It means that the pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion has nothing that he wants me to see... Obviously not, but I want to come in. It means that what I should really see is not others, but myself."


The autumn wind swept through the bamboo forest, and the early morning sunlight formed scattered shadows on the ground through the sloping bamboo poles.

The five-story pavilion of the elders was completely silent. Yu Yuanzhou had gone back a few days ago, leaving Long Yiyang, who had no energy at all, to sleep on the red carpet steps.

Suddenly, Long Yiyang half-squinted his eyes and suddenly opened, he removed his right hand holding his chin, tilted his head and glanced at "Blue Nightmare Xuan Lijing".

The lake, which was originally a turbulent well, suddenly burst into vortexes in the center.


A dazzling beam of light shot straight into the sky from the land of the lake, the entire peak trembled as if the earth was shaking, and the sound of birds and beasts flapping and flying one after another.

Long Yiyang turned a blind eye to this, looking at the turbulent indoor lake, his indifferent eyes flashed with surprise, and said unexpectedly:
"It seems to have 'entered', much faster than I expected. This kid... is not good at physical skills, weak in spells, and talented in kendo, but he started too late, and the whole is very stiff. But..."

Having said that, Long Yiyang hooked the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly casually:

"Only this comprehension is very human and can't match... I really don't know what the old guy is worried about, how could this "monster" die. "


"what is this?"

Xu Shoujing took a step back subconsciously, but his eyes remained on the behemoth that suddenly appeared in front of him, his eyes were full of daze and surprise.

It was a huge stone gate that stood out of thin air.

The whole body of Shimen is dark, and the lines on the left and right facades are very complicated. It looks like a big tree that keeps climbing up. Every branch is written with obscure ancient words.

In front of the dark stone gate, Xu Shoujing was like an ant standing under the way of heaven, and he was also a tiny dust in the world, only qualified to look up.

"So...the thing in my heart is a door?"

Xu Shoujing said with a strange expression, and walked around the pitch-black stone door again, and found that the door was really 'just a door'. There were no hidden buildings or structures behind it. glued.

It's impossible to be like a pink wooden door that can go to all parts of the world. After opening it, there is another space, right?

Xu Shoujing laughed dryly, and the smile gradually disappeared in the embarrassing 'hahaha', and his expression quickly became serious.

It's really possible.

... Considering that in the two years since he came to Tiannan Continent, Xu Shoujing has seen the legendary 'space magic' no less than twice in a row. It is not surprising that this door is also some kind of space magic.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, walked back to the front of the pitch-black stone gate, and pressed his hands on it.

At first glance, such a large-scale stone gate is far from something that Xu Shoujing's small body can force open.

But in fact, even aside from Xu Shoujing's "Nine Tribulations Heavy Prison Body", this pure white space was originally something similar to his spiritual consciousness space, and the weight was meaningless here.


Sure enough, the huge pitch-black stone door pushed open to both sides in response, slowly revealing the true content inside.

After [-] seconds, the scene behind the door made Xu Shoujing unforgettable for the rest of his life.

It's like getting full marks in the primary school exam and asking my mother for a model toy with great enthusiasm, only to find out that it was a pirated imitation when I opened the package the next day.

In short...through.

There is no convenient space transfer like a certain fan's arbitrary door, no countless black tentacles reaching out and pulling him in, and there is not even a decent picture.

The quaint and solemn appearance of the pitch-black stone gate hides nothingness inside.

It is just like the literal meaning, just an ordinary door, except for the slightly more esoteric lines engraved on it, there is nothing special about it.

Xu Shoujing stopped thinking, and went in and out of this decorative gate, it seemed that it was not an ordinary life of doubt.

- What does this mean, my heart is a door?

Or a door with nothing?

This is too empty...

Xu Shoujing lay on the ground and closed his eyes silently, with a look of "I put it, you are free".

He has almost grasped the routine of pure white space. If he doesn't find something, even if it is his heart, he will never allow him to leave privately.

On the contrary, the moment he finds what he wants, even against his will, he is immediately sent back to the real world.

Now the thing is found, but it is a door with nothing... There is not even a guide, what should I do?
The outside world does not know how long it has passed, is it just wasting away like this?

I don't understand... I really don't understand what the pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion wants to do...

Xu Shoujing let out a long sigh, and suddenly seemed to realize something, and frowned slightly:

"Maybe... he didn't do it?"

Indeed, when he was tortured in the dark before, Xu Shoujing was 100% sure that it was the big boss who had never met who was messing with him.

But now his consciousness has entered the pure white space again, is this also the situation expected by the master of Tianyan Pavilion?
The pure white space is a secret that only he knows, even the closest woman around him has not told it.

Even if he has won some secret legend of the 'Tao of Heaven's Evolution', it can still be counted without any information... that's a bit too scary.


Xu Shoujing rolled over and sat up, covering his head with one hand, and suddenly felt a sudden realization.

This is his space, and this door is also his inner 'lock', so what needs to be found to leave, isn't it obvious?
"Jing'er, mother knows that you are very doubtful, and the following words will be engraved in the depths of your soul.If you are determined to cultivate in the future, after Nirvana reshapes the root bone, you will naturally remember..."

The dense and expansive forest in the middle of the night, the shining star sea covered by the monstrous fire, and the woman in the white dress who could not see her face with a crying voice.

For some reason, this scene that should have been forcibly forgotten after the Soul Filling Formation clearly came to mind once again.

After a long time, Xu Shoujing finished the pupil earthquake, and he breathed a sigh of relief:

"It turns out that... This door is the 'lock', and the condition for opening it is that I ascend to Nirvana."

If according to Xu Shoujing's previous progress, whether it is to use the same source of the Five Elements to go sideways, or to be physically tough, it will take at least a year to break through the Nirvana Realm, and he also estimates that.

But if Xu Shoujing hadn't broken through Nirvana, he wouldn't be able to remember that scene anyway.

This shows that... Xu Shoujing had actually reached the realm of Nirvana before he knew it, but he was only one step away from the final door, which caused him to fail to fully open the pitch-black stone door.

"It's terrifying..."

Xu Shoujing sucked in a breath of cold air. After sorting out the known information, it can be concluded that the current situation is entirely caused by the pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion.

That is to say... He knew that there was a lock on his soul, so he used that darkness to help him break the mirror?

This can no longer be regarded as a human cultivator... It is simply a "monster".

Fortunately, the reason for 'blocking' has finally been found, and it is not difficult to get out of it next.

With that in mind, Xu Shoujing walked to the dark stone gate again.

Without any hesitation, he punched out.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 This chapter is not well written... I want to write some jokes to pay tribute, but... I didn't write it well.

(End of this chapter)

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