The queen is so fierce

Chapter 262 The Entrustment of Yu Yuanzhou

Chapter 262 The Entrustment of Yu Yuanzhou
The autumn wind in the mountains and forests is subdued, the dense bamboo forests cover up some of the morning sunlight, and the rustling of scattered bamboo leaves can be heard in my ears.

A few small and lovely birds stood on the curved branches, looking at the Taoist priests crawling on the long and narrow stone steps below, and tilted their heads slightly puzzled.

Zuo Lingxuan held the hem of the Taoist robe that was too tight with his legs, and his face was a little anxious. He quickly climbed the stone steps with no end in sight. The mixed breathing made his steps a little more chaotic, and it didn't take long for him to sweat. Wet a large area of ​​the front and back.

Speaking of which, the cultivators of Tianyan Pavilion are all majoring in physiognomy. Although they don’t understand the fighting skills at all, they have never been ranked in the Zongmen Grand Competition. The last sentence is indescribably "great".

Combat strength is not simply based on the level of cultivation. An excessively large gap in cultivation will of course affect the battle situation, but when the cultivation is equal, who will win is the comprehensive combat power.

In other words, when other monks are honing a series of combat skills such as swordsmanship, spells, and physical skills, the monks in Tianyan Pavilion are basically fiddling with 'Your next sentence is...', and most of the time, they will Because of poor academic skills, or because of subtle changes that lead to wrong predictions.

If you can guess correctly, it will be very powerful, but if you can't guess correctly, it will be "zero points" that can't be escaped.

Even in the eyes of the little-known loose cultivator, fighting with the monks of Tianyan Pavilion is no different from bullying a group of weak scholars.

Of course, this statement has a lot of exaggeration, and it is seriously suspected that the monks who have a 'heart of lemon' towards Tianyan Pavilion are confounding the public.

No matter how bad the disciples of Tianyan Pavilion are, they can't compare to the weak scholar... Although Zuo Lingxuan looks out of breath now, he is no different from the weak scholar who can't trot two steps.


Zuo Lingxuan supported his knees with both hands, and finally climbed to the last floor of the thousand stone steps.

The dense bamboo forests on both sides just now came to an abrupt end, and there was an open space surrounded by bamboo forests in front of the stone steps.

A five-storey high pavilion rises from the ground, and the corners of the eaves evoke upward curved arcs on all sides of the attic, like the tail of a monkey fishing for the moon.

A small stove was burning in front of the attic, and the source of the fire was separated by an iron mesh that had been burned into black charcoal.


The boiling water overflowed with water droplets from the lid. Seeing that the lid of the teapot was about to be overturned by the impact, the two figures surrounding the small round table remained motionless.

A middle-aged man in a loose Taoist robe sat on a small wooden bench, holding the tip of his chin in his right hand, staring attentively at the black and white light and shadow on the small wooden table.

On the forehead of the white-bearded old man opposite the middle-aged man, layers of fine sweat broke out, and when he stroked the long-bearded big hand, his black eyes did not move, and he seemed to be extremely cautious.

Due to the hesitation of the angle of view, there was nothing on the wooden table at Zuo Lingxuan's position, and almost all the sight was blocked by the back of the middle-aged man.

Zuo Lingxuan looked at the dedicated two people, and was really curious in his heart.The good-looking Elder Pavilion is not waiting, what are you doing outside?
He eased his rapid breathing and walked forward slowly to check.

I saw a brand new chessboard on the small wooden table. The black and white stones took up more than half of the entire chessboard. It was estimated that they started playing a long time ago.

The current situation seems to be that Heizi is encircling and suppressing Baizi many times, but every time he is subtly resolved by Baizi, and it has evolved into a situation where the current chamber is now competing.

As if they didn't see Zuo Lingxuan's arrival, the two of them were locked on the chessboard from beginning to end.



The interval between Luo Zisheng seemed to be half an hour away each time, and Zuo Lingxuan didn't dare to disturb him. Anyway, his important matter... was indeed important, but not so important.

I don't know how long it took, when the entire chessboard was almost full, Long Yiyang's expression first relaxed.

He picked up the teapot that was about to dry next to him, poured a little into his still-bottomed teapot, and then took a sip and savored it:
"Old friend, you are in a mess, and the outcome is already divided."

When the words fell, Long Yiyang didn't care whether Yu Yuanzhou answered or not, no longer paid attention to the chessboard, and drank tea on his own.

On the other hand, Yu Yuanzhou is not so relaxed, he seems to be more nervous now than when he was concentrating on the game just now.The dense sweat on his forehead turned into beads of sweat, staring at the chessboard left and right, looking like he couldn't understand life and death.

Seeing that he couldn't figure it out for a while, Long Yiyang turned around and glanced at Zuo Lingxuan, enjoying the tea ceremony leisurely:

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Zuo Lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, but it was my turn.

He took a few steps closer, brewed some words in his heart, and slowly said:

"It's not a big deal...but it's very important."

Long Yiyang predicted that he would be choked, and hurriedly swallowed the tea in his mouth in advance, and then glared at Zuo Lingxuan:
"Don't talk nonsense, focus on the point."


Zuo Lingxuan scratched his head, didn't this want to pave the way for a little bit, how abrupt it was?

He coughed dryly, recalling what he had just heard from the report below, and explained aloud:

"Actually, it's a matter of Tianyu Business, Brother Xu...cough, Mr. Xu hasn't returned from Tianyanzong for a long time. The Changhe Su Clan seems to be very dissatisfied, so they entrusted people from Tianyu Business to put pressure on us. ."

"Well, I guessed it would be like this." Long Yiyang yawned with an expression of "as expected".

Zuo Lingxuan's expression froze, and the fingers hanging on one side shrank slightly, and asked carefully:

"Master, do you know about this?"

Long Yiyang glanced at him and stretched lazily:
"It's nothing, that's all."

"..." Zuo Lingxuan.

Then do I still need to report from down the mountain and up the mountain?

Zuo Lingxuan stopped thinking.

"However, Tianyu Firm... is indeed a little troublesome."

After Long Yiyang finished stretching, he surprisingly didn't care as usual, but frowned slightly and fell into contemplation.

Among the large and small chambers of commerce and firms in Jiuzhou, the organizations that support each continent are different, and in most cases, they are related to local resources.

For example, Tiannanzhou's most famous elixir, 'Yanyangcao', is an elusive medicine for an older married female cultivator who wants to have a child but has been unable to conceive.

And 90.00% of Tiannan Continent's most abundant production of 'Flame Pregnancy Grass' is under the banner of "Jiuying Chamber of Commerce".

This also led to the whole Tiannan Continent wanting to get the Pregnant Yancao through the Jiuying Chamber of Commerce, and the price was completely determined by their family.

In order to survive, the small chamber of commerce had to be forced to sign the Overlord Clause to stock up on the pregnant flames, and most of the oil and water were earned by the Nine Cherry Chamber of Commerce.

Other Intercontinentals are basically the same, not only limited to the elixir industry, including the lucrative industry such as Lingjing mine, auction magic weapons, mass production of elixir craftsmanship, Jiuzhou chain brand effect...

All the industries you can think of are monopolized by a local chamber of commerce, and they make their fortunes from this.

But Tianyu Firm is an exception... In other words, it is the only firm that has achieved such an exaggerated level of fame in Kyushu and household name without monopolizing certain cultivation resources.

The Tianya Yu Clan has only made a fortune for a thousand years. Compared with the major families with a long history, they are still just a newborn baby who is not afraid of tigers.

But even an immortal cultivator with a profound historical heritage, when facing the Tianya Yu clan, must weigh their weight.

The reason is not complicated to explain, just like when the sects of Tiannanzhou considered the Su Clan of Changhe, they were the first to be afraid of Su Jin who traveled all over the world.

Tianya Yu Clan also has two hated characters that make Jiuzhou jealous. One is Yu Mohe, the current owner of Tianya Yu Clan, and the other is that when Tianya Yu Clan was completely famous, he chose to disappear from the sight of the masses for nearly a hundred years. No more news.

Of course, it's just that there is no news for "others".

But for Long Yiyang, the pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion, he doesn't even need to calculate, he can easily know who Tianya Yu's 'disappearing second person' is.

The influence of Tianyu Trading Company in the entire Kyushu is not small, and their Tianyan Pavilion also has a lot of training materials that they regularly get from Tianyu Trading Company.

For Tian Yanzong, if you suddenly change the partner because of this kind of thing... it's like suddenly and unreasonably clearing all the credit points of your online shopping for more than ten years, which will make people's blood pressure rise.

Long Yiyang is in this state now, he sighed and waved his hand to signal Zuo Lingxuan to step back:
"I see, let me think about what to do, you go down first."

Hearing this, Zuo Lingxuan hesitated for a while, then Jishou said "disciple obeys", took a few steps backwards, and quickly retreated in the direction of the exchange.

When the footsteps gradually faded away, Long Yiyang turned his head to look at Yu Yuanzhou, who was still concentrating on the chessboard, and felt amused in his heart:
"Hey, someone's calling at the door, don't you plan to do something?"

Yu Yuanzhou was unmoved, his eyes did not leave the chessboard for half a minute:

"...What is the use of this old man for something you can't do? Compared with that, tell me quickly, how did you get it right in the end..."

Long Yiyang curled his lips in disdain: "Forget it, if you want to beat me, you'll probably have to repair for another ten thousand years."

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the "ten thousand years" here is just an unintentional word, not even a joke.

But Yu Yuanzhou reacted to the word. He was silent for a moment, and for the first time he took his eyes off the chessboard and turned to look at the golden sky, and sighed:
"Ten thousand years... If you can't find the way to enter the Profound Night Realm within a hundred years, I'm afraid that you won't be able to do it in ten thousand years..."

Long Yiyang fell silent when he heard the words. Regarding this old friend who was about the same age as himself, but had more white hair and white beard, he whispered with emotion:
"Don't say that, it's hard to find the hope to stop "Final Yan". Xu Xiaozi is still just a piece of jade. Before he reaches the "Heaven's No. 11 Realm", he just needs a Xuanye Realm to pave the way for him. when.Old friend, don't you think you're a good fit? "

Yu Yuanzhou chuckled and shook his head again and again:
"If the old man can enter the realm of the mysterious night before you, I will give up three sons to play chess in the future."

"Hey!" Long Yiyang raised his eyebrows in a disdainful tone: "With all due respect, the level of chess has nothing to do with you and me, you just can't beat me. If you want to beat me at your current level, No matter how long it will be in the future.”

"..." Yu Yuanzhou was so choked that his face flushed with anger: "It's hard to say what will happen in the future, do you really think you can count everything?"

"It doesn't count." Long Yiyang nodded and admitted it unexpectedly.

Yu Yuanzhou was stunned for a moment, confused by the unnatural frankness of his old friend, and still said unceremoniously:

"It's okay if you know, what will happen in the future..."

"It's hard to say."

Long Yiyang forcibly ended Yu Yuanzhou's words, and under the blank gaze of the other party, he said solemnly:
"So, don't say that you can't break the Mysterious Night Realm. I haven't calculated such a result... Even if I did, it's just one of the many hexagrams, and it doesn't mean that it can't be changed."

"—" Yu Yuanzhou was really surprised this time. He was usually used to it by Long Yiyang, but suddenly came to a contrast to comfort him, making people feel embarrassed...

Long Yiyang sat on the wooden bench again, and said with a light smile:

"However, regarding Xu Xiaozi's current cultivation, if there are two Xuanyang realms to protect him, I am afraid it will limit his growth."

Yu Yuanzhou nodded and agreed:

"How can you become a hero without being tempered? How can you save the world without giving up day and night? A 'bird in a cage' is not the best policy at any time. Compared with what Xu Xiaoyou will face in the future, this time the relationship between Tianyuan Sect and Changhe Su clan is not the best way. War is just a commonplace trifle that cannot be brought to the fore."

Speaking of this, Yu Yuanzhou seemed to remember something, turned his head to look at Long Yiyang, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, and said with a frown:

"Although the old man can't find a way, but with your ability, how to deal with the sanctions of Tianyu Business should not be difficult, right?"

Long Yiyang didn't even bother to open his eyes, shrugged and said:
"Sanctions? Exaggerated and unnecessary."

"Isn't it necessary?" Yu Yuanzhou frowned and stared at Long Yiyang, hoping he could give him an explanation.

As if feeling Yu Yuanzhou's gaze, Long Yiyang answered in a timely manner:

"They want Xu Xiaozi to go back, so their wish is fulfilled, and it's fine to let Xu Xiaozi go back."


Yu Yuanzhou let out a long sigh, put his hands on his forehead, and said helplessly:
"Did you forget something?"

"what's up?"

"Xu Xiaoyou is still under "Qingmai Xuan's departure", how do you let him go back? "

"...How come, go back by yourself, is it possible that I need to send a flying boat from Tianyan Pavilion to pick you up? How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

Long Yiyang completely misunderstood what Yu Yuanzhou meant, with a natural expression on his face.

Yu Yuanzhou was speechless for a while, resisting the urge to start a war with these two goods, and said indignantly:

"You only said the day before yesterday that you would lock him up for a week, and it's only four days, Long Yiyang! Do you have any thoughts about what you said to yourself?"

Long Yiyang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he showed the expression "So that's what you meant".

"In the beginning, I really wanted to lock Xu Xiaozi for seven days...According to my calculations, I should just be able to break through Nirvana. But..."

He touched the back of his head, raised his jaw slightly at 45 degrees, glanced at the back, and said meaningfully:

"Who made this kid come out ahead of time?"
 At 03:30 in the morning, I just finished coding... There are still classes at the beginning of the day, and I am so confused that I don't know who I am...

(End of this chapter)

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