The queen is so fierce

Chapter 263 Nirvana Exit

Chapter 263 Nirvana Exit
The golden sun shines through the plum blossom windows, spreading a layer of dazzling colors on the floor of the empty hall.

The sound of the turbulent waves calmed down, and the huge black water lake that originally occupied 80.00% of the area of ​​the main hall shrank into a small pool two feet wide.


The calm water surface rippled, and as the bubbles rose, a figure in a black robe floated on the water.

When Xu Shoujing once again regained consciousness from the chaos, the first thing he felt was the dullness from his ears, his hands and feet were cold and his limbs were heavy, and his body seemed to be buried deep in the mud and could not move.

Compared with the sense of openness in the pure white space, Xu Shoujing clearly realized that the real world is where he is now.


Xu Shoujing opened his eyes with force, and the first thing that caught his eye was the blinding blue dragon with a 'ball in his mouth' on the ceiling.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the five claws of the Eye-Breaking Blue Dragon seem to have shifted slightly compared to when they first met.

Xu Shoujing shook his head, sobering his still dull head just after waking up.He moved his arm to swim to the shore, and turned over the stone slab of the hall with his hand.


At the moment of leaving the "Blue Nightmare Xuan Departure", the black water that brought him infinite weight, as if they had agreed with each other, flowed back into the pool without a drop.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked down at the black robe on his body.

The clothes that had felt a lot of stagnation just now were dry as if they were new from the factory, and there was no sign of being soaked at all.

"Well... of course, it's impossible to allow me to take it away..."

Xu Shoujing shrugged, listening to his regretful tone, he didn't seem to have the slightest disgust for these black waters that had tortured him to the point of unconsciousness, and even had the urge to pack it up and take it away.

Xu Shoujing didn't know that the official name of the Black Water Lake was "Qingmai Xuan Lijing", which sounded like the name of a lofty magic weapon.

But... he was stuck in the Nirvana Realm, which he couldn't successfully break through for a whole year. He just soaked in the black water of "Blue Nightmare Mysterious Leaving Realm", and he broke through.

Anyone else can't be stupid enough to think that these black waters are not treasures.

Xu Shoujing is currently in such a state. When he was tortured to the point of being separated from flesh and blood at first, his resentment towards Heishui was almost equal to that of the presiding officer of Tianyan Pavilion who had not yet met.

But after actually breaking through the Nirvana Realm and retrieving the memories that were sealed in the echoes of the soul, Xu Shoujing's gratitude to "Blue Nightmare Xuan Lijing" was even more than his gratitude to the Pavilion Master of Tianyan Pavilion.

"But then again...Is this the real Nirvana state? It feels no different from before..."

Xu Shoujing muttered to himself, as if he wanted to try this brand-new body, and clenched his fists.

He also thought that the so-called "unsullied body" would reach a certain height, but when he actually felt it, the refreshing feeling of breaking through the Nirvana state was not much different from when he took a long breath to cut off his fingernails.

Could it be that the changes of the Unsullied Body are deeply hidden?Does it need to be explored gradually in future battles to discover it?
...Then this time span is too large, or is it simply that there is a problem with the way he opens it?
Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing frowned, and thought to himself: It's useless to guess here all the time, why don't you try it first?

Hmm... You can tell at a glance that you, Young Master Xu, are the type who never read the manual and likes to fiddle with things when they buy things.

Xu Shoujing didn't hesitate, turned around and asked and walked a few steps to the corner of the hall. After confirming that it would not affect "Blue Nightmare Xuan Lijing", he slowly closed his eyes, calmed his mind, and surrounded his body. The sky does not rotate, and the ink-colored aura emerges.

About half a second after Xu Shoujing closed his eyes, layers of spiritual energy like ink appeared around him out of thin air, and the circles were light and rippled, which was much shallower than the previous power of punishment.

But this superficiality does not mean that the overall spiritual power is weakened, it should be more 'accurate' to be more accurate.

If you give a chestnut, Xu Shoujing’s power of divine punishment before Nirvana was just pouring a pot of ink into the air. It seems extremely thick but it is chaotic. It is precisely because the owner of spiritual power cannot precisely control the distribution of spiritual power. symbol of.

Now, the power of divine punishment in Nirvana is like dipping an expensive brush into ink. The ink is thick and deep, and there is no waste of any excess ink. Every stroke is strong and powerful. Constrained, there is a kind of freedom to use the pen freely.

It has been said many times before that the gap between the cultivators is not just the amount of spiritual power stored.

Even if the total value of spiritual power is barely equalized by the use of crowd tactics, it should not be a powerful opponent, but it will still be defeated.

To put it simply, it is also a point of spiritual power. If it is used by the Dragon Gate Realm, it may play a role of up to [-]%.

But if it is replaced by the Chongxiao Realm, he can use [-]% of that spiritual power, and to exaggerate it, he can even use 'one' as 'ten'.

Under the coercive constraints of the will of heaven, the Jiuzhou human race now has ten realms.

At least in the ten realms of the Heavenly Dao, the higher one climbs, the more powerful it is to widen the gap between each other. The key to victory is often the details of controlling the micro-manipulation of spiritual power.

Although Xu Shoujing said just now that the feeling is no different from before, but that was purely from a physical point of view.

After all, his physique was strong enough in the past. Originally, he could break a mountain with one punch and break a stone with one kick. Now it is said that he has become stronger, but in a short period of time, he could not find a test method that tests his physique more than breaking a mountain and breaking a stone.

Therefore, it seems that the body does not change from the senses alone.

But spirituality is different.

To be honest, at the moment when Xu Shoujing used the power of divine punishment, his mind and state of mind were severely shocked.

For a long time, as the inheritor of the bloodline of God's Punishment, Xu Shoujing's manipulation of spiritual power can be said to be extremely bad. No matter who the enemy is, the fighting method has always been 'throwing out a lot of spiritual power in one breath', or simply treating spiritual power as a Auxiliary, relying only on strong physique to fight.

Although there is also Xu Shoujing's physique factor here, I haven't been in contact with spiritual power for many years, so I don't care how to control it, so I focus on the accumulation of 'quantity', not to mention the subtle details of micro-manipulation. ,
However, there is another key factor for Xu Shoujing to follow such a simple and rude route.

——Because he witnessed Zhao Fuyao's "Extreme Night".

Pure violence, unthinkable power, no cover up, just pure power.

Everyone will yearn for the key person who has changed his life, and will have a subconscious awareness of "wanting to be like her".

Just like a patient whose life was saved by a doctor will want to become a doctor in the future; a student who is moved by a selfless teacher will want to work as a teacher in the future; a hostage saved by the police will yearn for the public servant of the people...

Although most of these wishes have deteriorated due to practical factors in the process of realization, the original intention is the same for everyone.

Xu Shoujing did the same.

Although he didn't say it, and he didn't even realize it, the path of his cultivation was actually biased towards Zhao Fuyao who brought him on the path of cultivation.

Even "Bitian Yijian" is Xu Shoujing's deduction from "Ji Ye", and he couldn't escape the simple and rude attack method of "Ji Ye" in essence.

However, Xu Shoujing didn't realize that his approach was completely wrong. While eager for success, he forgot something more fundamental.

—— Zhao Fuyao also came from his stage step by step. It is impossible to say that the style of play has been like this from the beginning.

No matter who they are, when they form their own set of fighting styles, they must first go through the process of 'from small to big' and 'from thick to thin'.

Needless to say 'from small to large', the most fundamental thing in cultivating immortals is to expand the reserves of the spiritual sea and accumulate spiritual power.

As for 'from thick to thin', the doorway here is deep.

If there hadn't been a process of changing from rough use of spiritual power to fine use of spiritual power, it would basically be the same as Xu Shoujing's before. It seemed that the special effect would be full with a single sword cut, but in fact at least 40.00% of the spiritual power was wasted.

If it were Zhao Fuyao, this would not happen at all, because she had experienced the process of 'from thick to thin' early on, and she always had a standard weight in her mind when it came to how to use her spiritual power precisely.

In addition, in the day-to-day practice, the fine control of spiritual power has long been transformed from 'conscious control' to a near-instinctive 'sense'.

In fact, when Xu Shoujing first entered Zimo, the "extreme night" that Zhao Fuyao used to break the Broken Dragon Mountain Range had only the power of the sea.

...It's no wonder, after all, after being locked in the ruins for tens of thousands of years, to be able to reach the sea level, it was only by forcibly borrowing some True Qi from Xu Shoujing.

Despite this, Zhao Fuyao's "Canghaijing Limited Edition Extreme Night" seems to be far more powerful than the two swords Xu Shoujing used to kill Immortal Tuyu last year.

This is the depth of understanding of 'spiritual power utilization', resulting in the result that the power is also affected.

In the past, Xu Shoujing had limited strength and could not appreciate the difference between the two.

Now Xu Shoujing has finally entered the state of Nirvana. At this stage of the first qualitative change for a cultivator, he has gained a new understanding of the concept of 'spiritual power'.

Xu Shoujing spent a cup of tea and carefully felt the qualitative change of spiritual power. From the meridians, blood vessels, fingertips and limbs... Every corner of the body allowed the power of divine punishment to flow through.

It gives the impression that the fierce Tibetan mastiff in the past has turned into a well-behaved Chihuahua, saying that the east will never go to the right, and the left will not go to the west.

Xu Shoujing slowly opened his eyes and sighed infinitely:
"I'm still early..."

It is a long journey, and it seems that I have only just started, and the road ahead is still very long.



Xu Shoujing pushed open the red lacquer partition door, and his front foot had just crossed the threshold when he saw Yu Yuanzhou and a strange middle-aged man looking at him at the same time on the platform below the stairs.

Yu Yuanzhou looked like he was hesitating to speak, before he had time to ask about the situation.The Taoist robed man beside him had already stood up first, his tone showing condescending joking:
"Yo, it's a lot faster than I thought, this is the breakthrough of Nirvana?"


Xu Shoujing's footsteps froze in mid-air, and he almost couldn't help blurting out "Who are you sending it to?"

However, as a four-year-old young man who is civilized and polite, it is obviously not good to speak foul language casually when dealing with unknown strangers.

Xu Shoujing scratched his cheeks, made a perfunctory "um", and then secretly observed the clothes of the man in the Taoist robe.


Anyone who sees the man in Taoist robe, I am afraid that the first conclusion will be this word.

The Taoist robe worn by the middle-aged man was a little simple, but the clothes themselves were very well made, at least no matter whether they knew it or not, they would not be regarded as a beggar gang's begging uniform.

The man's facial features are also straight, his black hair is messy and scattered to his shoulders, his body is tall and strong, and his whole body exudes an unusual and mysterious atmosphere.

Staying in front of him, it was like being stared at by a huge one-eyed eye, and there was no part of his body that was not seen through.

However, although middle-aged men are born with such capital, the management of their own image is very perfunctory.

The front of the expensive robe is open, and it is wrinkled from the sleeves to the hem; a red wine gourd is pinned to the waist, and the round surface is still dripping with wine that has not yet evaporated, which looks too casual.

Xu Shoujing thought for a moment, and after realizing that the middle-aged man should be the pavilion owner of Tianyan Pavilion, the whole person began to doubt life.

It's just this thing that makes me play around, and I'm also made to die... It's true and false.

Seeing that Xu Shoujing was silent, Long Yiyang narrowed his eyes slightly, and then smiled slowly:
"Are you thinking, 'A man like this can make a fool of himself'?"

Xu Shoujing suddenly recovered when he heard the words, and after a moment of stunned, his expression gradually stiffened.

How did he know... was it that obvious?Did I just say it unconsciously?

Regardless of Xu Shoujing's change in expression, Long Yiyang took a sip of the tea cup and said leisurely:

"What you're thinking now is, 'I didn't say it again, why would he know'."

When the words fell, Long Yiyang put the tea cup back on the small wooden table, looked at Xu Shoujing's gradually widening eyes, and sneered:
"Isn't it? I can't say exactly the same thing, but I can probably guess."

Xu Shoujing silently swallowed his saliva and asked aloud:
"This is also calculated by hexagrams?"

Long Yiyang shook his head and smiled lightly:

"You can't cast spells. You must have heard some rumors. The so-called folk physiognomy, the most commonly used are nothing more than three points, one is to observe human figures, the other is to observe celestial phenomena, and the third is to see fate."

Having said that, Long Yiyang tilted his head and glanced at Xu Shoujing, and said in a low voice:

"Those charlatans who don't practice cultivation in the mortal world understand 'looking at a person' as the most basic way of observing words and expressions. Expressions, eyes, movements... such as the deviation of the line of sight, the wiggling of the nose, the restlessness of the hands and feet. These are all It is information that can be used as a psychological judgment.”

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Why did it suddenly become scientific, this thing seems to be called 'cold reading'?

Long Yiyang withdrew his gaze and said in words that seemed to be able to read people's hearts:
"For real charlatans, that point of observation is enough. But for monks, especially those of us who have advanced in the way of Tianyan, if we want to speculate on a person's heart, the first thing to look at is not the eyes, but the spiritual power. trajectory."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment. After Long Yiyang said this, he realized that when he was frightened just now, the spiritual power in his body was deflected by a few millimeters for a moment.

No... normal, who can detect such a subtle change?
Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, this time he was really convinced, and bowed respectfully:
"Junior Xu Shoujing, I have seen my senior."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 Power outage... I use the power bank PD to supply power, and I barely wrote this chapter

(End of this chapter)

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