The queen is so fierce

Chapter 264 What is "End"

Chapter 264 What is "End"

"Junior Xu Shoujing, I have seen my senior."

Xu Shoujing seemed to have changed his personality, no longer disrespectful, and bowed respectfully.

Well... he is not a fool, the other party is obviously a master of the world, and he also brought out the heaven-defying magic weapon such as "Qingmai Xuan Lijing" to help him break through Nirvana Realm.

No matter what angle you stand in, this can be counted as a kind of support.Xu Shoujing will not take into account the feelings of the other person in the face of people who do not like him at all, but if he is a person who treats him with sincerity, he will still give him the least respect.

Long Yiyang was quite surprised by the change in Xu Shoujing's attitude, and his eyebrows raised again after easing up:

"You don't hate me?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and asked with a puzzled look:

"Why should the junior hate it? The senior didn't hesitate to take out the divine artifact of the black water, just to help the junior break the mirror... I'm too grateful for it."

The truth is this, but Qing Nightmare Xuan Lijing is not so gentle that it can be refined on the spot after eating it.

Generally speaking, if you stay in the Azure Nightmare Profound Departure Realm for more than two hours, it is basically impossible to endure the pain of burning your soul and eating your bones just by relying on your cultivation in the Dragon Gate Realm.

In fact, if Xu Shoujing really couldn't bear the pain and died, Long Yiyang didn't have the slightest sympathy.

People who can't even endure this level of pain, let alone stop the world-ending catastrophe at the "moment of the end".

According to Long Yiyang's understanding of Xu Shoujing's temperament, even if this guy understands that he is helping him, most of them will feel uncomfortable about being thrown into the Azure Nightmare Xuanli Realm to be tortured inexplicably.

On the surface, he might even look like a junior to show respect, he should thank him, and he should take a step back.

But there is a high probability in the bottom of my heart that I only feel that I owe a favor, not to mention respect from the bottom of my heart.

Long Yiyang basically never exceeded his expectations for what he had confirmed in his heart.

Whether it's a matter of life or death, or a small matter such as whether or not the teapot will splash with water.

It is precisely because of this that Long Yiyang has formed a... deformed defect in his character.

Since 90.00% of the things are within his expectations, once that one percent accident occurs, the first thing Long Yiyang feels is not the chaos of wrong predictions, nor is it rushing to think about the next step.

In short, he was excited.

Everything is expected, in other words, there are never surprises in life, which is a very boring thing for a super-aged personality defect.

And what about Xu Shoujing?

After entering the Azure Nightmare Xuan Departure Realm, he did not think about how to find the exit of darkness, nor did he fall into a panic.

He... he sat down and started to practice, and he still looked like "I can't get out anyway, so let's practice to pass the time".

After Qingmai Xuan's departure officially came into play, he initially felt the pain of 'burning the soul and eating the bones'.

Long Yiyang originally thought that it would take at least seven days for Xu Shoujing to come out. This is not nonsense, but a predetermined result he deduced based on a variety of information.

However, in fact, Xu Shoujing successfully broke through to Nirvana in just four days.

Exceeding his expectations one after another, Long Yiyang's disdainful attitude towards Xu Shoujing was also taken seriously at this moment.

For Long Yiyang, Xu Shoujing has become an 'unknown aggregate', and when he sees him, he feels agitated in his heart, and his face flushes with excitement.

... However, there are other people here who are the pavilion masters of Tianyan Pavilion in Long Yiyang, and it is necessary to maintain the necessary demeanor. It only took a few short breaths to successfully suppress the thought of continuing to play with Xu Shoujing.

"Haha..." Long Yiyang understood and laughed unconsciously.

Yu Yuanzhou, who was beside him, shuddered all over, but felt that the laughter was too intrusive, and looked at him with a stunned expression.

Aware of the sight next to him, Long Yiyang suddenly came back to his senses, only to realize that he had lost control of his expression management unknowingly.

He quickly raised his big hand, covered his eyes slightly, and then said meaningfully:

"Old friend, I finally understand why you are so optimistic about Xu Xiaozi."

Yu Yuanzhou was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, frowned and thought about the meaning of this sentence, and then said angrily:

"Long Yiyang, are you stupid? After staying for so long, and inexplicably giggle, didn't you see Xu Xiaoyou froze?"

As Yu Yuanzhou said, Xu Shoujing did freeze.

Just when Long Yiyang was staring at him, Xu Shoujing felt cold behind him for no reason, and felt uncomfortable all over.

It's as if he is no longer Xu Shoujing, but a dusty woman waiting to be selected in the brothel. Long Yiyang is a dignitary, and he unscrupulously puts his eyes on himself and swipes as he wants.

Besides, um... how should I put it, there is also a sense of fear of being targeted by a peerless swordsman and being forced to fencing soon...

No, it should be said 'infiltration' at this time.

There is no basis, but it feels real.

"Senior Yu seems to be calling Long Yiyang the master of the Tianyan Pavilion? He doesn't really have the qualities of Longyang..."

After thinking about it, the words in Xu Shoujing's mind finally converged into a sentence that made people tighten their backs, and it was difficult not to freeze.

Even if Long Yiyang could know most of the things in the world, he couldn't read Xu Shoujing's idea at this moment.

After Yu Yuanzhou's 'kind reminder', Long Yiyang clenched his fist and coughed dryly, put on a serious expression, and said solemnly:

"Let's talk about business...Xu Xiaozi, tell me what have you seen?"

Xu Shoujing's pupils shrank, but he knew in his heart that what Long Yiyang was referring to was the soul memory he had recovered.

Those things can't be told to others, but the other party is kind to him... Xu Shoujing was suddenly caught in a dilemma.

Seeing Xu Shoujing's hesitant expression, Long Yiyang raised his forehead as if he was enlightened, then waved his hand and said:

"Well...then let me ask another question. In 'there', have you ever seen the battle between destiny and punishment?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

It turns out that you all know, you all know that you still need to ask me...

That's right, Xu Wanyi's memory engraved deep in Xu Shoujing's soul is not only the forest fire that night, but also a scene where the gods fell hundreds of thousands of years ago, where he himself did not appear at all.

For a long time, Xu Shoujing just felt that it was necessary to stop the conspiracy of the End Yanjiao, but he didn't know exactly how to do it. He only knew that he kept practicing to become stronger.

However, after witnessing the end of the battle in which the gods fell, Xu Shoujing finally understood what he should do next.

He was at a loss when he couldn't find a place to start with the disaster that was about to happen in the future. In this memory retrospect, everything was cleared away, leaving only clear and clear road signs.

Xu Shoujing may not be conscious of himself, but in the eyes of others, at least in terms of atmosphere, he is different from before.

"I saw it."

Xu Shoujing sighed, looked at Long Yiyang nervously, and said seriously:

"However... I'm sorry for the disrespect of the younger generation, I can't tell you the specific things."

Because this is one of the few agreements between him and the 'mother' that only exists in the soul's memory.

- Don't get anyone involved.

Cause and effect is a very mysterious thing. Many immortals do not want to be contaminated with the world, just because they are afraid of being contaminated by cause and effect. There are no preventive measures on top of this. Self-styled to practice alone.

Let's not talk about whether the hidden mountain is the correct way to avoid the world. After all, there are three thousand avenues, and no one can assert that the way of others is wrong.

In hindsight, this method of hiding the mountain is indeed too extreme, which has been confirmed by Longyumen Kuidao.

Extremes are extremes, but it does work.

Even if it's just two strangers who don't know each other passing by, because one party makes a small change, the other person is immediately forced to be involved in the cause and effect.

A look, a breath, a pause... As long as 'you' exists, the other person can actually make a change, no matter how small or large the change is.

At the moment when the other party changes the original action, 'you' has already been involved in the cause and effect of this matter.

Of course, this is just a basic example, and in fact it is necessary to divide the cause and effect of different events, or the relationship between different people.

To put it simply, at least on the current Jiuzhou Continent, there is no means to clearly exclude oneself from cause and effect.

You don't know when you'll get stuck in it inexplicably, and you can't prevent it.

Discussed at this level, it seems... 'Hidden Mountain Retreat' is indeed the most efficient, simple to implement, and the best means to deal with cause and effect.

The same is true for the cause and effect of a certain event. If you don't want the other party to get involved in a sudden death, then don't tell the other party any information about the matter casually.

Have you seen "God's Punishment" and "God's Mandate"?
It must have been seen... But Xu Shoujing was not quite sure if he could say it.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Shoujing sighed:

"Since the seniors know what to do, don't embarrass me..."

Seeing that Xu Shoujing really had no intention of opening his mouth, Long Yiyang waved his hand in desperation:

"If you don't want to say it, forget it."

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief: "Senior can understand..."

Long Yiyang added indifferently: "Anyway, whether you say it or not, I know what you should know."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Then what are you asking me for? !

Long Yiyang glanced at Xu Shoujing, smiled secretly, and said leisurely:
"I know everything I should know, but I shouldn't know... I also know most of it. Boy Xu, do you know what the black water lake you've been soaking in for four days is?"

Xu Shoujing was slightly stunned, nodding his head and thinking:
"I think it's not a treasure of heaven and earth, but also an immortal artifact that can't be found."

"Yes, but it's not right either." Long Yiyang smiled lightly and explained aloud: "Qingmai Xuanli is a 'Five Elements Magical Treasure' handed down from the ancient times. It was naturally nurtured by heaven and earth. ...that's the way of heaven."

"...The magic weapon of the five elements?" Xu Shoujing frowned slightly, always feeling that this word was a bit familiar, as if he heard it somewhere...

"Ah!" Xu Shoujing's eyes widened, the intricate fragments in his mind were connected into a straight line.

The magic weapon of the Five Elements nurtured by nature... Isn't this what is necessary for Yaoyao to regain its prosperity?

"Xu Xiaozi, you should be looking for this thing." Long Yiyang's speech was not astonishing, and he accurately stated Xu Shoujing's purpose.

Xu Shoujing suddenly came back to his senses, and couldn't help but ask aloud, "Do you know this too?"

"Forget it." Long Yiyang calmly took a sip of the tea, waited until the tea cup was put down, and then said: "As you can see, the Azure Nightmare Xuan Lijing is an artifact of the water of the five elements. It has been established since the establishment of Tianyan Pavilion. It has always existed as a treasure of Zhenzong."

"—" Xu Shoujing was silent for a while, unable to figure out the purpose of Long Yiyang's words.

Is it to tell himself, "Qingmai Xuan's departure was uploaded by my ancestor, don't think about it", to dispel his idea?
...But if that was the case, there was no need to tell him at first that Qingmai Xuan's departure was a magic weapon of the Five Elements, and he couldn't recognize it anyway.

Like Xu Shoujing, Yu Yuanzhou also has this question. Based on his understanding of Long Yiyang, this guy is probably going to be a big one again.

Sure enough, after a short pause, Long Yiyang said amazingly:

"I can give it to you."

Xu Shoujing was surprisingly not surprised, and took a deep breath:

"What are the conditions? It's impossible to give it to me for nothing."

Long Yiyang raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and then showed the expression of "you are very good", and said with a light smile:

"Don't be so nervous, after all, Qingma Xuan Lijing is the treasure of my sect. If you give it to you for nothing, you will not suspect that there is any conspiracy, and you will not feel at ease with it."

Xu Shoujing was silent, not knowing how to react.

It's really annoying... This feeling of being seen through from the inside out without saying a few words.

Long Yiyang glanced at Xu Shoujing, saw his deep expression, and smiled lightly:
"My condition is very simple, and there is only one."

"What is it?" Xu Shoujing looked up at him.

Long Yiyang narrowed his eyes slightly and said meaningfully:
"One day in the future... stop the end at all costs, even if it means sacrificing your life. "

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and he never thought that Long Yiyang's condition was actually this.

He did not answer in a hurry, after thinking for a while, he asked in a low voice:
"Senior, after all, what exactly is "End Yan"? "

Long Yiyang was slightly surprised, and looked at Xu Shoujing up and down: "You don't know? Didn't you mention it in your memory?"

"Uh..." Xu Shoujing rubbed the back of his head and shrugged: "From the fall of the gods to the present, the Dao Yanjiao has never appeared in the long river of history, and every major event that happens doesn't seem to have anything to do with them."

Long Yiyang frowned slightly, and suddenly found that Xu Shoujing and himself did not seem to be on the same channel.

What the hell is teaching...what is it?Never heard of it, could it have something to do with "The End"?
No, not right.If it is really related to "End Yan", he saw it as early as the last "Yingtian Trigram".

Long Yiyang was rarely able to figure out the answer, while Xu Shoujing had a certain look on his face, which made people puzzled.

After a long time, Long Yiyang sighed and shook his head:
"I don't know what you misunderstood when I said "End Yan", it seems necessary to tell you what "End Yan" is. "

Xu Shoujing was slightly startled, and subconsciously frowned:
"Finally... what is it?"

Isn't that the ultimate goal of the Ending Teaching?Before those believers talked about 'detachment' and 'evolution' every day.

"Is there another end?" Xu Shoujing had a black question mark on his face.

Long Yiyang cleared his throat and said sternly:

"The so-called "end", as literally, should be the end of this world.Nine continents, ten thousand clans, five elements, heaven and earth... all will be destroyed. "

Speaking of this, Long Yiyang paused, but the next words made Xu Shoujing's eyes widen:
"That's right... everything in the world will eventually be destroyed by heaven."
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(End of this chapter)

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