The queen is so fierce

Chapter 265 Their Plans

Chapter 265 Their Plans

"Wait...what did you just say?"

Xu Shoujing felt that his mind was in a mess. It was really the impact of Long Yiyang's words on him that he couldn't turn his head for a while.

Heaven will eventually destroy everything?
But isn't the way of heaven a system that only relies on instinct to maintain order in the world, it doesn't even have self-awareness, how can it come up with the idea of ​​'destroying the world'?
In the final analysis, although the way of heaven is like the box garden, it locks up thousands of beings in the entire Jiuzhou, but that is only its instinct to maintain the balance of the world.

There are problems with the method, but the starting point is still good.

In other words, no matter what happened to the process, how bad the outcome was.

As long as the Dao of Heaven is still the Dao of Heaven, it is impossible to spontaneously want to breed destructive thoughts on the world.

If the Tao of Heaven is really likely to destroy Jiuzhou, it will only be someone who gets in the way.

It just so happened that Xu Shoujing was very familiar with those guys who were hidden in the dark, lest the world would not be chaotic.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, pressing down and still remaining restless, and asked nervously:

"Senior, is it because of the final teaching, the way of heaven will change?"

When he said this, Xu Shoujing's expression was very serious, and the peach blossom eyes that were like water also took off the arrogance of the past.

However... Long Yiyang couldn't understand what he was saying at all, and there were three question marks on his head.


What the hell is Xu Xiaozi talking about... From the very beginning, there was not a single word that left the three words 'Finally taught'.

It seems that the name has something to do with "End Yan"... why don't you ask?
After thinking about it here, Long Yiyang put on a serious look and waved to Xu Shoujing for him to come over.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and without much hesitation, he walked down the steps, walked quickly to Long Yiyang's side, and said respectfully:
"What is the senior's order?"

Long Yiyang glanced at Yu Yuanzhou who was snickering beside him, clenched his fist and coughed dryly:
"Xu Xiaozi, you have been talking about 'in the end' and 'in the end'... what exactly is that?"

Hearing this sentence, Xu Shoujing was stunned at first, and then took a step back tactically, as if he heard something incredible, his pupils were rounded, and his face was full of disbelief:
" don't know what the 'Final Teaching' is?!"

Long Yiyang frowned slightly and looked up and down at Xu Shoujing who was in the midst of the earthquake. He didn't seem to understand why this kid reacted so much, and said inexplicably:
"Do I have to know?"

"'s not necessary, how can I say..."

Xu Shoujing stretched out his index finger and scratched his cheek, looked to the left unconsciously, and said in an embarrassed tone:
"I didn't expect that you didn't even know how to teach in the end..."

The End Yan Sect is a secret organization, and not many people in the entire Jiuzhou Continent know of their existence.

At least since Xu Shoujing walked out of Yuliangzhou, apart from Su Jin, who had an old hatred with Zhanyan, he had never met anyone who knew Zhanyan.

Logically speaking, it is normal for anyone to be unaware of the existence of the Eternal Religion.

But the key point is... Long Yiyang is the pavilion owner of Tianyan Pavilion, the big guy who implements the 'Tianyan Way' to the extreme in the entire Tiannan Continent.

Looking back four days ago, from the moment Xu Shoujing stepped into Tianyan Pavilion, no matter the size of the matter, the emotions and thoughts in his heart, or the way to deal with the unknown, all of them were predicted by Long Yiyang.

Xu Shoujing felt uncomfortable when he saw Long Yiyang at first, because he didn't like it very much, and all his actions were in the sense of restraint that the other party expected.

However, just like this, Long Yiyang, who was close to the existence of 'all-knowing' in Xu Shoujing's impression, didn't know anything about the 'little things on the bad streets' of the final teaching.

You must know that there is no one around Xu Shoujing who does not know the existence of the Confucianism, and even Jiang Rongyue, who has always been out of touch with disputes, temporarily knows the name of the enemy she faces, which is called 'The Confucianism'.

"Why don't you know... Shouldn't it be?"

Xu Shoujing folded his arms in one hand and pinched his chin in the other, his peach blossom eyes revealed a bit of deepness, and it seemed that he had been hit hard.

Long Yiyang saw Xu Shoujing's face of doubt in life, and was so angry that he was full of black lines, and said angrily:

"Stop muttering nonsense there, what the hell is teaching in the end, tell me quickly, no reservations."


Xu Shoujing looked aggrieved, but in desperation, he had no choice but to tell Long Yiyang everything from his own affairs in Yuliangzhou, as long as it was about the final teaching.

Originally, he was worried about not wanting to involve Long Yiyang in the cause and effect, but now, that kind of thinking seems to be just a kind of arrogance of the client's self-satisfaction.

It should have been understood long ago that in such a world, no matter how lonely a person is, when faced with a catastrophe that can affect thousands of living beings, no one can be alone.

After listening to Xu Shoujing's remarks, Long Yiyang was surprisingly not surprised, but his eyes fell into deep thought.

It was found that Long Yiyang suddenly closed his eyes and fell asleep, and he didn't care about him at all.Xu Shoujing blinked, turned his head to look at Yu Yuanzhou as if asking for help, and pointed out his finger, which probably meant:

what is he doing

Yu Yuanzhou was still trying and making mistakes on the chessboard. After sensing Xu Shoujing's gaze, he just glanced flatly, then shook his head and said slowly:
"Don't disturb him."

When the words fell, Yu Yuanzhou ignored the two giant babies and looked at the chessboard on his own.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Do you, the worldly experts, have some flaws in your character?
Hey... It seems that people with high cultivation bases are all people with personality defects. Do I want to be a geek too?
Xu Shoujing shrugged, thinking about the mess.

As everyone knows, from the perspective of ordinary people, Xu Shoujing's inexplicable character is enough to make people feel sorry.

The blue sky is full of white clouds, and the high sun on the horizon has turned into a fiery fireball at some point, dyeing half of the clouds into burning clouds.

The square in front of the elder pavilion was silent. Looking to the left along the stairs, I could barely see an old man with a white beard sitting at a small wooden table, studying the chessboard that was about to be full.

Beside the white-bearded old man, the middle-aged Taoist priest lying on the chair closed his eyes tightly, as if his heart had lost its agitation.

The handsome black-robed boy sat on the stone steps in a daze. He looked at the half of the sky that was dyed bright red, raised his hand to his mouth, and yawned sleepily.

Speaking of which, he seems to have been out for four days... I don't know what Aunt Chu and the others are doing now...

Xu Shoujing didn't know what to think, his face suddenly stiffened, and then his heart lake trembled.

It's been four days since he came out... In other words, he didn't have contact with his family, and he lost contact for four days? ! !
... With Aunt Chu and Sister Rong Yue's worried temperament, wouldn't they have been bombed long ago?
The more Xu Shoujing thought about it, the more wrong it became, and when he regained his senses, there was already a layer of cold sweat on his back.

Or... Now play the Dragon Xun card and go back to find out the situation?



under the same sky.

At twilight, the people of the Changhe Su Clan ended their day's hard work, but they did not rush home to find their daughter-in-law on the kang, but walked together in groups on a lively street.

The road is full of people, and there are various cart shops parked on both sides of the street. Street performers, singers who sing on the piano, and passers-by who have few skills but set up a competition arena and other entertainment projects. Everything, not to mention food, the whole street is basically full of snacks.

The golden light entwined lanterns inherited a line, extending from the beginning of the road to the end, accompanied by several women of different shapes, whether they were monks from the Changhe Su Clan, they all consciously gave way to the road.

After a few women left, the street that had been quiet for a few seconds became noisy again, and it was almost time to turn "then play music, then dance" into a voice to celebrate.

Don't get me wrong, of course they are not celebrating cruel things like 'Xu Shoujing has not returned for four days, his life and death are uncertain, and everyone is happy'.

In fact, the vast majority of people in the Su Clan in the Changhe River don't even know that Xu Shoujing has left Sudu.

They...or what the people of Sudu were celebrating was the fact that the Sanjiang Wharf was put into use.

This is a special request made by Su Ren. During the trial operation of Sanjiang Wharf for more than one month, both the disciples of the Changhe Su Clan and ordinary people have actively provided assistance to Su Ren in his work. .

Sudu is still in the post-war recovery period, and there is no way to reward the people of Sudu at other levels.Su Ren had no choice but to give everyone a vacation in this way.

And Su Ren himself, with the support of Tianya Yu Clan and Su Mansion, has the most preliminary understanding of how to operate profitable facilities.

I believe that even if unexpected problems occur in the future, Su Ren will be able to solve them in a calm manner.

"Rongyue, eat less, you haven't finished eating yet."

On the streets where people came and went, Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji held hands, like two elders who 'stocked' their own children, their tone was helpless and funny.

Jiang Rongyue was holding a bunch of candied haws in her hand, and her long indigo dress was dancing in the wind. Her elegant and gentle temperament was enough to take away the attention of all men. Hibiscus hides her face, which is indescribably soft and tender.

Staying by her side is like a child taken care of by the big sister next door. She takes off the impetuousness of the past, and her heart seems to be melted.

If Jiang Rongyue feels pure and warm, then Nangong Xiaoxiao next to her gives people more of the charm that comes from her own bones.

Nangong Xiaoxiao put on a long snow-white dress with a slim fit. The placket was raised high, and the bulging dumplings seemed to jump out at any time; the long hair was combed into a unilateral ponytail and slanted on the left shoulder, and a golden hairpin Slowly glowing in the twilight, against the backdrop of the charming fair face.

When she saw Jiang Rongyue bulging her cheeks like a squirrel, she slightly blinked her long and narrow fox eyes, and persuaded a little inexplicably:

"Xiao Xuzi must have something to do with him... Didn't your uncle Yu already said that he would bring him back as soon as possible? Don't be so angry..."

Jiang Rongyue tilted her head and glanced at Nangong Xiaoxiao, her beautiful eyes full of grievances and resentments:
"I'm not angry... No, I'm angry too... I... I just can't be mad at myself."

"..." Nangong Xiaoxiao.

The language modules are loaded with problems, it seems to be very angry.

There is no doubt that turning Jiang Rongyue into her current state of worrying about gains and losses can only be done by a certain teenager who is frantically pondering whether to play Long Xun.

Nangong Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and proposed aloud:

"Why don't you play a Dragon Xun card for your uncle Yu, and then confirm the situation? Didn't she say that the result will come soon..."

If it was the usual Jiang Rongyue, I am afraid that long before she proposed 'playing the Dragon Xun card', she would have spontaneously bombarded with a series of card games, but this time she uncharacteristically did not make any statement.

No one could understand Jiang Rongyue's mood at the moment. She hadn't had a face-to-face with Xiaojing for nearly a year. Before that, she could still convince herself with 'no way, Xiaojing is in retreat' as a reason.

But now that Xu Shoujing was out of the customs, he didn't say hello again, and no matter how worried they were, he went missing.

This made Jiang Rongyue feel very frustrated. Am I thinking that Xiaojing has no weight in his heart?

...that is to say, Jiang Rongyue is still in love or a girl who likes to think wildly, and Chu Shuwan next door has long been used to Xu Shoujing like this.

After realizing that nothing would happen, Chu Shuwan put her previous worries on how to punish Xu Shoujing well when he came back... Well, let's punish the next.

Nangong Xiaoxiao always felt that Jiang Rongyue was kind-hearted, kind enough to infect her old auspicious beast.

But she didn't expect that Jiang Rongyue's mind was so slender that she casually felt lost because of some trivial matters.

"I actually understand." Jiang Rongyue suddenly said for no reason.

"Huh?" Nangong Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, then tilted her head: "Understand what?"

Jiang Rongyue pursed her thin lips, Xingmu whispered in a trance:
"Actually, I understand that Xiao Jing doesn't think that way at all. No matter what happens, my status in his heart must be greater than everything else."

"—" Nangong Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and felt that this was a bit too confident to say, and there were two 'ripe peaches' behind.

"But I just couldn't help but think about it... Will Xiaojing not like me so much in her heart? Will Xiaojing stop paying attention to me when she has other women..."

Jiang Rongyue sighed and said with deep melancholy:
"I know these things are impossible, but I just can't help thinking about it. Obviously I'm my sister, and I always get jealous because of some inexplicable things, so Xiaojing is distracted to coax me."

"..." Nangong Xiaoxiao was stunned, so you know it yourself.

In fact, whether it is Jiang Rongyue or Chu Shuwan, the hearts of the master and apprentice are far from being as strong as they appear on the surface.

The so-called jealousy is often a manifestation of inner fear of the future.

Afraid that the other party likes the new and hates the old, and that he will be abandoned, so he subconsciously uses his temper to attract the attention of the other half.

Indeed, in the eyes of outsiders, this is hypocritical, but there has never been a saint in this world.

It's normal to feel scared.

Nangong Xiaoxiao knows this well, how can you understand it in the test? Jiang Rongyue's mood is getting lower and lower, so she doesn't plan to stop on this topic:

"Don't talk about this... By the way, is the descendant of the demon hybrid still in a coma?"

Jiang Rongyue was stunned for a moment, then nodded:

"I asked Uncle Qiu to help check it again. Their souls are currently in a state where time is almost stopped. When will they wake up and see their fate."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 I fell asleep while writing... I didn't finish writing until four in the morning
(End of this chapter)

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