The queen is so fierce

Chapter 266 The Current Situation of Hengyang Continent

Chapter 266 The Current Situation of Hengyang Continent

I still remember that the unknown great master in Ranxi once said that she would fall into a deep sleep with Ranxi for about a year.

However, it has been a year since the Battle of the Long River, even if there is a little bit of error, it won't be so long without the slightest movement, right?

Jiang Rongyue didn't like that senior, and it was because of her words that Xiaojing made such a rash move.

However, Jiang Rongyue has a very good impression of Ranxi. Compared with the former, Ranxi is like a harmless little animal. Apart from making people feel pity, she really can't give birth to other negative feelings.

I hope Ranxi is all right... Jiang Rongyue thought about it and sighed unconsciously.

Nangong Xiaoxiao had a panoramic view of Jiang Rongyue's expression. She didn't know what she was thinking of. Her narrow and fox eyes were slightly hesitant.

"Actually... there may be a place that can wake up Ranxi."

Jiang Rongyue froze slightly when she heard the words, then turned her head to look at Nangong Xiaoxiao, wondering:


In Nangong Xiaoxiao's mind, a certain arrogant figure in a white dress and phoenix eyes appeared in her mind, she laughed dryly with lingering fears, and said:

"Little girl Ranxi is the demon queen, and she has both the bloodline of the demon race and the demon race. For the time being, the demon race is already extinct. But the demon race has been alive and well for thousands of years, even if they lose. Compared to the days of Tianzhu, it has dropped a lot, at least it still exists in the Nine Provinces Continent."

Jiang Rongyue nodded if she understood something, and her beautiful eyes suddenly said:
"Do you want to take Ranxi to the demon clan to see if they can cure it?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao let out an "um", a little absent-minded.

What is 'I think', I, Nangong Xiaoxiao, is also a thousand-year-old monster. Does it look like the kind of Chenghuang who has nothing to do and makes trouble for himself?
Not all that woman...

Thinking of this, Nangong Xiaoxiao let out a long sigh, but her thoughts returned to last night.
The night wind lifted the dead leaves scattered in the promenade, and the white and quiet moonlight sprinkled between the shadows of the trees, vague and dreamy.

Nangong Xiaoxiao held the fragrant squid skewers in one hand and a paper bag stuffed with squid in her arms, squinting her crescent-shaped eyes, and jumped into the small courtyard.

"It's so good to be open~ I used to get around a few dishes, but now I finally have other snacks~ As far as Xiao Xuzi is concerned, this is the only thing he did well... Do you want to reward him later?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao walked towards her room with a happy expression, humming a complicated little song from time to time, and it seemed that she was in a really good mood.

But it didn't take long for her smile to freeze on her face.

For tomorrow's celebration, the lanterns hanging at the corners of the eaves have not yet been lit. There is an old tree to block the light source, and the small courtyard is dark and gloomy. .

At this time, a gust of cold wind blew, and Qingyue hid in the clouds, and the only remaining light disappeared.

Hmm... Now it's not a question of darkness and gloom, at least from Nangong Xiaoxiao's perspective, it's not much different from the coffin board.

A woman appeared in front of Nangong Xiaoxiao's eyes, a woman who made Cheng Huang instinctively fear.

She was wearing a snow-white dress without traces of light gauze, her long black hair blended with the night, and it was draped behind her like a waterfall. The art treasures that are born can't find other adjectives except perfect.

The woman in the white dress is very tall, her tall twin peaks are held up by her arms, which hold up the front and back curves of the whole dress; she leans her back on the door frame, her phoenix eyes are indifferent and calm, as if she was born Standing on the apex of all beings, people are unconsciously willing to worship.

"..." Nangong Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say. It was obvious that during the few years since the Empress returned to Jiuzhou, her cold and arrogant personality had been improved a lot under Xu Shoujing's 'correction'.

Only when facing himself, he still has a sense of seeing people from the bottom of his heart... taking Cheng Huang as an ant.

While Nangong Xiaoxiao froze, the biting night wind stopped, the clouds above his head dispersed, and the bright moon once again shone down on the earth.

Zhao Fuyao's face lined the moonlight, his eyes swept indifferently on Nangong Xiaoxiao's body, and his tone was calm and authentic:
"I have something for you to do."

Hearing this, Nangong Xiaoxiao's frightened consciousness was forcibly recalled, and it took a few seconds to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Then, the blankness in Nangong Xiaoxiao's eyes dissipated, her pupils were rounded, and she said:
"Wh...what's the matter?"

Oh my God!

The goddess of heaven didn't even call herself "the emperor" in front of her. What kind of west wind was blowing, and the sun was blown away...

Oh, it's night and there's no sun, so that's fine.

Seeing Nangong Xiaoxiao's exaggerated appearance, Zhao Fuyao frowned inexplicably, and said calmly:
"Are you going to do it or not?"

"...Well, do it! Definitely do it!"

Nangong Xiaoxiao had an expression of "I am the most loyal friend of the Empress," but secretly slandered in her heart:

If I don't want to do it, I also have the right to refuse...

Aware of Zhao Fuyao's scrutinizing gaze, Nangong Xiaoxiao shook her little head, and quickly put her rotten thoughts behind her, and immediately said righteously:

"If you have something to do, just tell me."

Zhao Fuyao nodded and said solemnly:
"I want you to take that demon, Hou Yi, to Hengyang Continent, and take Jiang Rongyue with you."

Nangong Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment. Hearing that Jiang Rongyue was also involved, he forgot his fear and asked subconsciously:
"Why bring Jiang Rongyue? No... No, I mean why bring Ranxi to Hengyangzhou."

It is natural for Nangong Xiaoxiao to feel doubts. With her knowledge of Hengyang Continent, at least for now, it is definitely not suitable for a place where people from the Dragon Gate realm are swaying around.

Hengyang Continent is located in the northwest of Tiannan Continent. It is one of the many intercontinental continents in Jiuzhou. Except for Yun Ao Continent, there are few intercontinental continents where humans and monsters coexist.

However, compared to Yun Aozhou, which attaches great importance to business development, the two clans in Hengyangzhou are not so harmonious.

The two races of shemales and demons in Yun Aozhou were mixed in each city. Whether it was shopping on the street, purchasing a yard, or other activities, there was no specific distinction between the shemales and the demons.

Even if it is a big sect with a better reputation, it will definitely set up a peak for the demon clan, and ask the elders of the demon clan to teach at a high salary, so as to prevent the demon clan disciples from being overtaken by the human race.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yun Aozhou is the only social system that is closest to the 'Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth' since ancient times.

On the other hand, Hengyang Continent, which is not far from Yun Ao Continent, although the two races on the continent are not inferior to Yun Ao in terms of numbers, the racial awareness between them is still as deep as it is carved into their bones.

All the tribes of Hengyang Continent live on the east side of the continent, while the remaining monster tribes live in groups on the west side of the continent.It can be said that there is no trade between them. Once a small friction occurs, it will soon turn into a war concerning the dignity of the race under the influence of the authorities.

Later, Yun Aozhou couldn't stand it anymore as a neighbor, so he ran over to build a neutral capital on the dividing line between the two clans - Biyun Immortal Mansion.

Since that year, it was the first time that interracial communication had occurred on the vast land of Hengyang Continent.

But it just appeared. The relationship between the human and the monsters has not changed in any way just because of a neutral capital.

After all, if it wasn't for the major chambers of commerce in Yun Ao Continent, holding the gate of Hengyang Continent's import, they would not even agree to build a neutral capital... This kind of ridiculous thing.

Even if the Biyun Immortal Mansion clearly forbids any disputes between the two clans, the open and secret fights behind the scenes are definitely not a minority.

For example, the anecdotes that Biyun Immortal Mansion once posted as a typical example, such as 'Monster merchants deliberately raise prices for human necessities', 'Human restaurant shopkeepers secretly put flies in the meals of Yaozu guests', etc...

Things like this are not too big, but they are enough to cause resentment. Every day, things happen in every corner of Biyun Immortal Mansion.

Every conflict made people nervous to the point of thinking that a war was about to break out, but every time, the Biyun Immortal Mansion's law enforcement team was surprisingly calm.

Over time, there was a precedent for understanding each other and forming a family in the minds of the two human and demon clans in Biyun Immortal Mansion.

The first pair of shemales and demons naturally aroused the full denial of the surrounding people. Both sides were not stingy, and they wished to expel the people or demons on the spot.

But after the second pair, the third pair, and even the first pair of hybrids were born.

The two clans in Biyun Immortal Mansion gradually became harmonious. Although they still disliked each other, there was still someone who could proudly say something like this—

"Although I hate your monster clan the most, if it wasn't for this breaking of the rules, I would have wanted to expel all of you without leaving all of you. No... However, you are not all flaws, and you also have a little bit of advantage that has not been ignored. Found... only a tiny bit!"

...I believe that the demon clan who heard this sentence must be full of question marks.

People can't, at least they shouldn't.

In this way, although the process is difficult and accompanied by stumblings, Hengyangzhou has always been developing in a positive direction over the years.

I believe that it is only a matter of time before it becomes the same as Yun Aozhou.

...if the demon god jidan didn't show up.

After the battle between Tianyuan Sect and Changhe Su Clan, about half a year ago, the demon god Jidan, who was still missing, dedicated himself to Hengyang Continent.

No one knows why he chose Hengyang, perhaps because he saw the savagery of the demon clan there, and felt that Hengyang Continent was the most suitable place to lead the demon clan; or he simply felt that the harmony between human and demon was too stupid, as a demon clan. The grandfather and grandfather of my grandfather want to break this unbearable delusion of peace by asserting their identity.

No matter what the reason is, I believe that Jidan's purpose has already been achieved.

There was a lead that could be ignited at any time between the demon clan and the human clan.But Jidan's sudden arrival changed his body and turned into a detonator. With a "bang", the entire battle situation in Hengyang Continent was completely detonated.

Today's Hengyang is no longer an intercontinental, but a huge chessboard with black and white abandoned pieces.

Jidan manipulated the demon clan in an attempt to win the first battle belonging to the demon clan in Jiuzhou. The human race in the whole world did not want to see such a situation, so they sent their disciples to confront it.

Both of them wanted to negotiate, but they did not use their top combat power, and watched their clansmen and disciples die without changing their wishes.

Just like the human race is afraid of the demon gods, they are afraid of the top combat power of the entire human race, and they are not sure that they will not fall into the disadvantage at all.

In fact, when Jidan had just unsealed, there was a terrifying woman with the same strength as him, who easily tied his domain.

The war in Hengyang Continent has continued to this day. Except for the orders of the sect, there are no loose cultivators or other monks who are willing to go to Hengyang Continent to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers.

Even the old Taoist who likes to travel around, hides far away when he sees Hengyangzhou, for fear of being implicated in half.

In such a turbulent situation, any spontaneous trip to Hengyang Continent can be regarded as an unthinkable suicide.

One thing to say, Nangong Xiaoxiao is actually not very afraid. No matter how much water she goes into, she can't change the essence of being a monster of auspicious beasts.

The Tianzhu era like Chenghuang is only a legendary bloodline, and it is placed in Hengyang Continent where the demon gods are now sitting...

It must be regarded as a national first-class protected animal. Eating and drinking spicy food is the most basic tribute, at least it will not be bossed as it is now.

Don't say that it is to do one thing, it is estimated that it is not a problem to do ten things.

Of course, when Nangong Xiaoxiao was alone, Ranxi, who barely brought a descendant of a demon, shouldn't hurt.

The problem lies with Jiang Rongyue...Jiang Rongyue's talent can only be regarded as above-average among the human race. To put it bluntly, with her current cultivation speed, no matter how hard she works for 100 years, she will not be able to catch up with Xu Shoujing's level of genius.

Throwing this human race into the battlefield of the melee between human and monster... Isn't that the same as sheep entering the tiger's mouth?

Thinking of this, Nangong Xiaoxiao tried several times to let Her Lady Empress take her life back, but she stopped talking several times before she dared to speak.

If you haven't seen the "extreme night" that destroys the entire mysterious world, you will never know how scary the name of the female emperor is.

Nangong Xiaoxiao was still in her infancy at the time, and she had never seen it with her own eyes.But just by looking at the appearance of the elders in the family, who almost died of shock when they talked about the tigers and heard their names, one can probably imagine what kind of tragic situation it was.

In the eyes of today's people, the demon god Jidan is an ancient demon who has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, and when he comes out, he wants to stir up disputes.

But in the eyes of the demon clan who know the past history, he is a tragic character who wants to seek justice for the clan, but is sealed, and wants to avenge the blood and vengeance of the deceased clan.

Zhao Fuyao didn't have amnesia, she should be very aware of Jidan's revenge, but she still wanted Jiang Rongyue to risk her life.What the hell is she thinking?
Nangong Xiaoxiao swallowed her saliva, and glanced at Zhao Fuyao's face secretly. She finally gathered up her courage and said carefully:

"If you just want to ask the demon clan for help... Isn't Yun Aozhou and Donghuang Continent okay too... The demon clan over there is more friendly to the human clan..."

Seeing Nangong Xiaoxiao like this, Zhao Fuyao knew what she was thinking without guessing, and frowned slightly:
"With Jiang Rongyue's current cultivation speed, it will not be long before Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing open the gap."

Zhao Fuyao paused, Xu Shoujing's face appeared in his mind, his phoenix eyes softened a bit:

"At that time, it would be foolish to want to catch up with her talent. The relationship between her and Xu Shoujing will definitely evolve into a situation where she is not old and has a rosy face... Do you think Xu Shoujing's character will accept it?"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiaoxiao couldn't figure out what Zhao Fuyao meant, and asked suspiciously:

"Then what do you mean?"

"Jiang Rongyue needs a sharp change." Zhao Fuyao regained his calm in an instant, and said indifferently: "The opportunity for the sharp change lies in Hengyangzhou."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
 The title is wrong and can't be changed, it's "Recent situation in Hengyangzhou"

(End of this chapter)

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