The queen is so fierce

Chapter 267: The Last Teachings Don't Exist?

Chapter 267: The Last Teachings Don't Exist?

It was already dark, Qingyue climbed the branches, and the immortal bird flapped its wings after a busy day and returned to the nest with exhaustion.

The squirrel's tail, which was holding a pile of chestnuts, was bent into a spring, and after being pressed down for a few seconds, it turned into an afterimage, and disappeared into the tree hole without a trace.


The square in front of the elder pavilion lasted for most of the day, and was completely broken by a sharp sound of falling.

Xu Shoujing leaned against the corner of the stone steps, bowing his head and forehead because of drowsiness.

After hearing the sudden sound that pierced the eardrum, the whole person was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and the consciousness that was about to fall into chaos became clear again.

Xu Shoujing looked left and right, his peach blossom eyes were at a loss.

He looked in the direction of the voice, but found that Yu Yuanzhou was staring at the bloodshot pupils, staring at the chessboard that had changed greatly, the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably, and he almost wrote excitement on his face.

Xu Shoujing blinked, tilted his head slightly in confusion, hesitated, and asked aloud:

"...Senior Yu?"

Hearing someone calling his name, Yu Yuanzhou suddenly woke up, as if he had just realized where he was.

He quickly clenched his fist and coughed dryly, making a serious appearance:

"It's just to solve Long Yiyang's little chess game, Xu Xiaoyou, you are too fussy, this is nothing to the old man."


Xu Shoujing opened his mouth, not knowing what to answer for a while.

He is not disgusted with being arrogant, and saying that he should not be very honest with his body is a kind of cuteness in itself.

It's like asking you to get out with a cold face, saying "it's over", but when you really leave, there is no female teacher who grabbed the corner of your shirt without saying a word.

Or the protagonist in the book accidentally travels through reality, unwilling to admit that she likes God the Father, but she is not disgusted by the act of intimacy.

...Xu Shoujing has always liked the role of Aojiao, the older the better, the little girl type of golden retriever Aojiao is not that tasteful.

However, if he likes it, he likes it, but that doesn't mean... He is willing to see an old man blushing. If it weren't for the world of immortal cultivation, he would have been buried long ago at his normal age.

A woman's Aojiao makes people's heart pounding, and the old man's Aojiao is also quite 'moving', but it's the kind of heart-wrenching that permeates people.

Seeing Xu Shoujing's eyes full of disgust, Yu Yuanzhou's Gujing Bubo's mood rarely fluctuated... Why is Xu Xiaoyou so disrespectful that an old man can't come down from the stage.

Yu Yuanzhou coughed dryly and looked around, pretending to look around at the scenery:
"Hey... Strange, what about Long Yiyang... Why didn't you see anyone?"

The tone is blunt and the lines are good to read. This acting is not a class, it is at most a group performance.

"——" Xu Shoujing was silent, his expression distorted as if he was forced to watch 54 episodes of a bitter drama starring a traffic star.

Seeing this, Yu Yuanzhou was also silent. He found that since the beginning of "Aojiao Lines", it seemed that no matter what he did next, the air around him would freeze to the point of embarrassment.

At this moment, the thoughts in the hearts of one old and one young man present miraculously overlapped, like a tacit understanding of close friends who have been with each other for many years:
"Come and save a 'hero'..."

After four breaths, the 'Hero' sat up from the reclining chair and stretched out against the moonlight, his face as tired as if he had just been on the battlefield.


Two lines of sight were locked on Long Yiyang's body at the same time. The latter's cultivation base has long since become a saint. Even if you don't look at it, you can feel who the owner of the line of sight is.

Long Yiyang stretched out his hand and rubbed the wrinkled eye circles, his tone was a little impatient:

"What are you doing? I'm already very tired. If you have something to say, say it directly."

The pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion is as arrogant and arrogant as always. If it is normal, if he hears his tone, he would have to say something about Yu Yuanzhou's character:
"How come you, the dignified master of a sect, don't even have the slightest sense of taking the lead? How can you set an example for your disciples like this?"

In fact, Long Yiyang has even thought about his rebuttal. As long as Yu Yuanzhou speaks according to the established lines, he will immediately refute skillfully:

"I can't be the suzerain, can you do it?"

As long as he hears this sentence, Yu Yuanzhou will definitely fall into silence, and finally let it go.

In addition to his own strength, the leader of a sect must have sufficient commanding ability and management ability. Whether he can set an example for his disciples is the second thing.

A true cultivator may draw nutrients from other people's avenues, but he will never copy it without any thought.

Copying is a simple and easy way, but at least it doesn't go very far on the spiritual path.

Some children's shoes here may have doubts. Yu Yuanzhou does not have the perverted hexagram deduction spells like Long Yiyang, but if it is only the commander's ability and management ability, on the surface, it seems to be much better than Long Yiyang?

Be confident and remove the 'seem'.

Yu Yuanzhou really does not have the ability to predict the future, and the avenues he cultivates have little to do with deductions.

But if Yu Yuanzhou was in charge of Tianyan Pavilion, the scale of Tianyan Pavilion would only be larger than it is now, and the treatment and overall strength of the disciples would definitely rise in a downward trend.

Yu Yuanzhou will be silent because being a suzerain means that his reputation will be known to outsiders no matter what.

Coincidentally, Yu Yuanzhou has a reason why he must never show his face, which is why he came back to Tianyan Pavilion and played a hundred years of chess games with his old friends who had been around when he was young.

The name Yu Yuanzhou, literally, has 'disappeared' on the territory of Jiuzhou forever.

... Because of this, on the basis of knowing all this, Long Yiyang deliberately used these words to run on Yu Yuanzhou, which was extremely bad.

I am afraid that I have searched every corner of Jiuzhou in the world, and only Yu Yuanzhou is willing to be a friend of Long Yiyang.

If that's not love...cough.

However, Long Yiyang is not completely heartless, he just used 'you go, you go' to turn Yu Yuanzhou back, and it will not touch the psychology too much.

However, although the plot has been drawn up, what happened next surprised Long Yiyang.

Yu Yuanzhou didn't come up to scold himself, but looking at his eyes, he was as eager as he was watching a 'hero's debut'.


Everyone in Long Yiyang was stunned, this old man played chess and scared his head stupid?That's not the right reaction...

Long Yiyang was frightened by Yu Yuanzhou's gaze, he turned his head angrily, and looked at Xu Shoujing with the thought of escaping...

"(ω)" Xu Shoujing.

"..." Long Yiyang.

During my deduction of the Great Thousand astrology, what the hell did you two do? !
Long Yiyang couldn't understand it, and he was shocked.

It's no wonder that Long Yiyang couldn't understand Xu Shoujing's feelings. Who would have thought that not long ago, a "Children's Tsundere Drama: Hmph, I...I'm not..."

I vomited thinking about it.

When the air of two normal people freezes, an abnormal person comes out and inserts his hand, which can often dissolve the embarrassing air.

We generally refer to this kind of person as a 'funny person'.

In order to prevent Long Yiyang from reacting that he was regarded as a heartless man, Xu Shoujing thought for a while, stepped forward quickly, and asked with a smile:
"Senior Long, it's been a whole day, what are you doing?"

Long Yiyang always felt that this kid had bad intentions, but it was because of his words that he had to re-deduce it, and reluctantly replied:

"The ultimate teaching in your mouth, I have never seen it in the "Yingtian Trigram", so it should not exist.But it doesn't look like you're lying..."

Xu Shoujing was stunned, and answered naturally:
"Of course I didn't lie, the sect of the end does exist. Senior Long, you have to believe me..."

Long Yiyang raised his hand to stop Xu Shoujing from continuing, sighed lightly, his eyes speechless:

"What's the hurry? I didn't say I didn't believe it. I just did the math again to confirm the existence of the Confucianism."

Xu Shoujing pondered for a while, and asked humbly, "What was the result? Did senior see the hexagram of the final teaching?"


Long Yiyang was rarely hesitant about the result of his deduction, and pondered:
"There is no change, there is no scene in "Ying Tian Tribulation" where the teaching of the end of the world appears.And from the looks of it, it's not as simple as if the sect of the end of the world didn't participate in the world-annihilation catastrophe, it's more similar to the fact that it didn't exist from the beginning..."

When Xu Shoujing heard this, he was completely shocked.
"Why is this happening? Senior Long, I can swear with the heart of the Tao that the sect of the end does exist..."

If there is no teaching of the end, then what has he been fighting... fighting with the air?

The leader of the Zhanyan Sect had spoken to him in the air, and Su Jin's wife had indeed died at the hands of the Zhanyan Sect.

Qiu Ji, Jiuxiao, Su He, Tu Yu... Along the way, how many people around him have had a relationship with ZJJiao, and now tell him that ZJJQ doesn't exist?

Could it be that the Church of the End is these imaginary organizations?This is too ridiculous...

More importantly, Long Yiyang is an almighty standing at the peak of the Way of Heaven, and the predictions he made will definitely play a key role in the future when the world-destroying catastrophe comes.

If for some reason, this prophecy skill is forcibly sealed, it will undoubtedly be a fatal blow to Xu Shoujing's side.

Without intelligence, it means being passive.

In the battle implicated in the fate of Jiuzhou, a little bit of carelessness may lead to self-destruction.

In this regard, Xu Shoujing really did not dare to relax, even if he swears by Dao Xin, he must convince Long Yiyang that there is a sect of the end.

Anyway, his Dao Heart is not as heavy as others. On the day when Dao Heart is really broken, it is estimated that the whole Jiuzhou is finished, and the side effects such as stagnation of cultivation base will appear.

"Don't be in such a hurry, just listen to what I have to say." Long Yiyang rubbed his ears speechlessly, his ears hurt by Xu Shoujing's remarks.

Seeing this, Yu Yuanzhou secretly laughed: Do you also have today?
Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, calmed the heart lake a little, and quietly waited for Long Yiyang to say the following.

Long Yiyang pondered for a moment, then pondered: "In "Ying Tian Tribulation", there is no figure of the End Yan Jiao... Although it is not ruled out that it is because the calculation is too hasty this time, and there are too few things to see.I will also take some time to prepare the perfect altar after that, and count it again from start to finish. "

He looked up at Xu Shoujing and said solemnly:

"However, I have confidence in my spells. Even if I'm not in a complete state, what I see is basically the same. There is no final teaching in "Ying Tian Tribulation", which is an indisputable fact.

Having said that, I don't see any reason for you to lie to me, so there is only one possibility left. "

"Gulu..." Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled, and his nervousness was evident: "A possibility?"

"That's right, to be able to find the only existence in the world without being observed by the heavens..."

Long Yiyang narrowed his eyes slightly, but his eyes were locked on Xu Shoujing, and he slowly raised his fingers.

Seeing Long Yiyang pointing at him, Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment. Before feeling wronged and puzzled, he first could not figure out what he meant, and said in surprise:
"I still have this ability?"

Long Yiyang shook his index finger as a matter of course, rejected Xu Shoujing's speculation, and corrected:

"It's you, but not you either."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Can you say something that normal people can understand?
Long Yiyang seemed to see through Xu Shoujing's mind, coughed dryly, and explained:
"All beings are equal under the Dao of Heaven, and no one can do anything that is beyond the Dao of Heaven's expectations...except for the blood of God's Punishment."

Xu Shoujing said "Oh" numbly, he was too lazy to be surprised at why Long Yiyang knew his bloodline and identity.

If Long Yiyang said that Xu Shoujing was not from the blood of the gods, the latter might be shocked.

Mainly because the front has been seen through to that point, and I'm really used to it, so I'm not surprised.

But then again, the bloodline of Heaven Punishment can not be observed by the Heavenly Dao, and the teaching of the final Yan can not appear in the "line of sight" of Senior Long, so...

Xu Shoujing thought for a long time, and his heart gradually sank:
"You mean to say, if the Religion of the End really exists, it is most likely organized by the Heaven Punishment Clan?"

Xu Shoujing's conjecture is not a problem to think from a general perspective, but Long Yiyang waved his hand and denied:
"That's just a possibility, boy Xu, ask yourself, according to what you said, the ultimate teaching is to get your strength and to entangle you again and again.

If they are really organized by the blood of the gods, why do they need to recruit you now? "

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing realized that the logic didn't make sense, it was his thinking that had entered a dead end.

Seeing that Xu Shoujing understood his words, Long Yiyang pondered for a moment and said:

"You still underestimate the influence of the bloodline of Heaven Punishment. If the Destiny Clan is born with the common sense of the world, the Punishment Bloodline of that day has the power to distort common sense."

Xu Shoujing blinked and asked in a low voice, "What do you mean..."

Long Yiyang glanced at him and said calmly:
"If the sect of the end of the world disappears, it will be based on the fact that your bloodline of Heavenly Punishment has affected the "Ying Heavenly Tribulation".There are only three possibilities. One is that at some point in the future, you took the initiative to interfere with the way of heaven and cover up the secret through the power of punishment. "

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and felt that the possibility was not very high. It would not help him to help Yan Yan to cover up the secret. Even his future self should not do anything to help the enemy.

"What about the second one?"

Long Yiyang pondered for a while, "Secondly, the entire Heavenly Dao was destroyed by "Ying Heavenly Tribulation", which also involved the participation of your Heavenly Punishment bloodline, otherwise it would be impossible for Heavenly Secrets not to be written. "

"..." Xu Shoujing.

This one is even more outrageous than the previous one. He wants to be a savior, not a demon king. It's okay to be an accomplice directly.

"What about the third option?" Xu Shoujing directly ruled out the first two possibilities and instead asked sincerely.

"The third is..." Long Yiyang hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should tell him.

If it is said that if the current route is continued, the mysterious organization of the End of the World will not appear in the event of "Ying Tianjiao", and now the End of the Church actually exists.

This shows that... in the past, there was a clan of the blood of the gods who made the 'Sect of the End' that did not exist into a 'actual existence'.

Since then, the reason why the Heavenly Dao Society has allowed this unstable factor to continue to this day also makes sense.

Because from the beginning, it is impossible for Heaven to see the "end".
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

 The last few chapters don't seem to be writing about cultivating immortals, like writing decryption. All kinds of suspense points are thrown out to make the protagonist think. There are a bit too many puff pastry, and I'm afraid to wrap myself in it, and it's not over yet ( ╥╯^╰╥)
(End of this chapter)

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