The queen is so fierce

Chapter 268 Yu Yuanzhou's Entrustment

Chapter 268 Yu Yuanzhou's Entrustment
Time cannot be reversed, just like a river cannot flow backwards, this is the common sense of the world.

If in the era of Tianjue thousands of years ago...or even in the distant Ragnarok of the Gods, there really was such a Tianjue clan who was active in the dark.

And his existence has changed the pattern of the "Ying Tian Jie" astrological pattern, making the clear future become hazy and blurred, even Tian Yan Pavilion Pavilion Master Long Yiyang can't understand.

In Long Yiyang's cognition of history, there seems to be only one person from the Heavenly Punishment tribe who has such strength and can do it...

But that person's name...

"Hey..." Long Yiyang took back his thoughts of wandering beyond the sky, sighed and shook his head.

The thoughts just now are just inferences in the final analysis, and there is no solid basis at all. If you say it casually, it will only make Xu Xiaozi uneasy.

The specific result is still to wait for the altar to be prepared, and then to recalculate the astrology.

Thinking of this, Long Yiyang glanced at Xu Shoujing with a blank face, and waved at him.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, took a step forward with an unsure look, and said:
"What is the order of Senior Long?"

Long Yiyang yawned, twisted his body to find a comfortable position for himself to lie down, and then waved his hand in disgust:

"I don't have anything to tell you, I've said everything that needs to be said. Hurry back and stop the group of people in your family from going crazy. I, Tianyan Pavilion, don't have so much capital to spend with Tianya Yu Clan."

Saying that, Long Yiyang glanced behind him as if unintentionally.

As if he could feel his realization, Yu Yuanzhou turned around casually, as if he didn't know anything and was just looking at the scenery.

Xu Shoujing didn't notice the secret interaction between the two old men. After hearing a certain sentence from Long Yiyang, the whole person fell into contemplation.

Is the family crazy?
what home...


Xu Shoujing's eyes widened, showing a sudden realization.

Yeah, how could I forget about this.

How long they had been unconscious in the Qingmai Xuanli Mirror, Aunt Chu and the others were so worried.

At this moment, he might have been thinking about it, and he might have to mobilize the army to pacify the Tianyan Pavilion.

"Then... why don't I leave first?" Xu Shoujing glanced at Long Yiyang and said in a somewhat uncertain tone.

On the contrary, Long Yiyang looked like he didn't care at all, closed his eyes tightly, and did not respond to Xu Shoujing's words. It seemed that he acquiesced.

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief, and was in a hurry to leave. He didn't even bow his hands properly, and said casually, "The junior will retire first", and then hurried away in the direction of the stone steps without turning his head.


At this moment, Yu Yuanzhou's thick voice sounded from behind, followed by the sound of vigorous footsteps.

Xu Shoujing's front legs stagnated as he stepped forward, he turned around halfway, and said doubtfully:
"Senior Yu, do you still need the junior to do anything?"

"It's nothing, I'll send it to you." Yu Yuanzhou glanced at Long Yiyang, who was smiling but not smiling, and immediately squeezed out a smile that was not smiling, and walked to Xu Shoujing's side.

Xu Shoujing held the question mark on his head and held it back for a long time, but he could only follow the other party's meaning:
"Then thank you Senior Yu..."

Alas... all fools know that it is definitely not as simple as "send and send", but who made him a junior.
Thousands of birds and all-rounders.

The lonely stone road twists and stretches, and only two figures walk down side by side.


Every few steps, Xu Shoujing silently glanced at Yu Yuanzhou beside him, wanting to observe his reaction.

It's been almost a stick of incense since he descended the mountain, and Yu Yuanzhou didn't say anything other than the first sentence "send a little friend".The whole process maintained a look of hesitating to say anything, and the eyebrows twitched, as if there were endless things to tangle.

Seeing that Yu Yuanzhou was reluctant to speak like a nostalgic girl, Xu Shoujing had no choice but to keep silent. There was no way, who made him my junior.

After walking for another quarter of an hour, seeing that the archway at the bottom of Tianyan Pavilion Mountain could be seen at the end of his line of sight, Xu Shoujing sighed deeply, and couldn't help asking aloud:
"Senior Yu, what exactly are you looking for me for?"

Yu Yuanzhou's big hand hidden under his sleeve robe shrank suddenly, as if he had been tested the immobilization technique. Jian Lang's body was stretched straight in place, and the whole person was motionless.

Xu Shoujing just didn't react. He was brought in by Yu Yuanzhou's rhythm. He subconsciously fixed his body, but he still took a step forward.In addition to the confusion of logic, I almost fell every time I stumbled

A dignified cultivator in the Nirvana realm can be regarded as a great power when placed in a general loose cultivator.

If you can trip yourself up and spread it out, it will wipe out the big teeth in the industry.

When Xu Shoujing realized that his body was dumping in front of the stone steps, he quickly waved his arms and pulled back the tendency of his body to fall down.

"Scared me..."

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief.Before he regained his senses, Yu Yuanzhou, who was beside him, seemed to have finally ended his long struggle, and let out a dry cough:
"Xu Xiaoyou, this old man does have something I want you to do for me."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, turned his back to Yu Yuanzhou and rolled his eyes, and said with contempt in his heart:

"Wouldn't it be over already?"

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing said respectfully as if he had "changed his face" after turning around:
"Although seniors say, as long as juniors can do it, they will do their best."

Yu Yuanzhou showed the expression "I'm relieved if you say that", sighed in relief, and took out something from his sleeve robe and handed it to Xu Shoujing.

Xu Shoujing always felt that Yu Yuanzhou's smile was not at ease, but he took the things in his hands and looked at them carefully.

It was a pitch-black stone tablet. Although it was a stone, it was as light as dry wood, and the size was only about half the size of Xu Shoujing's palm.

The surface of the stone tablet is uneven and looks disordered and disordered.But these intricate grooves and protrusions formed seemingly complex and strange patterns, and it could be vaguely seen that it was an unknown bird animal.

Xu Shoujing held the stone tablet and weighed it a few times in his hand, and cast a suspicious look at Yu Yuanzhou:
"Senior, this is..."

Yu Yuanzhou clenched his fist and coughed dryly, and said solemnly:

"Aren't you going to Yun Aozhou? Please help me give this brand to Yu Mohe, the current patriarch of the Tianya Yu Clan."

Xu Shoujing's pupils were slightly stagnant, and he said inconceivably:

"Senior Yu, are you originally from the Tianya Yu Clan?"

Is that so... When they first met in Hongxi Mansion, he ruled out the possibility that Yu Yuanzhou was a member of the Yu clan... I didn't expect it to be the correct answer.

"Old things, don't mention it..."

Yu Yuanzhou's expression was a little embarrassed, he quickly waved his hand and changed the subject:
"You don't need to go into the rest. Give this brand to Yu Mohe, and the Yu family will treat you as a guest. It should be of great help to your trip to Yun Ao."

"Oh..." Xu Shoujing frowned, tentatively agreeing to Yu Yuanzhou's request.

There was only one thing he couldn't understand. If it was just to help deliver a courier... Is it necessary for Yu Yuanzhou to struggle for so long?
 First, a small chapter, and tell you that I am still alive (covering my face)
  I'm too busy, I really don't have time to update, it is estimated that the update will be restored, and there is no way to stabilize how many words every day.

  I'm thinking now, should I change the update method? Anyway, I didn't plan to ask for the manuscript fee (it's the same as if it's not, it's too little), change it to how many words to write in a month, and then send it out at one time?With such flexibility, I won't be so uncomfortable. Now I have classes all day, especially if I have to take the tram to leave early and return late... hey
  If you have any comments, you can also tell me, I will think about it before officially resuming the update

(End of this chapter)

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