The queen is so fierce

Chapter 66 Reputation Outside

Chapter 66 Reputation Outside
Da da da--

There was a rhythmic sound of footsteps on the bluestone alley, and the bright alley was empty, only two shadows passed by one after the other.

It was late autumn, but the sun exuded an extremely strange scorching heat that kept burning the earth.The old man who led the way in front of him was sweating like rain. As he walked, he couldn't help but wipe the sweat on his forehead with a cloth sleeve.

To put it bluntly, Longquan Town is an ordinary town. Even if you want to find a quiet room that echoes the image of "Xianfeng Daogu", it is impossible to have such conditions. In fact, it is just that each family raised money to build it It's just a small courtyard, but their life is not easy. In order to save money for hiring craftsmen, they basically go to battle in person.

The old man walked out of breath, and as far as his eyes could see a new yard with a new wall, his eyes lit up, and then he turned around respectfully:

"Zhuo Xianchang, right there."

The old Taoist looked in the direction of the old man's fingers, took a look at the appearance of the yard, and his eyes were slightly disgusting.

The fence is made of the cheapest stone bricks, and there is only one gate. In order to make the decoration look better, a thick layer of red paint is applied. It looks fine from a distance, but it is obvious that the paint is very uneven.Through the plum blossom hole in the wall, you can see that there is a simple thatched hut built inside, that is, there is really no decoration at all, only the 'new product' can be seen.

The old Taoist disliked it in his heart, and on the surface he still maintained his image of an expert outside the world, and said indifferently:
"You go down."

"Yes, Zhuo Xianchang, you have a good rest..."

The old man walked back the same way, holding on to his hunched waist.

The old Taoist stood on the spot and stroked his beard for a while, and when the footsteps behind him disappeared, he first looked around to make sure that there was no one nearby, then he let out a sigh of relief, and then his voice became gooey:

"Damn it! It's not a job done by humans, why should I live in such a crappy place!"


An old Taoist... It should be said that Zhuo Ding, who has the face of an old Taoist, kicked open the red lacquered wooden door made by the people of Longquan Town, and pulled the beard on his face, revealing a somewhat ruffian face, carefree go in...


Zhuo Ding paused and looked back at the roof. After finding that there was no one there, he said to himself, "Illusion?" and walked in angrily.


Gaoyang is scorching hot, and the heat wave is churning.

Xu Shoujing calmed down his breathing rate, leaned his back against the eaves of the roof, didn't dare to say a word, and was relieved until the sound of the wooden door being locked echoed in his ears.

From the time when the old Taoist appeared in the officialdom, Xu Shoujing used 'Destruction Senluo' many times to see what kind of disguise this person had.

Illusion is not a difficult spell to learn, but it is one of the most embarrassing types of spells.

There is no way for illusions to clearly cause damage. Although it is very convenient to use for disguise, most of the time, it can only deceive the same realm or low realm, which is very impractical.

Moreover, using illusion disguise, there must be aura around him, in a sense, it is not self-inflicted.

Therefore, a cultivator like Qiu Ji who specializes in illusion, Xu Shoujing, who has shattered Sen Luo pupil, is almost born his nemesis.

If it weren't for the huge gap in realm, Xu Shoujing could completely throw Shenjing Putian aside and use Shattering Senluo to mark him to death.

With the lessons learned from the past, Xu Shoujing, the first time he saw the old Taoist, rescued him subconsciously by using Shattering Senluo to check the authenticity of his appearance. After all, most of the people who walked in the rivers and lakes said that they did not have a vest, and Xu Shoujing was the first to object. , he himself has a 'Xu Que' vest.

However, no matter how Xu Shoujing checked it, he could not see that half of the spiritual energy in the old Taoist existed. The realm might be covered by some kind of magic weapon, but the fluctuation of spiritual energy could not be hidden by anyone.

For a moment, Xu Shoujing really thought that the old Taoist was an old monster who had been practicing for many years... if he hadn't removed the beard from his face.

Good guy, what era is it, and it still uses physical disguise.

Xu Shoujing lived in Bengbu at the time, and accidentally made a little movement. Fortunately, the other party was stupid and was not discovered.

After adjusting his breathing several times, Xu Shoujing gently climbed over the eaves and jumped to the roof next to the small yard. He was condescending, listening to the movement inside—

After Zhuo Ding entered the yard, he became completely reckless. He glanced at the grass house with disgust, stretched his legs and kicked a few times.I looked around and found that there was nothing that caught my eye. I pulled over a bench and sat down on it, blowing the cool wind with my hands:

"This place is too hot to kill me... I'm still protecting the law, and casting a spell has side effects. Otherwise, I think you're useful, and my mother would have ignored you..."

ding ding ding-


Suddenly, there was a small chirping sound from Zhuo Ding's wide sleeves, causing Zhuo Ding to lose his balance and fall from the bench.

He didn't dare to delay, with panic on his face, he hurriedly got up, took out a crystal ball that was shining with white light from his sleeve, and carefully placed it on the low table.

Xu Shoujing frowned, and when he looked up, he recognized that the material of the crystal ball was probably the same as the Dragon Xun card. In the entire Jiuzhou, only this material could be used to make communication tools.

Zhuo Ding stretched out his hand and lightly tapped on the crystal ball, the flickering white light tended to stabilize, except for a cloud of black mist projected in the air, the mist was hazy, and it seemed that it was a man who covered half of his face with a black scarf.

Without saying a word, Zhuo Ding knelt down with a 'puff', his head fell on the ground, and he said:

"King... Your Majesty, you... everything you ordered me to do is done."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

You were so stubborn just've changed your face too fast.

The masked man reflected by the three-dimensional black fog glanced at him, his eyes indifferent: "When you do things, you should weigh in your heart. If this seat finds out that you dare not report it..."

"Don't dare! My subordinates will never dare to hide anything!" Zhuo Ding's forehead was close to the floor, and he didn't even dare to raise his head to take a look.

The masked man was accustomed to seeing others bowing down to him, and his stern eyes did not waver at all:
"It's good that you know what you have in mind... I am looking for you this time because I have something to remind you."

Zhuo Ding breathed a sigh of relief, and raised his eyes furtively, his tone was firm, even a bit 'die loyal':

"Despite the king's orders, his subordinates will die!"

The masked man did not take his 'loyalty' to heart, and said solemnly:
"Do you know Longyumen? Longyumen is located in Longyin Mountain, which is less than thirty miles away from your location."

"Longyumen?" Zhuo Ding was stunned for a while, recalled similar words in his mind for a while, and shook his head blankly: "I haven't heard of it, is it a very powerful sect?"

The masked man's eyelids jumped down, and he said solemnly, "Longyumen is equivalent to the Tianyuan Sect of Tiannanzhou."

Zhuo Ding's pupils shrank slightly, and his body trembled with fright.

"It used to be, but now I'm afraid I can't even find a Chongxiao." The masked man shook his head.

"Cut, that's scary... I mean, without the Chongxiao realm, wouldn't you be able to destroy it with a snap of your fingers?"

The masked man was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "It's not as simple as you think, the purpose of this seat to come to Yuliangzhou has not been achieved, and it is inconvenient to show up. Besides, the background of Longyumen is not compared with Tianyuanzong. How can it be easy to underestimate it because of the lack of high-level power?"

"There's nothing you can do about the king?" Zhuo Ding was stunned for a moment, then he ejected and started, even forgetting the fear of the person in front of him, pacing back and forth in the yard anxiously:

"What to do! What to do! It's so close... Then I've probably already known about these little things I did here, maybe someone has been sent to punish me..."

Xu Shoujing on the roof was slightly startled, this guy guessed quite accurately.

"What are you panicking, I haven't finished speaking yet." The masked man didn't even look at him.

Zhuo Ding heard the 'puff' and knelt down again, touched a few tears that did not exist, and said sadly:
"Your Majesty, you must save me, I... I have done things for you for so long, and there is no credit or hard work... You can't just play me like this just because you don't want to pay a salary..."

The masked man had black lines all over his head, and he didn't really want to answer the question of his salary, so he said in a gloomy voice, "Although Longyumen can't take care of himself now, you've been bewildering the people of Longquan Town for a while, so there's no guarantee that you won't notice... This seat is just a Just to remind you, don't drag on because of a little private message from you, and immediately send the 'Demonization Pill' to them... Now it's only your responsibility that's not over yet."

Zhuo Ding's heart was half cold: "Then, what if the people from Longyumen really came?"

The masked man raised his brows, "If you really come, even if you eat the demonization pill yourself, you must ensure that all the mortals here are demonized... If you don't do it, just wait for this seat to come to you. Collect the corpse."

The voice fell, regardless of Zhuo Ding's panic, he was about to hang up the contact. At the end, it seemed that he had remembered something, and the masked man warned again:

"By the way, if the person sent by Longyumen is called Xu Shoujing, you can't hurt him no matter what."

Xu Shoujing, who was hiding on the roof, shook his fingertips when he heard the words, his eyes were full of puzzlement, and he didn't seem to understand why he could hear his name here.

"Xu Shoujing?" Zhuo Dingsheng's expressionless expression paused, and he turned to be puzzled: "Is that the water-melting realm with a strange cultivation technique mentioned earlier?"

The masked man nodded and said with a solemn face: "Remember, Xu Shoujing is very important to the Holy Religion. Even if you die, he can't die."

Zhuo Ding smiled confidently and patted his chest: "Your Majesty, there is nothing else for your subordinates. Bullying and bullying Huashuijing is still easy to catch. Don't worry, when your subordinates subdue him, they will never hurt him in the slightest."

"Hehe, you are not necessarily his opponent."

The masked man sneered and waved his hand to cut off the phantom.



The scorching heat of the scorching sun was sprinkled on the town by the mountains and rivers, and the angular bluestone floor tiles were still preserved. At this time, it was like a cast iron pot that was burned red by charcoal fire, and it made a faint "Zizi" sound.

Xu Shoujing walked quickly in the deserted alley, holding the white jade Longxun card in his hand, his brows furrowed, and his peach blossom-like eyes were obviously a little more puzzled.

He wiped the sweat on his neck and forehead with his sleeve, and held the Longxun card in the other hand. There was a touch of spiritual energy on the tip of his thumb, as if something was drawn on the Longxun card.

After a while, Xu Shoujing moved his thumb away from the Long Xun card, and the 'Qingluan with his head' drawn by aura flashed and flickered, as if he was trying to contact someone hundreds of miles away.


"Why didn't you answer?" Xu Shoujing scratched his cheeks a little irritably. He had already played several Long Xun cards for Aunt Chu just now. There is no sign of the side at all.

Could it be... what happened over there in Wan Yao Mountain?

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing froze in his heart, and recalled the very confident tone of the masked man who said "Longyumen can't take care of himself" just now. After thinking about it, he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Xu Shoujing swiped his thumb on the Long Xun card, erasing the 'Qingluan's head hanging' that he had drawn countless times just now, and instead drew a completely different pattern.

The silk threads of aura are layered on top of each other, and finally condense into a blooming hibiscus flower.


"Xiao Jing, what's wrong?"

The purple-dressed woman's jade-white face was filled with joy and worry, and the background seemed to be in a dimly lit cave.

Xu Shoujing felt relieved when she saw Sister Rong Yue's worried expression about him.

Someone received the card, indicating that the worst has not yet been reached.

"Sister Rongyue, I played the Long Xun card for Aunt Chu just now, but she didn't answer. What happened there?"

Jiang Rongyue was stunned for a moment, and whispered, "Why don't you fight me first?" She tilted her head to look at her, and found that the beautiful woman beside the altar looked angry, and she was directing several disciples to do hard work with a dark face. , in a very bad mood.

"There was a problem here just now, but it has been solved now... However, Master seems to be in a bad mood suddenly, and I don't know what happened. Do you need me to replace her with the card?"

Xu Shoujing didn't understand what happened to Aunt Chu. Considering the influence of the 'demonizing pill', he thought about it for a while and nodded.

The image of the aura fantasy began to move, and it seemed that Sister Rong Yue began to walk towards Aunt Chu.For some reason, Jiang Rongyue deliberately hung the Longxun card in her hand, so that Xu Shoujing could only see the stones on the ground.

After a while, the movement of the screen stopped, and the people outside the screen were rustling and whispering, as if they were talking about something.

Xu Shoujing frowned, and in order to hear the content of the conversation, he raised the Long Xun card and put it to his ear——

"—let him go!"


Xu Shoujing's face was twisted for a while, and he quickly took the Long Xun card away from his ears.

The angry "let him go" just now was clearly Aunt Chu's voice...

This... how did I provoke her?
Xu Shoujing was full of puzzles, and before he could understand the reason, he saw that the fantasy picture was once again filled with Jiang Rongyue's dignified and demure face.

Jiang Rongyue was also a little unclear, so she turned back and looked at Chu Shuwan, whose clothes were undulating, and her eyes were like a torch, and it took a while before she regained her senses:
"Xiaojing, the master said just now, 'let him get out of the way, go to his uncle Qiu, don't bother me'...I don't want to take your Longxun card."


What exactly happened while I was away?
Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled, wanting to ask in detail, so as to avoid the Shura field, but saw Jiang Rongyue's sudden 'oh' sound, as if she had remembered something again, and frowned:
"Master also said that if you really go to find Shishu Chou, you won't have to come back in the future."


Xu Shoujing was a little speechless, just about to say something, but his footsteps suddenly stopped, and the soul-sucking peach blossom eyes showed a bit of astonishment, and looked forward in confusion.

"Xiaojing, what's wrong?" Jiang Rongyue asked in confusion.

Xu Shoujing stared blankly in front of him. To be precise, he was looking at a woman in a white dress standing in front of the inn.

The scorching sun was scorching hot, because it was already afternoon, and the shadow did not provide her with the function of shading. She just stood under the high sun, her fair skin was slightly red, and she was constantly sweating.

Zhao Fuyao still had that indifferent expression, standing in front of the inn door, with his hands folded on his waist, as if she was not from here, which made people dread.Those phoenix eyes that stared at him for life, glanced at the opposite road from time to time - that was the direction of Longquan Town Square.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a long time, not knowing how to describe his mood at the moment.

During this trip, Zhao Fuyao said "this is your experience" more than once, he was reluctant to give advice, and he never said a word of worry.

But... that means she's not worried at all?

Xu Shoujing knew that Zhao Fuyao was worried about herself, although she rarely expressed it.

When he came back to his senses, Xu Shoujing had already walked up to him quickly, looking at the beautiful woman with complicated eyes.

Zhao Fuyao noticed the approaching footsteps. The people of Longquan Town were all in the square, and there was no doubt that there was only one person who came back at this time. She turned her head, and phoenix eyes glanced at the black-robed son, and was about to speak—

"I'm back... uuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."



Jiang Rongyue looked at the Molong logo that suddenly dimmed, her apricot eyes full of puzzlement.


Ask for collections, monthly passes, recommended tickets, plans, and book recommendations (this is really important, because I haven’t recommended it yet)
 Thanks to Nero Claudius, I started to read iOS, embrace the galaxy _, my cat addiction is committed, I started to read iOS, Arcuiedshiki, I just read and don’t write a reward for beauty


(End of this chapter)

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