The queen is so fierce

Chapter 67 Cultivation

Chapter 67 Cultivation
The mountain wind swept up the moist air, as if it was to moisten the cave, and sent it into the cave.When entering the cave, it rubbed against the smooth wall of the cave, making a 'huhu' sound.

In the depths of the cave, the savage scolding of a beautiful woman in a green dress never stopped. Jiang Rongyue looked at the Molong logo that suddenly went out, feeling a little confused.

Why did Xiaojing stop talking halfway through?

Could it be... dangerous?

Thinking of this, Jiang Rongyue's eyes narrowed, and she didn't care what her master was arguing with Xiaojing, she waved away the other disciples with bitter faces, and trotted all the way to Chu Shuwan who was full of anger:

"Master, Xiaojing may be in danger..."

"Who cares... woo."

Chu Shuwan was so angry because of Qiu Xuanji's matter, when she saw Jiang Rongyue coming, she thought it was because of Xu Shoujing's trivial matter. worried.

She hesitated for a long time, as if she was wronged by the sky, and reached out to Jiang Rongyue:
"Give me the Longxun card."

"Ah... oh..."

Jiang Rongyue muttered, "Don't you have it yourself?" and handed it over reluctantly.

Chu Shuwan took the Longxun card, coughed dryly, and shook it at her apprentice: "Then I'll take it away first."

"Ah?" Jiang Rongyue was stunned for a moment, just about to say "Let me listen too", when a gust of wind suddenly blew in front of her eyes, she subconsciously blocked it with her hands, and when she opened her eyes again, Chu Shuwan had already disappeared in front of her. the original position.

"...That's my Longxun card..." Jiang Rongyue stomped her feet angrily, with a bit of resentment on her brows: "Xiaojing..."


After Chu Shuwan left, in order to avoid the eyes and ears, she flew all the way to high altitude, and made sure that there was no 'flying boat' passing by, so she took out the Dragon Xun card of her good apprentice, and used her spiritual power to draw a picture of 'Molong on the big bed'. ' cute logo.


'Molong in bed map' rang several times in a row, but no one took the card. Chu Shuwan stood in the air, and started to stamp her feet subconsciously while irritated.

Why didn't Jinger pick up?
Wouldn't you be angry because I didn't take his cards?
But this is Rong Yue's Long Xun card...

beep... ding...

Finally, at the last moment when he was about to hang up, the flickering picture of 'Molong in bed' maintained a constant mode, and the illusion of cyan spiritual power condensed gradually appeared in the air.

Chu Shuwan was overjoyed at first, then remembered that she was still angry with him, and immediately put on an indifferent look, with a familiar face, and waited for Jinger to coax her.

However, when the cyan cloud dispersed from the top of her head, what appeared in the spiritual power illusion was a handsome face with sweat on her forehead and a flushed face.


Chu Shuwan said she was a little stunned, and even forgot to pretend to be indifferent.


The gasping Xu Shoujing saw that the person receiving the card was Chu Shuwan.

"Aunt Chu, why are you... I played the Long Xun card for you just now and you didn't answer..."

Chu Shuwan came back to her senses, folded her arms and held up the towering front of her clothes, brewing her emotions, and looked like 'No strangers are allowed in':

"I was a little busy just now... Let me ask you, what is Qiu Xuanji's relationship with you?"

Xu Shoujing's body froze, and he didn't know why:

"Uncle Qiu... huh... it's okay... huh... ah, it's just... she's injured... I want to comfort her not... I just want to help her heal."

"Hmm, isn't it?"

Chu Shuwan narrowed her eyes, not believing Xu Shoujing's nonsense at all.Up to now, while Qiu Xuanji was in contact with her Longxun card before, the pictures of that were still clearly echoing in her mind.

It's ok?Are you so deceitful as an aunt?

Chu Shuwan squinted her apricot eyes and said coldly, "Jing'er, I advise you not to lie to me... If you let me know what shady activities you have with Qiu Xuanji, you won't have to do it in the future. When I am your aunt!"

And this good thing...

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he heard the words, and even forgot to breathe.

However, Auntie seems to be a little more exciting...cough, I think it is crooked.

Xu Shoujing knocked on his head to drive out those charming thoughts, heaved a sigh of relief, calmed down, and said with a light smile:
"Whatever Aunt Chu said, you will always be my aunt, how dare I lie to you?"

Chu Shuwan frowned, seeing Xu Shoujing's clear eyes and a clear conscience, she couldn't help but wonder if she had thought too much before.

Could it be that Qiu Xuanji and Jinger have nothing to do with each other?
It's right to think so, it must be that the old woman Qiu Xuanji is too lonely to stay in the palace all the time. Seeing that my Jinger is so handsome, she wants to seduce him.

Chu Shuwan's eyes suddenly froze. That's not right. If Jinger didn't do anything, what would happen to Qiu Xuanji's woman?Something must have happened to these two!

Xu Shoujing watched Aunt Chu suddenly change her face madly, a question mark appeared on her head, and the waves on her body became more and more unbearable.

"...Aunt Chu, I played the Long Xun card for you just now. I wanted to ask, how are you doing over there? Ah~...cough, can you allocate some people?"

Chu Shuwan was still angry, so she automatically ignored Xu Shoujing's weird moan just now, pursed her red lips, and said coldly:

"I'm fine here, what's the matter?"

Xu Shoujing snorted, his breathing gradually became short, and the screen began to shake. He trembled:

"There are some problems... There is a mysterious person called 'Wang Shang' behind this fairy sect. They distributed a medicine called 'Demonizing Pill' to the people of Longquan Town. I am afraid it is not a good thing. It is estimated that it is The weird medicine that will turn people into monsters, I will try to stop them from taking the medicine, but it's better to send someone over..."

Chu Shuwan was originally angry, but when she heard that Jing'er might be in danger, her delicate body trembled, and she forgot to be angry, and immediately began to care about Xu Shoujing's safety:
"Then I'll let Rong Yue find a few people to come over. Before that, Jing'er, you must not act rashly..."

Xu Shoujing nodded vigorously, and even because of too much force, the hair tied by the ribbons flew, as if he was using his nod to hide something.

Chu Shuwan frowned, looking at Xu Shoujing's inexplicable appearance, she suddenly remembered the absurd things Qiu Xuanji did, and her heart tightened for no reason:
"Jing'er...what are you doing..."

"Ah?" Xu Shoujing sighed, sweating like rain, and forced a smile: "I'm cultivating..."

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, then recalled the details of the 'double cultivation of civilization' that Xu Shoujing explained to her that night.

At that time, Chu Shuwan didn't think about it, she only felt that Zhao Fuyao helped Jinger run Zhoutian, and this thankless act was really hard for her.

Now think about it carefully... Helping others to run Zhou Tian, ​​this kind of behavior is, in a sense, more intimate than the shortcut to a woman's heart.

After all, it is unheard of to be able to help others run Zhou Tian, ​​but it is equivalent to putting everything in one's body in front of the other party without any hindrance!
Thinking of this, Chu Shuwan felt sour in her heart. She knew that this was what Jinger needed for her cultivation, but she still couldn't restrain her emotions. She hummed:

"No wonder you didn't tell me about things in Zimo City. Auntie can't help you cultivate. You must give priority to the little girl who can help you cultivate..."

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he heard the words, then glanced back and put his palms against his back. Zhao Fuyao, who was so exhausted that he was about to fall asleep, almost wanted to say to Aunt Chu—it's not impossible for you to cultivate with me...

 Thank you for your reward from many who have three points of Shen Yun, starting from reading iOS, Jiaojing, and drunken style


(End of this chapter)

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