The queen is so fierce

Chapter 76 Testimonials on the shelves: Take you to understand the past and present of 'Rainfal

Chapter 76 Testimonials on the shelves: Take you to understand the past and present of 'Rainfall'
Straight to the point...Tomorrow, ah no, it will be on the shelves at [-] noon today, I am very nervous.

Like I said earlier, I may be a bit "shelf-anxious".

No way, it's our first time.

This kind of thing can't be solved by saying "please...please be gentle with me".

You can't escape the pain you deserve...

It's going to be on the shelves, and everyone else is selling badly, but I don't know what to talk about...

I don't have the skills to sell miserably. Since I've read my book, I should be a friend and talk about myself.

I'm Yuluo, I'm annoyed, Yuluo is an eldest lady, just an ID, not a gender.Stop asking me if I have a boyfriend! ...I won't tell you if I have it.


Just kidding...ahem.

But I did consider whether to change "Yuluo is a eldest miss" to "Yuluo is not a eldest lady". After all, since the beginning of the book, from the 36-year-old mature woman to the 19-year-old fresh meat, they have been harassed I'm... speechless.

In fact, Jinger and I have completely opposite personalities. No matter what Jinger does, he will not be cowardly, but I will be cowardly in everything.

Writing a book is the same.

I seem to have mentioned it once, I have been coding on a stand-alone computer for 11 years.

Pay attention, it's not that I wrote it for 11 years and no one read it, but I didn't dare to post it for 11 years...

I can say that, you have seen any style of novel on the market, and I have tried to write it. If there are less than 5 to 6 words, I will not write it, and more than 3 to 40 words will be thrown there.

They all have one thing in common, and they won’t write until they’re finished.

The reason may be that the stand-alone machine is always a stand-alone machine. At the beginning, it may have been created with passion. In the middle of it, because of the outline, even if there is no passion, you can code words step by step.

But in the later stage... I'm sorry, whether you have an outline or not, I just don't want to write it.

There's no way, I'm tired of it, I'll get tired of taking pictures by myself, this is the limitation.

I seem to have said before that my writing is very complicated, and there are all kinds of genres. I wrote about Immortal Emperor Bing Wang ten years ago, and I also wrote about behind the scenes of farming five years ago. I've also written... Really, I've tried all kinds of genres, and the ones I've written the most are Nikkei and the city. For a long time, I actually depended on the city.

Xianxia is really the first time...

Sometimes, when I write too much, I get bored. Last year, I stopped writing. I felt that I wouldn’t dare to post it anyway. What do I do?

In this way, it is time to study, to take classes, to draw illustrations and illustrations, to cut videos and videos...

Hiss... at first glance, it seems to be quite full?
In fact, as a party, it is really empty.

Then I realized that I was still a person who wanted to create stories at heart.

That's why I plan to study abroad. After I finish my studies, I hope to be able to participate in the production of a 3A one day... It seems to be off topic (covering my face).

When I uploaded the article I wrote for the first time, I was not nervous at all. I was confident at that time. I thought that someone like me who had been single for 11 years should not exist (who would be so boring), so I was not nervous about the first book. have high expectations...

Then he pounced... (covers face)

I don’t believe in evil, I continued to be a steel head boy and uploaded the second book. That time, I wrote 30 words from the outline to the volume steel to the detailed outline, because I read a sentence written by a certain author: “The more detailed the outline, the more detailed the outline. the better."

I believe in your evil.

And then the book flopped...

The reason is that it was too detailed, and the result was that it was written that I was always stuck by my own settings, and then it crashed... (Crash)

And after that... I became an iron-headed baby three or four times, until I watched the work manage a pile of war-damaged wreckage, and I knew it was useless.

So, there is the trouble of hearing the rain.

As the saying goes, where you fall, you will fall next time.

Well, the first book of this account is also thrown.

This time, I know how to reflect on myself, and I also began to think deeply about where the problem is.

Then, I finally realized the first truth in my life that I couldn't believe myself - writing woolen essays when I have nothing to do?
Ahem, one of the truths.

The second truth, I found writing too egoistic.

As I said before, I have been alone for 11 years, in other words, I have been entertaining myself for 11 years...

Everyone who understands understands, everyone will inevitably have differences in Windows even if they have been using traditional crafts for a long time. I wrote it for myself, and I wrote it for so long... It is inevitable that some bad habits will be brought out.

For example, if I am moved by myself, for example, if I think this paragraph is good, or... I don't care what the market trend is, I will output the reverse version.

...This is probably the biggest turning point in my creative career, and it is also the first time that I have changed from "showing myself" to "showing others" in a factual sense.

So, I bought a lot of writing books, such as "Story Strategies", "How to Create Unforgettable Characters", "The Writer's Journey", "Conflict and Suspense", "If You Create Dazzling Conversations", "Characters and Perspectives"...and so on
Well, I haven't read any of these books.

...I'm not joking, seriously, I just found out after I bought it, I'd rather spend the time watching this thing, and I'd rather spend the whole day grinding on the outline of the character design.Except for "Story Strategies" and "The Writer's Journey", the others are probably flipped, and they will not move.

I used to write an outline... in fact, it was an infinitely expanded outline, which was very illogical. I guess no one could understand it except myself.

...But at least those two books allowed me to write outlines. If I want to create, I can buy these two books. Many of my creative ideas come from these two books... Others, I can only say no Suggest.

Later I found that theory alone is not enough, practice is the only criterion for testing truth... So I look at the practice of others.

Simply put, it is to sweep the list, analyze other people's outlines, or reverse other people's outlines.

For example, I opened the first volume of "The Prince is Fierce", and I seem to have taken screenshots in the group... I opened the second volume of "Ask the Red Dust", but we can't learn the first volume. "Da Feng Da Gengren" I dismantled the first [-] chapters (the real nb that sells newspapers, this is equivalent to a textbook of Xiaobaiwen, it is too standard to write)
After a series of study and practice, and under the guidance of Fu Chen, I changed the beginning six times in a row... I have this book "The Empress is Fierce".

The original title of the book was "The Empress Delusional Adoption of Me", can you figure out how much has changed?

Anyway, looking at the nearly 15-word scrap manuscript, I feel quite big.

Others have said that this is just the beginning... But I have a sense of frustration that after many years, I have finally reached the end.

When I finished the first volume, I felt that the writing was not good, and the feedback from readers was really bad.

I felt very uncomfortable, and felt that I should not write like that at my own level. During that time, there was still a problem with my mentality. When I saw the comments, my mentality collapsed... I seem to have said that my mental quality is not good.

The beginning of the second volume is much better than the first volume, but I have written more than 20 chapters so far. With my average chapter length of 5000 words, the second volume has only just passed one-fifth of it...

According to the three-act film division, the first act has just passed, and the core of the event develops in the second act...

The first volume is too fast-paced, and the second volume is too slow... But I am still more satisfied with the second volume than the first, because the slower pace means that I have more space to portray the characters.

In fact, there are a lot of characters who were reincarnated from the dirty earth... I felt guilty for not giving them an ending before, so this time it doesn't matter what the results are, I just want to give them an ending and finish the book safely.

As long as someone reads it, I keep writing.

Don't forget the original intention... don't forget the original intention...

...How come the testimonials on the shelves make me feel like I'm hypnotizing myself?

Ahem, there is still a lot to say, but in the end, the best way for me to communicate with you is in the text, and now I say a lot...

It's actually quite tiring, and I didn't want to talk about it for a long time (stop typing! Stop typing! My head is still used to code words!).

In short, although this testimonial is quite watery, please support me a lot!


Add a plus rule.

A one-time reward of [-] Fan Points (rudder master) plus one update, and ten more updates for the leader.

A lot of people say that I update every day, that's because I update a big chapter, basically each chapter is 5000 to 6000 words, so the plus update will be taken out and counted as 2000 to 3000 words per chapter.

The addition time is random (see the status, but it will be recorded, so don't worry about it)
The general group and the V group have been made public. The general group has no threshold. The V group is set at 2000 fans (the first V and the high V are counted separately), the plot discussion is moderate (don't drive), and the extras are random (there should be some).

You can go to the general group single and send me a screenshot of the fan value, so that I will pass the V group application faster; because there is no management and only me, it is very troublesome in all aspects, sorry.

I started writing a book purely out of interest, but I have experienced many setbacks. It is considered that I have come to this day while studying. I cannot do without your support now. I hope capable readers can support the genuine edition, and those who are incapable can also add a collection ( In other words, QQ reading is free, right?)
The next goal is to finish the book well and never hear the phrase "getting boring" from a reader again, which actually hit me hard.

I am Yuluo, see you in the text!

 Try to explode once again~
(End of this chapter)

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