Chapter 77

If it wasn't for a red-eyed lightbulb staring at him, Ranxi would have been unable to help threw himself into the arms of the son in front of him.

Xu Shoujing heard the choked sobbing of the beauty behind him, he looked back and smiled comfortably:
"You wait a minute, it will be over soon."

Ranxi broke into a smile and nodded vigorously.

Xu Shoujing saw that Ranxi was no longer in serious trouble, and his mind returned to the demonizing person in front of him.

He was still in the high-altitude flying boat. He originally wanted to follow Sister Rong Yue to deal with the demonized people coming up from the white jade stone ladder, but when he was about to get up, he heard a demonization sound coming from his residence. man's roar.

Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, and immediately understood what was going on. He didn't dare to delay, and jumped directly from the Feidu floating boat.

Although he has the powerful body of the Nine Tribulations Prison Body, at this height, even if he falls into the water, it is no better than the ground. His entire feet are now numb, and it is difficult to say that he is in a state of perfection.


Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, watching the demonized man desperately biting the Shen Jing Punishing Heaven in his hand, his expression was a little speechless.

You can't bite again... Are you sick?


Xu Shoujing suddenly twitched the heavy spear, the spear body rubbed against the sharp teeth of the demonizing man, and some sparks burst out.He took advantage of the situation to sweep the heavy spear and repel the demonized man by two or three feet.


The demonized man's exposed sharp teeth were missing a whole piece due to the friction with Shen Jing Pu Tian, ​​his gums were bleeding, and his scarlet pupils were rolling around.

Sensing the breath of stepping on the water, it roared, and a blood mist burst out from its body. The blood mist stained the lake water, and it also used this to hide its figure.

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly startled. It seemed that this demonized man was slightly more advanced than the one in Longquan Town, and he actually had skills.

But this kind of blood fog, compared to Qiu Ji's purple fog, was hardly worth mentioning.


Xu Shoujing, who was about to set foot in the blood fog area, suddenly stopped, frowning.


The bodies of several white-tailed fish floated along the lake water, and after several laps, they finally floated into the blood fog area.

Everything only happened in an instant.

The scattered blood mist was originally just wandering in the lake water. After sensing the body of the white-tailed spirit fish, the blood mist seemed to have life, and frantically flocked to several white-tailed spirit fish.

The blood-stained lake water instantly returned to its azure blue, but the blood mist was like a locust crossing the border, and only the bones of the white-tailed spirit fish were eaten.

Xu Shoujing subconsciously turned on the pupil technique, and his star eyes were covered with a golden light.

This is……

Xu Shoujing was startled, the point of the gun was pointed with water, and the spiritual energy was released forward without money, and the figure burst back.

It wasn't blood mist at all, it was countless blood-colored worms that were indistinguishable to the naked eye!
If Qiu Xuanji or Su Huanqing were here, they probably wouldn't even move their eyelids, and they would burn or freeze these bugs with a wave of their hands.

Maybe Xu Shoujing can't, this is not a question of whether he can beat him...

"I don't have AOE..."

Xu Shoujing was speechless and spit out a word. He waved a heavy gun with one hand and took it into Qiongyu Pavilion. He quickly ran to Ranxi's side. In her face, he picked up her leg and hugged her horizontally.


Ranxi's beautiful eyes were shy and her face was filled with joy, obviously because she was too suddenly frightened, but she didn't resist at all.


Girl, be normal.

Xu Shoujing didn't have time to flirt with her. He didn't dare to stay after picking up Ranxi. Before the blood mist spread too much, he stepped on the water and ran to the shore.


The demonized man beat his chest and roared, and the blood mist entangled his large muscled body, buzzing and chasing after Xu Shoujing.


The demon night is full of moon, and the long night is noisy.

Phosphorus lamps are scattered all over the mountain, and the leaves in the mountains fall without wind.

Under the very faint moonlight, two silhouettes, one green and one red, galloped between the branches of the forest with Yujianxing.

"Hey, why do I think... We seem to be late." The disciple in the blue shirt trembled slightly, looking at the mess in the woods, and even had the urge to turn around and run away, hiding his name.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go."

Jing Ming glared at him angrily, and tightened his red clothes. In this cold night, he still needed warmth to resist his fear.

rub rub-

Suddenly, there was a very harsh sound of fallen leaves being smashed under the woods.

Jing Ming's realm is slightly lower than that of Meng Yi, but he has served as the guard of the young master for many years, and he must always help to see if there is any collision between the young master's wife. He is simply not familiar with this kind of trouble.

His ears moved slightly, and his eyes glanced at the forest under his feet. He saw a black figure shuttled between the mountains and forests at an extremely fast speed, and the fallen leaves rolled by the wind and waves even floated to three feet high.

Jing Ming frowned, his body trembled subconsciously:
"Why do I suddenly want to shrink my's weird..."

Meng Yi gathered spiritual power in his eyes and swept across the black shadow that was galloping past. He was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Jing Ming, who was still escaping from reality, and said angrily:

"That's the young master, don't pretend you didn't see it."


Why are you so positive?Are you not afraid of the young master's revenge for the last time you cheated on him?

The two turned the heads of the swords, the aura sprayed from the hilt increased, and they chased after them with a violent push.

"Little Lord……"

Xu Shoujing was busy avoiding the blood-colored bugs when he suddenly heard someone calling him, tilted his head slightly, and saw the two Yujianfei people beside him with flattering faces, as if begging for a lenient haircut.


Xu Shoujing frowned, he just didn't understand what the two guys were doing, and said displeasedly:
"What are you two doing?"

Jing Ming and Meng Yi were stunned at the same time, the young master is... Don't blame them for being late to save Miss Ranxi?
Before these two idiots could recover, they saw Xu Shoujing wave his hand:
"Forget it, you two came just in time, quickly burn this wood for me."

Set fire to the mountain...?
Jing Ming glanced at Meng Yi, who was gradually stunned beside him, hesitated for a while, but still said seriously:

"Young master, Longyin Mountain is the property of the public family, so...isn't it right?"

"That's right, the main reason is to know that you have lost all her property, and she... doesn't seem to be doing well..."

Meng Yi wanted to echo a sentence, but when he was halfway through, he suddenly woke up... Even the sect master belongs to the young master, it seems that the young master can really do whatever he wants.

A question mark appeared on Xu Shoujing's head, and he frowned lightly:
"What are you two talking about? If you don't want to die, just burn it. I'll go first."

Saying that, Xu Shoujing quickened his pace, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the sight of the two swordsmen.

Jing Ming was stunned for a moment, good guy, I haven't seen him for a while, and the young master's running skills have improved a lot.

Meng Yi looked at the ancient trees with straight backs, with a trace of pity and intolerance in his eyes, as if he was lamenting their tragic fate next, he tilted his head to look at Jing Ming:

"How to do?"

Jing Ming rolled his eyes: "What else can I do? Burn it, or what else can you do?"

As soon as Meng Yi gritted his teeth, he took out a stack of fire-patterned talismans from Qiongyu Pavilion, looked at the woods below, and said bitterly:

"Burn it! ... Anyway, I don't have to pay."


After a loud explosion, Longyumen's fire lit up the sky, and half of the woods were ablaze.

The belated demonized people and blood-colored bugs rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire without hesitation.


The other side.

Xu Shoujing put Ranxi on the bed and helped her cover the quilt, thinking that there should be no accident for those two idiots, and they were about to leave after raising their feet.

Just after taking two steps, Xu Shoujing suddenly felt someone tugging at the corner of his clothes.

Xu Shoujing thought that Ranxi was still a little scared, turned around, and wanted to comfort a few words:

"Ranxi, this is my Aunt Chu's attic. The demonizing person can't come up for the time being. You can rest assured..."

In the middle of the conversation, Xu Shoujing was stunned.

It was a pair of smoky purple autumn eyes with a demonic and evil intent, and just looking at them made people addicted to them.

In a trance, the scene around him changed, the night was red, the demonic energy was soaring into the sky, and the mourning continued... That bitter hatred has been inherited for thousands of years.

When he woke up suddenly, Xu Shoujing realized that he had not experienced eternity, but only a short moment had passed.

For a long time, 'Ranxi' eyes did not diminish with purple meaning, looked directly at Xu Shoujing, opened his mouth slightly, and said in an unprecedented cold tone:
"Heaven... Remains..."

On and off, before he could say anything, Ranxi fainted.

Only Xu Shoujing was left, and in the cool breeze under the moon, it gradually became messy.

 The next chapter is being written
(End of this chapter)

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