Simulating Immortals: Embody Cthulhu at the beginning

Chapter 31 031 [The correct usage of Wangqi deduction! 】

Chapter 31 031 [The correct usage of Wangqi deduction! 】

As the prompt of the simulator ended, the information about [Wang Qi Deduction] was also reflected in Su Yun's mind at the same time.

This function can predict the fate trajectory of creatures with intelligence, provided that it does not exceed the upper limit of the realm that Su Yun can currently deduce.

As for what kind of deep meaning is hidden in it, Su Yun still doesn't know.

He quickly called up the simulator interface, and looked at the new [Wang Qi Deduction] that appeared on the light screen.

To be honest, Su Yun was really surprised.

Because this new function is indeed something he never expected.

He pondered for a moment, silently activated the [Wang Qi Deduction], and then turned his gaze to a Demon Sect secret puppet who was "standing guard" nearby.

A few lines of bright handwriting suddenly appeared on the light screen in Su Yun's mind.

[Sun Yuan: Thousand Gu Sect Outer Sect Disciple]

[Do you want to start deduction? 】

Su Yun's heart moved and he chose "No".

He wanted to try to see if such an operation would consume the number of deduction times.

The writing on the light screen gradually faded, but the number of [Wang Qi Deduction] was not consumed.

Then Su Yun repeated the process again, this time he looked at another Secret Puppet.

[Wu De: Thousand Gu Sect Outer Sect Disciple (Thousand Gu Sect Jindan Deacon Wu Yanxiu's nephew)]

[Do you want to start deduction? 】

Two lines of writing floated on the light curtain again, but this time it was different.

Su Yun's eyes revealed a look of thought.

According to his guess, this is probably caused by the difference in the original identities of the two marionettes.

Su Yun canceled the deduction again, and the number of [Wang Qi Deduction] was still not consumed.

Seeing this miraculous scene, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Su Yun's mind.

If you only activate [Wang Qi Deduction], but do not perform the final deduction operation, the number of times will not be consumed.

I am afraid that the most direct help of this function to Su Yun is not to deduce the fate of others, but to detect the identity of strangers at any time!

It is even possible to directly observe whether it is a human race or a monster race, whether it is a spy or a loyal person, with the help of hopeful deduction.

This has more than improved the convenience brought by Su Yun's actions to several levels.

As for whether it is true or not, you will know when you have a chance to try it tomorrow, but right now Su Yun wants to try the deduction effect first.

As Su Yun's mind activated the Qi Deduction function again, lines of text quickly appeared on the light curtain.

[Sun Yuan: Thousand Gu Sect Outer Sect Disciple]

[11 years old: The whole family, old and young, died of strange attacks, lived on the streets, became beggars, and suffered all kinds of suffering.Since then, his personality has been gloomy and ruthless, he is good at forbearance and flattery, and acts unscrupulously. 】

[16 years old: The Thousand Gu Sect of Dongzhou Demonic Dao Sect publicly recruited disciples. Sun Yuanhongyun took the lead, and was found to be a middle-grade golden spirit root, so he was able to enter the Thousand Gu Sect as an outer disciple. 】

[23 years old: I spent all my spiritual stones to discover a certain secret news, and killed seven fellow disciples for this purpose, and finally won a rare elixir to offer to Wu De, and since then I have climbed high and run amok. 】

[29 years old: In the past six years, he has committed many bloody crimes in order to improve his cultivation base, and he has cultivated to the eighth level of Qi Refining with the plundered resources.

In the same year, under Wu De's order, he slaughtered thousands of mortals with his own hands.

A few months later, he followed Wu De and others to the Northern Wilderness Battlefield to find the disciples of the single immortal sect who were murdered, and took the sacrificial sword of life and soul.

When he attacked Su Yun, a disciple of Xuanyunzong, he encountered a counterattack, his consciousness was wiped out, and he turned into a secret puppet. 】

[Evaluation: There are many evils, and death is not a pity. 】


[Wu De: Thousand Gu Sect Outer Sect Disciple (Thousand Gu Sect Jindan Deacon Wu Yanxiu's nephew)]

[9 years old: The spiritual root appeared, and the top-grade fire spirit heel was detected. Because of family relationship, he entered the outer sect of the Thousand Gu Sect of the Demonic Dao Sect, and because of his status, he was trained emphatically. 】

[17 years old: Domineering and cruel, in order to temper his own practice, he has repeatedly relied on magic tools, talismans and other foreign objects to torture and kill fellow disciples and solo casual practitioners, using the soul and flesh of the practitioners to forge insidious magic tools to assist his own practice. 】

[27 years old: Due to the stagnation of the ninth level of Qi refining for several years, he has not been able to make any progress, and his mind has become more and more distorted. He often slaughters mortals for no reason to vent his anger, and he is full of evil. 】

[32 years old: In order to refine weapons that can grow and kill, he exhausted all means to collect the souls of nearly a hundred beasts, and killed many monks successively to collect the resources for refining weapons.

After the weapon was refined, Sun Yuan was ordered to take the essence, blood and soul of thousands of mortals for it to enhance spirituality.

In the same year, he took Sun Yuan and others to the battlefield of the Northern Wilderness, killed dozens of disciples of the single immortal sect by means of sneak attacks and sieges, and took their souls, blood, and sacrificial swords.

When he attacked Su Yun, a disciple of Xuanyunzong, he encountered a counterattack, his consciousness was wiped out, and he turned into a secret puppet. 】

[Evaluation: Heaven is clear, retribution is not good. 】

The sinful lives of the two Mozong disciples were revealed one by one before Su Yun's eyes.

Pieces of piles, shocking.

While all these evil deeds shook Su Yun's heart, it also made him realize the coldness and cruelty of this world more deeply.

There is no justice or jurisprudence in the law of the jungle.

Those with powerful power wantonly massacre fellow sects and casual cultivators, and ordinary people are like ants, precarious, life and death are only in the mind of the cultivator.

Just to improve the spirituality of a weapon that is expected to grow into a low-grade spiritual weapon, you will not hesitate to use the blood and soul of thousands of mortals as food!
If a low-level monk from a poor family like Su Yun's predecessor entered the Demonic Dao Sect, he might not have the chance to survive until the moment Su Yun crossed.

Su Yun withdrew his gaze from looking at the two secret puppets, and looked at the soul-destroying bird standing on the treetop beside him.

The emulator is unresponsive.

While thinking lightly, Yingmei in the nearby forest began to flash and move quickly, searching for other strange figures.

Soon, other strange figures appeared in sight, and Su Yun quickly exchanged positions with Yingmei.

Not long after, he returned to the original place, and he already had the answer in his heart.

It seems that Wangqi deduction is completely ineffective for these ordinary weirdnesses, and it should also be because they are not real creatures.

So, what if it's the intelligent Li-level Blood Demon mentioned in the last survival simulation?

After completing the completion, his spiritual body thread disappeared directly.

Su Yun still has no way of knowing what kind of existence these weird things are all over the Tianyuan world. I am afraid that he can only wait for his cultivation to improve before he can explore the truth of this world one by one.

Looking at the shadowy mountains under the blood moon, Su Yun's gaze suddenly became dangerous.

Now a large number of monks from the two races are gathered in the surrounding tens of miles, and there is a high probability that the demon general Fushan will also be in this area, so he can no longer simply and brutally slaughter a large number of monks from the demon tribe.

But starting tomorrow, he will definitely let these monster race know what real cruelty is!

Now, he has to make some preparations for the upcoming action.

The blood moon slowly sinks to the west, and the cold air in the mountains and forests gradually increases.

Su Yun, who had been busy for several hours, stopped in the shadow of a towering ancient tree, and began to concentrate and adjust his breath.

Three identical dim shadows stood quietly behind him. If you don't distinguish carefully, you can hardly see any abnormalities.

When the first ray of morning light penetrated the barrier of the clouds in the sky, Su Yun suddenly opened his eyes!
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(End of this chapter)

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