Simulating Immortals: Embody Cthulhu at the beginning

Chapter 32 032 [Wolf Demon: How did we die? 】

Chapter 32 032 [Wolf Demon: How did we die? 】

On a low mountain lined with ancient trees, the fierce fighting is gradually intensifying.

The five long swords moved vertically and horizontally within a range of several feet, forming a mysterious sword array.

There were extremely sharp and cold lights flashing in the mountain forest, and there were bursts of howling sword energy piercing the air from time to time, and the momentum was extremely astonishing.

However, the one who had the upper hand at this time was not the disciples of the Immortal Sect who were extremely quiet, but the three demon clans who seemed to be at a disadvantage!

To be precise, it was a three-headed wolf demon with ferocious faces, eight feet tall, bulging muscles, and an astonishingly large ax and sword in his hands!
"Human Race!"

"I advise you to give up your fearless struggle, and obediently come to the belly of the old man, otherwise I will chop it down with an ax later, and you may even die if you want to die!"

Under the sword qi attacks inspired by the five people in turn, one of the wolf monsters resisted and dodged, and even had the strength to taunt with contempt.

The five Xianmen disciples didn't say a word, but they all increased their output of spiritual power.

Obviously they all knew that they could not open their mouths at this time, otherwise they would relax and the sword array would be in danger of being broken immediately.

"Hmph! It's really boring!"

The wolf demon snorted dissatisfiedly, his eyes flashed brightly, and his long wolf face showed fierceness!
It suddenly took a big step forward, kicked its feet hard on the soft black mud, and blasted a big crater several feet deep on the ground.

With the help of this huge shock force, he jumped forward suddenly.


Under the eruption of the demon power, the giant ax in the wolf demon's hand radiated a cold light several feet long.

The vicious blow brought about a terrifying roar, and it smashed down towards the place where the sword light was most concentrated!
The other two wolf demons also exploded with full strength almost at the same time.

Two equally powerful slashes, one left and one right, together with the giant ax that fell in the air, carried out a perfect combined attack towards the most powerful part of the sword array!

The light of the sword formation suddenly surged, and it quickly slashed at the three wolf monsters before the attack fell.

However, under the protection of the powerful eruption of monster power, the sword light that slashed at the vital points could hardly break through the defense.

In desperation, the five Xianmen disciples had no choice but to take the next best thing, and quickly shifted their swords to their relatively weaker limbs and other positions.

Dark red demon blood sprayed all over the air, and dozens of fine wounds appeared on the three-headed wolf demon in an instant.

However, the intense pain not only couldn't stop their attacks, but aroused their viciousness even more!
"Death to me!"

The head wolf monster's fierce eyes widened, its fangs bared, and the cold light wrapped around the blade of the ax seemed to have skyrocketed by three points!




Several deafening roars sounded in the field one after another, and under the successive frontal blows that exceeded the upper limit, the sword formation broke in response!

The five long swords broke into several pieces almost at the same time, and then they flew upside down with their masters to the forest behind them under a huge shock.


After a series of sounds of branches snapping, the five monks looked up to the sky and spurted several mouthfuls of blood. It took them a long time to help each other get up from the dense bushes.

"too weak!"

"Is this the sword formation that your human race is proud of? It's so ridiculous!"

"Jie ha ha ha..."

Amidst the strange laughter of howling ghosts and howling wolves, the leader wolf demon suddenly raised his giant axe and strode towards the five seriously injured people in front of him.

The smell of blood filled the air, and the fast-running demon body drew a faint white line in the air.

The animal skin robe on its body was pressed tightly against its body by the strong wind, and the dark red demon blood gushed out from the fine wounds cut by the sword light.

But this picture fell on the fast-running wolf demon, instead of looking miserable, it revealed an extraordinarily fierce aura!

An extremely insolent grin gradually appeared on the wolf monster's face, obviously he didn't pay attention to the five seriously injured monks in front of him.

Facing the menacing wolf demon, the five immortal disciples who had broken several bones tightly clenched the only half of the sword in their hands.

While the blood was surging, they forcibly lifted the spiritual power in the dantian, with a look of determination on their faces.

The five of them took a step forward at the same time, and raised their long swords obliquely, preparing to fight the wolf monster to the death.

The other two wolf demons were standing more than ten feet away watching the show, obviously they didn't think that the five human races could make waves.

However, under the shade of an inconspicuous tree twenty feet away, a blurred shadow the size of a palm appeared at some point.

It would be almost impossible for anyone to tell if it didn't change posture with the swaying of the branches above.

Amid the howling and surging air currents, the wolf demon quickly rushed to within three feet of the five of them.

Five sword lights erupted together, and a dazzling cold light shone in the mountains and forests!

Seeing that the sword light was about to fall on him, the wolf demon suddenly burst into demon power, ready to swing the huge ax in his hand, completely smashing the futile attacks of the five people.

However, at the moment when the demon power was about to pour into his arm, the wolf demon suddenly felt that his thinking seemed to have fallen into an unprecedented dullness.

He obviously wanted to use his demonic power, but it took a long time to spread the idea.

And its originally extremely strong monster body also fell into unprecedented stiffness and sluggishness at this moment. It seemed that some kind of strong slow and paralyzing force was acting on it, making it unable to lift its fingers. stand up.

"What's wrong with me?"

The cyan demon power surged up at an extremely slow speed, and the originally tense demon body, which was made of fine iron, unknowingly turned into a pile of loose flesh.

In the state of high-speed movement, the sudden slowing of the pace made the wolf demon lose his balance in an instant, and fell towards the ground in a strange posture!

Before the wolf demon could figure out what had happened to him, Wudaokong's sharp sword light mercilessly slashed at its powerless neck.

The huge wolf's head gurgled and flew away into the distance in his dazed eyes, and he seemed to see a familiar body lying on the ground in a whirl.

"Okay... looks...familiar..."

After the last thought flashed by, the world of the wolf demon fell into eternal darkness.

In the astonished and inexplicable gazes of the five immortal disciples, and in the unbelievable expressions of the two wolf monsters.

After rolling dozens of times in the air, a huge and ferocious head landed in the soft mud with a "plop".

A spring of blood that shot up into the air like an arrow shot out from the headless monster body, adding a touch of color to this fertile mountain forest again.


The demon body that was still in the momentum staggered forward for a certain distance, and fell to the ground with a gust of wind, gushing demon blood spurted out, instantly staining a large area of ​​fallen leaves and soil on the ground red.

The two wolf demons looked at each other, and rushed over quickly with long knives in hand.

This time they will not give the opponent another chance to comeback.

As early as the moment they took the first step, they had already stimulated their whole body's monster power, and the sword in their hands burst out with unprecedented sharpness at the same time!
The five immortal disciples who had just woken up from the shock once again squeezed the last spiritual power in their meridians, and unleashed their best sword with a resolute attitude!
However, the imaginary desperate fight still did not happen.

In the astonished and inexplicable eyes of the five monks.

The two wolf demons first rushed to them not far away on their own initiative, then they seemed to lose all their demonic power suddenly, and then moved as slowly as an 80-year-old man.

In the same staggering and strange posture, he stretched his neck and sent his head to the extremely sharp blade.



Two ferocious wolf heads flew high.

They never figured out what was going on until their death.

Why did I suddenly become like a puppet, unable to move my whole body.

It even looked like he was actively leaning his neck against the sword edge of the human monk on the opposite side, so funny and ridiculous!
Could it be that the supreme demon ancestor had some dissatisfaction with us, so he lowered the punishment on us?

It's a pity that their questions will never have answers...

 Today's second update is over, the plot of the Northern Wilderness Battlefield will advance rapidly, and the first villain will be clearly and reasonably arranged as soon as possible.

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(End of this chapter)

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