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Chapter 112 The Peach Tree and Spirit Vein

Chapter 112 The Peach Tree and Spirit Vein

The seeds of the flat peach tree!

This is the treasure he got by signing in not long after he got the system.

This is something from the Immortal Family, so it is naturally extremely precious.

Legend has it that the flat peach tree blooms every 3000 years, bears fruit every 3000 years, and matures every 3000 years. After eating it, it will not only be the flesh and bones of the living dead, but even directly make mortals become immortals...

Of course, Lin Xiaoyao doesn't believe such a description, it's a bit too exaggerated, how can a mortal who has never set foot on the road of cultivation become immortal?

Ordinary people can't do it, but immortal cultivators, or those who have reached a certain level of realm, may be able to do it.

In short, even for himself, the flat peach is probably of great use, it is a very precious treasure.

But the headache is the headache, the peach has been ripe for too long.

It takes exactly 9000 years.

Lin Xiaoyao felt that in 9000 years, he might have recovered the full strength of a saint!
At that time, even if you get this flat peach, what use will it be?
Therefore, he has never used this rare and unusually rare flat peach tree seed since he signed it.

I feel a little tasteless.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, when he first got the flat peach, he was relatively weak.

Everyone is innocent, but he is guilty of carrying jade. At that time, if the flat peach tree was planted, once the news leaked out, it might attract some terrible and powerful enemies.

At that time, Lin Xiaoyao had the status of a saint, but his cultivation was too weak, so he might not be able to deal with it.

So weighing the pros and cons, I ignored this seed and kept it stored in the system space.

But today is different from the past, Lin Xiaoyao gradually gained a clear understanding of his own strength during his trip to the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Although he dare not say that he can sit back and relax from now on, but he believes that at least in Yunzhou, there is no existence that can threaten him, so he doesn't need to be so cautious anymore.

After all, even a cultivator in the transcending tribulation period can slap the opponent casually, like swabbing a fly.

Now that the fairy trail doesn't appear, what else do I have to worry about?
What's more, even if an ordinary true fairy came, Lin Xiaoyao felt that he was sure of winning the battle now.

All in all, don't worry about the flat peach tree being robbed.

Although it took 9000 years to bear fruit, it still made him look a bit weak, but no one can tell what will happen in the future. What if there are other opportunities?

All in all, plant it first, just treat it as a casual move.

Do as soon as you think of it, he said to the seed of the flat peach tree lying in the palm of his hand: "You are already a mature seed, you have to learn to bury yourself in the soil and take root and sprout."

After saying this, the seed really flew up by itself, landed on an open space in the corner of the small courtyard, and burrowed into the soil.

After a while, green shoots grew.

Lin Xiaoyao had an extremely satisfied look on his face.

This kind of words can not only be used to deal with powerful enemies, but it is simply the gospel of lazy people!
Take the present as an example, how many things have you saved yourself with this sentence?
You know, planting a flat peach tree is very particular, but now it has become an extremely easy job, and you don't even need to move a finger.

Just ask if you are envious?
The flat peach tree has been planted.

But it is impossible to really ignore it in the future. Although Lin Xiaoyao is not afraid of strong enemies coming to his door, as the saying goes, one thing is worse than one thing. There are always annoying flies buzzing in front of him, which is really very bother.

What's more, tigers also have naps, so we still have to take precautions.

Then he took out another jade pendant from the storage space.

That's right, it is the formation used by the Heavenly Demon Sect to protect the treasure house.

He spoke to him: "What do I need to do next, do I need to teach you?"

"No, no, I'll understand it."

The sound of the jade pendant nodding and bowing reached his ears.

After the scene just now, the Qi Ling became more loyal and admired the great existence in front of him.

The other party was able to fuse the spiritual veins at will, use such great magical powers as the method of speaking, and even took out the seeds of the flat peach tree.

The combination of these things has proved the extraordinaryness of this great existence time and time again.

Yupei felt that being able to recognize the other party as his master was simply a blessing he had cultivated in eight lifetimes.

At the same time, he was also a little worried that there would be many psychic treasures beside this great master, who would cry and rush to surrender.

At that time, what should I do if my status is no longer guaranteed?
Therefore, we must plan ahead, let the master see his ability, and make him feel that he is a useful existence.

Only in this way can he be appreciated by the master, and his position will not be shaken by other psychic treasures who come to surrender.

Not to mention, this jade pendant is actually a scheming boy.

He is already planning for his future.

Some scenes of Gongdou even flashed in my mind.

But how to behave in front of the master is also a lot of thinking.

She was worrying, but it turned out that such a good opportunity was presented to her. Yupei was naturally overjoyed, so she immediately took over the job without hesitation.

Then I pat my chest to the great master and promise that I will guard the flat peach tree well, and after I get his approval.

A clear sound came to the ears, and the jade pendant turned into a ball of spirit light, and then one after another array equipment flew out from it.

Arranged around the flat peach tree.

Soon the buds from the flat peach tree were covered.

The place was restored to the same scenery as before, as if nothing had ever been planted.

Lin Xiaoyao nodded in satisfaction.

Although this jade pendant likes to flatter, it is indeed useful. The array arranged is not only indestructible, with both offense and defense, but also has the effect of illusion.

With his protection, the flat peach tree doesn't need to worry about anything, it's safe.

The next step is to consider the issue of self-cultivation.

Although I am already very strong, I must not be satisfied, and I must continue to practice hard.

All in all, Lin Xiaoyao wholeheartedly wants to restore the strength that matches the status of a saint, and there is still a long way to go.

Now set yourself a small goal... to become a fairy.

In fact, this is not easy.

Lin Xiaoyao is now in the middle stage of Mahayana.

According to his estimation, it will take at least one year for the rewards obtained by signing in to practice in the middle stage of Mahayana to the late stage of Mahayana.

Lin Xiaoyao felt that it was too difficult for him.

Ordinary immortal cultivators in the middle stage of Mahayana will only need three to 5000 years to cultivate to the late stage of Mahayana if everything goes well.

And I worked so hard, and it took a year to achieve this. Compared with them, it was really not fast, and it was not easy.

In this way, after letting the avatar go out for a while, Lin Xiaoyao resumed his usual peaceful life, signing in every day, and then just doing nothing to find a way to kill the time.

As for cleaning the patriarch's ancestral hall?

He no longer needs to do it himself, just say what he says, and let the other party keep himself clean and tidy.

After all, with his current status and strength, the patriarchs of the Huayu Sect couldn't bear it.

It is estimated that when he was cleaning, most of them were trembling. Lin Xiaoyao felt that it was still convenient for others, so they should not frighten and torture them like this.


Three months later.

It's a peaceful morning.

"System, sign me in."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and gaining 100 years of cultivation."

"Do you want to get it now?"


Without hesitation, Lin Xiaoyao was quite satisfied with the reward he received today. Although 100 years of cultivation is not much, it has brought him into the progress bar of the late Mahayana stage and moved him one step forward.

So my heart is still flattered.

However, at this moment, a loud sound entered the ears.


Even the quaint big bell inside the mountain gate, which represented the invasion of foreign enemies, was rang.

Lin Xiaoyao frowned.

A look of impatience could not help but appear on his face.

How many times has this happened recently?

He can't remember clearly.

All in all, since I greatly improved the quality of Huayuzong's spiritual veins, similar things have suddenly become more frequent.

This is not surprising, everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

You are holding a good thing, but if you don't have enough strength to deter powerful enemies, other people will definitely be greedy and want to snatch it from you.

Hua Yuzong is facing this situation at the moment.

With such a good spiritual vein, after a period of accumulation, Huayuzong's strength will definitely be able to make great strides.

grow up quickly.

But even faster takes time.

And these are expectations for the future, but today's Huayu Sect is still very weak.

For this matter, Master Qingyu actually had expectations.

He also wanted to keep it a secret, so that his disciples would not leak this matter.

However... easier said than done!
How could the tens of thousands of immortal cultivators of the Huayu Sect keep it a secret?As the saying goes, fire cannot be covered with paper, and the final news leaked out quickly.

This has attracted the coveting of countless strong men.

Master Qingyu was helpless, of course he would not sit still.

So instead of doing two things, he simply publicized the deeds of the immortal patriarch, hoping to deter Xiaoxiao and powerful enemies.

However, the effect is very bad!

People don't believe it until they see it with their own eyes.

What immortal patriarch?
It spreads miraculously, but outsiders think it is, this is just a trick made up by Hua Yuzong.

Believe it and you lose.

The Huayu Sect just wanted to use this lie to keep the top-grade spiritual vein that was accidentally obtained due to a mutation.

Do you really think everyone is a fool?
So in the past three months, various sects have been sending disciples to use various methods to inquire about news.

The purpose is to find out the reality of Huayu Sect.

However, in the past, it was basically based on temptation.

But this time, Lin Xiaoyao clearly noticed the difference.

After all, he has been in the Huayu Sect for more than ten years, so he naturally knows that the ancient bell of this sect will never be easily rang.

Once it knocks, it means that the door is really facing a great crisis, and it can even be said that it has reached the situation of life and death.

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help showing an impatient look on his face.

Why do those guys in the world of cultivating immortals like courting death so much?
Is it really so difficult to live a peaceful life without competing with the world?

Forget it, people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes, since they don't know how to live or die, I have no choice but to satisfy their wishes.


What should come will always come.

At this moment, outside the mountain gate of the Huayu Sect, the originally strong guard formation was already dilapidated.

Thousands of immortal cultivators are confronting each other.

One side is naturally a disciple of Huayu Sect.

On the other side, they were also dressed neatly and dressed up. What was more conspicuous was that there was a big knife marked on the collar of their shirts.

"Fellow Daoists of Xuandaomen, why do you press so hard?"

Master Qingyu sighed, obviously suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Let's talk nonsense, the weak will prey on the strong in the world of cultivating immortals, and now I will give you two choices."

"Either be more sensible and hand over the chief rudder obediently. God has the virtue of being kind, and we can let you leave safely."

"Or, let us do it, but when the time comes to toast and not eat or drink fine wine, I'm afraid it's hard to say whether Huayuzong will suffer heavy casualties."

The person who spoke was an old man with a gloomy face, his face was full of sarcasm, judging by his airy expression, the other party didn't take Hua Yuzong seriously at all.

"Hateful, you are also deceiving people too much!"

The head of Yujian Peak was furious, his eyes seemed to be spitting fire, and the other party's words were simply humiliating, and he didn't take this sect seriously at all.

The other immortal cultivators of Huayu Sect were also filled with righteous indignation, and they all felt that the other party was deceiving too much.

The chief rudder is the foundation of a sect, how can there be any reason to give up lightly?
If he really did this, the Huayu Sect would definitely become the laughing stock of the entire world of cultivating immortals. In the future, no matter where he went, he would be disliked by people, and there would be no way for him to gain a foothold in the world of cultivating immortals.

For the other party to do this, it is killing people and punishing their hearts, leaving no room for Huayuzong and a way out.

Besides, the spirit vein was improved by the immortal patriarch himself not long ago. If they give up, what face will they have when they go to see the patriarch again?

So I have no choice, I would rather die than be humiliated!
But that being said, even the elders of the Huayu Sect, including Daoist Qingyu, also noticed that there was a person standing behind the gloomy old man.

This person's aura is as deep as the sea, just standing there, his figure is like a high mountain, making people breathless.

Is this person...

Master Qingyu suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

However, now that the arrow is on the string, he has no room to back down.

Faced with the enemy's approaching every step of the way, Master Qingyu could only choose to fight, even if the blood was splashed for five steps, he would never give up the foundation of the main helm.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll let the old man come and learn from fellow Taoists."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the elders of Huayu Sect couldn't help but change.

"Master, no!"

"Brother, please consider carefully."


You must know that the strength of Xuandao Sect is better than that of Huayu Sect.

What's more, the other party came prepared.

It is meaningless to count with your heart.

In addition, not long ago, they heard a rumor that the great elder of Xuandaomen had already passed that step and became a cultivator of the Mahayana realm.

Although it is just a rumor and has not been confirmed to be true or false, but as the saying goes, there is no storm without waves.

If it is true, the head really has no chance of winning.

Although the senior brother is not what he used to be, he has advanced to the late stage of Tongxuan, but against the ancestor of the Mahayana, that is a world of difference.

Everyone couldn't help thinking of the Immortal Patriarch, if his old man was here...

Unfortunately, I can only think about it.

Since improving the quality of the spirit veins for the sect, the patriarch has never appeared again, and most of them have gone out to wander.

As the saying goes, distant water cannot quench near thirst, and now they can only rely on themselves.

"I am the leader of a faction, and as the leader, if I don't make a move at this time, who should make a move?"

Master Qingyu sighed.

His expression was full of determination, and he had obviously made up his mind that even if he fell, he must safeguard the dignity and interests of the sect.

"So even if the legend is true and the Great Elder of Xuandaomen has really become the Patriarch of Mahayana, it is impossible for him to shrink back."

"Fellow Daoist, let's do it!"

Afterwards, Master Qingyu sacrificed his natal treasure.

It was a flying sword, but it exuded a rather powerful and extraordinary aura.

"Ants, you really don't know how to live or die, just because you dare to fight this old man."

"It was the old man's kindness to let you leave safely, but I didn't expect you to be ignorant of current affairs. Anyway, if that's the case, then let's all stay!"

It was the man in the green robe who had an aura as deep as the sea who spoke. At this moment, he took a step forward and stood up.

All the cultivators of Xuandaomen showed reverence and admiration on their faces.

Even the gloomy old man bowed his head, stepped back respectfully, and put on an expression that only the other party looked up to.

Seeing this scene, the expression of the monks of Huayuzong became extremely ugly.

"Are the rumors true?"

"Is this person the Great Elder of Xuandaomen?"

However, before this thought changed, the other party raised his hand with a sneer.

With a relaxed expression, he did not sacrifice the magic weapon, but raised his arm and waved it casually.


The sound of breaking through the air reached the ears.

It was such an ordinary movement, but there was a dazzling blade light, which suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.

Then it collided with Qingyu Daoist's natal flying sword.

The sound of metal collisions reached everyone's ears, and then an incredible scene appeared.

A crack appeared on the surface of the flying sword, and then more and more cracks appeared, and then with a bang, the whole flying sword turned into countless fragments and completely collapsed.


Master Qingyu took several steps back, unable to stand upright, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

He was pale.

If someone hadn't quickly supported him, he might have fallen to the ground at this moment.


"Master, are you alright!"

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, with expressions of horror on their faces.

You know, not long ago, Master Qingyu had advanced to the late stage of Tongxuan, and his strength was not what it used to be. It was never expected that under such circumstances, he would not be able to catch the opponent's move.

And it's a casual trick.

Everyone's heart suddenly became cold.

Originally, they hoped that the rumors were wrong, but now it seems that the rumors are not only true, but also the Great Elder of Xuandaomen is stronger than imagined. "

How to do?
"Damn it, I will fight with you!"

The head of Yujian Peak has a fiery temper. He wanted to draw his sword, but was held back.

His strength is not as good as the head of the real person, and he will only die in vain if he rushes forward.

This is the reality of the world of cultivating immortals. The weak are preyed on by the strong, and the loser can only be slaughtered by others. Whether it is your life or wealth, it no longer belongs to you.

One thought of the other party can put you in a situation beyond redemption.

And Hua Yuzong is now facing such a crisis.

"Brother, what should we do?"

The expressions of the chief elders were filled with grief and indignation, and all the disciples also felt desolate.

But the strength gap is too big, there is really no way, so they can only turn their attention to Master Qingyu, hoping that the master can come up with a solution.

 Thanks for the reward of 100 coins from Dream Bubble

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  Sorry, I have something to do today, so there is only this chapter, but this chapter has more than 5000 words, and there are almost two and a half chapters. Huanyu will try to do more tomorrow, please continue to subscribe and support me, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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