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Chapter 113 The Huayu Sect is at stake, the Immortal Patriarch is invincible in the world

Chapter 113 The Huayu Sect is at stake, the Immortal Patriarch is Invincible (Subscribe)

But easier said than done?
"Accept the other party's request, let's leave here and give up the main helm."

Master Qingyu spoke with a painful expression on his face. It was obviously a difficult choice, but he had to make it. Although it was humiliating, it was better than annihilation.

If the green hills remain, we are not afraid of running out of firewood. Fortunately, there is still hope in our sect. As long as the patriarch and the old man get news, they will definitely come back to uphold justice for our sect.

Thinking of this, Master Qingyu was very ashamed.

I am the leader of a faction, but every time I encounter a crisis, I can't do anything. I have to bother the patriarch and the old man about everything, so I am really useless.

But there is no way, now I have to endure the humiliation.

He decided that next time he saw the patriarch, he would take the blame and plead guilty for his incompetence as the head of the sect, and ask the old man to come down.

"it is good."

All the elders, although they are unwilling, they also understand the situation in front of them, and they have no other choice.

At the same time, everyone can also guess the real plan of the head. This matter is endless, and the patriarch will make decisions for them. As the saying goes, take a step back and the sea and the sky are wide.

But at this moment, the accident happened.

The blue-robed man with breath like the sea sneered: "Go, I only want to leave now, it's already too late."


"What do you mean by that?"

"What exactly do you want to do? Do you still want to kill everything?"

"Didn't you just say that you gave us two choices, you can choose to leave by yourself? Don't you want to go back on your word?"


The monks of Huayu Sect couldn't help being in an uproar.

"The old man did say so."

The green-robed man had a proud expression on his face, looking at everyone as if he was looking at a group of tiny ants.

"The old man did say that you can give two choices, but in fact, you didn't grasp it yourself. Who can blame this?"

"And I'm changing my mind now."

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Master Qingyu's face was livid, with blood on the corner of his mouth, and the expression he looked at the other party was full of unwillingness and anger.

"It's very simple, I will kill you all, leaving no one behind."

The other party's voice was full of murderous intent, but the tone was extremely flat, as if he was just talking about a trivial matter.

The same is true.

Even Daoist Qingyu is vulnerable, let alone other cultivators of Huayu Sect.

In his eyes, the other party was just a group of tiny ants, and it would be easy to kill them all.

"Why, why are you doing this?"

Daoist Qingyu showed a look of grief, indignation and confusion, they had no enmity with Xuandaomen before, they came here all the way, just to seize the spiritual veins of the sect?

I have already decided to back down and offer my spirit veins with both hands. The other party has achieved their goal, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?Why do you want to bully people too much and kill them all?

"It's very simple. It's because your resistance just now made the old man feel a little uncomfortable, so I'm going to kill you all over the family to make a warning to others."

What kind of overbearing logic is this?

When the monks of Huayuzong heard this, their eyes were red with anger, and their scalps almost exploded.

So bullying!
Faced with their rude request to seize the spiritual vein, can't our sect even try to resist?Can't even struggle?
Can only be slaughtered by you, want to take it?This is too bullying!

"Too deceiving!"

"This is too domineering."


When Huayuzong's disciples heard this, some of them were filled with grief and indignation, while others showed a look of extreme despair.

Could it be that our sect is really doomed today?Want to break the inheritance here?

Although the other party is quite unreasonable, they have to admit that they have no power to resist now, even the head of the sect can't handle the other party's random move, let alone the others, and now their wealth and life are in the hands of the other party.

But the man in green robe was very proud, his face was full of sneer and sarcasm.

"I heard that you have spread everywhere, saying that you have the protection of some shit patriarch. Let me ask, where is the so-called patriarch you are talking about? Now that Huayuzong is at the moment of life and death, why is he still shrinking his head?" Do you dare not come out like a tortoise?"

"You are not allowed to insult the Patriarch."

After hearing the other party's words, all the monks of the Huayu Sect were furious, but there were also many people who looked around as if they had caught straws.

That's right, there are immortal patriarchs in our sect.

I have seen him perform miracles with my own eyes, if the patriarch was here, where would it be his turn to be arrogant and domineering?
Thinking of this, everyone in the Huayu Sect couldn't help rekindling hope in their hearts.

And the green-robed man also shouted violently.

"What kind of shit patriarch of the Huayu Sect, I don't know your name, I don't know if you really exist, or it's a ridiculous lie made up by these guys, but if you really exist, you'd better immediately Get out of here, or your disciples and grandchildren will be killed by me in a short while, leaving no one behind."

The other party's attitude was domineering, and his voice spread hundreds of miles away, and everyone in the Huayu Sect could hear it clearly.

He obviously didn't use magical powers like the Buddhist lion's roar, but everyone was still stunned by the shock, the leaves also fell down, and even rocks began to roll down from the distant mountain peaks.

Master Qingyu's expression changed in shock, the mana of the other party was so profound, it seemed that he was not in the ordinary Mahayana period.

And the man in the green robe had an unruly expression on his face.

He simply didn't believe the rumors about the Immortal Patriarch that Hua Yuzong said.

He just wants to expose and humiliate the other party.

As for the purpose of doing this... Li Wei!
The reason is very simple. Now that the news has spread, the Xuandaomen are not the only cultivating forces coveting the Huayuzong's spiritual veins.

Quite the contrary, and a lot more.

It's just that he is the most impatient and the first to do it.

But there must be many old monsters watching in the dark.

Watch his performance.

If he doesn't act strong enough, troubles will come to him, and he doesn't want to be the prey of others, so he can only use thunder to frighten all powerful enemies and Xiaoxiao.

To put it simply, it is to kill chickens and monkeys.

That's why, even though there was no grievance or enmity, he insisted on doing everything right, and even wanted to destroy Yuzong's whole family.

Moreover, he humiliated and ridiculed the so-called immortal patriarch.

This is all done for other cultivating forces to see.

Tell them that you are ruthless and that you are not to be provoked. If you want to make a move, you'd better weigh it beforehand. If you offend me, there will be no good results.

This is the sorrow of the weak, who have been robbed of their spiritual veins by the opponent, but have no chance to choose to surrender, and even be used as a stepping stone, killing and humiliating.

Not convinced?
Who made you weaker than me?

The world of cultivating immortals was originally dominated by the weak and the strong.

If you are not convinced, you will do everything possible to become stronger, and naturally no one will dare to provoke you.

But in the eyes of the green-robed man, Hua Yuzong obviously did not have this opportunity.

Not only did he want to steal the other party's spiritual veins, but he also wanted to use the life of all the monks in the sect to establish his prestige.

"Master Patriarch, this disciple is unworthy..."

Master Qingyu's heart was bleeding.

As the venerable head of the sect, how can he watch the foundation of the sect be destroyed in his own hands?

But there is no way, the enemy is too strong, even if he risked his life, it would be in vain, and he didn't even have the slightest chance to resist.

This is the sorrow of the weak.

Now he can only hope for a miracle, even though he knows in his heart that this is impossible.

Since the last time the quality of the spiritual pulse was improved, the patriarch has been traveling abroad, and even if he got the news, he would definitely not be able to come back in time.

In a word, distant water cannot quench near thirst.

Is the inheritance of our sect really going to be cut off here?

"Immortal Patriarch!"



The rest of the Huayu Sect also looked sad and indignant, and some of them even couldn't help weeping carefully.

Don't laugh at them, there is a saying that men don't shed tears lightly, but they have not reached the point of sadness, but in the face of life and death, how many people can be calm and peaceful even if they are cultivators?

It's so hard!

Especially when I just found out that our sect has a bright future, but we have encountered such an accident...

Like going from heaven to hell, how many people can face such a big gap calmly?
It's normal to have a broken mentality, and some young disciples even couldn't help crying. This is a very normal reaction, and there is no need to be harsh.

All the monks of the Huayu Sect looked forward to the Patriarch.

However, after waiting for a while, no miracle happened, and there was no movement at the entire mountain gate.

"Let me just say, what a shit patriarch, it's just a lie."

"The Huayu Sect actually made up such a lie, it really embarrasses us immortals."

"Don't even look in the mirror, how dare a trash sect like them say that they have the protection of an immortal?"

"He also said that he is of the Sanqing lineage. It's all nonsense, and he put gold on his face."

"That's right, the Huayu Sect is simply a disgrace to the world of cultivating immortals, and the ancestors of this sect are all a bunch of trash."


The voices of chattering came to the ears.

Disciple of Xuandaomen, you started to sneer at each other, everyone had a disdainful smile on their faces.

It seems that in their eyes, Huayuzong has really become a disgrace to the world of cultivating immortals, and they disdain to associate with it.

Even relying on the fact that the ancestor of our sect is here, some low-ranking disciples of the Xuandao sect began to point at the noses of the elders of Huayu sect and curse.

Their expressions were filled with excitement.

After all, the world of cultivating immortals is a place where the strong are respected. If it were another occasion, without the support of the ancestors, how could they dare to be so domineering?To humiliate a cultivator whose realm is much higher than his own.

This feeling is simply too cool, enough to make me brag for a lifetime in the future.

I said that when I was only building the foundation, I had already pointed at the other party's nose to humiliate the cultivators of the Tongxuan period, so I asked you if you are envious or not?

All in all, Xuan Dao Sect has gone too far, not only killing people but also punishing their hearts, directly trampling Hua Yuzong's face into the soil.

"I...I fight with you."

The eyes of the head of Yujian Peak burst into flames.

As a sword cultivator, he would rather bend than bend, how could he endure such humiliation?
Pull out the long sword and kill a Xuandaomen disciple who humiliated him.

"Ancestor save me!"

It was a Golden Core cultivator, and he was shouting triumphantly at first, and it felt really good to humiliate a cultivator in the Tongxuan period.

Never wanted to play off, the other party was about to kill him in front of the ancestor.

Then the guy immediately froze.

Squat on the ground with your head up.

Yes, he did not escape!
Because he knew that he couldn't escape at all, he just kept calling out: "Old Ancestor, save me!"


Seeing this scene, the head of Yujian Peak was even more angry.

Such a despicable person has no guts, yet he dares to humiliate himself by pretending to be a tiger.

It is so infuriating.

So he didn't care about three seven and twenty one, and wanted to cut off the opponent's head.

As for the consequences...

Hmph, anyway, the two sides have torn their skins apart, is it still important to consider the consequences now?

Could it be that he still expects the other party to be merciful?

The matter has come to this, it is better to risk everything and kill.

There is nothing wrong with his choice, and it can even be said to be the most sensible.

However, at this moment, the green-robed man made a move.

Point out with one finger.

with its action.


A scream came to his ears.

The first seat of Yujian Peak of Huayu Sect was hit head-on as if being hit with a mace by the opponent.

"Whoosh" and flew out.

Blood spurted out of his mouth.

I fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Senior brother!"

Daoist Qingyu was shocked, and like other elders, he quickly reached out to help.

However, the green-robed man just took a step forward, and there was a violent and abnormal momentum, swarming out from the surface of his body.

Ding Ding Deng

Everyone involuntarily took several steps back.

Everyone's expression was horrified.

It was as if they were facing a roaring savage monster, not only their bodies, but even their souls were trembling, just being locked on by the opponent's aura, they were already unable to move.

The hand that went to help the younger brother couldn't help but froze in mid-air.

It's not that he is timid and dare not do it, but that the strength gap is too large. After being locked by the opponent with divine sense, he cannot move at all.

This once again refreshed everyone's perception.

Facing Mahayana monks, they were as helpless as babies.

The previous Master Wuyue did not give them such a feeling.

This guy... is by no means an ordinary Mahayana cultivator!
I am afraid that there is some adventure, so the strength is much stronger than the ordinary Mahayana monks.

Everyone couldn't help but become more and more desperate.

But the man in the green robe was very satisfied, and his own prestige had an excellent effect.

He could feel that several divine thoughts that were spying secretly had retreated.

Kill the chicken and the monkey!
Hua Yuzong deserved to be so unlucky, who made them so weak?

A cruel smile appeared on his face.

He saw the head of Yujian Peak staggering and struggling to get up from the ground.

He flicked his fingers slightly, and shot out with a spell.

The head of Yujian Peak suddenly froze, feeling that he was restrained by the opponent, and all his mana was restrained.

Immortal cultivators in the Tongxuan period, without mana, are no different than ordinary people.

"Old monster, you... what do you want to do?"

He gritted his teeth, but he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"You are very courageous. Just now, you dared to attack my disciples of the Xuandao Sect in front of the deity. If you don't teach you a lesson, wouldn't this old man want people to look down upon you?"

The sneer of the green-robed man came to his ears.

Afterwards, he glanced at the Jindanqi cultivator squatting on the ground, frowned, and then said, "Go, give him a slap in the face."


Everyone couldn't help being taken aback.

The head of Yujian Peak was so angry that his eyes turned black.

"Old monster, don't bully others too much, a soldier can be killed but not humiliated."

"So what if I humiliate you? Can you still bite me? Or let that shit patriarch do justice for you? Not to mention that it's just a lie, even if he really stands here, he is still a waste."

The green-robed man laughed loudly.


However, at this moment, a sigh reached his ears.

"Killing is nothing more than nodding your head. You guys are really too shameless and too much."

"Not only do you want to kill and humiliate our disciples, but even I dare to ridicule you and ignore them. I just want to ask, who gave you the courage and courage?"

 This chapter is more than 300 words, and there will be another chapter in the evening. Huanyu is working hard to update it. Please give me more motivation and continue to subscribe and support, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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