Chapter 115 Mahayana Fuju, Xuandaomen Destroyed (Subscribe)
"Stinky boy, you are impatient to live. I want you to survive, not to die."

An angry and vicious light flashed across the face of Xuandaomen's big head, and he decided not to kill this little guy so easily
He has to suffer a lot.

I have to torture it well, so that I can calm down.

"I said how could there be such a stupid immortal cultivator like you in the world."

This time Lin Xiaoyao's voice was clearer.

It clearly fell into the ears of every monk present.

Unceremoniously, directly slapped in the face.

"court death!"

The great elder of Xuandaomen suddenly became furious.

He didn't expect the other party to be so daring, that he dared to use his tongue when he was about to die.

As soon as he yelled, the number of dense saber lights in the void more than doubled in an instant.

He hated this stinky boy to the bone, and this time he must let him experience the pain of a thousand cuts.

Let him understand that there are some people who cannot be offended, and dare to speak wild words in front of him, then he must have the consciousness to endure endless pain.

"Grandfather be careful."

Seeing the overwhelming sword glow completely enveloping Lin Xiaoyao's body, even Daoist Qingyu couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Of course he has full confidence in the ability of the patriarch, but this elder of the Xuandao Sect is by no means a person who has a reputation for nothing.

On the contrary, the opponent's strength is outrageously strong, and it is by no means comparable to ordinary Mahayana.

So he was worried that the patriarch was careless for a while, and if he really suffered a small loss in the hands of the other party, it would be bad.

As for the Xuandaomen disciples, they have another mentality.

Seeing that the other party was enveloped by the sword light, their expressions became excited again.

"Huayu Sect is really useless guys."

"That's right, it's just for the benefit of the tongue."

"It's so ridiculous, is this your immortal patriarch, who has nothing but good words."

"Don't be embarrassing here, it's just this kind of guy who dares to call himself an immortal, I'm sorry."


For a while, the sound of ridicule was endless.

Apparently, the disciples of Xuan Dao Sect regarded the figure shrouded in clear light as a fish on the chopping board, thinking that the next moment the other party would be cut into pieces by his densely-packed sword light.

So they naturally jumped back and forth, extremely arrogant.

However, at this moment, Lin Xiaoyao made an unexpected move.

Facing this terrible attack, he neither dodged nor sacrificed treasures to defend.

Not to mention using such a great supernatural power as the method of speaking.

Just kidding, it doesn't even matter.

Such rubbish in front of him deserves to be taken seriously by him?

Isn't that too high a view of the other party?
Lin Xiaoyao's reaction was much simpler, and he directly blew forward lightly.

That's right, blow air.

Understatement, without the slightest anger.

There was a sense of disdain and contempt in every action and demeanor.

Through such actions, he expressed his contempt for the enemy, as if he was saying one word, rubbish!
"Damn it, you are so brave!"

The Great Elder of Xuandaomen was half-dead from anger.

He didn't expect that facing his killer, the other party would use such a method to deal with it.

It's so hateful!
The contempt coming from his bones made him jump in anger.

I feel that I have never seen such a hateful guy, even if I cut him into pieces, it will be difficult to get rid of the hatred in my heart at this moment.

There was resentment in his eyes, but then there was a scene that surprised him.

Lin Xiaoyao was actually intact.

The other party obviously only breathed lightly, but his massive attack was inexplicably resolved.

All the knife light, like the ice and snow exposed to the sun, melted quickly without a trace, as if it had never existed.

" is this possible?"

The great elder of Xuandaomen's heart shuddered, his face changed drastically, and he looked at the figure in the blue light full of horror.

Originally thought that the other party was a fish on the chopping board, could it be that he was mistaken?
This guy is not a waste, but here he is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Not only the green-robed man, but also the other cultivators of the Xuandao Sect all stared wide-eyed, with disbelief on their faces as well, and all the cynicism just now stopped abruptly.

Instead, it was filled with apprehension.

The expressions of these guys were like seeing a ghost.

"The patriarch is mighty!"

"Patriarch is invincible in the world!"

"Haha, are you dumbfounded now? I told you that our sect is guarded by an immortal patriarch. If you don't believe me, you dare to stroke the tiger's whiskers of our sect. You will pay the price for what you did today."


Meanwhile, on the other side.

The disciples of Huayu Sect boosted their morale and became ecstatic.

"Interesting, to be able to defuse the old man's attack lightly, I admit that I really underestimated you."

At this moment, the voice of the Great Elder of Xuandaomen reached his ears.

However, there was still a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"However, you were able to defuse the old man's moves just now, not because of your own strength, but because of the treasures you carry, right?"

"Hmph, the Huayu Sect does have some background, but do you think that with such a trick, you can scare the old man away? You are so naive!"

Lin Xiaoyao: "..."

Lin Xiaoyao was dumbfounded.

Even now, the opponent still doesn't believe in his own strength.

Stubbornly thinking that he is playing tricks and playing tricks, what can he say?How did such an idiot advance to the Mahayana stage?
Lin Xiaoyao felt that it was boring, and he was really not interested in talking with such a guy.

Forget it, get rid of this guy early, the other party is really an eyesore.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyao took a step forward.

And at this moment, the green-robed man also sacrificed his natal treasure.

It is a big ring knife with gold thread, the shape is very exaggerated.

"Go to hell!"

There was a cruel smile on his face.

This great elder of the Xuandao Sect doesn't believe in any fairy tales at all.

He thought that Lin Xiaoyao carried some background and treasures of the Huayu Sect, so he could use such an eye-catching way to resolve his ultimate move.

But that's all.

Even if the senior patriarch of the Huayu Sect had some heritage, it was impossible to block his natal treasure. This time, he wanted to remove the boy's head cleanly.



A scream came to the ear, and the man in the green robe had been cut off with an arm, bleeding profusely.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't do anything.

He just took a look at the golden-threaded big ring knife flying over, and the treasure immediately flew back backwards.

At an even faster speed, becoming more swift and fierce, the left hand of the man in green robe was chopped off with one blow.

"what happened?"

"Am I dazzled?"

"My God!"


There was an exclamation from the crowd.

At this moment, no matter whether it is Huayuzong or Xuandaomen's immortal cultivators, everyone is dumbfounded.

Everyone couldn't believe it, what they saw just now.

If it is said that Lin Xiaoyao also sacrificed the treasure and injured the great elder of the Xuandao Sect after a fierce fight, they could barely accept it.

But how could the opponent's own magic weapon turn back against the master?

You must know that between the talisman and its owner, there should be a connection of mind and heart.

This is not in line with common sense in the world of cultivating immortals, and it can be said that it has completely refreshed everyone's cognition.

But facts are facts.

It happened in front of so many people, and everyone could see it clearly, so it was definitely not a certain person's dazzled or hallucinated.

The great elder of Xuandaomen, the majestic ancestor of Mahayana, was seriously injured by his natal magic weapon!

"What kind of sorcery are you using?" The other party's eyes almost split open.


Lin Xiaoyao was too lazy to answer such a stupid question.

He stepped towards the other side and walked over.

"Aren't you very arrogant just now, didn't you just want to kill me?"

"What's the matter now? Why are you in a daze, let's do it."

"You don't come here."

Seeing the other party approaching, the great elder of Xuandao Sect felt a ray of fear inexplicably deep in his heart.

He faintly felt that he might have done something stupid today.

When he kicked the iron plate, he thought that Huayuzong was a soft persimmon, but in fact, he was foolishly hitting a stone with an egg.

"How to do?"

There was cold sweat on his forehead.

I want to escape, but I feel like I can't move.

At this moment, there was still no trace of the arrogance and arrogance on his face.

It was replaced by apprehension, panic like a bereaved dog.

However, Lin Xiaoyao didn't intend to let him go.

The other party called himself a bullshit patriarch just now, and repeatedly underestimated and humiliated himself.

Could a saint be something he could humiliate?

And Lin Xiaoyao is very vengeful.

So Lin Xiaoyao faced him, releasing a sage's aura countless times smaller than a strand of hair.

Although this breath was only a little bit to Lin Xiaoyao, it was extremely weak.

Not worth mentioning at all.

However, in the eyes of the green-robed man, it was a completely different scene.

His eyes suddenly became hollow.

He felt a majestic momentum that was completely indescribable in words, and he locked himself in all of a sudden.

Can't move, can't resist!
The face of the green-robed man suddenly became extremely pale, trembling, he fell down and sat on the ground.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, please forgive me."

He muttered to himself, apparently frightened, on the verge of collapse.

Don't be surprised, when Lin Xiaoyao was weaker than now, when he went to Wuyue Immortal Palace, he used this trick in the ancestral hall of the other party's ancestor.

That Immortal White Crane is also a true immortal after all, and he was also scared to pee.

What's more, this guy in front of him is just a cultivator in the Mahayana stage.

Although Lin Xiaoyao's saintly prestige was much smaller than last time, it was less than one-tenth of what he had when facing True Monarch Baihe.

But it's not something the Great Elder of Xuandaomen can bear.

"Great Elder, you... what's wrong with you?"

Because Lin Xiaoyao's threat to the saint was only aimed at the green-robed man, the other cultivators of the Xuandao Sect were not affected in any way at this moment.

So they are a little confused at the moment.

They only saw the Great Elder and the Patriarch of the Huayu Sect just now, but they just looked at each other, how could they be frightened like this?
Looks like the nerves are a little out of order.


However, the call of the disciple of Xuan Dao Sect seemed to stimulate the other party all of a sudden.

The green-robed man jumped up from the ground.

He yelled, and then ran towards the bottom of the mountain. He only had one thought now, the farther away from this terrible guy, the better.


Master Qingyu wanted to stop it.

As the saying goes, let the tiger go back to the mountain, and there will be endless troubles.

Although our sect is protected by an immortal patriarch, the one who let go was a Mahayana patriarch after all.

What's more, it's impossible for the Patriarch to stay in the sect all the time. If the other party recovers and comes to retaliate, there will be endless troubles...

Lin Xiaoyao shook his head, stopped the other party, and smiled, "No need."

"Need not?"

Master Qingyu was stunned.

Although he was puzzled, he did not dare to disobey the patriarch's attitude, and stopped in surprise.

"His Dao Heart has completely collapsed, he is even delirious, and his meridians are reversed."

Lin Xiaoyao said lightly.

As if talking about a trivial matter.

However, the immortal cultivators present couldn't help but gasped when they heard this.
The expressions on everyone's faces were in disbelief, and Master Qingyu finally understood, why did the Patriarch say that there is no need to chase after him?
Dao Xin collapsed and meridians reversed. In this case, it was impossible for the opponent to pose a threat.

Without Dao Xin, his cultivation base will drop rapidly. Now it is the Mahayana period, but I am afraid that it will not take a month before he will fall to Jindan, or even lower...

He will become a useless person completely, and naturally he will no longer pose any threat to our sect.

Just how did the patriarch do it?
He obviously didn't make a move...

Everyone could see the whole process clearly. The Patriarch just breathed a sigh of relief at the beginning, and easily resolved the opponent's attack.

Next, after taking a look at the other party, the great elder of the Xuandao Sect had an arm cut off by his natal magic weapon.

Then he took another look at the other party, and the dignified multiplication patriarch actually had his Dao heart collapsed...

This is too exaggerated, right?
Even a true immortal should not be able to do it!

Everyone thought it was unbelievable, but this was the fact. For a moment, everyone looked at Lin Xiaoyao with awe-inspiring expressions.

"The patriarch is mighty!"

"Patriarch is invincible!"


Cheers came and went, and all the immortal cultivators of Huayu Sect were ecstatic.

The last time Lin Xiaoyao fused the spirit veins, originally Lin Xiaoyao thought that his reputation had reached full mark.

The same is true.

But who said that after the prestige is full, it can't continue to grow up?
At this moment, everyone's worship of this immortal ancestor has reached a new height.

Originally, I knew that the Patriarch Master was amazing, but I didn't expect to be able to go to such an exaggerated level. Just one look can make the Mahayana Patriarch Dao Xin collapse.

How powerful is this?
It has exceeded everyone's imagination.

And with the protection of this supernatural patriarch, both the Huayu Sect and himself have a bright future, and the morale of all the disciples is really high at this moment.

While some were happy and some were sad, compared to the ecstasy of the disciples of the Huayu Sect, the cultivators of the Xuandao Sect were completely panicked.

The hunter became the hunted!
Originally, the Great Elder had advanced to the Mahayana stage, and they thought that this time to snatch the spiritual veins of the Huayu Sect was just a trivial matter.

Without any effort, the other party can only let himself be slaughtered, but the result was never expected, but it is the result now.

The bullshit is sure to win, the rumors are actually true, and Huayuzong really has the protection of an immortal patriarch.

And the Mahayana patriarch that our sect relies on, can't even catch the opponent's move, no, it can't even withstand the opponent's look.

Dao Xin collapsed directly and became a lunatic.

He is not at the same level as the immortal patriarch of Huayu Sect.

Now the Great Elder has become a useless person, and they have completely lost their backbone. The domineering and domineering just now looks so ridiculous.

Now the situation is reversed and they are at the mercy of others.

And the taste of the fish on the cutting board is not good.

"It's over."

"It's all over."

"what should we do?"


The faces of the Xuandaomen disciples were full of despair.

This is what makes the wicked have their own grind. Who told them to do such a terrible thing just now?
Now even he himself knows it well, I am afraid that it is absolutely impossible to get the other party's forgiveness.

It's not that they haven't thought of running away, and some people really do.

After all, among the thousands of Xuandaomen disciples, there must be some who are bolder and unwilling to sit still.

However, it is one thing to dare to escape, but it is another matter to be able to escape.

And the behavior of these people at this moment is equivalent to a drill and experiment for the companions behind. turned out badly.

They just ran a few steps before they exploded like balloons.

Just kidding, how can Lin Xiaoyao not understand the truth of eradicating evil?

What's more, how arrogant and domineering these guys were just now?

The Huayu Sect had no grudges against them, they wanted to kill them all, and deliberately humiliated them.

In this case, how could Lin Xiaoyao let these guys go?
The downfall is also what they asked for.

What's more, these Xuandao Sect disciples were very proud to scold them just now, saying that they are some kind of bullshit patriarch, the words are still in their ears, but Lin Xiaoyao is stingy and holds grudges very much.

Didn't you call yourself a shit?Make me worthless?
Well, people should always pay the price for their actions and words, so don't blame yourself for being cruel now that you are falling.

Seeing those fleeing guys all turned into a cloud of blood mist, the expressions in the eyes of the Xuandaomen disciples completely dimmed.

At this point, the last bit of hope in their hearts has completely disappeared.

Now they have completely turned into fish on the chopping board, whether they live or die is all in Lin Xiaoyao's thought.

Lin Xiaoyao raised his head and looked at the group of monks who were still arrogant just now.

The other party felt a chill from the bottom of his heart, and they all felt great fear.

Suddenly, the voices of begging for mercy came and went.

"Master True Immortal, spare me!"

"Thousands of mistakes are all our faults, and please adults ignore the faults of villains."

"I beg you, please forgive us, this junior made a mistake, and I dare not do it again."


However, Lin Xiaoyao was unmoved.

The kindness of a woman does not exist.

The key is the faces of these guys just now, he can see clearly, if he doesn't take action, Hua Yuzong's fate will probably be much more miserable than they are now.

Not only will they all be killed, but even humiliated.

Seeing that they can't beat them now, these guys want to beg for mercy and let them go.

Just kidding, where in the world is there such a good thing?

Do you think you don't have to pay the price for doing something wrong, just ask for forgiveness?

Lin Xiaoyao never caused trouble, but if anyone dared to provoke him, just wait for fierce revenge.

So he didn't intend to let go of any of these guys in front of him.

These people deserved their crimes when they died, because they were all very happy just now, and they were about to break the inheritance of Hua Yuzong.

As long as there is a person who does not intend to do that, Lin Xiaoyao can save his life.

It's a pity that they didn't, so they deserved to die.

So Lin Xiaoyao made a move.

Of course it was said to be a shot, but in fact he didn't move, he just looked over. These immortal cultivators of the Xuandao Sect, no matter how high or low they are, can't move.

Then there was a look of horror on their faces, because they felt that their vitality was rapidly draining.

Their expressions were terrified, but soon their eyes became dim.

Then the sound of thumping thumping was endless, and the immortal cultivators of Xuandaomen fell to the ground one by one...

Needless to say, all have fallen.

Lin Xiaoyao's current strength is not what it used to be, so killing these ordinary disciples is naturally effortless.

However, this scene fell in the eyes of the monks of the Huayu Sect, and the expressions on everyone's faces became even more awe-inspiring.

They found that they still underestimated the strength of the patriarch.

That's thousands of immortal cultivators.

Among them, there are even dozens of Tongxuan level.

Even if the great elder of Xuandaomen has collapsed and disappeared, it is no exaggeration to say that the strength of these remaining people is still better than this sect.

Unexpectedly, facing the patriarch, they were vulnerable.

One look can send all these guys back to hell.

Even the Xuanqi cultivators were not spared.

What terrifying power is this?

People simply cannot imagine.

 Thanks for the reward of 1500 coins from the Black Flag of the Great Navigation Era

  Thank you for the reward of 100 coins that can reach the sky in half a step

  First of all, Huanyu here apologizes to everyone. After the chapter was updated yesterday, I saw everyone’s comments. Everyone felt that the progress was too slow and it was my fault. So my original intention was to enhance the atmosphere, but the result may have been a bit too much, but my original intention was not to plan hydrology, but it was indeed my fault, sorry.

  Bow, please forgive me.

  Please keep supporting me.

  In addition, there is only one chapter today, but this chapter has more than 600 words, and the amount of nearly three chapters is not a lot. I will try my best to update more tomorrow.

  Sorry again, please continue to support me.

(End of this chapter)

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