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Chapter 116 Eliminate all evil and kill the Xuandaomen

Chapter 116 Eliminate all evil and kill the Xuandaomen (subscription required)
For a while, the monks of Huayuzong respected him in addition to admiration.

They faintly felt that the strength of the Patriarch might be far stronger than what they had imagined.

Isn't he an ordinary true immortal?
Or does it mean that the Patriarch has surpassed the level of a true fairy and has become a more powerful and incredible existence?
With the protection of this patriarch, our sect is really a blessing that has been cultivated in eight lifetimes.

The disciples of Huayu Sect were completely convinced.

Lin Xiaoyao's reputation has once again reached a new level.

From Master Qingyu down, all the disciples knelt down and kowtowed to him again, thanking the patriarch for saving his life.

Everyone's expressions are extremely admiring and respectful.

"That's it."

Lin Xiaoyao waved his hand.

In fact, he didn't like Hua Yuzong's tens of thousands of immortal cultivators, who knelt down and kowtowed to him every now and then.

But there is no way to refuse.

After all, I want to maintain the persona of the patriarch, and as the patriarch of the immortal, isn't it normal for the disciples to kneel down and salute to me?
Just one question, why do you refuse?

So this matter, whether he likes it or not, he has to bear it.

But even though he was a little unaccustomed to it, but after thinking about it, if it wasn't for him, Hua Yuzong would have been wiped out by powerful enemies several times.

So even if I am not the true patriarch of the sect, as a lifesaver, I can definitely afford such a great gift.

What's more, in addition to saving their lives, Lin Xiaoyao also brought them many benefits.

For example, the best spirit veins!

The significance of this treasure to Huayu Sect is self-evident.

Fighting for contributions, which patriarch should I send to compare with myself?
So no matter from which point of view, I am the great benefactor of Hua Yuzong, they kowtow to me a few times, I can bear it, there is no need to be embarrassed at all.

In his capacity, there is no need to worry about such trivial matters.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyao felt at ease.

He didn't bother with this issue anymore, and after they finished kowtowing, he asked the disciples of Hua Yuzong to get up.

"Thank you, Patriarch."

Daoist Qingyu led the crowd to kowtow three more times before standing up respectfully.

"Master Patriarch, next we should..."

Master Qingyu had a respectful expression, carefully considered his words, and spoke carefully.

"The next thing you can figure out for yourself."

Unfortunately, Lin Xiaoyao interrupted the other party before he could finish speaking.

He can keep Hua Yuzong safe, but he has no interest in taking care of the trivial matters of the sect.

It's time for something to happen, and I should go back to take a nap.

Afterwards, Lin Xiaoyao didn't give the other party a chance to speak, turned around and walked away.

His movements were like strolling in a courtyard, but his figure gradually merged into the void until he disappeared completely.

"Congratulations to Patriarch!"

Lin Xiaoyao's actions caught the immortal cultivators of Huayu Sect by surprise.

But then quickly bent down to salute.

Of course they didn't know that Lin Xiaoyao was busy going back to take a nap.

I thought the patriarch didn't like mundane affairs, so after solving the big crisis for the sect, he went out to travel again...

Although Lin Xiaoyao's figure disappeared soon, everyone kept bowing and saluting for a quarter of an hour.

From this point, it can also be seen how respectful they are to the patriarch, it is completely from the heart, from the heart.

Afterwards, everyone slowly got up.

Master Qingyu took a look at the immortal cultivators in his sect, and waved at them: "You all should leave too, and each perform his duties."


All the disciples saluted, and then left separately.

In their eyes, although the prestige of the real sect master is not as high as that of the immortal patriarch, he is still a respectable elder who handles things fairly.

Therefore, everyone carried out his orders without any discount.

Soon, the disciples walked away, but the elders did not leave, but gathered together.

The crisis caused by the spiritual veins in our sect ended in such an unbelievable, even dreamlike way.

The expressions of all the elders were a little dazed. They knew that Master Xianzu was very powerful, but they didn't expect that he was so powerful.

Just one look can make the Dao heart of the Mahayana ancestor collapse.

It would be unbelievable if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes.

But what is certain is that this is definitely not something that ordinary true immortals can do.

"Senior brother, do you have any clues about the identity of the patriarch?"

It was the head of Yujian Peak who spoke.

At this moment, there was an extremely eager look in his eyes.

When the others heard this, they were all shocked and turned their heads one after another. After all, everyone has curiosity.


However, Master Qingyu's answer disappointed everyone.

He has personally checked the materials of the ancestors of the sect, and these are kept in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Of course, only the head of the sect can read them.

Then compare them carefully, but none of them match the immortal patriarch.

"Why can't I find it? Brother, did you miss something?"

Yu Jianfeng first scratched his ears and cheeks, his expression was very disappointed.

A sword cultivator pursues strength, and he has great admiration for the powerful immortal patriarch. He really wants to solve the doubts in his heart and find out which elder of his sect he is.

However, after hearing his question, Master Qingyu's expression became serious.

"Perhaps there are omissions in the information, that's why we can't find it. I don't know if it's a coincidence, or the patriarch did it on purpose."

"But since the patriarch is unwilling to reveal his identity, it is disrespectful for him to go out of his way to investigate."

"I didn't think about it carefully. Now that I think about it, I regret it. Fortunately, the old man didn't blame me. So I want to warn you, this matter ends here."

"In the future, unless the patriarch is an old man and he is willing to say it himself, no one will be allowed to check his identity again, and those who violate the family rules will be punished."

"Yes, I would like to follow the sect master's law."

The hearts of all the elders were awe-inspiring, and they all reflected it, even the irritable chief of Yujian Peak, after hearing this, he stopped talking.

After all, the head of the sect is right. If the patriarch was willing to reveal his identity, he would have already said it himself.

But the reality is that the old man not only didn't mention it, but also deliberately covered his appearance with the green light.

Although I don't know why the Patriarch did this, but he made it clear that he didn't want to reveal his identity. Wouldn't it be disrespectful for people like himself to investigate in this situation?
Thinking of it this way, everyone was in cold sweat and felt that they had not considered properly. Fortunately, the patriarch had a lot of them, so he didn't blame them for their recklessness.

"It's worthy of being the head of the sect. It's more considerate than us." Bao Dangu first praised, but then said: "Brother, what should we do next?"


Master Qingyu hesitated for a moment, he had been thinking about this question too.

The immediate crisis has been resolved, but our sect is also facing several difficulties.

First of all, it is too weak!

This problem was not prominent before, but after having this spiritual vein bestowed by the patriarch, the situation suddenly became dangerous and complicated.

To make a non-figurative metaphor, it is like a three-year-old child holding a daughter in a busy market.

If you don't have the ability to protect yourself, others will definitely covet it.

This time is a very profound lesson.

If there is no Patriarch, the Huayu Sect will be cold, and everyone's fate will be very miserable.

Fortunately, his old man managed to turn the tide.

And with the lessons learned from the Xuandaomen, I believe that even if the other major cultivating forces do not give up their greed, they will definitely pay more attention to the background of this sect than ever before, and dare not act rashly again.

This bought enough time for the door.

So the next thing they have to do is to improve their own strength.

After all, one needs to be strong enough to forge iron. Although he is protected by the immortal patriarch, it is impossible to bother him every time there is a crisis.

What's more, the patriarch provided such good cultivation conditions, and they should also strive for self-improvement and find ways to grow up by relying on their own strength.

Fortunately, in a short time, no one should provoke them again, which gave them a chance and time.

"The old man will advance to Mahayana as soon as possible."

Master Qingyu looked up at the sky.

Although his expression was flat, he had clearly made up his mind.

Then he looked at the fellow disciples in front of him: "As for you, you have to work hard. Every time our strength improves, the sect will be safer. We can't bother the patriarch for everything."


The others bowed and saluted, with resolute expressions on their faces.

What happened this time was very embarrassing, and of course they all had the same plan to try their best to improve their strength.

In any case, such humiliation must not be allowed to happen again.

"In addition, there is one more thing that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible."

"What's the matter?"

After hearing this, the elders raised their heads.

Some people have surprised expressions, and some are thoughtful, obviously thinking of something.

"Xuan Dao Sect came to our sect to provoke this time, but they reaped the fruit of their own consequences. Under the might of the Immortal Patriarch, the entire army was annihilated."

"But although the faction was severely injured, it has not been wiped out. There must be some people left behind in their helm."

"Although when the news spreads, most of these guys will fall and scatter, but we also have to beware of another situation...the other party will try their best."

"As the saying goes, get rid of evil and do everything. We have already broken our faces with each other. This hatred is absolutely impossible to resolve, so this hidden danger cannot be left behind. I hope someone will lead a team to completely destroy the master rudder of Xuandaomen."

"This matter cannot be delayed. Prepare and set off as soon as possible."

"Let the little brother handle this matter!"

The first seat on Yujian Peak volunteered.

"Junior brother is willing to go, that is naturally the best."

Master Qingyu was overjoyed.

Apart from myself, Junior Brother Zhang is the second expert in this sect.

As a sword cultivator, he acts decisively and bravely. It is indeed the most suitable for him to entrust this task.

Then he ordered: "There don't need to be too many people to go, but they must be elite and recruit as many experts as possible."

"After all, it is the main rudder of the Xuandaomen. Although the main force of the faction was killed by the patriarch, we should not underestimate the opponent too much. We must prevent the opponent from jumping over the wall..."

"Don't worry, brother, I understand."

The head of Yujian Peak said this, but he didn't think so in his heart. He felt that the real master was a little too cautious.

The elite main force of Xuandao Sect had been killed and injured in this battle, and even the mighty Great Elder had his Dao heart collapsed.

For the rest, what masters are there?
Take ten thousand steps back, even if you have, you must be scared out of your wits at this moment.

When they heard the news of our sect's counter-offensive, they would probably have already fallen and scattered.

It would be nice to be able to organize a decent resistance.

How could it possibly pose any threat to our sect?

The senior brother is also too cautious, too timid, and thinks highly of the enemy.

But even though he thought so in his heart, he didn't refute it.

Otherwise, the senior brother would definitely be nagging. All in all, he agreed well on the surface, but in his heart he was somewhat disapproving.

"Senior brother, the little brother will leave now, and I will go down to organize the staff."

"Okay, let's set off as soon as possible and destroy the Xuandaomen, so we can't take advantage of other sects and families of cultivating immortals."


Master Qingyu nodded, very appreciative of the younger brother's ability to act.

Just like that.

It should be noted that when the news spreads, although the prestige of our sect will definitely increase, it will be able to deter those who harbor evil intentions.

But on the contrary, the situation of Xuandaomen will become very difficult.

There are definitely not a few cultivating forces who have made trouble. In this case, if our sect reacts a little slowly, maybe this piece of fat will be eaten by others.

The reason why he asked his younger brother to clear up the remaining forces of the Xuandao Sect was not only to get rid of the evil, but also to solve future hidden dangers for the sect.

At the same time, it is also to obtain enough loot.

Take down the opponent's main rudder, and the treasures accumulated by the Xuandao Sect over the years will belong to the sect.

In this way, the Huayu Sect not only has the best spiritual veins, but also has enough cultivation resources, so it can naturally improve the strength of its disciples very quickly.


On the other side, the small courtyard next to the ancestor's ancestral hall.

Expedition to Xuandaomen?
Lin Xiaoyao heard the news as soon as he woke up.

The whole sect has spread.

He was not surprised.

This is a very normal arrangement. If I change places with Master Qingyu, there is no doubt that I will definitely make the same choice.

It can not only get rid of evil affairs, eliminate hidden dangers, but also get a lot of treasures, why not do it?

But Lin Xiaoyao shook his head when he heard that the leader of the team was Yujian Peak.

Although this person's strength is considered outstanding among the elders of the Huayu Sect, his personality is too irritable, and he still has a little pride.

It is okay to let him face a strong enemy, but he is definitely a ruthless character who would rather not bend, knowing that he cannot be defeated, but will never retreat.

But letting him handle such a major event is not the best candidate.

Of course, although Lin Xiaoyao felt that this candidate was a bit inappropriate, he was not prepared to interfere. He was not the nanny of the Huayu Sect, nor did he have so much interest in taking care of so many affairs.

Someone came to Hua Yuzong to pick trouble, that was disturbing me.

After all, if Hua Yuzong is gone, although I can go to other places to sign in, I will always be unhappy.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't plan to move his nest. After staying here for more than ten or twenty years, he already felt like a monk. He still felt that Gou was the most comfortable in Huayuzong.

Therefore, for Lin Xiaoyao, he only needs to ensure the continuation of Huayuzong.

As for whether the main rudder of the faction going to Xuandaomen will suffer losses, or even lose a lot, Lin Xiaoyao has no interest in caring about it.

So he just listened to this matter once, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

But not long after, an accident made him change his mind.

"What, the Yang siblings are going too?"

Lin Xiaoyao was a little speechless.

For the Yuanzheng Xuandaomen, he is not necessarily not optimistic. After all, the elite main force of the faction has all died in his own hands, and the great elder who relied on him has become a useless person.

Theoretically, the odds of winning this expedition should be great.

But not afraid of [-], just in case...

Even if the chances of winning are great, the risk of failure is by no means zero.

Lin Xiaoyao sighed.

He didn't intend to be a nanny for Hua Yuzong, he had to blend in every detail.

In fact, Lin Xiaoyao didn't want to care about other issues other than the sect's life and death.

But right now, he didn't want to watch someone he knew take risks.

Lin Xiaoyao still has a good impression of the Yang siblings.

Clever and brave, affectionate and righteous.

And he also knows how to repay his kindness. When he said that he wanted to eat pears, it was just a joke. Unexpectedly, the siblings kept it firmly in their hearts.

Lin Xiaoyao was still a little touched by the lightness of etiquette and affection.

So, he didn't want to watch them take risks.

But I don't intend to object, after all, everyone has their own choice, and I shouldn't interfere too much.

"Forget it, just give them a talisman, at least to ensure that the two siblings will not fall."

After thinking about it, Lin Xiaoyao made a choice.


Not long ago, Yang Shuqin had become an immortal cultivator at the Golden Core Stage.

And the reason why she cultivated so quickly, boiled down to two reasons.

First of all, it is naturally her own efforts.

Secondly, it was because after the last incident, everyone in the Huayu Sect knew that the two siblings had some connections with the immortal patriarch.

Moreover, the patriarch also encouraged and said that he hoped that the next time they saw their siblings, they could make great strides forward.

Just because of such a sentence, the entire Huayu Sect, from the head master to the master of the two of them, all became concerned.

After all, the prestige of the Immortal Patriarch in the sect is so high that it cannot be described in words.

Since he attaches great importance to this pair of younger sisters, how dare the other elders in the sect not take it to heart?
Otherwise, wouldn't it appear that I don't respect the patriarch enough?
So they decided that both siblings should be trained with emphasis, and they should be treated as the most core disciples.

Whether it is the cultivation conditions or the various cultivation resources that can be obtained, compared with before, they are not the same.

With these things, coupled with the fact that the two siblings are really competitive and work hard.

So the cultivation base has made great progress.

Now the younger brother Yang Shujie is already in the late stage of foundation establishment, and the older sister has successfully condensed the golden core not long ago.

Although she was not as good as Su Zhiyan, the seed of immortality, she was far behind her peers who joined her as a disciple.

But the two brothers and sisters are indeed very good-natured.

Facing the attention of the sect and the growth of their cultivation base, not only were they not at all proud, they did not take all of this for granted.

But after the strength has improved, the first thing that comes to mind is to serve the sect and reciprocate.

So this time, Yu Jianfeng was the first to lead the team, and the two siblings also signed up for the mission of expedition to the main helm of Xuandaomen.

People should know how to compare their hearts with their hearts, and feel that the sect has spent so many resources on cultivating themselves, so it should be taken for granted, and they should work for the sect to share their worries.

It's urgent, we have to leave early tomorrow morning.

And Yang Shuqin, as an immortal cultivator at the golden core stage, naturally no longer needed to sleep and rest.

So she meditated in her cave.

In this way, while restoring energy, stabilize the realm.

This girl worked very hard, and felt that before the war, it would be good to improve her strength even a little bit more.

She is indeed a very hardworking immortal cultivator.

However, something unexpected happened.

Although she was meditating, Yang Shuqin somehow fell asleep.

In her sleep, she came to a square shrouded in mist.

Then I saw the familiar figure surrounded by blue light.


Yang Shuqin quickly knelt down, surprised and delighted.

She faintly felt that falling asleep this time was not an accident, but an adventure brought to her by the patriarch and the old man.

"Are you going to the chief helm of Xuandaomen tomorrow?"

"Yes, together with my brother, we all want to work for our sect."

The girl has a respectful expression and a clear and pleasant voice.


Lin Xiaoyao nodded.

The other party has this intention, of course he can't stop it.

He smiled and said: "Be careful in everything, I gave you a little thing before parting."

After speaking, Lin Xiaoyao spread out his palms.

In the palm, is a monster carved out of wood, but it's only about an inch in size, and it's lifelike.

But there is no mana breath on it, it is obviously just a very ordinary small handicraft.

"Thank you Patriarch."

Although Yang Shuqin was a little surprised, why did the patriarch give him this thing before leaving? It's obviously not a magic weapon.

But she still likes it very much.

He took it and held it in the palm of his hand, and kowtowed three times to Lin Xiaoyao: "Thank you, Master Patriarch, I will definitely keep it with you."

"Okay, let's go down!"


Yang Shuqin kowtowed again, and was about to ask himself how to back down.

The scene in front of her suddenly became blurred, and then she woke up from her sleep.

"What a strange dream."

The girl's face was full of surprise: "Why did I suddenly dream of the Patriarch?"

She was talking to herself, but before she finished speaking, her eyes widened suddenly, because Yang Shuqin found that in the palm of her right hand, she was holding a small wooden carving about an inch in size.


It was exactly the same as the one I had just seen in my dream.

This is not a dream!

It's really a gift from my grandfather.

The girl was surprised and delighted.

No matter how you look at this wood carving, it is ordinary, but the carving is not bad, no matter from which angle you look at it, you can be sure that this is definitely not a magic weapon.

But since it was a gift from the patriarch, she naturally liked it and was grateful.

After a little thought, Yang Shuqin made it into a necklace and put it around his neck.


"With this little gift, the Yang siblings and Huayu Sect disciples should have no problem with this trip."

In the small courtyard, Lin Xiaoyao was talking to himself.

The gift he gave to the other party seemed ordinary.

In fact, it is a demon puppet.

At the beginning, when the main rudder of the Heavenly Demon Sect was destroyed, Lin Xiaoyao signed in there by the way, and as a result, he got five Heavenly Demon puppets.

The strength of each Heavenly Demon Puppet is equivalent to that of an immortal cultivator at the level of fame and fortune, even compared to the Heavenly Demon Sect Master.

In today's world of cultivating immortals, where the fairy trails are not visible, they are almost invincible.

Of course, for Lin Xiaoyao, it was not of much use.

too weak!

I usually throw it in the system space, but fortunately it came in handy this time.

You can let the demon puppet be your bodyguard.

Of course, for ordinary battles, the demon puppet will not have any reaction. Usually, it is just like an ordinary small pendant.

However, once Yang Shuqin's life is in danger, the demon puppet will wake up.

And with the strength of this treasure...

Put it this way.

Even if the Great Elder of the Xuandao Sect is still intact and his Dao heart has not collapsed, he will only be killed in seconds when he meets him.

This is the last guarantee that Lin Xiaoyao left for the Yang siblings, as well as the disciples of our sect.

With this thing, as long as they are not unlucky enough to run into a real fairy, there will be no danger.

Of course, this is just in case.

In fact, Lin Xiaoyao felt that, based on emotion and reason, it was unlikely that he would encounter danger during this trip.

But it's always good to keep an eye on everything.

He had a good impression of the pair of Yang siblings, but he didn't want to watch them perish.

Of course, the gift of the Heavenly Demon Puppet is only temporary.

Although this treasure is dispensable to Lin Xiaoyao.

But it's still too exaggerated to be in the hands of a Jindan stage monk.

It may not even be good for his future path to immortality.

So when they return from this expedition, Lin Xiaoyao will definitely take them back.

It's not that he's stingy.

It's that the opponent's cultivation base is too low, and he is not suitable for mastering such powerful and important things.


All night.

The next day, led by Yu Jianfeng's chief, two other Tong Xuanqi elders, and hundreds of disciples set off in the spirit boat.

There are not many people.

For one thing, the elite of the Xuandao Sect have been killed and injured, and the forces staying in the sect should not be too strong.

Secondly, this trip is far away, and it is not suitable to bring too many people.

Therefore, although there are not many disciples selected, they are all elites.

And everyone's expressions are also very relaxed, feeling that this trip is mainly to increase knowledge and experience.

Although there will definitely be fights, but in this situation, our sect will definitely be invincible!
Maybe the opponent will surrender without a fight.

All in all, everyone is optimistic about the future.

The only thing they have to do now.

Just be fast.

Because word will spread quickly.

Once other cultivating forces learn about this matter, they will certainly be shocked by the strength of our sect.

But it must also be able to find that this is a godsend opportunity.

At this time, defeating Xuan Dao Sect requires little effort, but can gain a lot of benefits.

The law of the jungle preys on the strong in the world of cultivating immortals, and the sects and families of cultivating immortals who have seized this opportunity will definitely not let it go.

Hua Yuzong didn't want to make wedding dresses for others, so they had to act quickly.

It is necessary to destroy the Xuandaomen before other people get the news and take action, so as to obtain the greatest benefits.


At the same time, the chief rudder of Xuandaomen.

Because Hua Yuzong's actions were fast, the news had not yet spread when they set off.

However, although the other sects didn't know about this change, the Xuandaomen realized that something was wrong right away.

There is no other reason, all the elite sent out fell, and these elite disciples must have left their life lights in the door.

Now all the life lights are extinguished.

Disciple Gui, who was in charge of guarding the place, was so frightened that he fell to the ground, his face pale.


What does this represent?
All the thousands of elite disciples representing our sect were lost.

how can that be possible?
Although they are going to attack the Huayu Sect
But not to mention that Hua Yuzong's strength is simply not comparable to this sect.

Moreover, they are personally led by the great elders of the Mahayana period.

Although the Great Elder has just advanced to the early stage of Mahayana, his strength is also extremely powerful, and it is by no means something that the mere Hua Yuzong can compete with.

With him as the leader, how could our operation fail?

Ten thousand steps back, even if it fails, it is impossible for all the disciples to be wiped out!
It was impossible to hide this news, and soon the entire Xuandaomen became panicked.

You know, the disciples sent out this time accounted for more than [-]% of the elite of the sect.

If their entire army is wiped out, the vitality of Xuandaomen will be severely damaged.

But why is it just a serious injury, instead of counseling and evacuation?

Just in front of them, the monks of the faction were panicked, but they were not completely in a mess.

the reason is simple.

They also have a backbone.

That is the sect master of Xuandao Sect.

"Go and report to the sect master."

"But the door master is still in retreat."

"This matter is too big. It must not be concealed or delayed. Let's go and have a look."

At this moment, the elder in charge of the door gave such instructions.

Others had no objection, so everyone flocked to the depths of the main rudder of Xuandaomen.

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  Thank you for the reward of 100 coins that can reach the sky in half a step

  This chapter is more than 500 words. I originally wanted to divide it into two chapters, but after thinking about it, I updated it together. It is enough, please continue to subscribe and support me, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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