Sign in to the sage at the beginning

Chapter 123 Rejuvenation, Valley of Time

Chapter 123 Rejuvenation, Valley of Time (for subscription)

"Phew, another big thing has been done!"

Back in his small courtyard, Lin Xiaoyao was lying on a chair, basking in the sun happily.

I'm in a good mood.

Although he has repeatedly said that he is unwilling to be the nanny of Huayuzong.

But the feeling of pretense is very comfortable.

Thinking of the worshiping eyes of the monks of this sect, Lin Xiaoyao felt that he had not worked in vain, and his mood suddenly became better.

Of course, what he said was also true. In the future, when the elders of the Huayu Sect hit the bottleneck of the Mahayana period, he would not care about the catastrophe.

After all, as long as they embark on the road of cultivating immortals, everyone will face difficulties and obstacles.

Although I have a good impression of Huayuzong, and I can give them some help when necessary, but it is impossible to take care of everything.

It's not good for either party.

Wait, it seems that I haven't signed in today!

Lin Xiaoyao thought of an important thing.

You should know that the opportunity to sign in is only once a day.

In the past 20 years, he has been rain or shine, and he will never waste any time.

"System, give me..."

and many more!

Lin Xiaoyao shook his head in the middle of speaking.

He's not going to sign in here.

After all, although Huayuzong is comfortable, the rewards for signing in are relatively lacklustre now.

And the outside world is vast, so it is more cost-effective to go to other more important places to sign in.

Of course, the words say so.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't want to move now.

It's just a sign-in, there is no need to run around on the main body at all.

You know, he can have three incarnations at the same time.

And the incarnation of Yuanshen can also go out to sign in.

This is very convenient.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoyao has an incarnation of Yuanshen wandering outside.

That's right, it's the one at the helm of the destroyed Heavenly Demon Sect.

It was brought back at the beginning.

But it wasn't long before Lin Xiaoyao sent him out again.

After all, it is enough to have the body here.

Of course, the incarnation is to go out to wander... Ah, no, to see this colorful world of cultivating immortals.

Now, with the improvement of the body's strength, he has successfully entered the tribulation, and the avatar is affected by it, and the tide is also rising.

The cultivation base has grown to the late Mahayana period.

This is the wonder of Lin Xiaoyao's incarnation.

Not only is it extremely simple to make, but with the improvement of the body's strength, the avatar can grow naturally and synchronously without re-sacrificing.

It is completely different from the troublesome painting style of other monks.

It is indeed the incarnation created by the two great supernatural powers of using words to follow the law and turning stones into gold.

Lin Xiaoyao was very satisfied.

Now that the sun was shining warmly on his body, he felt very comfortable and a little sleepy, so he planned to take a nap.

After a while, the main body fell asleep.

Then his thoughts drifted to the incarnation who was far away from thousands of mountains and rivers.

At this moment, the avatar is eating and drinking in a restaurant in a bustling city.

Well, eating and sleeping at the same time is really a good experience, and there is no delay.

But this can only be experienced in the world of cultivating immortals and having an avatar.

Lin Xiaoyao thought happily.

Enjoying the perfect meal, Lin Xiaoyao looked up at the sky.

It's still early, but you can't delay, you must find a suitable place to sign in.

The location of the sign-in is particular.

The more important, the better the rewards for signing in.

But what counts as important?
This is not something that can be explained clearly in just a few words.

Take the restaurant in front of you as an example.

Business was good and the food cooked was delicious, but certainly not important.

No need to try, Lin Xiaoyao also knows that he can't sign in at this place.

Take ten thousand steps back, even if you can sign, the rewards you get are absolutely lackluster, basically rubbish.

The same example, if it is the remains left by the ancient cultivators.

You will definitely be able to sign in.

And the stronger that ancient monk is, the better the rewards he will get for signing in.

Therefore, although Lin Xiaoyao couldn't use too specific words to explain clearly what is important.

But in his heart, there is actually a spectrum, knowing what kind of place to sign in.

It must have something to do with the cultivators.

This involves fairy fate or luck.

Then, Lin Xiaoyao released his consciousness.

He is going to look for something related to immortal cultivators within a radius of ten thousand miles, preferably some ancient ruins.

Then the conversation between the two immortal cultivators caught his attention.

A man and a woman, from the tone of their voices, it should be the relationship between brothers and sisters.

The man is in his forties, Jindan period, and his surname is Chen.

The women are younger, but also in their early thirties.

He is also an immortal cultivator in the early stage of Jindan.

But these are all appearances.

The real age of the two must be far more than that.

After all, as a cultivator, even if the exercises do not have the effect of retaining the face, they will definitely look much younger than their actual age.

Originally, the two young immortal cultivators at the golden core stage would not have attracted Lin Xiaoyao's attention at all, but their conversation at this moment aroused his interest all of a sudden.

It was the man who spoke first.

"Junior sister, you really want to go to Time Valley, it's too dangerous."

"Where is there any danger, isn't it just that there are some monsters haunting, I have already obtained a talisman from the master, which is enough to deal with it."

"Senior brother, why are you stopping me? Don't you want me to rejuvenate my youth and stay young forever? Look at the wrinkles on my forehead."

There was dissatisfaction in the woman's voice.

"Junior Sister, you misunderstood."

The man smiled wryly and shook his head: "If you can regain your youth, why would you be unhappy? How could it be possible to stop you, but things are not that simple..."

"It's not that simple, what's the meaning of what Senior Brother said?"

"I heard that Mrs. Zhang from Mingyue Mountain Villa, um, you have seen it before, brother, and you should have an impression. She used to look much older than me, and her hair was a little gray, but since she went to Time Valley once , but rejuvenated."

"Now, she looks like a young girl in her twenties, and I heard that she is far from the only one who has the chance to rejuvenate herself."

Even though they were separated by thousands of miles, Lin Xiaoyao's spiritual sense was so strong that he could hear every word of this conversation clearly.

Lin Xiaoyao's face showed playfulness.

There are really not many things that can make him feel interesting in the world of cultivating immortals.

But this news that he heard by accident counted as one.

It should be noted that everything has its own rules of operation.

For example, a year is divided into spring, summer, autumn and winter, the sun rises every morning, and the sun sets in the evening...

These seemingly ordinary things actually represent the way of heaven, and can even be said to be the laws of the universe.

In the same way, most creatures in this world also have a lifespan limit, and they will grow old as time goes by.

This is also why people will embark on the road of cultivating immortals...

In the end, isn't it just to jump out of the three realms, not to be in the five elements, and to live forever?

So rejuvenation, in Lin Xiaoyao's view, seems ridiculous.

This has violated the rules of the universe.

Rejuvenate a person.

A saint can certainly do it.

But the two little Jindan stage monks said that if someone goes to the Valley of Time, he can become young...

In Lin Xiaoyao's view, this is completely unreasonable.

How can it be?

Unless there is a saint living in the Valley of Light at that time.

But in today's world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou, even true immortals are rare. Apart from myself, how could there be other saints?
Even if there was, how could the saint casually act to help other people regain their youth?

So this thing is weird.

And it's hugely odd.

Lin Xiaoyao's interest was immediately aroused.

"Interesting, I was still looking for a place to sign in. Isn't Optics Valley a suitable place at that time, so I can go in and check it out by the way."

Lin Xiaoyao was talking to himself.

He is not afraid of any danger, anyway, this is just an incarnation.

If you take ten thousand steps back, even if you lose, it's not a big deal.

In short, this unexpected news has completely aroused Lin Xiaoyao's interest.

Then without thinking too much, he disappeared from the spot with a flash of his figure.

The next moment, he had already appeared in front of the pair of senior brothers and sisters thousands of miles away.

Thousands of miles in a blink of an eye, this was originally just a description.

However, in Lin Xiaoyao's case, he forcibly turned it into reality.

And it's effortless.

If other cultivators saw this scene, they would definitely be scared to death.

Although, there are also great supernatural powers such as shrinking the ground to an inch and even teleportation in advanced spells.

But in the blink of an eye, it can only move more than a dozen miles at most.

Even if a true immortal came here, he would have to kneel when he saw this scene.

However, Lin Xiaoyao, not to mention the main body, only the avatar has such abilities.

Let's talk about the senior brother and sister of Jin Danqi, they disagree and are still arguing.

Suddenly the space fluctuated together, and a young monk appeared in front of him.

"who are you?"

The two of them were startled at first, and then showed vigilance at the same time.

But soon, the vigilant look of the two disappeared again.

Because the breath of the person in front of him was like a sea, although he didn't show any coercion, it was obvious that his strength was far superior to his own.

The two even had a feeling that facing this senior, they were as small as ants.

Master, no, even if it is the ancestor, compared with the other party, it is far behind.

In this case, showing vigilance is meaningless at all.

When the other party wanted to kill him, it was like crushing an ant.

After figuring this out, the expressions of both of them became extremely respectful.

For fear of attracting dissatisfaction from the other party.

Seeing the attitudes of the two, Lin Xiaoyao nodded, not stupid, but he likes to communicate with smart people.

So he said calmly: "I have something I want to ask you two."

"Senior, please tell me, as long as the junior knows, he will know everything and say everything."

The man at the golden core stage quickly expressed his attitude.

"Okay, you said that the Valley of Light..."


After a cup of tea, Lin Xiaoyao left.

From the mouths of the brothers and sisters, he had already got the news he wanted.

Before leaving, in return, he kindly reminded the other party: "The so-called Time Valley is definitely not as simple as you imagined, and there may be great dangers. The two of you are too low. If you don't want to die in vain, It's better not to go."

"Yes, thank you senior for reminding me."

The two had no objection to what Lin Xiaoyao said.

It's not that they seem submissive on the surface, but that the two really believe what the other said, and they trust him very much.

For this point, the two senior brothers and sisters themselves also feel baffled.

Because I don't even know the other person's name.

Why do you trust each other so much?

And it's unreserved trust.

I can't figure it out myself.

But the other party has such incredible magic power.

Lin Xiaoyao nodded.

With a flash of his figure, he disappeared from the spot without a trace.

Looking at the direction he was leaving, the two bowed deeply, their expressions extremely respectful.

After a long time, I slowly got up.

"Junior Sister, do you still want to go to the Valley of Light?"

"Senior said that we won't let us go, so I won't go."

Although the woman really wanted to rejuvenate, she felt that she should listen to this senior.

"Brother, I think this senior is amazing."

"I feel the same way. Obviously he asked us some information about Time Valley, but I don't know why, but I feel that we owe this senior a favor. He has already saved both of our lives."

"Well, I think so too."

The more the two talked, the more grateful they became.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoyao appeared in an open space, talking to himself.

"At that time, the Valley of Light was three thousand miles away, so it wasn't too far away. You can take a look."

But even though he said that, this time he was not casting an astonishing spell that could fly thousands of miles away. Instead, he flew towards that place with a green glow all over his body.

Even by flying, with his current astonishing escape speed, the distance of thousands of miles is naturally fleeting.

Soon, a stretch of rolling mountains came into view.

The mountains are majestic and extend to the sky.

Looking around, there are hundreds of peaks, large and small.

There are countless mountain streams and canyons.

For another immortal cultivator, even if he is also a Mahayana cultivator, it will take a lot of effort to find out the Valley of Light in this situation.

However, Lin Xiaoyao found his target easily just by scanning his mind.

At that time, the Valley of Light was located deep in the mountains, and it was really different.

Not only did Lin Xiaoyao not have any worries, but he was looking forward to it. If he signed in at such a place, he might get an unexpected reward.

Think about it, there is still a little expectation.

But someone seems to have gotten there first.

On the outskirts of the valley, he also found a large number of immortal cultivators, and these guys had already blocked the way to go there.

There are even bans rising from the ground one after another.

Apparently, there are other forces who are planning to use Guanggu at this time.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't care, and didn't even hide his body, just drifting away Shi Shiran.

The strong in the world of cultivating immortals are respected, and all kinds of geniuses and treasures are even more capable. What's more, the Valley of Light is originally an ownerless thing.

Someone wants to occupy, where is it so easy, have they asked themselves?


After a moment.

Lin Xiaoyao was stopped about twenty miles away from the entrance of Time Valley.

"Stop, this is the site of Frost Valley, anyone who trespasses will die."

Two men, one tall and one short, emerged from both sides of the road. They looked at Lin Xiaoyao with murderous intent, as if he took a step forward, and the two of them were about to strike.

And these two guys have not weak spiritual pressure on their bodies, and the two little guys who are just guarding the outside are actually Jindan level immortal cultivators.

Although Lin Xiaoyao had never heard of the Frost Valley sect, it was obviously very powerful.

However, Lin Xiaoyao did not stop.

Still like strolling in the garden, walking forward without rush.


Seeing that the other party ignored them, both of them couldn't help being furious, and prepared to sacrifice their treasures.

However, before the two of them had time to do so, they knelt down with a plop.

How is this going?

The two looked at each other, and their hearts were filled with shock and anger.

It is too shameful to kneel before the enemy.

They hurriedly tried to stand up.

But he found that his body was completely out of order.

Not only was he unable to stand up, but he also kowtowed to Lin Xiaoyao.

This made the two of them inexplicably horrified.

Lin Xiaoyao had a thoughtful look on his face.

He just showed a breath of a Mahayana monk, but it has such an effect?

I was also somewhat unexpected.

This is different from Reiatsu.

It is more like the instinctive fear and submission shown by low-level creatures when facing higher-level life forms.

He was sure that, except for himself, ordinary Mahayana monks would definitely not be able to do this.

But this incarnation of the primordial spirit obviously doesn't have the attributes of a saint!

Lin Xiaoyao was also a little confused.

No, although he doesn't have the attributes of a saint, he is definitely different from ordinary monks of the same rank!

But where is the specific difference, Lin Xiaoyao can only vaguely sense some of them now, and if he wants to find out thoroughly, he still needs to wait for time to study carefully.

All in all, even if it is just an incarnation of the primordial spirit that was created casually, it seems to be more powerful than I imagined.

Of course, Lin Xiaoyao was delighted with such a discovery.

He didn't care about these two little golden core stage immortal cultivators either.

Do gods care about ants?
What's more, although the two of them spoke rudely just now, they were sweating profusely and kowtowed to themselves non-stop.

Well, just forgive them.

So Lin Xiaoyao continued to walk in.

"Stop, this is the restricted area, those who are good at it..."

He had only taken two steps, and another obstructive guy appeared from the side, and this time it was a more powerful Nascent Soul Stage Immortal Cultivator.

There are also more, five.

The leader is a late Nascent Soul existence.

However, the opponent who is good at death has not said the word death, and suddenly he knelt down inexplicably.

So the scene suddenly became a little funny.

The guy in the lead was talking harshly, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly knelt and kowtowed at the other party.

Fortunately, there were no other immortal cultivators nearby, otherwise, seeing this scene, their eyes would definitely pop out.

What do you mean?
This recognition is too fast!


The four Nascent Soul cultivators following behind were full of astonishment.

However, before they had time to ask the reason, facing Lin Xiaoyao who was approaching, they also knelt and kowtowed automatically.

The five of them were about to go crazy, feeling baffled.

I didn't feel any spiritual pressure from that guy.

I didn't think there was anything scary about the other party, so why did my body kowtow to him desperately!

Feeling extremely aggrieved in my heart, I couldn't help but want to speak a few words.

However, this idea just came to my mind, and I haven't had time to export it yet.

Suddenly their arms moved, and they slapped themselves a few times.

It's like even if they didn't have time to start cursing, just having this idea is unforgivable.

The five Nascent Soul monks were dumbfounded.

Shocked and inexplicable, he obediently closed his mouth.

No more struggling, and no longer dare to have any disrespectful thoughts.

After all, they are not really idiots, although they don't know who the guy in front of them is, and they don't know what magic he used...

But obviously, the other party is definitely an existence that I can't afford to provoke!

You will be beaten for the thought of being disrespectful to him.

And this is when the other party has not done anything at all.

Just ask, do you think you can afford the other party?
The answer is obvious.

And heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. Since people like myself dare not resist and can't resist, then stop doing stupid things that irritate the other party.

Just kowtow obediently.

 Thanks for the reward of 100 coins from the Black Flag of the Great Navigation Era

  Thank you for the reward of 100 coins that can reach the sky in half a step

  This chapter is more than 400 words. I am a little tired today. I will try to update as much as possible tomorrow. Please continue to support me, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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