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Chapter 124 The Flower in the Mirror and the Moon in the Water

Chapter 124 The Flower in the Mirror and the Moon in the Water

"Hmph, it's quite sensible."

After seeing the reactions of several people, Lin Xiaoyao naturally wouldn't embarrass these guys.

A mere Nascent Soul cultivator could not catch his eyes at all.

As long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to provoke him, Lin Xiaoyao will naturally pretend not to see it.

The only thing he is interested in now is the time valley ahead.

First explore, what is its hidden secret, and then sign in here to see if you can get any exciting benefits.

In this way, Lin Xiaoyao kept approaching the valley like a stroll in the courtyard.

Every time he couldn't walk a few steps, some immortal cultivators would come out to stop him.

And the closer to the valley, the higher the cultivation level of the person blocking the way.

Too bad it didn't work.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't even have a chance to do it.

Because he only needs to let out a ray of breath, these guys who were originally fierce and ready to shout and curse, all kneel without exception, and then kowtow to him desperately.

Lin Xiaoyao was also speechless.

Really no challenge at all.

These guys are too weak to bear even a ray of their own breath.

Of course, that's what he said, but he was actually quite satisfied to be able to defeat others without fighting in this way.

He was really too strong.

At least in this world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou, it may be difficult to find an equal opponent.

In this way, we walked for a while.

Lin Xiaoyao was only a short distance away from the entrance of Time Valley.

Kneeling on both sides of the road at this moment, those who kowtowed to him were a few cultivators of the Tongxuan period.

The faces of those Tongxuan cultivators all had aggrieved and unwilling expressions on their faces.

They don't understand why they are doing this.

He must have been hit by the opponent's enchantment!
But this is really annoying!
Even if you are stronger than us, you can't humiliate us in this way.

The point is, just let the other party rush through here in front of him, and meet the master in a while, there is no way for people like himself to explain.

He will definitely be severely punished by the door regulations.

Thinking of this, they struggled desperately, trying to stand up, but their legs and feet couldn't move at all.

And something happened that left them speechless.

It was as if the body thought that their thoughts were an offense to the great existence in front of them, so they kowtowed harder.

The sound of thump, thump, thump was endless, it was like kowtowing.


"Too bullying."

The lungs of several Tongxuan cultivators were about to explode.

They had never been humiliated like this.

My heart was so aggrieved that I couldn't add it, but I couldn't do anything, I could only watch Lin Xiaoyao helplessly, and Shi Shiran walked towards the valley ahead, ignoring them as nothing.

However, a few people were not completely desperate.

Even without their obstruction, it would not be so easy and easy for the other party to enter that mountain road.

Because at this moment, the entire Valley of Time is shrouded in a prohibition formation.

Moreover, the power of that formation is enough to keep pace with the large formation of the sect's guards.

Even in the Mahayana stage, no, even if it is the legendary Patriarch Du Jie, if he wants to open it, it will definitely not be easy to do.

At least the opponent can be blocked here for more than half a day.

And this half day is enough for the head to rush here.

No matter what kind of weird magic the other party casts, at that time, they will only reap the fruits of their own consequences, and there will never be any good fruits to eat.

Thinking of this, those cultivators of Tongxuan felt a little better.

Although he was still kowtowing desperately to the other party involuntarily, he couldn't help but quietly released his divine sense.

Get ready for a good show.

He wanted to see how the other party was trapped by the formation, unable to enter the valley, and desperate.

They want to see each other eat turtles.

After all, he kowtowed so many heads to the other party inexplicably, and he must be in a bad mood.

But then, a scene that they will never forget happened.

As Lin Xiaoyao approached, the formation opened without his hands.

Yes, I opened it myself!
A channel emerged on its own initiative.

Did something go wrong?
Several cultivators in the Tongxuan period stared round their eyes.

It's hard to believe what I'm seeing right now.

Then they couldn't help shaking.

If the other party is only able to use black magic to make them kneel and kowtow, then that's fine. This can only prove that the other party is stronger than them, and they will also use some very strange magic spells.

But the formation is a dead thing. When facing him, such a miracle will appear unexpectedly, which makes people think deeply.

And the few fellows present are all at the stage of Tongxuan, and if they can cultivate to this level, they will definitely not be idiots. It can even be said that their knowledge is quite extensive.

So after getting rid of prejudice and hatred in my heart, it is not difficult to guess some incredible things.

Could it be that……

The expressions of several people became extremely cautious.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't care what they were thinking at all.

Do immortals care what ants think?
And he is far more powerful than a fairy.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't expect him, so he stepped directly into the passage that emerged from the formation, not worried at all, this was a trap intentionally set up by the other party.


After entering, Lin Xiaoyao immediately noticed the difference.

The difference does not refer to the scenery.

In the eyes of ordinary immortal cultivators, this may be just an ordinary valley. Even if you search carefully with your spiritual thoughts, it is difficult to find some strange things.

However, Lin Xiaoyao was different. After entering, he didn't even need to look with his eyes, let alone release his divine sense, and he felt some mysteries of this valley naturally.

Through the law of heaven and earth, he sensed that the law of the power of law in the valley is somewhat different from that of the outside world.

Although the difference is not large, it can even be said to be very subtle.

But the difference is a thousand miles away.

"Interesting, really interesting."

Lin Xiaoyao didn't feel apprehensive or fearful.

Instead, he became more and more interested.

Ready to move on.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

However, at this moment, a man in a brocade robe stopped in front of him.

This person is about forty years old, with three long beards and a strange appearance.

The demeanor is calm and unhurried.

This turned out to be a late Mahayana cultivator.

The strength is much stronger than that of the Xuandao sect master.

"Who is fellow daoist? Why did you trespass on the forbidden area of ​​our sect?"

The other party blocked Lin Xiaoyao's way, frowning slightly, but his words were still modest and polite.

"Your Excellency is the head of Frost Valley?"

Lin Xiaoyao's answer was irrelevant.

"That's right, it's me. Fellow Daoist, you can come here. Could it be that the monks in our sect have been killed by you?"

The other party seemed to have just thought of this question, and his tone of voice gradually became stern.

But then his expression became weird again.

Because he had just released his divine sense, and found that none of the immortal cultivators guarding the outside of the sect had fallen, and none of them were even injured.

This is a little strange.

How did he do it?

You know, even if the person in front of you is the ancestor of Mahayana, the disciples of this sect are no match for him, but he will definitely not dare to even resist.

But just now, he didn't find any traces of fighting at all.

Take ten thousand steps back, even if the disciples are intimidated by his strength and dare not resist, they will definitely find a way to issue a sound transmission talisman to warn themselves.

But he did not receive any news.

This is really incredible.

It puzzled him a lot.

How did the head of the Frost Valley know that he actually didn't see the most shocking scene at all.

Because as Lin Xiaoyao left, those who knelt and kowtowed couldn't feel the pressure, and they all stood up in a daze.

Otherwise, if he saw that his disciples were all kneeling on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Xiaoyao like a pest, he didn't know what he would think.

Although he was puzzled, seeing that there were no casualties among his disciples, the man in brocade robe was still relieved, and his expression softened a bit.

Chong Lin Xiaoyao arched his hands: "The valley in front of me is a forbidden area of ​​our sect, and I hope fellow Taoists will leave here, so as not to hurt each other's friendship."

Although Lin Xiaoyao's breath was not obvious, but at such a close distance, the other party could naturally recognize him as a Mahayana patriarch.

And it's still in the late stage of Mahayana like myself.

That's why it's polite.

Otherwise, how could he be polite to him, and he would have slapped him long ago.

"Hmph, the forbidden area of ​​your faction, this time valley, and it's not in your faction's headquarters. If you say it's yours, it's yours? Let me ask, if you call it, will it pay attention to you?"

The face of the brocade robed man darkened.

"Your Excellency, are you really trying to get through this door?"

Lin Xiaoyao ignored him and continued walking.

He is also in a good mood today, otherwise he would not be interested in talking nonsense with the other party here, and answering him is already a great deal of face!

But the brocade robed man obviously didn't think so. Seeing Qin Yan's indifferent attitude towards him, he was furious.

As the leader of a faction, he has long been used to bossing around, how has he ever been so despised by others?
A gloomy look flashed across his face: "Since your Excellency does not listen to the advice, don't blame Liang for being rude."

After saying this, he took a step forward.

His whole body was covered in azure glaze, and an astonishingly surging aura surged up, enveloping his struggle.

In an instant, the man in the brocade robe seemed to be transformed into an ancient giant, with his head above the sky, his feet on the ground, and his every move, as if he could move mountains and seas, which was extremely terrifying.

"Body refining?"

A look of surprise appeared on Lin Xiaoyao's face.

"Hmph, you know it's too late."

The head of Frost Valley laughed loudly, with an extremely arrogant expression.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoyao was like a fish on the chopping board in his eyes.

Even if the other party is at the same level as him and is in the late stage of Mahayana, but without precautions, if he is approached by a monk who has advanced to Mahayana with the secret technique of body training, the other party will not have any power to fight back.

And once he turned his face, he was merciless.

So he was ready to kill the other party.

Either don't do it, or do it absolutely.

He would not leave the slightest chance for the strong man in front of him, otherwise, the next time he wanted to kill him, it might not be so easy.

In his eyes, the other party is already dead.

However, there was no trace of fear on Lin Xiaoyao's face.

If you are an ordinary Mahayana monk, you will indeed be the result of ten deaths and no life in front of you.

Unexpectedly, this guy is actually a body refiner, and he can cultivate to the late stage of Mahayana, which is extremely rare among immortal practitioners.

It's a pity that he was unlucky and met himself.

Then Lin Xiaoyao slapped her across the face.

What is the other party doing?
Why not sacrifice treasures?

Could it be that he is also a body refiner?
No, this slap was disorganized, and it didn't look like he had practiced body training at all.

There is only one explanation... The other party was frightened and stupid.

That's why they used this loopy way to fight back.

How stupid!

A mocking smile appeared on the face of the brocade robed man.


There's no after that.

A crisp sound reached the ears.

He felt a burning pain on his left cheek, and then he lost consciousness, like a kite with a broken string.Fly far away.

Because it was a random slap, and Lin Xiaoyao's incarnation had never practiced any body training skills, so this guy was lucky.

Although all his teeth have been knocked out, more than half of his meridians have been shattered, not only can't move, but his mana is also trapped in Dantian Zifu. Simply put, he is almost like a useless person now... But At least it didn't fall.

What happened?
The head of Frost Valley is in a daze at the moment.

At first, he thought that the other party was a fish on the chopping board, but in the end, he realized that he seemed to be the idiot.

But how did all this happen?
Could it be that the other party is also a body refiner?
But even so, how can he be vulnerable to a single blow as he is also in the late stage of Mahayana?
Moreover, he could see clearly the slap that the other party slapped just now, it was obviously disorderly, full of mistakes and omissions, he could dodge it without any effort, but in the end...

He couldn't figure it out and couldn't accept it.

But facts are facts.

As a body refiner, the head of Frost Valley is courteous on the surface, but he is actually a very stubborn character in his heart.

As the saying goes, human beings refine Qi, and monster races refine their bodies.

In other words, human body training is twice the result with half the effort. If it weren't for his stubborn character, it would never be possible to advance to the Mahayana stage with the body training secret technique.

So at this moment, facing a strong enemy, he encountered a huge setback. Although half of his body was numb at this moment, he could hardly move, but he didn't think about retreating at all, and wanted to yell at him.

However, at this moment, an incredible scene happened!

Suddenly he felt an inexplicable breath.

Then the body becomes unresponsive.

Originally, after being seriously injured, it was difficult to move a finger, but at this moment he got up inexplicably, knelt down to the enemy in front of him, and began to kowtow.

The head of Frost Valley...

That brocade robed man was going crazy.

How could this be?
He obviously didn't think about giving in, why did this scene happen?
Why does my body not listen to it?Take the initiative to express surrender to the other party?

Lin Xiaoyao was also taken aback.

He had already tried it just now, and the monks in the Mahayana period can obviously not be affected by his own breath.

Could it be that the opponent's strength has been greatly reduced after being injured, so there is this scene in front of him?
Well, probably so.

So he smiled and said: "Since you know you are wrong and kowtow to beg for mercy, then it's not that I can't let you go..."


As soon as he finished speaking, a bloody arrow shot out from the mouth of the brocade robed man.

Eye canthus split.

A soldier can be killed but not humiliated.

He was almost mad with anger.

"I was so angry that I vomited blood, did I make this joke too much?"

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help laughing.

He didn't expect that he was so strong now that a monk of the same level would be vulnerable to him, and he was only using an avatar.

It has to be said that the increase in strength has exceeded my expectations.

Lin Xiaoyao was very satisfied with this.

That being the case, he didn't intend to continue teasing the other party, but was going to give him a good time.

Don't say that Lin Xiaoyao is cruel.

After all, the other party was also merciless in the attack just now, if he lost, he would be cut off by the other party.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the weak are preyed upon by the strong. Since you dare to attack yourself, you must have the consciousness of falling.

Yet at this moment.

A loud noise reached the ears.

A terrible spiritual pressure fell from the sky.

"Hahaha, I finally rejuvenated and regained my youth."

"This is……"

Lin Xiaoyao stopped what he was doing.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he raised his head and looked into the depths of the Valley of Time.

A powerful aura is slowly rising from there, and it is approaching this place at an extremely fast speed.

I saw a woman in her twenties, wearing luxurious clothes, her eyes were full of ecstasy.

Tribulation period!
Lin Xiaoyao muttered to himself, but his eyes didn't change.

And the brocade robed man kneeling beside him was full of ecstasy.

"Elder Supreme, Uncle Yao, that's great, your old man is finally here."

At first, he was still a little afraid to recognize her, because the woman in front of him was really too young, completely different from the silver-haired, aging Supreme Elder in his impression.

Can't help but be shocked by the magic of Time Valley.

Hearing that it can rejuvenate people, the man in brocade robe was skeptical at first, but he didn't expect it to be true.

The old Taishang Elder in the past, now has black hair and a nimble figure, he looks like a young girl of about twenty.

No, not just getting younger.

Her strength and the aura she exudes seem to be stronger than before.

"Master, save me."

"save you?"

However, the woman's eyes swept over his face, but there was a hint of disgust.

"As the head of a faction, you actually kneel down in the face of the enemy, what face do you have to ask me for help?"

"If you live in this world, you will only make our sect a laughing stock in the world of cultivating immortals."

"Master, I'm not..."

Hearing what the other party said, the man in the brocade robe couldn't help being horrified.

He knew that his uncle had always been ruthless.

Hearing the other party's accusation, he quickly wanted to explain.

But it's's too late.

"I've already said that a trash like you will only embarrass our sect if you live in this world. Go to hell!"

After saying this.

The woman raised her right hand and pointed at him.

"Uncle, no, you listen to my explanation..."

However it was too late.

As the woman pointed out.

The brocade robed man's expression became extremely painful, and then he exploded with a bang like a blown balloon.

Lin Xiaoyao watched coldly.

Seeing this scene, his face became a little gloomy.

He was used to the atmosphere of friendship and mutual help between fellow members of the Huayu Sect, and when he saw this scene, he felt a little sick to his stomach.

"This man is your martial nephew, and he is also the head of your sect. How dare you kill him just like that?"

Qin Yan couldn't believe it.

No matter how ruthless this woman is, the one she killed just now was a Mahayana monk!

And the existence of such a level, what it means to a sect, the other party will not be unclear.

That being the case, why do such a stupid thing?
"Hmph, it's just a waste, so what about Mahayana monks? I have regained my youth now, as long as I have enough time, it will be just a matter of raising a few Mahayana monks for my sect."

The woman didn't care, with a proud look on her face.

"Regain youth? Stupid!"

"What did you say?"

The woman couldn't help but fly into a rage.

"I said you were an idiot."

Lin Xiaoyao has no fear at all.

Even if what he is facing at the moment is a ruthless immortal cultivator in the transcending tribulation period.

But so what?

It's not like I didn't kill him during the tribulation period.

Ordinary immortal cultivators naturally couldn't tell, but Lin Xiaoyao was different. Even if it was just an incarnation, he could still find that the woman's so-called rejuvenation was weird.

On the surface, he has become very young.

But in fact, it is nothing but illusion, similar to returning to the light.

Or to put it more directly.

Her current youthful beauty was obtained by burning the remaining life essence at an extremely fast speed.

It's just a false youth that will soon become old again.

It's ridiculous that she can't feel it herself, and she is still complacent about this ridiculous youth. In Lin Xiaoyao's view, she is simply extremely stupid.

However, it also made him more interested in the secrets hidden in Time Valley.

Of course, Lin Xiaoyao was not interested in explaining to the other party.

In his eyes, this woman is simply a dead person.

Even if she didn't do it herself, she would die of old age here soon due to the exhaustion of her life essence.

What is there to argue with a dying man?
So Lin Xiaoyao stopped talking, just ignored the other party, and walked forward.

"what are you doing?"

The woman was taken aback for a moment, and then became furious.

The other party dared to turn a blind eye to himself.

This caused her self-esteem to be greatly hurt.

Originally, she had regained her youth, but at this moment, she was ecstatic in her heart. She felt that from now on, she could make great achievements, and she even had such ambitions for becoming a fairy...

Unexpectedly, a small Mahayana monk treated herself as nothing, which made her extremely angry, and felt like being humiliated by a slap in the face.

"Boy, you are so brave, you dare to ignore this fairy. I will take your soul and refine your soul, so that you can survive, but you can't die."

"What fairy, she is obviously an old woman."

Lin Xiaoyao said without looking back.

No way, he is honest and doesn't like to lie.

"What did you say?"

The woman was so angry that she almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

The originally pretty face was completely distorted, and the whole face became extremely ferocious, like a ghost, and rushed towards Lin Xiaoyao viciously.

All kinds of malicious thoughts appeared in his heart, he would never let this brat fall easily, he must be tortured
Seeing that she was so close to Lin Xiaoyao, her smile became ferocious and proud.



She flew back at a faster speed.

The whole person fell into a mess, like a rolling gourd.

Every bone hurts, and the whole body feels like it's about to fall apart.

"This is……"

The woman was surprised and dazed.

She just felt a blur in front of her eyes, and then she was blown away by the opponent like a kite with a broken string!
She was a little confused about what happened, because she could see clearly that the brat hadn't done anything.

what happened?

When she looked intently.

But he found a middle-aged man standing behind Lin Xiaoyao.

No, not a real person.

That's a puppet of an institution.

However, the aura that emanates is stronger than his own, not weaker, and it turns out to be the existence of Dzogchen after a catastrophe.

The woman's face suddenly became terrified.

You must know that although she is also crossing the catastrophe.

But it's just the first time to cross the catastrophe.

It's not that it's true, it's just entered this realm, but it means that there has been no progress in the past few hundred years.

It can be seen that it is difficult to practice in the period of crossing the catastrophe.

Although it is only divided into those who have just entered the tribulation and the great consummation of the tribulation period, they are like a moat, and the difference in strength between them is even worse.

Although she has just relied on the adventure of regaining her youth, her strength has also strengthened on the original basis.

But compared to the Great Consummation of the Transcending Tribulation Period, there is still a huge gap. Even if several of them are tied together, they can't beat each other.

This guy in front of him actually has a puppet from the Dzogchen period as a guard!
How can this be?

And how could there be such a powerful puppet in this world?
The woman suddenly lost her arrogance just now.

It was like being splashed with cold water.

Although I don't know who the identity of the person in front of me is, but I can't provoke him.

He was thinking about how to beg for mercy.

But then, a scene that stunned him appeared.

Lin Xiaoyao simply ignored him.

The footsteps didn't even stop, and they walked to the depths of the Valley of Time with the demon puppet.

The other party didn't do anything, just let me go?
The woman was both surprised and delighted, and felt a little unbelievable.

Is this guy an idiot, doesn't he understand the truth of letting the tiger go back to the mountain?
You must know that although the other party has the puppet of the Great Perfection during the Tribulation Period as a guard, it is not his own power after all.

Tigers doze off sometimes, as long as he doesn't have time to release the puppet, he is definitely not his opponent.

I can completely kill him by surprise through a sneak attack, so that I can not only avenge him with one arrow.And you can take away her puppet.

If he had such a powerful puppet as his helper, wouldn't he be invincible in the world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou?
Thinking of this, a gleam of greed flashed in the woman's eyes. Instead of being grateful for Lin Xiaoyao's mercy, various vicious thoughts flashed in her mind.

But soon!
"Ah, my hand..."

She was having fun thinking about it, making various calculations and schemes in her mind.

His eyes inadvertently caught his right hand.

Then the woman froze for a moment, and soon her expression became terrified.

There is no other reason, just rejuvenated in the Valley of Time and regained her youth, her hands naturally became the same as when she was in her 20s.

White as jade, without the slightest wrinkle.

However, at this moment, the woman found that a wrinkle suddenly appeared on the back of her hand that was as white as jade.

Although there was only such a wisp, it made her panic all of a sudden.

Unconsciously, I thought of what the man said just now.

He said that the youth he has now is all vain things, and his delusion of rejuvenation is nothing but foolishness.

Originally, the woman didn't take these words to heart at all.

He felt that the other party was jealous and was talking nonsense. If he didn't believe that Time Valley could rejuvenate people, then why did he come here?
The woman even thought that the reason why the other party said these words was to disturb her mind before the battle.

Hmph, it's really a good plan, but it's a pity that I won't be deceived into going to the local area.

He was doomed to waste his efforts.

Originally full of confidence, but now it seems that it is not the case.

On the back of his hand, there was really an extra wrinkle.

Although not much, only a shallow wisp, it made her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave. What the man said just now seemed to be a prophecy, which immediately gave the woman a lot of bad premonitions.



She heard her heart beating, and suddenly became faster.

It's tense.

This is being afraid.

"No, it won't, it must be just a coincidence."

The woman's face was distorted, but these words were more like comforting herself.

Then she panicked and wanted to wipe away the wrinkles on the back of her hand.

But where can it be wiped off?

On the contrary, not only can't it be wiped off, but as time goes by, there will be more and more.

After a while, dense wrinkles covered her hands.

Extend from palm to arm.

The hands that were as white as jade just now are like withered old tree bark.


The woman yelled in horror.

Then, in a hurry, he took out a mirror from the storage equipment.

I saw myself in the mirror, with white hair and chicken skin, old age, and staggering steps. The whole person looked far older than before entering the Valley of Time.

"What, how could this be?"

"Impossible, I don't believe it, it's impossible."

She was desperate, she wailed, but found that even her own voice had become hoarse and unpleasant.

And it's not over yet.

The whole person is still aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Her lifespan is running out, and it is still passing at an alarming speed.

The woman panicked.

Like crazy, she took out some panacea from the storage equipment and swallowed desperately, as if she wanted to stop all of this, but it didn't work.

Just like a drowning person, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch the straw, and finally he could only slowly sink into the abyss.

Lin Xiaoyao sighed.

This was the ending he had foreseen for a long time.

It was only half a cup of tea, but the Supreme Elder of Frost Valley swallowed his last breath in unwillingness and despair because his life energy was exhausted.

Lin Xiaoyao raised his hand, and conveniently put the two people's storage equipment into the Lingmiao Garden.

Although I don't like it, I can't cheapen irrelevant cultivators.

This is your own trophy, isn't it?

Then, without hesitation, he walked into the depths of the Valley of Time

I don't know what interesting or dangerous things are waiting for me there.

What makes Lin Xiaoyao look forward even more is that no matter what danger or opportunity is contained in the valley of time at this time, it must be wonderful and very important.

Sign in at this place, what rewards can I get?
But presumably will not let myself down.

He looked up and looked at the sky above his head.

It's getting late.

It seems that I have to move faster.

So Lin Xiaoyao quickened his pace.

The figure gradually disappeared into the depths of the Valley of Time.

 Thanks for the reward of 100 coins from the Black Flag of the Great Navigation Era

  This chapter is more than 8000 words, Huanyu has worked very hard, please continue to subscribe and support me!

(End of this chapter)

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