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Chapter 134 Jun 1 shot, showing his might

Chapter 134 A close call, show off your might

The voice came suddenly.

However, every immortal cultivator present could hear clearly.

However, the reactions of the people were completely different.

Let me talk about Huayuzong first.

The monks of this faction were stunned for a moment, and then they were all ecstatic.

Some even cried with joy.


"It's the patriarch, his old man."

"Great, the patriarch came to save us!"


The chattering voices came to the ears, not only the ordinary cultivators, but also the elders, all of them couldn't hide the joy on their faces.

But apart from being happy, everyone looked a little surprised.

how to say?

This is a bit too coincidental!

Why every time our sect encounters a crisis, the patriarch and his elders always come here at critical moments?
It is not unusual to say that the Patriarch is in the sect.

But didn't his old man go out for a trip?
In this case, why can you still arrive in time?
Once could be a coincidence, but twice or thrice.

Could it be that……

Everyone couldn't help but have a little guess in their hearts.

However, such thoughts are only fleeting, and at this moment, there is no time to get to the bottom of it.

No matter what the reason was, all in all, everyone's mood at the moment was extremely happy.

Although the three in front of them are also top powerhouses.

But with the patriarch here, they believe that no matter what crisis our sect encounters, they can easily turn it into safety.

Different from the ecstasy of the monks of Huayu Sect, the three elders of Baiqiaoyuan couldn't help being furious.

Since the battle of Tianxingzong, they have become famous in one battle.

As for the disciples of Baiqiaoyuan, it can be said that because of them, they have obtained a very detached position in Yunzhou.

No one dares to provoke, even if they are domineering, everyone dares to be angry and dare not speak out.

It even appeared that an immortal cultivator in the foundation establishment period in this gate competed with Nascent Soul cultivators from other sects for the spiritual grass.

Originally, this was an act of death, but the Nascent Soul cultivator was intimidated by the prestige of his sect, but he didn't dare to offend him, and obediently backed down.

This is still the case for ordinary monks in Baiqiaoyuan.

Not to mention the prestige of this battle was originally fought by the three of them.

In the past six months, no matter where the three of them went, everyone was respectful and fearful, not daring to offend or be rude.

Not to mention, cynicism like now.

While the three of them were stunned, they couldn't help feeling mortified, feeling angry from the bottom of their hearts, who the hell is this guy who doesn't know how to live or die.

Could it be that he really ate the guts of the ambitious leopard?
"Who? Who is talking?"

They raised their heads on their faces, trying to find clues about the speaker by following the sound.

Yet nothing was found.

The voice was very erratic, and it was impossible to follow the sound to find out where the speaker was.

The three of them became even more angry.

Among them, the tall and thin man surnamed Sun had a hot temper, so he said: "Since the rats are so brazen, why don't they hide their heads and show their tails?"

"That's right, do you know what misfortune comes from your mouth? Do you know that your outrageous remarks just now will bring great disaster to the Huayu Sect."

"If you don't come out, we're going to raze the faction to the ground."

The disciples of the Huayu Sect couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring when they heard this.

At the same time, there was both fear and surprise in my heart.

That's right, why did the patriarch only hear his voice but not see his person?
What is the reason for this?

Although, out of trust in the immortal patriarch, they certainly would not think that the patriarch was afraid of the few people in front of him.

But the situation in front of them made the hearts of everyone in the Huayu Sect more or less unavoidable.

But at this moment, Lin Xiaoyao's voice reached everyone's ears again.

"Don't dare to come out? You idiot, don't be self-righteous and add drama to yourself. You three guys are not worthy of fighting with me."

"Well, I have a little toy here, you try to defeat it first, and then challenge my servant if you can."


After hearing this, the three people in Baiqiaoyuan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood

The expression on his face was extremely strange.

Can we stop being so pretentious?
What does it mean to defeat a small toy you took out first, and then challenge your servant if you win.

Did you make a mistake, what did you take yourself for?

The shelf is so ridiculously big.

To start with you, you have to go through so many tests and steps?
Scholars can bear it, what can't bear it, this guy is simply too much!

In fact, not to mention the anger of the three elders of Baiqiao Courtyard, they felt that the other party did not take themselves seriously in this move.

Even the faces of the monks of the Huayu Sect couldn't help showing a bit of a strange look, thinking that the patriarch, the old man, was a little too pretentious this time.

We know that you have great powers.

But you can't underestimate the heroes of the world like this!

You must know that the three immortal cultivators in front of you are also people with a lot of history.

With their own power, they easily razed the Tianxing sect, which was ranked in the forefront of the entire Yunzhou immortal cultivation world, to the ground.

Although we believe that Patriarch, you are much stronger.

But what you just mentioned, the precondition that those three people challenged you, is too outrageous.

I don't look down on people like this.

All in all, Lin Xiaoyao's arrogant attitude, even the disciples of the Huayu Sect, can't stand it.

Of course, from their point of view, that would only be a silent complaint in their hearts.

As for the surface...

Of course, it is necessary to shout loudly: "The patriarch is mighty!"

"The patriarch is invincible in the world, you wait for the jumping clown, why don't you quickly kneel down to express your apology."

"It's still too late to kowtow. If you persist in your obsession, you will definitely regret it."

"That's right, Patriarch can destroy Baiqiaoyuan with one finger. You are still checking for mercy?"


The voices of chattering came to the ears.

Otherwise, why do most people actually like to pretend?

The disciples of the Huayu Sect, who were still complaining in their hearts a moment ago, felt that the patriarch's big words were a bit too full, and they were too pretentious.

Yet when it came their turn, it was not the same.

Feeling: "Ah, it smells so good!"

This outrageous talk, in front of a strong enemy, it feels so cool to pretend to be unscrupulous.

In this way, the more people said, the more outrageous they became.

You say a word, I say a word, don't worry about blowing the cowhide at all.

On the face of Daoist Qingyu, he couldn't help showing a somewhat strange expression.

I can't hear it at all.

But it's not easy to yell.

After all, this matter was initiated by the patriarch and his old man.

If I said that what everyone said was wrong, wouldn't it be like slapping the patriarch and his old man face to face?

Of course, Master Qingyu couldn't do this.

So he could only look embarrassed and listen to the disciples continue to pretend.

The expressions of the other elders were also similar.

After all, these high-level monks are much more mature and prudent.

I was praying secretly in my heart.

I hope that what the grandfather said just now is not bragging, but can do what he says.

Otherwise, even if the old man can defeat the three powerful enemies in front of him, once this news gets out today, it will deal a great blow to the reputation of our sect.

"court death!"

"Bastard, if you don't show up again, just to show off your tongue here, don't blame the old man for bullying the small and destroying all the monks in your Huayu Sect."

The tall and thin man surnamed Sun was furious. In the past six months, he was used to bossing him around in Yunzhou. How had he ever suffered such face-to-face ridicule and humiliation?

Murderous intentions were revealed on his face. Obviously, if Lin Xiaoyao didn't show up again, he would strike without hesitation in the next moment.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

The immortal cultivators of Huayu Sect are not idiots either.

At this moment, the old monster was clearly on the verge of going mad.

Although the feeling of pretense is very good.

But at this time, everyone would never dare to provoke each other verbally.

Otherwise, once the opponent makes a move, in case the patriarch is too late to save...

The monks of Huayuzong are not stupid, they all shut their mouths obediently at this moment.

"Little guy, do you really want to humiliate yourself so much? Forget it, then I will fulfill your wish!"

Lin Xiaoyao's old-fashioned voice came to his ears, but Lin Xiaoyao would never forget his identity at this moment, he was the patriarch of Huayu Sect.

Therefore, the tone of speech naturally needs to match your own personality.

The voice just fell.

In the void in the distance, there is a group of dazzling spiritual light emerging.

The other party finally showed up.

Seeing this scene, the three elders of Baiqiaoyuan were refreshed, and their faces couldn't help showing extremely excited expressions.

Just now, they were almost blown out of their stomachs by the other party's cynicism and deliberate manipulation.

However, the other party's voice was erratic, and it was completely impossible to pinpoint where he was.

In this case, the three of them have all kinds of abilities, but they have nothing to do with each other.

After all, if they can't find the right master, even if the Huayu Sect is destroyed, it will be difficult to dispel their hatred.

Well now, the other party still showed up.

This is naturally an excellent result for them.

As the saying goes, there is a grievance, and a debt has an owner. Those ordinary immortal cultivators of the Huayu Sect will not have the trouble of finding the culprit directly, which makes people feel happy and comfortable.

All in all, they will never let each other go easily.

Want to die, hum, where is it so easy?

How dare he humiliate and ridicule himself like this.

Impossible without paying the price.

They want to make each other unable to live or die.

The three of them thought about it.

His gaze was firmly fixed on the figure in the distant sky.

The opponent's speed is very fast.

One moment was still far away in the sky, but the next moment, it was already close in front of our eyes.

However, seeing who came, the noses of the three people in Baiqiaoyuan were almost crooked by anger.

I saw that it was a burly man.

It was nothing.

But when they took a closer look, they found that the other party was not a human immortal cultivator at all.

It's just a puppet, made from geniuses and earth treasures, okay?
Could this be the toy the other party was talking about?

That guy actually took out this thing to humiliate himself.


The tall and thin man surnamed Sun was about to go mad.

His face was ashen.

This guy was originally a violent person. At this moment, how could he bear such humiliation? He just rushed forward with a flicker of his figure.

Then he kicked at the puppet.

The muffled sound entered the ears.

Then, under the surprised eyes of everyone.

The tall and thin man surnamed Sun flew backwards at a faster speed than when he rushed over.

The whole person is like a kite with a broken string.

Then, the crackling sound came to the ears, but it crashed into many buildings and trees along the way, and fell directly into a rolling gourd.

Half of his cheeks were swollen and his nose was crooked.

As for the teeth?

It was scattered all over the place.

How miserable.

"Senior brother."

"Brother Sun!"

From the side, there were two exclamations.

The other two inner sect elders of Baiqiaoyuan were dumbfounded, they couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes at this moment.

As for the immortal cultivators of the Huayu Sect?
Their expressions were no better than those of the two.

Everyone also stared wide-eyed, with unbelievable expressions on their faces.

Of course everyone knows that Patriarch is a great hero.

If it had been his old man himself who had slapped that guy flying away, everyone wouldn't be so surprised.

There may even be a sense of justification.

But the problem is that it wasn't the Patriarch who made the move just now!

They can see clearly.

Although the height and build of that brawny man was similar to that of a human monk, he was just a puppet refined from various treasures of heaven and earth.

It is the toy that the grandfather said just now.

How could a puppet be so powerful?
You know, these three are all top experts in the Dzogchen Transcending Tribulation Period.

When everyone was stunned, they finally realized that the Patriarch was not bragging just now.

Although it looked like he was pretending, in fact, the old man just narrated a very ordinary fact.

It's just that the old man is too tough and too arrogant, so the things that are taken for granted by him seem to be pretending to everyone's ears.

"Grandpa is mighty!"

"Patriarch is invincible in the world!"


After a brief silence, after thinking clearly about the whole story, the monks of the Huayu Sect couldn't help but burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Everyone had a look of admiration on their faces.

Of course they knew that the Patriarch was great, but they didn't expect that it would be so great.

You don't even need to do it yourself, just a random puppet can knock this mighty and powerful enemy into the air.

In addition to admiration or admiration.

At this moment, the admiration in everyone's hearts has reached the point where it cannot be increased, and there are no words to describe it.

Some are happy, some are worried.

At this moment, the expressions of the three Baiqiao elders were quite ugly.

"Junior Brother Sun, you are too careless."

The leader, an ordinary-looking man in his thirties, sighed.

He wasn't talking nonsense.

With his eyes, of course it can be seen.

Although Junior Brother Sun was beaten terribly just now.

But in fact, it was just an accident caused by carelessness and underestimation of the enemy.

how to say?

The younger brother is too hot-tempered.

Seeing that the other party really just sent a puppet over, he couldn't help being furious, thinking that this was the other party's intentional humiliation of himself.

That's why he rushed over angrily and kicked at the puppet.

On the surface, this is a normal reaction.

But thinking about it carefully, it was actually a very stupid choice for him to do so.

In other words, he was simply fooled by the other party.

There is no other reason.

Although Junior Brother Sun is strong, he is not a body refiner.

Facing the enemy, he neither sacrificed treasures nor used spells, but rushed over foolishly and kicked at the puppet.

Doing so is refreshing, but it takes a lot of risk.

Sure enough, the puppet was good at melee combat.

In other words, it fights like a body refiner.

By doing this, Junior Brother Sun is tantamount to using his own weaknesses to counter the enemy's strengths.

If you are not careful, of course you will inevitably suffer a big loss.

But having said that, the strength of this puppet must not be underestimated.

After all, if the difference in strength between the two is too large, even a body refiner will not be able to give full play to their advantages in close combat.

This idea turned in his mind, and the ordinary-looking man in his thirties was ready to attack.

"Brother, wait a minute, let me come."

However, at this moment, a hoarse voice came to his ears.

When he turned his head, he saw Junior Brother Sun staggering up from the ground.

Although this tall and thin man surnamed Sun was careless just now, he suffered a lot, and was almost slapped half of his face by the other party.

But strictly speaking, such an injury is not too serious for a cultivator of his level.

And this guy is not only grumpy, but also a very good-looking person.

At this moment, in front of everyone, after suffering such a big pain, he was so angry that he was going crazy, how could he let it go?

Of course, he must find a way to avenge himself.

So, he opened his mouth to stop the senior brother.

"Junior brother, then you should be careful."

"Don't worry, I won't make the same mistake a second time."

When the man surnamed Sun said this, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his face was full of murderous intent.

This time, he did not underestimate the enemy any more, with a flick of his sleeve, he sacrificed his own treasure without hesitation.

It is a blue flying sword.

It is quite satisfactory.

However, the flying sword was full of spiritual light on the surface.

At a glance, you can tell that it is not comparable to ordinary treasures.


Then he pointed straight ahead.

In an instant, the flying sword's aura was so powerful that it rose against the wind, and in a flash, it was already ten feet long.

It's a giant sword technique!

The power of this move is no small matter, and he slammed down towards the opponent fiercely.

He hated the puppet so much in his heart, he didn't hold back the slightest bit of this move, and wanted to accomplish it in one battle.

In his opinion, only by killing the opponent directly with one move, can he recover the face he lost just now.

However, the idea was good, but he unknowingly made the same mistake as before.

Still the same sentence...too underestimated the enemy!
The puppet's response was also very simple in the face of the huge sword that was slashing at its head.

Lifting his head expressionlessly, he punched the giant sword flying towards him.

There was a loud noise, and the whole space was shaking.

Many immortal cultivators of Huayu Sect couldn't help covering their ears.

They were not affected by the aftermath, but just the loud sound made many monks feel the blood in their chests surging.

beep, beep...

The puppet backed up three steps in a row.

But the giant sword that was thrown at the top of his head was sent flying backwards by a punch.

No, it's not just as simple as being blown upside down and flying back.

On the surface of the giant sword, there was actually a crack. Although it was not obvious, the dazzling aura suddenly became dim.

The man surnamed Sun couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood, which spurted out from his mouth, and his face was full of inconceivable horror.

He really couldn't believe it.

Did something go wrong?
He fought hard just now, and he actually lost?

If he was slapped by the opponent just now, and half of his cheek was almost slapped off, it was because he was too careless and fell into the opponent's trap, so he suffered.

That means nothing.

As long as I get serious, how can that puppet be my opponent?
However, the fight just now destroyed his confidence all at once.

He found that the strength of this puppet was really ridiculously strong, not inferior to himself at all.

It is also the existence of the Dzogchen in the Transcending Tribulation Period, whose realm is almost the same as his own, but compared with his own, his combat power is obviously superior to his own.

That's why I was obviously at a disadvantage in the reckless fight just now.

Even the magic weapon of life was injured.

"Damn it, I don't believe I can't even defeat a puppet."

The tall and thin man surnamed Sun went crazy with anger.

He couldn't accept the fact that he felt humiliated.

So he roared angrily, manipulated his magic weapon again, and slashed up viciously.

Naturally, the demon puppet will not show weakness.

This guy was originally an inanimate thing, so naturally he didn't know what fear was, so he rushed forward with a blank face.

Soon, the two sides showed their talents.

You sword, I kick, fight into a ball.

The crackling sounds kept coming to my ears, and the scene of their fighting was even more dazzling.

The immortal cultivators present couldn't help being shocked.

Especially the disciples of the Huayu Sect.

They knew that the patriarch had supernatural powers, but they didn't expect to be so powerful.

It's really like releasing a puppet at random, and it can be evenly divided with the powerful enemy in front of you.

No, it still has a slight upper hand.

At this moment, although the man surnamed Sun was fighting fiercely, it was obvious that he was in a very difficult situation.

"Grandfather is really amazing."

"It's actually so powerful."

The monks of Huayu Sect all admire him sincerely.


Even the willow leaf fairy in the green dress felt a little thumping in her heart.

"Don't be afraid, the other party is just bluffing."

However, the leader, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties and had an ordinary face, did not show the slightest fear on his face. Instead, he showed an expression that I had seen through the other party's tricks.


Fairy Liu Ye was stunned, feeling a little bit taken aback, not understanding what the other party was referring to.


There was a self-conscious expression on the man's face.

"The puppet in front of me is so amazing, how could it be just an inconspicuous little toy of the other party, that guy is simply playing empty tricks."

"As far as I can see, this puppet is his means of suppressing the bottom of the box."

"The other party said this, but he was trying to make a fool of himself, trying to scare us."

"Brother means..."

After hearing this, Fairy Liuye couldn't help showing a thoughtful look on her face.


The man with an ordinary face nodded: "Perhaps all of this is the Huayu Sect's strategy, and even this so-called Patriarch Master is nothing but fiction."

"I see."

After hearing this, Fairy Liuye showed a look of enlightenment on her face.

This is a very bold conjecture and assumption.

But I have to say, it's still possible.

The patriarch is a fiction, and the puppet in front of him is Hua Yuzong's most powerful method.

It was obviously a treasure at the bottom of the box, but the other party deliberately showed disdain, and used this to sing an empty city plan, with the purpose of wanting to defeat others without fighting.

Let people like myself feel timid and fearful, so they actively choose to retreat.

If this is Hua Yuzong's idea, then the other party is really bold and cunning.

Fairy Liu Ye was also a little shocked and admired, and then turned her head: "Since that's the case, brother, what should we do?"

"What should I do? It's not easy!"

The face of the ordinary man could not help showing a bit of arrogance.

"The other party's song turned out to be an empty city plan, so we just need to expose them."

"What a bunch of daring fellows, do you think we are so easily deceived?"

"I don't know how to live or die, Brother Yu will help Junior Brother Sun right now."

"The other party keeps saying that this puppet is an inconspicuous toy, so I want to see if the other party can come up with a second one of the same kind."

"If you can't get it out, then this little trick he played will of course be self-defeating."

As the other party spoke, he stepped forward with a grin on his face, obviously ready to make a move.

 Thanks to Tianhe Shisan Yao for rewarding 500 coins

  Thank you LANDESI for rewarding 100 coins

  Thanks to chen4819 for rewarding 100 coins

  This chapter is more than 6500 words.

(End of this chapter)

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