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Chapter 135 Immortal Patriarch, Unfathomable Strength

Chapter 135 Immortal Patriarch, Unfathomable Strength (7000-word chapter please subscribe)

"Idiot, I didn't expect there to be such a self-righteous guy in the world."

At the same time, Lin Xiaoyao was still lying under the flat peach tree in his small courtyard, without moving his nest.

However, the development of the situation outside the mountain gate, including the conversation between a man and a woman in Baiqiaoyuan, and the two elders, Lin Xiaoyao could hear clearly.

I have to say, that guy has quite a rich imagination.

Unfortunately, it's just a little too wishful thinking.

He actually foolishly suspected that he was playing an empty city plan.

Lin Xiaoyao was speechless other than speechless.

That guy would actually bet that he couldn't get the second treasure?

He had never seen such a stupid character.

You know, the demon puppets they got when they signed in at the beginning were not the only ones.

Since the other party wants to verify it, well, give him a surprise yourself!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyao slowly wanted to take out the second demon puppet.

However, at this moment, a timid voice came to his ears.

"Master, this guy speaks rudely and dares to slander the master. I'm so angry. I want to fight. I want to teach that guy a lesson."

Lin Xiaoyao didn't need to look back, he also knew that it was Huaimu Immortal Sword who spoke.

The tone of the voice is full of flattering intentions.

It seems that the elder Baiqiao's words are really indignant, and he feels righteous indignation.

However, Lin Xiaoyao is not so easy to fool.

It was undeniable that he knew that Huaimu Xianjian was loyal to him, but there was another reason for his outrageous request to fight at this moment.

"Come on, I don't understand your little thoughts, don't you just think it's too boring to be with me, so you want to take this opportunity to go out and let the wind go?"

"Master Mingjian, you are wise and martial, and being able to follow the master is a blessing that you have cultivated in eight lifetimes. Why do you feel bored?"

"The little one is indeed because that guy is so angry with his master."

Huaimu Xianjian nodded and said.

Lin Xiaoyao is speechless, okay?
When the fairy sword was made with the method of words, the other party was quite honest, even a little too straightforward.

Tell it yourself, you are already a mature fairy sword, and you must learn to slay demons and subdue demons by yourself.

The result was good, the other party not only obeyed, but killed the black python demon king, and then chased and killed other monsters all over the world.

It made the monsters within a radius of ten thousand miles miserable!

How could a sword that was quite honest at the beginning become so glib now?

Of course, the complaints belong to the complaints, Lin Xiaoyao actually knows the reason.

In the final analysis, there are just a few words... Those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

If you want to blame it, blame yourself for destroying the head of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The opponent's formation guarding the treasure house has produced wisdom, and then insists on recognizing himself as the master.

And I am a soft-hearted person, unable to withstand its entreaties, so I let it go.

And that formation, although loyal to him, is glib.

No, the Huaishu Immortal Sword has been hanging around with it for a long time, and it was actually taken away.

What is not good to learn?Actually went to learn how to flatter him.

Then gradually, it became what it is now.

You asked Lin Xiaoyao how he felt?
Lin Xiaoyao was also very upset.

Beside me, these treasures that have produced self-awareness, praise me every day in my ears, they are wise and martial, and they are the number one handsome guy in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't laugh or cry.

There's nothing wrong with flattering.

But if we flatter, can we not make it so obvious?
Although lamenting that the locust tree sword has become glib, Lin Xiaoyao finally agreed to let it play.

After all, the sword is a thing to kill, even if the opponent is by his side, he can naturally become more and more powerful without practicing.

This is a great benefit.

But Lin Xiaoyao also knew that it was really boring.

It is rare to have the opportunity to go out and let yourself go, and Lin Xiaoyao is not easy to stop.

After all, does it make any difference to me whether to send the Heavenly Demon Puppet or the Locust Tree Immortal Sword to fight?

So he nodded: "Okay, then as you wish, but remember, don't embarrass me."

"Master, don't worry, the immortal cultivators who have passed through the tribulation period and reached the Great Consummation will naturally be able to capture the small ones, and you will definitely not be disappointed."

Huaishu Immortal Sword is full of confidence, but it is not bragging.

It has grown by the master's side for these years, and its strength has grown day by day. After so many years, it is not what it used to be. Compared with the beginning, it has improved many times.

He really didn't pay much attention to the existence of Dzogchen in the tribulation period.

If it wasn't [-]% sure, it wouldn't dare to rashly request to play.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, wouldn't it be a loss of face to the master?

Although Huaishu Immortal Sword became glib, he could still tell the seriousness of the matter.


Say the other side.

That ordinary-looking man pretended to be smart and foolishly thought that he had seen through Lin Xiaoyao's scheme.

In his opinion, the so-called patriarch of the Huayu Sect was originally non-existent, and the puppet in front of him is probably the other party's last resort.

So don't look at the opponent who seems to have the upper hand now, but in fact, it is simply out of reach.

And what you have to do is simple.

It was to expose his weak face.

With a plan in mind, next, he prepared to make a move without hesitation.

"Junior Brother Sun, don't worry, wait for Brother Yu to help you."

After saying this.

With a shake of his figure, he was ready to rush forward.

Yet at this moment.

But a majestic and unusual sword light can be seen head-on.

The sudden appearance of Jian Guang made the ordinary-looking man turn pale with shock.

Who is attacking yourself?
The head of the Huayu Sect was only at the Mahayana stage, and it was impossible for him to have the ability to cut out such a terrible sword due to emotion and reason.

He was shocked.

But after all, he is a seasoned immortal cultivator.

In the midst of his busy schedule, he quickly sacrificed his natal treasure.

It is a long knife.

next moment.

The sword light, which was several feet long, collided with the sword light that was coming.

Ding Ding Deng

The man who looked to be in his thirties and had an ordinary face took several steps back.

I just feel the blood rushing in my chest.

Although not injured, but also not very good.

And what made him fear the most was the reckless punch just now, in which he seemed to be clearly at a disadvantage.

His face couldn't help becoming more and more gloomy.

Then he hurriedly looked around, trying to find the guy who attacked him with the sword just now.

However, as far as the eye can see, the monks of the Huayu Sect are all full of astonishment.

No matter who he looked at, it didn't seem like the guy who attacked him just now.

what happened?

Where did that man hide?

The elder of Baiqiao dean had nothing but doubts in his heart.

Yet at this moment.

An arrogant and triumphant voice reached his ears.

"Idiot, don't look around here anymore."

"Your opponent is me."

"How dare you become an enemy of the great master, you are simply the saddest and most stupid immortal cultivator in the world."

"Tell me, how do you want to fall? Although God has the virtue of being good at life, but offending the great master, I will never forgive you."

The voice came to the ears, not only the two elders of Baiqiaoyuan, but also all the immortal cultivators of Huayu Sect who were present.

Everyone hastily turned their heads following the sound.

They were also full of puzzlement and doubts.

This voice is not that of the patriarch.

Then who shot that sword just now?
Even the masters who can make the great completion of the tribulation period almost unable to resist, when did such a terrifying master appear in our sect?

In addition to doubts or doubts.

However, when they saw clearly the scene that caught their eyes, the monks couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"how is this possible?"

"I am not wrong, right!"

"God, could it be that he was the one who slashed that sword just now?"


The voices of chattering came to the ears.

It's no wonder that everyone is surprised and stunned.

Because it caught everyone's eyes.

It's not the immortal master they imagined.

I saw a solitary fairy sword floating in the air hundreds of feet away.

No, to say it is a fairy sword is too flattering.

Because its workmanship is very crude.

It's just an ordinary wooden sword.

said with no exaggeration.

Even if you give it to a child as a toy, the other party might dislike it.

Well, even if people can't be judged by their appearance, maybe treasures are the same.

So even if it is a wooden sword, we can't just look at the appearance.

But why did he only see a single sword floating in mid-air?

Where is its owner?

"You don't need to look for it. Your opponent is me. Do you think that you are worthy of fighting with the master? You really don't know how to live or die!"

The proud and arrogant voice entered the ears.

This time, everyone heard clearly.

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other.

Just now...was this fairy sword talking?
I'm not mistaken!
But the surprise is the surprise, but it's not really incredible.

After all, the world of cultivating immortals is grotesque, magic weapons have spirits, and self-awareness is produced. Although this kind of situation is rare, it is not uncommon.

Not to mention the reaction of the monks of Huayuzong.

The complexion of the ordinary-looking man who looked to be in his thirties had become extremely ugly.

Originally, he thought that the so-called patriarch was a fiction.

That puppet was already the treasure at the bottom of Huayuzong's box.

From beginning to end, the other party was always talking about empty plans.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

What happened to the wooden sword in front of me?

Could it be that my guess just now was wrong?
He was suspicious.

But naturally he won't just admit defeat like this.

A stern look flashed across his face.

A decision was made.

Following his movement, the long knife in front of him slashed viciously towards the front.

He has only one purpose.

That's trying to figure it out.

Was it just a coincidence?
Is the tattered-looking fairy sword in front of me really so powerful, or is it just a bluff?
Facing this guy's attack.

The Huaimu Immortal Sword will naturally not show weakness.

You know, the opportunity to go out in front of you is something that it has worked hard to get.

Of course, if you want to win cleanly, you must not let the master down.

So in the face of that gorgeous knife light.

The Huaimu Immortal Sword did not hesitate, and greeted him with a flash of spiritual light on its surface.

next moment.

A loud noise reached the ears.

The long knife was chopped off with ease.

However, the sword glow remained undiminished, and continued to cover the enemy.

"not good!"

The man with an ordinary face couldn't help but change his face drastically.

He didn't expect that the enemy was much more terrifying than he imagined.

It seems that the speculation I just made may be really wrong.

how can that be possible?
Could it be that the strength background of this little-known Huayu Sect is really greater than that of the Tianxing Sect?

Is there really an extremely powerful patriarch hidden behind the opponent?
This idea turned in my mind.

But his reaction was not slow at all.

With a flick of the sleeve robe, a shield-shaped treasure with defensive attributes was sacrificed.

next moment.

A majestic sword light had rushed towards his face, enveloping him without any suspense.


The screams came to the ears.

The light curtain transformed by the shield burst easily like a bubble.

Fortunately, this bought him some time.

At the critical moment, he desperately dodged to the side.

But even so, he still couldn't escape completely.

One arm was still chopped off by the opponent.

He was pale.

Not just because of hurt, but because of fear and anger.

Originally thought that he had seen through Hua Yuzong's tricks.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he realized that he was the fool who pretended to be smart.

How many cards does the faction have?

First is the powerful puppet.

Now, such a terrifying fairy sword appeared again.

Could it be that they went to Huayuzong to show off their power this time, but they would come back in defeat in the end?

Even... Annihilation of the whole army?
A bad premonition emerged in his heart.

However, at this moment, there was no time for him to think slowly.

The Huaishu Immortal Sword will not let him go.

Once the move was successful, he continued to kill viciously.

Obviously, if he is not eliminated, he will never let it go.


The man with an ordinary face was ashamed.

Things have developed to this point, it would be a lie to say that I am not afraid or apprehensive.

The hunter becomes the prey.

He felt that the situation was completely out of his control now.

But there is no other choice.

It is impossible to beg for mercy.

For one thing, now that things have come to an end, even if he humbles himself, the other party may not let him go.

What's more, his self-esteem would not allow him to do so.

Take one more step back.

The Huayu Sect is certainly great, but maybe its background is only the puppet in front of it, and the talking psychic fairy sword.

Perhaps, this is already the opponent's trump card.

Although, this is just his guess.

But if you think about it carefully, it may not be impossible.

After all, the other party is unknown.

He really didn't believe that the Huayu Sect would be inexplicably powerful to the extreme.

This is not reasonable!

So you can't be timid and fearful, and be intimidated by the means used by the other party.

Perhaps, this is already the opponent's last hole card.

It seems to be powerful now, but in fact, it has reached the point where it is at the end of its rope.

With such thoughts in his heart, the ordinary-looking man decided to grit his teeth and persevere.

As long as you work hard, you will have the opportunity to turn defeat into victory and defeat the powerful enemy in front of you!
that's it.

The man with an ordinary face had a ferocious and resolute look on his face.

He tried his best and tried his best to fight with Huaimu Xianjian back and forth.

In a blink of an eye, it took half a cup of tea.

On the side, Fairy Liuye's expression was already so ugly that it couldn't be more difficult to see.

She never expected that things would develop to this point.

Originally, among the three of them, none of them took this little Huayu Sect seriously.

Everyone thought that the other party was just a fish on a chopping board.

Unexpectedly, such an idea was ridiculously wrong.

Up to now, it has turned into such an unmanageable ending.

Originally, he wanted the faction to succumb.

And through this method, it shows the strength of Baiqiaoyuan.

Tell Su Yatou to give up her fantasy, obediently choose to join, and become a cultivator of Baiqiaoyuan.

After all, in their eyes, how could the little Yihua Yuzong be worthy of such a genius?

It's simply reckless!

Only when Su Zhiyan joins our sect can her amazing talent be brought into full play.

And not so that the pearl is covered with dust.

Delayed by a bunch of useless crap.

Originally, before they came, they were full of confidence in this.

Never thought about it.

This trip will encounter any difficulties and twists and turns.

After all, the Huayu Sect is not well-known.

Compared with being wiped out by them and going to the Sky Star Sect, that is far from it.

Still in hand?

At the beginning, their thought was that the Huayu Sect had the best understanding.

If the other party is smarter, take the initiative to persuade that girl Su to submit to Baiqiaoyuan.

Then they can also show mercy and leave a way out for the faction.

On the contrary, if the immortal cultivators of the Huayu Sect are stubborn and ignorant of current affairs, then the result waiting for them will be forever!
all in all.

From the very beginning, they regarded Huayuzong as a fish on a chopping board.

I never thought that this trip would encounter any kind of trouble and crisis.


Fairy Willow Leaf was a little dazed.

He raised his head and looked towards the two battle groups ahead.

left hand side.

That grumpy Senior Brother Sun was yelling and fighting.

However, the situation he was facing at the moment was extremely bad.

how to say……

Mayfly shaking the tree?

Do not!
Such a description is too exaggerated.

Senior Brother Sun is not that embarrassed yet.

But I have to say that he is indeed no match for that terrifying puppet.

Being beaten by the opponent, he ran away with his head in his arms.

Although it is not enough to fight back at all.

But most of the time, he was indeed beaten unilaterally.

There was a muffled sound that hurt the eardrums.

Brother Sun received another punch from the opponent.

Hit the body by that huge force.

Suddenly, like a meteorite falling to the ground, it was slammed into the ground hard.

a while.

He staggered up.

Half of the shoulders have collapsed.

His hair was disheveled and his face was covered in blood.

He was bruised all over his body.

It can be said that he was already in a state of embarrassment beyond measure.

There is no suspense in this battle.

Even if the realm of the two is similar.

But in fact, the fighting power they showed.

Compared with this puppet, Senior Brother Sun is far worse.

He couldn't beat it at all.

Brother Sun must be very clear about this point.

It's just that his stubborn character made him unwilling to admit defeat, and he is still struggling to support it now.

But if it continues like this, it will obviously not have a good result.

Defeat is certain.

What about the other side?
Can Brother Wu win?

Fairy Willow Leaf turned her head.

Then, a wry smile appeared on his face.


Do not make jokes.

Brother Wu's current situation is much worse.

That tattered-looking immortal sword was even more difficult to deal with than a puppet.

At this moment, Senior Brother Wu has reached the point of danger.

Above the sky in that direction, there are densely packed sword glows everywhere.

It is no exaggeration to say that it has reached the point where the clouds cover the sun.

And these sword lights are not only amazing in number, but also extremely shocking in their power.

Fortunately, Senior Brother Wu is the strongest of the three of them.

Otherwise, if you change to be yourself.

Maybe at this moment, he has already lost his soul and disappeared completely.

Fairy Liu Ye shuddered.

There was even a thought in my mind.

Do you want to take this opportunity to escape?

However, such thoughts are only fleeting.

At this moment, she certainly has all kinds of fear and anxiety in her heart.

But I also understand a truth...that is, fire cannot be wrapped in paper.

If you choose to escape at this time.

Once things come to light.

The entire Baiqiaoyuan will never let her go.

That's it for the others.

But Master Master...

Thinking of this, a look of fear flashed across her face.

Obviously, in her eyes, the puppet and fairy sword in front of her are no small matter.

But let's talk about the degree of horror.

Still far behind the master master.

Therefore, the struggling look in her eyes just flashed past.

Then I made what I thought was the wisest choice.

"Senior brothers, don't worry, the younger sister will act now to help you resolve the crisis."

Before the words finished, Fairy Liuye had already rushed forward.

Yet at this moment.

A deafening roar reached the ears.

Then, a huge monster.

He has already stopped in front of her viciously.

Demon clan?


Fairy Willow Leaf frowned.

This guy is still a puppet.

However, this time the image of the puppet is a huge monster.

However, the aura it exudes is still at the level of crossing the catastrophe, not inferior to the one that Senior Brother Sun faced.

Immediately, Fairy Liuye's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

But now, she has no other choice, so this woman has no choice but to grit her teeth and sacrifice her own treasure.


After a cup of tea.

The three elders of Baiqiaoyuan were killed and two injured.

The tall and thin man surnamed Sun fell.

As for the other two?

At this moment, they were all lying on the ground motionless.

With less air intake and more air output, I completely lost the ability to fight.

Hua Yuzong saved the day.

Clearly, the crisis is over.

However, the faces of the cultivators of this sect were all filled with horror.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and some even couldn't believe it.

There is no other reason.

Of course everyone knows that the patriarch is an old man with great supernatural powers.

If it was him himself who defeated the three formidable enemies in front of him, everyone would feel that it was perfectly normal.

The Immortal Patriarch must have such abilities.

But just now, the situation is different.

From the beginning to the end, I didn't see the patriarch and his old man make a move.

No, to be precise, he didn't even show his face.

He only heard his voice, but didn't see his person. He just threw a few puppets and treasures casually, and then beat the powerful enemy in front of him until he ran away.

To know.

These three in front of them are not ordinary cultivators.

Now in the world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou, there is more than one famous word spreading far and wide...

The Sky Star Sect was destroyed in the hands of the three of them.

It can be said that these three people are the nightmare of all the cultivating forces in Yunzhou.

No one dares to provoke.

But such a strong man can't even beat the puppet and wooden sword of the patriarch and his old man.

This is unbelievable.

Even the immortal cultivators of the Huayu Sect would have found it hard to believe this scene if they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes.

They knew that Patriarch was very strong, but they never expected that he could be so powerful.

As for the final result, why is there one death and two injuries?
The reason why Lin Xiaoyao made such a choice.

That is also important.

Although strictly speaking, these three guys are more than worthy of death.

But after all, Su Zhiyan was still in the opponent's hands.

So for the sake of that girl, he more or less left a little room.

Anyway, capture the other party alive, and how to deal with it next is just a matter of one's own thoughts.

So don't worry too much for now.

It's no big deal to keep them alive.

As for the fallen man surnamed Sun?

That guy deserved his death.

Who made him domineering and domineering when he came, and once killed a disciple of his sect?
Injustice has its head, debt has its owner, since it hurts someone, it must have the ultimate enlightenment to fall.

One life for another is the fairest choice.

So Lin Xiaoyao showed no mercy to him.

Directly order the puppet to make it fall.

As for the other two, don't worry, they can be used as bargaining chips in your hands.

Although unlikely.

But beware of Baiqiaoyuan's dog jumping over the wall in a hurry.

With their lives in their own hands, Su Zhiyan's safety would be more secure.

Even if he did this, in Lin Xiaoyao's eyes, in fact, it was a little unnecessary.

But no matter what.

In any case, there is nothing wrong with staying a little more late.

As for Fairy Willow Leaf and that ordinary guy?

They were badly wounded and unable to move.

And got banned.

In any case, it is impossible to set off any more storms.

Then, Lin Xiaoyao's voice came to everyone's ears.

Still only hear his voice, but not see his person.

"Put these two guys down first, so that they can be taken care of."

"Yes, follow the instructions of the Patriarch!"

Master Qingyu hastily bowed in the direction of the voice and saluted.

For this immortal patriarch of our sect, he has already admired it to an incomparable degree.

So for any orders from him.

Naturally, there is no discount in the slightest, and it has been carefully implemented.

Just like that, because of Lin Xiaoyao's help, a catastrophe was once again invisible.

The Huayu Sect was originally facing a huge crisis, but Lin Xiaoyao used this almost playful method to easily break it.

There is no way, the difference in strength is too great.

Even if a few immortal cultivators in the crossing tribulation period are well-known, they dare to come here to make trouble. To him, it is as different as sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth.

It's no surprise that it ended up like this.

Everything is in order, very normal.

Not to mention their own bodies, they are not even worthy of letting their avatars take action.

And Lin Xiaoyao didn't feel that he had anything to rely on.

The smooth resolution of the matter actually indirectly proved this point.

However, although this matter has come to an end, it does not mean that the crisis facing Huayu Sect has really been resolved.

Quite the opposite.

When the news spread, the Yunzhou Immortal Cultivation World would certainly be in an uproar.

But there is no doubt that Baiqiaoyuan will be furious.

In terms of emotion and reason, they will definitely not let it go like this.

So in the future, the door will definitely face a greater test.

 Thank you LANDESI for rewarding 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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