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Chapter 158 Invincible!The amazing power of the sky-shattering flash

Chapter 158 Invincible!The amazing power of the sky-shattering flash

For example, I got the Time Valley back then.

From there, a large number of time-related treasures were signed.

From Tianyuan fruit, which can increase lifespan out of thin air by eating it, to the most precious treasure, the thread of time, which can be used to comprehend the law of time.

There is also a very powerful supernatural power, which can make the enemy's lifespan disappear quickly, making the beauty old with a flick of a finger.

Check out all the catch here.

Whether it is pills, spiritual fruits, treasures, or supernatural spells, without exception, all are related to time.

This is true for the Valley of Time, and so is the space channel in front of you.

The treasures obtained by signing in here are obviously inextricably linked with the laws of space.

Lin Xiaoyao was contemplating when the sound of the system had already reached his ears.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the supernatural power, do you want to claim it now?"


Lin Xiaoyao did not hesitate.

At the same time, my heart is full of anticipation.

You know, although supernatural powers can also be regarded as a kind of spell, compared with ordinary spells, it is completely different.

The power is completely different.

Incredibly powerful.

In the past few decades, Lin Xiaoyao has been able to sign in regardless of the weather, and he has never lost a single bit of time.

There are countless treasures to be obtained.

There are various types of treasures, and most of them are thrown in the system space by him. Fortunately, the space there is infinitely wide, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to hold them, because they have already piled up into several hills.

It can be seen that there are so many treasures signed by Lin Xiaoyao.

However, among so many rewards for signing in, there are only a few magical powers.

Three to be exact.

Words follow the law, touch stones into gold, and there is a girl who is old with a snap of the fingers.

As for the power of these three supernatural powers...

Well, no need to explain.

If I had to describe it in one word, it would be awesome.

If you want to describe it more accurately, it is very awesome.

All in all, Lin Xiaoyao was looking forward to this newly signed supernatural power.

Although he still doesn't know what this flash is, but after hearing the system's prompt, he opened his mouth without hesitation.



no response.

Nothing happened.

Lin Xiaoyao: "..."

Lin Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment, and then a somewhat embarrassed expression appeared on his face.

I really got into the drama too deeply and made a very stupid mistake.

how to say?

I forgot that the system is directly bound to my ontology.

As for avatars?

Because he has a ray of soul attached to him, there is no problem with signing in, and the system has opened this authority to him.

But you can only sign in, not receive.

This eliminates the possibility of the avatar falling and the signed treasure falling into the hands of the enemy.

This point, even the strongest avatar made of ten thousand years of immortal jade has no authority, let alone the one in front of him, which is just an ordinary avatar made of clay.

Because I was too excited to acquire supernatural powers just now, I actually forgot about it.

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help scratching his head. Fortunately, there were no other cultivators here, so no one could see the embarrassed look on his face.

Of course, it doesn't matter, it's just a small, insignificant mistake.

Just correct it.


At the same time, it is far away from thousands of mountains and rivers.

Lin Xiaoyao's body, who was lying under the flat peach tree, stood up from the chair he was lying on.

He was still holding a novel in his hand, and was reading it with relish.

The two incarnations are both adventurously running around outside.

As for the ontology, he is very leisurely and enjoys life in the sect. This little life is not to mention how comfortable it is.

In short, Lin Xiaoyao was in a pretty good mood.

At this moment, he spoke without hesitation.


As soon as he finished speaking, a voice like Hong Zhong Dalu exploded in his ears, and suddenly, a lot of memories appeared in his mind.

Memories of Flash!

Lin Xiaoyao was immersed in it.

The whole process lasted for nearly a cup of tea.

Then he opened his eyes again...

Lin Xiaoyao lightly clenched his fist.

There was a look of great satisfaction and joy on his face.

It turned out that this was the Space Breaking Flash.

Sure enough.

No wonder, it's not a spell, but a stunt dubbed a supernatural power.

Lin Xiaoyao had a very satisfied look on his face, reminiscing happily.

Suddenly, he raised his hand.

Waving forward.

with its action.

A piercing sound came into the ear.

A white light came into view.

At first glance.

Nothing surprising either.

It is quite similar to Jian Guang.

However, this is only the appearance.

Lin Xiaoyao picked it up from the storage space of the system.

A treasure was taken out.

It is a shield the size of a palm.

Although the volume is not large.

However, a soul-stirring spiritual pressure bloomed.

Not only that, but the patterns carved on the surface of the shield are also not trivial.

This is actually a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure.


Lin Xiaoyao pointed forward.

Get the support of his mana.

The shield turned around.

In an instant, it rapidly grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, slowly flew forward.

Soon, it collided with the white light in front.


This Tongtian Lingbao, known for its defensive power, just fell into two halves without any suspense as soon as it came into contact with the white light.

Falling from mid-air.

You read it right.

A heaven-reaching spiritual treasure with a dignified defensive attribute.

Unexpectedly vulnerable.

Just touching this white light, the defense was easily torn apart.

Turned into mortal iron and fell from mid-air.

Lin Xiaoyao's face brightened.

The power of this space crack far exceeded expectations.

Simply unbelievably powerful.

Even with his city mansion, he couldn't help showing a bit of horror.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as invincible.

I am afraid that there is nothing in the world that can block the cutting power of this space crack.

"That's right, that's right. With this Sky Breaking Flash, my own strength has been greatly improved on the basis of the original."

Lin Xiaoyao was delighted.

But soon it turned into a mournful expression.

There is no other reason.

Because Lin Xiaoyao suddenly realized that it seemed a bit too extravagant for him to try the trick just now!

Actually destroyed a Tongtian Lingbao.

"Damn it, the shield just now is no small treasure. In terms of defense power, among the treasures I currently have, it is enough to rank in the top [-]. It is such a pity that it was destroyed so easily. "

Lin Xiaoyao was very annoyed. After all, in his storage bag, there were not many treasures with stronger defense than it, and there were only a few hundred pieces left.

Can not help but sigh.

I feel very sorry.

You can't be so reckless in the future.

He warned himself in his heart.

But having said that, Lin Xiaoyao soon became happy again.

There is no other reason, the power of this piercing flash is indeed very strong!
When I meet a strong enemy in the future, I have more cards in my hole.

As soon as Lin Xiaoyao was happy, he decided to reward himself with some delicious food.

But soon, his expression froze, and the expression on his face was a little dumbfounded.

Is this a coincidence, or does it mean that he has the attribute of a crow's mouth?

Only then did I think that I would have more cards in my hole when I met a strong enemy in the future, and then... a strong enemy actually came.

Is there anything wrong.

Is it such a coincidence?

Lin Xiaoyao was really speechless.

of course.

The strong enemy he mentioned here does not refer to the main body.

After all, the Huayu Sect today is not what it used to be, and he himself has the reputation of the number one master in Yunzhou.

Just ask who, dare to come here to stroke the tiger's whiskers when they are full?
Of course, Huayuzong is fine.

The danger he says comes from the incarnation.


At the same time, it is thousands of miles away from Huayuzong.

This is a wasteland.

Now it is not considered uninhabited.

Immortal cultivators from several major forces in Yunzhou were waiting there respectfully with anticipation and apprehension on their faces.

Among them, the most disturbing one is none other than the disciples of the Huayu Sect.

After all, it is the patriarch of our sect who is going to the vortex at this moment to explore and take risks.

Of course, rightly so.

It's just an external incarnation of his old man.

Even if it is lost, it will not hurt the fundamentals, and it has nothing to do with the overall situation, but even so, their hearts are still full of worries.

After all, in the cognition of ordinary monks, it is very difficult and not easy to refine an incarnation outside the body.

If everyone knew that Lin Xiaoyao's incarnation could actually be mass-produced.

It only needs a piece of stone or a handful of soil, plus a wisp of Yuanshen, and the production can be completed in an instant. I don't know what they will think in their hearts?

"Master Uncle, Master Patriarch, the old man has been in for half an hour, why is there still no news?"

"That's right, the patriarch must not be in danger!"

"Oh, this vortex is so mysterious. Although the old man has supernatural powers, to be honest, he really shouldn't put himself in danger."


The voices of chattering came to the ears.

The disciples of the Huayu Sect started discussing in low voices with sad faces.

An ugly expression also flashed across the face of Baodangu chief seat.

Turning around, he scolded: "Shut up, don't talk nonsense!"

"It's only half an hour. How can it be so easy to find out useful information. You are not allowed to talk nonsense here!"

"Yes, uncle."

Seeing that Baodangu's head was angry, the faces of the disciples of Huayu Sect revealed a look of astonishment.

In their impression, this Uncle Zhou had a very good temper, and he always had a pleasant face when talking to his younger disciples. Why did he suddenly become so fierce at this moment?

I'm afraid he is also very worried, so he is in a bad mood!
Some people thought of this, but at the same time, some people felt very puzzled.

But no matter what, at this moment, everyone obediently shut their mouths.

As one of the three Mahayana monks in this sect, he often acts as the head of the sect. The head of Baodan Valley has a very high prestige among the disciples.

Seeing him get angry, no one dared to talk nonsense anymore.

Sensing that the surroundings had quieted down, Baodangu Shouzuo heaved a sigh of relief.

There was still a calm expression on his face, but secretly he couldn't help but sigh quietly.

In fact, he was able to understand the thoughts of his disciples at this moment.

As the saying goes, caring makes chaos, not to mention the junior disciples in front of him, at this moment, why isn't he feeling up and down in his heart?
Of course, even if you worry about it.

It cannot be revealed on the surface.

After all, he is now the backbone of everyone, no matter what, how could he mess up his position first?

What's more, in addition to the disciples of this sect, there are also monks from various forces in Yunzhou.

So no matter how disturbed he was, at least on the surface, he absolutely couldn't let these people watch jokes from the sidelines.

Therefore, the first seat of Baodangu could only bury his worries in his heart, but deliberately showed a look of indifference on his face.

He smiled and said, "Don't worry everyone, it's only been half an hour, how can you check the news so quickly?"

"Furthermore, Grandpa Patriarch is an old man with amazing supernatural powers. Don't worry, even if you encounter any danger, with Patriarch Master's means, you can easily turn the danger into safety."

"Master Uncle is right, how great is Patriarch? It has been so many years, and he has never met an opponent. No matter what crisis our sect encounters, with his old man around, he can easily turn the danger into safety."

"That's right, the ancient demon was so powerful just now, it's not an exaggeration to say that he was invincible, but he was instantly killed by the patriarch and his old man with a slap. What do we have to be afraid of?"

"That's right, worrying is nothing but worrying!"

"Don't be afraid, the patriarch will definitely return safely!"


The chattering voices came to the ears, but this time, the disciples of the Huayu Sect seemed to be full of confidence.

It's no wonder that Huayuzong has encountered various crises and troubles in the past few decades.

But no matter how dangerous it is, and no matter how terrifying and powerful the enemy is, as long as the Patriarch is there, it is nothing worth mentioning.

He can always resolve crises easily, and he can hardly find a single enemy.

In this way, things have changed over time, and with victory after victory, Lin Xiaoyao has naturally established an invincible image and reputation in the hearts of everyone.

So thinking about it carefully, their worries just now were really superfluous.

The expressions on the faces of all the disciples became calm.

The head of Baodangu also stroked his beard and smiled, with a confident expression and expression.

But in fact, unlike ordinary cultivators, this time, in his heart, he didn't have such great confidence.

Ordinary disciples may not know it, but as one of the three Mahayana monks in his sect, he is not only powerful, but also knowledgeable.

In the vortex just now, what ran out?
The answer is, Ancient Demon!

Here comes the question.

Do you think this is a coincidence?
What other people think, Bao Dangu's first seat is not clear, for himself, he does not believe that this is a so-called coincidence.

Although he didn't think through the Confucian scholar's worry just now, he more or less guessed it in his heart.

At this moment, I couldn't help but whisper in my heart.

The terrible vortex in front of me, could it be the interface channel leading to the ancient demon world?
If that's the case, it's really bad.

Because according to the description in the above-mentioned classics, the Ancient Demon Realm is not only extremely vast, but also the creatures there are incredibly powerful.

Not to mention ordinary ancient demons, according to legend, there are even many supreme beings who surpassed true immortals.

Although the Patriarch is an old man with supernatural powers, if he encounters such a strong enemy, he may be very dangerous.

The only thing that makes him feel at ease now is the patriarch, the old man, and it is not the body that has entered the vortex.

It's a pity that the incarnation outside the body is lost, but at least it won't be irretrievable.

But so to speak.

Of course, he still hopes that the patriarch, the old man, auspicious people have their own auspiciousness, and never encounter any danger, even if they do, they can turn danger into good luck.

The chief seat of Baodan Valley felt very uneasy.

However, there is such a coincidence in the matter.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoyao's situation was really guessed by him by mistake.

At first, Lin Xiaoyao had a whim, and after realizing that the so-called vortex was indeed a guessed interface channel, he tried to see if he could sign in here.

Then he was very lucky, not only succeeded, but also signed a very precious treasure.

Supernatural powers, flash through the air!
This is enough to be a very powerful hole card for him.

Lin Xiaoyao was very happy about this.

Of course, only the main body has the authority to receive this supernatural power.

As for avatars?

Because it is inextricably linked with the main body, in theory, whatever spells the main body has learned, the incarnation will naturally be able to cast it.

But this is just theory, in practice, it is not so simple.

If it's just an ordinary spell, even if it's a very profound and advanced one, once the main body learns it, and then casts it by the avatar, there is no problem at all.

But this supernatural power is different.

The supernatural powers are too mysterious and advanced, and even involve some of the original power of this world.

The main body has the attributes of a saint, so there is no problem in using supernatural powers.

But incarnation...

how to say?

It's not that it can't be used, but it requires specific analysis of specific problems.

First of all, the avatar created by Wannian Xianyu can be used.

Because Wannian immortal jade is the best carrier for making external avatars.

Lin Xiaoyao can attach a large number of primordial spirits to him.

In this way, this incarnation of the Wannian Immortal Jade also has a strong saint attribute.

Although, it is still far from his own body.

But there is no problem in using supernatural powers.

Although the power is a bit weaker than the main body, it is still very good at defeating the enemy.

All in all, if it is the incarnation of Xianyu, then there is no problem in using supernatural powers.

Easy and casual.

But this, ordinary avatars can't.

Only a wisp of Lin Xiaoyao's primordial spirit can be attached to it.

In other words, the saint attributes possessed by ordinary avatars are too weak.

In this way, using supernatural powers will encounter big problems.

how to say?

In fact, it is not impossible to use.

But after using it, its power will be greatly weakened.

Note that it is the kind of weakened very exaggerated, and in the end it doesn't even have the power of the original fur.

In this case, it is very tasteless to use it, and it can only deal with immortal cultivators whose realm is lower than yourself.

Even facing the existence of the same level, it doesn't make much sense.

But here is the problem.

Facing an existence weaker than himself, what did Lin Xiaoyao use his supernatural powers for?
Wouldn't that be superfluous?
It doesn't make any sense at all.

After all, he could kill such a guy with a single slap.

Using supernatural powers can be described as superfluous.

Therefore, for ordinary incarnations outside the body, using supernatural powers is completely useless.It's just a show, and it doesn't make any sense to display it.

But having said that, Lin Xiaoyao is still very happy.

After all, the body is his foundation.

The one that can enhance the strength of the body is the treasure that one dreams of.

As for ordinary avatars not being available?
To put it bluntly.

What does that matter?

Anyway, Lin Xiaoyao didn't care at all.

So he is in a very good mood at the moment.

Then, he met the enemy.

 Thank you LANDESI for rewarding 100 coins

  Thanks to chen4819 for rewarding 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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