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Chapter 159 The world is invincible, the ancient demon is vulnerable to one blow

Chapter 159 The world is invincible, the ancient demon is vulnerable

It can be said that there was no sign at all, and the enemy appeared very abruptly.

Of course, it is also possible that Lin Xiaoyao was too happy just now.

After all, it was hard to sign such an important treasure.

When he was happy, he didn't pay much attention to the surrounding vigilance.

These are all possible, but not important.

Lin Xiaoyao's eyes fell to the front.

Ancient Demon!

His pupils narrowed slightly, and a gloomy look flashed across his face.


But this is exactly the worst case scenario.

how to say?

In fact, there is no need to make complicated speculations.

Ancient demon, space channel.

As far as these two simple elements are stitched together, what can you think of?
The answer is obvious.

My worries became reality.

The vortex in front of him is really a space channel connecting Yunzhou and the ancient demon world.

One time could be a coincidence.

But seeing ancient demons in this place one after another, then the possibility, basically, can be confirmed without any accidents.

It can be said that this is the worst result.

What should Yunzhou do?

It can be described as precarious.

After all, compared with the mighty Ancient Demon Realm, Yunzhou is astonishingly weak.

For a while, Lin Xiaoyao also felt a headache.

But such a thought only flashed through his mind.

Let's talk about future troubles later.

The most urgent task is to deal with the ancient demon in front of him first.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyao raised his head and looked forward, sizing up the powerful enemy who suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Because he didn't hide his whereabouts, those ancient demons naturally saw him.

"What's going on, why is there a human immortal cultivator here?"

"Just now, didn't Fellow Daoist Li go to check the situation?"

"Although Fellow Daoist Li is only at the Mahayana stage, he is very much appreciated by the Venerable, and the lord once gave him a few words of advice."

"So the strength of Fellow Daoist Li is far superior to that of immortal cultivators of the same level. Even if you encounter an existence at the level of Transcendence Tribulation Stage, you can easily kill it instantly."

"He went to explore the road, he should be safe, why..."

"Is this person lucky and just missed out on fellow Daoist Li, or..."


The voices of chattering came to the ears.

The expressions on the faces of the ancient demons were very astonished, so discussions arose.

However, at this moment, a voice said coldly: "Why bother to discuss so much here, is self-serving speculation interesting?"

"If you want to know the truth, go catch that guy, and we will naturally get the answer we want from his mouth."

Although these words are a bit indifferent.

But it makes sense.

It is also very appetizing to the ancient demons in front of them.

All the demons nodded one after another.

So they planned to do it.

Make a choice.

These ancient demons swarmed up and surrounded them.

There is no such thing as a fair duel in the world of cultivating immortals.

There are many people bullying few people, this kind of situation is all too common.

What's more, the human monk in front of him appeared a little abruptly.

Even if the ancient demons had full confidence in their own strength and always looked down on human immortal cultivators, they never dared to be too careless.

"Boy, where did you come from? A human immortal cultivator, who is sensible, you'd better keep your hands tied, otherwise..."

The icy voices of the ancient demons came to the ears.

Listening to their tone, it seems that they regard Lin Xiaoyao as a fish on the chopping board, and they can slaughter them however they want, as they like.


For this kind of arrogant guy, Lin Xiaoyao didn't bother to say much.

There is no interest in talking nonsense with them.

He slapped it directly.


Then, an ancient demon who was still proud just now had all his teeth knocked out.

The whole person flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, and fell all over, with a face full of pain, struggling for a long time, but staggered and couldn't get up.


This scene happened suddenly.

It can be said that there was no sign at all. After all, no one expected that this weak human monk would be so bold and make a quick move.

Not at all sloppy.

The key is.

The strength is also powerful to the point of shocking.

With a direct slap, one of their companions was beaten and fell to the ground.

The ancient demons looked at each other.

Then he couldn't help but gasped.

They involuntarily took a few steps back.

Faintly aware that this time, I am afraid that I have underestimated the enemy.

This guy in front of him is by no means an ordinary human immortal cultivator.

He turned out to be pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger here.


The ancient demons were shocked and angry.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

"You will pay for what you did just now."

"I want to extract your soul and refine your soul."


Accompanied by the sound of rushing to the ear.

The ancient demons present sacrificed their treasures one after another, and then roared and rushed towards Lin Xiaoyao in front.


Face these self righteous guys.

Lin Xiaoyao's face was still expressionless.

Even some ancient demons of Mahayana and Transcending Tribulation level dare to yell and yell in front of themselves, it seems that they are really tired of life.

He said nothing.

did not do anything.

Just let out the restrained breath.

Suddenly, an astonishing spiritual pressure fell from the sky.

Following his movements, the arrogant and domineering ancient demon just now suddenly showed a look of extreme horror on everyone's face.

"True fairy!"

"This turned out to be a strong man in the Realm of Immortals!"

"How is it possible? Although I haven't investigated it carefully, the venerable lord has already said that the interface channel is connected by accident this time, but it is a very inconspicuous small interface. How could it be so easy to meet the real immortal?"


The chattering voices came to the ears again, but this time, the tone of the ancient demons was full of fear.

"The matter has come to this, what's the point of talking about it? Fortunately, the other party is just a lonely family. Even if it is a strong person in the real fairyland, so many of us teamed up, it may not be impossible to fight against the other party."

"That's right, Fellow Daoist Liu's words are reasonable, the matter has come to this point, and this is the only way to do it."

"Fellow daoists, I hope that everyone will go all out. Now that the crisis is looming ahead, everyone can no longer keep their hands on the slightest chance."

"You don't need to remind me, I know it well."

"Yes, there is only one person on the other side. If we can take down this real immortal, it will be a great achievement in front of His Holiness."

"Who says no, do it, let's work together!"


Accompanied by the sound of drinking violently, it came to the ears.

The ancient demons sacrificed their treasures one after another.

The surging devilish energy swarmed out from the surface of their bodies, mixed with astonishing aura, and bombarded Lin Xiaoyao from all directions.

A shot is to kill.

Obviously, they also knew that the monk in front of them was not easy to mess with.

Therefore, if you want to complete all your efforts in one battle, you will unleash the most violent attack from the very beginning and kill it here.

have to say.

Wishful thinking is good.

Unfortunately, they found the wrong partner.

Facing the attack of the crowd, Lin Xiaoyao did not hide at all.

He didn't even try to sacrifice defensive treasures and talismans.

no need!

It's just a bunch of ants.

Although this is just an ordinary incarnation of him, its strength is far less than that of the main body, but it is stronger than the monks of the same level.

No, to be correct, it is much stronger.

in other words.

Even if it was an ancient demon at the first level of a true immortal, Lin Xiaoyao was sure of winning the battle.

So what's the use of some Dujie and Mahayana level guys in front of us?
Even if I stand here and don't move, let them fight.

If they can hurt a hair of their own, or make me move a little bit, then I lose.

But obviously, these idiots can't do it.

On this point, Lin Xiaoyao is fully sure.

But that's what it says.

Of course, Lin Xiaoyao would not stand here foolishly and let them beat him.

All over his body, an astonishing spiritual pressure once again bloomed.

The strength of the spiritual pressure, compared to just now, has unexpectedly more than doubled.

And it came very abruptly, without any warning in advance.


Those ancient demons who were swarming up and rushing towards them viciously.

All of them took a few steps back with a drastic change in expression, and some of them with a lower cultivation base couldn't even stand up, and fell to the ground with a "slap".

"This spiritual pressure, isn't the other party an ordinary true fairy?"

"Not good, everyone get out of here, we are definitely not this guy's opponent."


All of a sudden, there were exclamations one after another, and those ancient demons who reacted faster had already started to flee in all directions.

I have to say that these guys are very smart and react very quickly.

But so far.

How could it be so easy to escape?
Lin Xiaoyao still didn't make a move.

However, the spiritual pressure that bloomed from his body continued to increase.

Immediately, those fleeing ancient demons felt that the surrounding air became stagnant.

Escaping is very hard.

No, it was because of the terrible spiritual pressure that they couldn't run anymore.


bang bang bang...

A sound like the popping of a balloon reached the ears.

Those unlucky ancient demons all turned into a cloud of blood mist.

That's right.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Xiaoyao did not make a move.

Just releasing a little breath and spiritual pressure, all these ancient demons in front of him were killed!

Then Lin Xiaoyao didn't have much joy on his face.

It's just some ancient demons of Mahayana Crossing Tribulation level.

Even if there are a lot of them.

But to him, killing these guys was just a trivial matter.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't pay attention at all.

He continued to fly forward.

Although it is almost certain now.

This vortex connects Yunzhou and Ancient Demon Realm.

This is a most disturbing result.

But no matter what, Lin Xiaoyao still planned to go over and take a look in person.

As you ask, is there any danger in doing so?


Not only is there, but it is also very important.

But Lin Xiaoyao didn't care.

An ordinary avatar, even if it falls, is nothing special. I can recreate another one in minutes.

So he was confident and didn't care about possible dangers at all.

Of course, that's true.

Lin Xiaoyao still flew very carefully.

Not being afraid of falling is one thing.

But it doesn't mean that he will foolishly seek death.

Lin Xiaoyao is not an idiot.

What's more, he didn't want to startle the snake.

In this way, it took half a cup of tea.

Lin Xiaoyao met the ancient demon again.

Only one this time.

However, they are much, much stronger than those guys just now.

An ancient demon in the Realm of Immortals.

The other party naturally also found Lin Xiaoyao.

A stern look flashed across his face.

Then he sneered.

"Human immortal cultivator, hmph, you will appear here. It seems that the group of pathfinding wastes in front have fallen. Did you kill them?"

Lin Xiaoyao didn't speak.

Looking at him like an idiot.

Isn't this nonsense?
I am too lazy to answer.

The ancient demon was originally in a good mood.

He never expected that the other party looked at him like he was looking at a fool.

He couldn't help but fly into a rage.

It is tolerable and unbearable.

This human monk is simply too much.

How dare you dare to challenge yourself like this.

He was about to yell.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiaoyao spoke first: "Next, do you mean that you want to extract my soul and refine my soul?"

"Can you have something new? You ancient demons threaten people, don't you just say this?"

"It's okay to be stupid."

Lin Xiaoyao looked at his expression, full of sympathy, as if he really had a brain problem.


"But... hateful."

"I fought with you."

The ancient demon originally felt good about himself, so he didn't pay attention to the human monk in front of him at all.

Although the opponent is a true immortal, in terms of realm alone, he is the same as himself.

But so what?

One must know that the strength of their ancient demons is far superior to that of immortal cultivators of the same level.

He originally planned to tease the other party.

In the end, how could he know that the moment the other party opened his mouth, his belly was almost bursting with anger.

The bastard's words are too irritating.

"court death!"

His face was gloomy.

Without further ado, with a flash of his figure, he appeared more than Zhang away in front of Lin Xiaoyao.


Terrifying magic energy swarmed up.

He punched Lin Xiaoyao hard on the head.

That's right.

This guy didn't offer any treasure.

Because in his opinion, there is no need at all.

It's just dealing with a mere human cultivator.

In the case of the same realm, he should be able to crush the opponent.

Some people may find it strange that since the realms of the two sides are similar, even if there are differences in strength, the gap should not be too outrageous. Where does the other party's self-confidence come from?

If you think so, you can be very wrong.

Among the heavens and worlds, the ancient demons are extremely powerful.

It is often said that human beings refine Qi, while monster races refine their bodies.

This sentence refers to the fact that human beings are weak physically, but they are the most intelligent. They have created magic weapons, talismans, and formations. With these things, their strength has been greatly increased.

And driving these things requires a lot of mana, so there is human energy refining.

As for the Yaozu body training?

It is also very understandable.

The wisdom of the monster race is not as good as that of human immortal cultivators, but they are born with strong bodies, and different types of monster races can also acquire strange talents and supernatural powers in the process of cultivation.

So they don't need to rely on foreign objects like magic weapons.

You only need to train your monster body to be extremely strong, and you already have the power to move mountains and seas.

All in all, both humans and monsters have their own strengths, but their shortcomings are also extremely obvious.

But the ancient demon is different.

He can drive all kinds of treasures like a human being.

At the same time, his physical strength is not inferior to that of Yaozu.

It can even be said that it is even better.

in other words.

The ancient demon has the strengths of both human immortal cultivators and monster races.

So they are very strong and difficult to deal with.

In addition, the ancient demon is warlike.

They started on the road of cultivating immortals, and they have come all the way in bloody storms. They have extremely rich fighting experience, which can be said to be far better than monks and monsters of the same level.

That's why.

In the case of the same state.

The strength of the ancient demon is far from comparable to that of a human monk of the same level.

It can even be said that the leapfrog challenge is extremely easy.

Therefore, although the ancient demon in front of him found out that Lin Xiaoyao was a true immortal with a realm similar to his, he didn't take him seriously at all.

He felt that the other party was nothing more than an easy-to-handle wine bag and rice bag.

But that being said.

But because Lin Xiaoyao used words to mock and humiliate him just now.

So he really hated the human monk in front of him.

It is naturally merciless to make a move.

He punched Lin Xiaoyao's head.

Decided to beat the kid half to death first.

It moves quickly.

The use of teleportation also appropriately played the effect of a sneak attack.

I thought it would be easy to succeed.

I don't know.

Things were quite different from what he had imagined.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't hide, and didn't know if he was petrified.

He was overjoyed.

Just imagining the embarrassing scene where the other party was beaten to the ground and fell to the ground in the next moment, unable to get up for a long time.

Yet at this moment.

Lin Xiaoyao moved.

He neither hid nor sacrificed treasures.

Instead, stick a finger out.

That's right.

He stretched out a finger, trying to block his attack.

Seeing this scene, the ancient demon almost laughed angrily.

He widened his eyes, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

Is this kid crazy?

I was able to get to this point, and I have experienced countless battles, big and small, on the road of cultivating immortals.

But I have never seen such an arrogant character.

I am an ancient demon.

In theory, it is much stronger than the cultivators of the same realm as you humans.

In the end, faced with your full blow, the way you resisted it was to stick out a finger?
Did something go wrong?
Not to mention that human immortal cultivators have weak physical bodies and are not good at melee combat.

Even if it is a monster race, even if it is a monster cultivator with some true spirit or divine beast blood, no matter what, it will never dare to push it to such a degree.

Am I hallucinating?

Because this matter is too unbelievable and too weird.

The ancient demon was astonished, and even couldn't help but doubt that he might be under the illusion.

Because in his opinion, unless the cultivator in front of him is crazy, he would definitely not use such a method to resist his own attack.

This thought is like lightning.

But at this time, of course, it is impossible to change tactics in time.

So he gritted his teeth, a stern look flashed across his face, and the demonic energy swarmed up. The power of that punch increased by one-third on the original basis.

He wants to finish his job.

Originally, I just wanted to injure this guy severely, and then get some information and news I wanted from him.

But at this moment, because of the anger in his heart, the ancient demon changed his decision, he didn't have to hold back, and directly killed this hateful guy.

 Thanks to lht19781023 for the reward of 1500 coins

(End of this chapter)

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