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Chapter 170 Immortal Mountain Blessed Land, Surprise Harvest

Chapter 170 Immortal Mountain Blessed Land, Surprise Harvest

Huaimu Xianjian was furious.

Immediately, the surface of the sword body was enveloped by a dazzling aura.

Accompanying it was a terrifying spiritual pressure falling from the sky.

In a word.

This nasty guy in front of him.

It will never let go.

If I don't teach him a good lesson, I really can't get rid of the hatred in my heart.


Accompanied by a loud shout.

The Immortal Sword of Sophora Tree was as dignified as a mountain, and fell towards the front.

with its action.

But when he saw the entire sky, it was filled with swarming sword energy as if by magic.

The sword light fell like rain, and there were tens of thousands of colorful and gorgeous sword energy, which was as powerful as the Sanxian Chu surnamed.

The power is magnificent.

"not good!"

The Sanxian surnamed Chu could see clearly, and couldn't help showing a horrified look on his face.

He knew that this fairy sword was amazing.

But I never expected that it would reach such an incredible level.

Without the support of the magic power of the cultivator, it can actually make this shocking blow by itself.

There was fear in his eyes.

without any exaggeration.

I have reached the moment of life and death.

Life is hanging by a thread, and there is no room for maneuver.


Although there was a chill in his heart and he was unavoidably afraid, but due to emotion and reason, he naturally would not sit still and wait for death.

So, the Sanxian surnamed Chu made a move.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly displayed his own life-saving secret technique.

I saw his hands waving again and again, and the incantations in his mouth seemed profound and complicated.


The originally clear sky became cloudy in an instant.

The empty space is like a small lake wrinkled by the wind, with little ripples.

Then mirror-like treasures appeared in sight one after another.

Although it was as thin as a cicada's wing, it was extremely hard, layer upon layer, covering his figure.

Terrible protection!

However... no use.

next moment.

The majestic sword energy all over the sky, already mixed with the power of heaven and earth, slammed into it fiercely.

The crackling sound entered the ears.

Accompanied by the dazzling aura, the mirror-like treasure did not have the effect that Sanxian Chu surnamed expected.

In an instant, one side after another turned into powder.


The old man surnamed Chu stared wide-eyed.

There was a look of disbelief on his face.

How can it be?

This is a life-saving technique that he is proud of.

It stands to reason, not to mention such a mere psychic treasure, even facing a real fairy, it can withstand a few rounds.

How... was it destroyed so easily?
His mind went blank.

Part shock, part fear.

It can be said that the development of the matter to this point was completely beyond his expectation.

Even the life-saving magic power at the bottom of the box is useless, what should I do now...?

No time to think.

It was too late to react.

What's more, even if he sacrificed any other treasures, most of them would be tricked by others, and apart from psychological comfort, they would not have any real effect.


It's too late to say, but it's too soon, the sword lights all over the sky are already swarming.

In an instant, he was wrapped up and down.

There was no chance of escape.

The screams came to the ears.

But then, it stopped abruptly at a faster speed.

There is no suspense in the slightest, the soul of the Sanxian Chu surnamed has returned to the underworld.

No, to be correct, it is the soul flying away.

Completely erased from this world.

As if it never existed.

The whole process was ups and downs.

This is called being clever but being mistaken by wisdom.

If the other party hadn't escaped and hadn't enraged the Sophora Tree Immortal Sword, he shouldn't have fallen so quickly.

At least, she won't end up in such a disastrous situation.


This scene fell in the eyes, and the monks present couldn't help but gasped.

Even the brothers and sisters of the Wei family also stared wide-eyed, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

As the saying goes, it is said that a humble wooden sword is actually a psychic treasure, and its power is so powerful.

From this, it can be inferred how terrifying is the strength of Senior Lin?

Brother and sister, you look at me, and I look at you.

look at each other.

They never dreamed that a reinforcement they randomly found on the way would be so amazing.

The Shui Lingmen was saved.

The two were ecstatic.

While the expressions on the faces of others were full of fear.

The leader has fallen.

Even the Great Elder is dead now.

It was an extremely wrong choice to take back the Shuilingmen this time, but now, how can there be any regrets?

Their hearts hit rock bottom.

for your future.

Also full of apprehension and fear.

But none of this has anything to do with Lin Xiaoyao.

Even though, he is actually the initiator of all this, without him, there would be no changes in front of us.

But so what?

How could Lin Xiaoyao pay attention to some ants?
He came here.

There is only one purpose.

Don't want to waste your chance to sign in today.

Therefore, we must find a place with profound accumulation.

Coincidentally, he took a fancy to the chief rudder of Shuilingmen.

And Fatty Wei, who looked like his high school classmate from his previous life, looked pleasing to the eye, so he just helped him out.

It's that simple.

At this moment, the real immortal had already executed him, and he left the locust wood fairy sword for the fat man, which was enough to suppress all accidents and changes.

And there is not much time left for the system to refresh.

Of course Lin Xiaoyao would not delay.

So, I flew to the main rudder of the Shuilingmen in front, looking for the most suitable place to sign in.

The island is vast.

Although the Shui Ling Sect has fallen, and has encountered many powerful enemies with malicious intentions in recent years, but fortunately, there is a large array of guards and various methods left by their ancestors.

Therefore, the main rudder has not changed, which is why Lin Xiaoyao is so optimistic about it, and after spending so much time, he also wants to sign in here.

At this moment, while flying, he released his divine sense and searched carefully nearby.


Lin Xiaoyao was amazed.

Without him, the immortality and Taoism in this place are stronger and deeper than what I imagined.

You can sign in almost everywhere.

This time I really found a treasure.

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help being ecstatic.

Not worth your hard work.

That being the case, he no longer looked around and chose carefully.

No need!
Because of such a good place, it is impossible for me to sign in only once.

Now that he finally found this paradise, there is only one thing to do next...stay here and squeeze the wool hard.

This thought flashed through his mind, and time was running out, so Lin Xiaoyao stopped hesitating and said straightforwardly.

"System, sign me in."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and obtaining the Daoxing Pill."

"Note: The quantity is 100."

Daoxing Dan?
In Yunzhou, Lin Xiaoyao's expression changed under the flat peach tree.

I chose to receive it without hesitation.

I saw that the elixir was green in color, about the same size as longan, and exuded a refreshing aroma.

For this thing.

The introduction of the system is extremely concise.

Only one sentence.

It can increase the monk's Taoism mana.

But how much can be increased is not mentioned.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't care either.

Don't talk about it, don't talk about it, can't I just take a pill and experience it for myself?
This thought turned in his mind, he raised his head and swallowed the elixir in his hand, and suddenly, a majestic medicinal power entered Dantian Zifu.

Then it quickly circulated in the eight extraordinary meridians.

Immediately, Lin Xiaoyao felt very comfortable all over.

"This is……"

He couldn't help but change his expression.

The effect of this Xingdan seems to be slightly different from the imagination.

Before signing in by myself, I also obtained various magic weapons to improve my cultivation.

One of the most common.

That is, congratulations to the host for how many years he has been cultivated.

Quantity is not necessarily.

There are dozens at least, and hundreds at most.

It sounds amazing, but it actually has moisture.

Because there is no specific measure.

What is the cultivation base and how many years?

Even if you practice for the same length of time?
Are ordinary people the same as geniuses?

A diligent immortal cultivator and a lazy guy, the same practice time, the final effect must be very different.

Also, when cultivating, whether there is a panacea to assist, the final result will be very different.

Regarding these, the system did not give a specific standard.

What kind of rewards you get is entirely up to fate.

So, here comes this.

One day, Lin Xiaoyao signed in and obtained a three-year cultivation base

At that time, I looked disgusted, thinking that this is too little!
Bad luck signing in today!

But it's a complaint, but no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat, so Lin Xiaoyao chose to receive it without hesitation.

After receiving the result, he was stunned.

In just three years of cultivation, Lin Xiaoyao felt that his mana had taken a leap and increased by a large amount out of thin air.

I couldn't help but be ecstatic in my heart. Could it be that this so-called three-year cultivation base is the achievement of some super genius, or a very powerful senior, who retreated for three years?
Not bad, I thought I was unlucky, but I didn't know that I picked up a treasure.

Lin Xiaoyao is in a good mood

The next day, I continued to sign in happily.

Then it was repaired for 100 years.

So, he was very happy. The mere three years of cultivation yesterday had yielded a lot. Today's 100 years must have allowed his mana to increase a lot on the original basis.


Lin Xiaoyao happily chose to receive it.

The result that can be obtained is a look of bewilderment.

The increase in mana in the 100 years of cultivation today is not as good as the benefits obtained in the short three years yesterday...

Lin Xiaoyao was dumbfounded at the time!

After waking up, he was so angry that he jumped and cursed.

What kind of idiot is this? He has cultivated for 100 years to obtain such a small amount of cultivation, which is too little!
Is the other party extremely poor in qualifications, or extremely lazy!
Or even both?
Therefore, Lin Xiaoyao really doesn't like how many years of cultivation rewards this kind of sign-in gets.

It's not just because it is impossible to accurately grasp how much mana can be increased.

The most important point is because he found that most of the time, the cultivation base he obtained was relatively mediocre.

This is very annoying.

At first, Lin Xiaoyao felt that the system was deliberately deceiving him.

After complaining several times, unexpectedly, the system gave an explanation for the first time.

According to it, the system is absolutely fair.

This kind of reward for getting so many years of cultivation is that it randomly grabs from the monks of the heavens and the world, and then copies a copy and throws it to oneself

"I see!"

After understanding how the system works, Lin Xiaoyao finally understands why most of the cultivation bases that have been signed in for hundreds of years are not satisfactory.

As we all know, no matter which interface it is, the number of low-level monks must be the largest.

Whether it is a high-level monk or a genius, in terms of proportion, it must be rare.

And the system grabs randomly. In this case, the cultivation level I obtained is of course unsatisfactory.

Back then, when his cultivation base was low, this shortcoming was not obvious.

But now, Lin Xiaoyao has become an immortal, and he is also a second-tier immortal cultivator.

In this case, the system still randomly grabs from the immortal cultivators in the heavens and myriad worlds.

If he catches a Golden Immortal, or Da Luo, even if the other party only retreats for a year or so, Lin Xiaoyao can get a very considerable harvest.

But the odds are too small.

Basically, it's almost like pie in the sky.

After all, the number of low-level monks is the largest.

And the lower the cultivation level, the greater the number.

This is awkward.

For example, if it catches a Golden Core cultivator.

Well, let's not talk about Jindan, even Nascent Soul.

And it's the kind with good qualifications and hard work.

Closed for 100 years.

The Nascent Soul cultivator himself has gained quite a lot.

The strength has made great progress on the original basis.

But the system copied a copy of his achievements and threw them on Lin Xiaoyao, a true immortal. How much help do you think?

Let alone ignore it.

But it must be tasteless.

In short, with the increase of cultivation base, the strength rises with the tide, and the reward of signing up for hundreds of years of cultivation base is getting less and less beneficial to Lin Xiaoyao.

That's why, he wants to send an avatar to travel across the oceans to the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sea, looking for new opportunities.

Because at the head of the Huayu Sect, or in Yunzhou, it is too easy to sign up for similar rewards because Dao Yun's celestial relationship is not deep enough.

Even if the fragrance of peach trees can improve strength, Lin Xiaoyao urgently needs new treasures if he wants to upgrade faster.

And the Dao Xing Dan who just signed in is a great harvest.

Lin Xiaoyao tried taking one, and the effect was better than expected.

If there is enough Dao Xing Dan to take, according to his estimation, it may only take a year for him to successfully advance to become a cultivator of the third level of true immortality.

Yes, you read that right.

One year!
It was shocking to say that.

The road to cultivating immortality is more and more thorny at the end. Although the lifespan after becoming a true immortal is extremely long, it is also extremely difficult to advance to the next level.

Don't say anything else, just give an example.

Usually, the retreat of true immortals is counted in thousands of years.

In this regard, it is not necessarily possible to make much progress.


Lin Xiaoyao actually said that he only needs one year to advance from the second level of true immortality to the third level of true immortality.

Let me ask, if other true immortals knew about it, how would they react?
of course?

They will definitely come to fight him desperately because of jealousy.

This is so unfair!
There is a saying that if we don’t worry about being few, we should worry about unevenness. Why do we retreat for thousands of years, and we may still be standing still. Thinking about it, it makes you feel sad and makes you want to cry.

In the end, you are lucky, and you can improve one realm a year?
Really angry!

Who can bear this matter?

Why is it so difficult for us to cultivate immortality, but it is as easy as eating and drinking water when it is placed here with you?
I can't get angry!
If this news gets out, let alone a true immortal, I am afraid that even a golden immortal, or even Da Luo, will become unstable because of jealousy.

No matter how far the journey is, even if you need to cross the interface, you will definitely try your best to trouble this kid!
It's amazing to have a system!
Can a saint do whatever he wants?
Hmph, you haven't recovered your sage cultivation yet, if you come to Daluo, will you see if you can beat him?

Of course Lin Xiaoyao couldn't beat it!

His current cultivation base and mana have only recovered to the second level of the true immortal
Not to mention a big Luo, even a golden immortal can easily crush him to death.

The power gap is too outrageous.

But... don't these guys know?
Lin Xiaoyao just complained quietly in his heart.

He is not stupid.

So of course I won't try to kill myself!
Only a fool would reveal this matter, and making a fortune silently is the choice of a wise man.

In short, Lin Xiaoyao is very satisfied to be able to sign Daoxingdan.

What's more, I got a whole hundred of them in one go.

This is simply a big gain!
"This is indeed a rare and blessed place in the fairy mountain."

Lin Xiaoyao's expression was very happy, so he decided not to leave, and continued to gather wool here.

Ah, no, just continue to sign in here in a proper manner.

Yet at this moment.

Lin Xiaoyao suddenly seemed to sense something, and raised his eyebrows.

There was a trace of depression on his face.

There is no other reason, just now, Lin Xiaoyao felt it.

Master Qingyu, the master, is praying to his statue at the moment.

There is no way, his immortal patriarch seems to be haunted by ghosts.

Although every time Huayuzong encountered a crisis, he was able to rush over in time to help the faction, defeat powerful enemies, and save the day...

But his whereabouts, in the eyes of Huayu Sect disciples, are very mysterious.

No one knows where the patriarch is.

No one dared to inquire.

But it doesn't mean that there is really no way to communicate.

Master Qingyu discovered that by praying to the statue of his old man, the patriarch could sense it.

This discovery made him very happy.

However, even though he knew the method to contact the Patriarch, Master Qingyu was very cautious, and under normal circumstances, he would not make a mistake easily.

After all, if it's just a small matter, he definitely wouldn't dare to bother the Patriarch.

Lin Xiaoyao was also aware of this point.

After all, Daoist Qingyu is the leader of a faction, he always makes decisions before acting, very prudent.

So because of this, Lin Xiaoyao was also very curious when he felt that the other party wanted to contact him from the statue, what happened?

It stands to reason that this door should not encounter any trouble.

After all, the Huayu Sect is already famous all over the world in Yunzhou.

It has the reputation of the first fairy gate in Yunzhou.

Well, although some names do not match the reality, but due to emotion and reason, no one should dare to stroke the tiger's beard again.

Therefore, this made Lin Xiaoyao very curious. Under the current situation, what kind of crisis can our sect encounter?
With this kind of surprise, he expanded his divine sense.

(End of this chapter)

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