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Chapter 171 The Valley of Immortal Fate, the Legend of Ancient True Immortals

Chapter 171 The Valley of Immortal Fate, the Legend of Ancient True Immortals
"It turned out that the girl Su Zhiyan disappeared, and this matter also involves some incredible ancient secrets..."


After a while, Lin Xiaoyao withdrew his divine sense, with a thoughtful look on his face.

This matter is much more complicated than imagined, and it is inevitable that there will be many omissions if we only understand it through spiritual thoughts.

Lin Xiaoyao pondered for a moment.

I think it would be more reassuring to ask in person.

So, he flickered.

The whole person disappeared from the spot without a trace.

The next moment, he came to the cave of Master Qingyu.

"The disciples meet the ancestors."

Master Qingyu was still praying to the statue in the cave just now, but the next moment, he saw a figure wrapped in blue light coming in front of him.

He was startled at first, and then he couldn't help showing an overjoyed expression.

Quickly knelt down and kowtowed, the expression on his face was very respectful.

"Get up."

Lin Xiaoyao has long been used to being regarded as a fairy patriarch.

In a way, he is indeed worthy of the name.

After all, he had saved the Huayu Sect so many times, without him, the sect would have ceased to exist long ago.

Therefore, no matter from which angle, I can afford this gift.

"Thank you, Grandpa!"

After getting the permission, Master Qingyu kowtowed again, then got up respectfully, and stood with hands down.

His face was full of respect and admiration.

"Tell me, what exactly happened? Why did Su Yatou disappear? And the ancient secrets you mentioned, I can explain it more clearly now." Lin Xiaoyao ordered casually.

"Yes, Patriarch, I got news that Xianyuan Valley was born."

"Xianyuan Valley, what is that?"

Lin Xiaoyao frowned.

This name is somewhat familiar, as if it has been seen in some ancient book, but it is not very clear.

I should have just seen a very vague description, and I didn't pay attention to it at the time, so I felt some impression, but I can't remember the specific situation.

"Junior Sect Leader, you mean Xianyuan Valley? That secret realm appeared? Did Su Yatou really disappear in Xianyuan Valley?"

At this moment, there was an exclamation in my ear.

Lin Xiaoyao turned around.

I saw an old man with gray hair and beard.

It is the first seat of Huayu Zongshu Pavilion.

Not to mention strength.

But it is the most knowledgeable and talented monk among the sect's monks.

Of course, it has now advanced to the Mahayana stage.

"Senior brother is here. Senior brother has a more detailed understanding of Xianyuan Valley than I do, so please ask him to explain it to you, Patriarch, so that it will be more clear."

Master Qingyu's expression brightened.

The head of the Sutra Pavilion is not only well-read, but also extremely eloquent, so it is most suitable for him to say this.

"The disciple sees the patriarch."

The head of the Sutra Pavilion also knelt down respectfully and saluted.

"Get up, since Qingyu said so, it's up to you to talk about it."

Lin Xiaoyao is as good as others.


The old man naturally had no objection to this.

Then, the very detailed description began.

Of course, he would not have any reservations about his ancestor, and respectfully told all the things related to Xianyuan Valley that he had seen in the classics.

According to him, the Xianyuan Valley first appeared about 8 to [-] years ago.

"Seventy to eighty thousand years ago, how long ago?"

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help being surprised.

"Not bad!"

The other party nodded affirmatively.

Then, move on.

"When Xianyuan Valley first appeared, it didn't attract much attention and attention. At the beginning, everyone just regarded it as an ordinary ancient relic, or an ordinary secret realm."

"But no matter what, when a new secret realm appears, it is inevitable that many monks will rush in to take risks, but in the end, almost all the troops are wiped out."

"Hundreds of immortal cultivators went in, but only two came out in the end."

"This makes all the sects feel shocked."

"Although we all know that adventures in the secret realm will be very dangerous, and it is inevitable that some monks will perish during the exploration process, but the death rate is so high, it still scares everyone."

"It stands to reason that the first time I explored, I suffered so much. Next, people will not say that they will give up this secret realm completely, but after exploring, they will definitely become more cautious."

"But the development of things is different from what I imagined."

"Although the first time I explored Xianyuan Valley, the death rate was horrifyingly high, but the cultivation of the two seniors who survived has improved by leaps and bounds. It is no exaggeration to describe it as a thousand miles a day... "

"In the end, they both became true immortals."

"Such a result surprised everyone."

"You know, although the aptitudes of these two immortal cultivators can't be said to be bad, but they are full of calculations, and they are only middle-of-the-road. They must have nothing to do with geniuses, but they all became immortals in the end..."

"If you say it's just a coincidence, you're insulting everyone's IQ."

"Obviously, these two seniors must have gained huge benefits in Xianyuan Valley."

"With this speculation, when the Xianyuan Valley appeared for the second time 3000 years later, the entire Yunzhou was shocked."

"People didn't feel uneasy and stopped because the monks who went in were almost wiped out last time."

"On the contrary, there are ten times more immortal cultivators who went to take risks this time than last time."

"How is the result?"

When Lin Xiaoyao heard this, he couldn't help showing interest: "Are there still heavy casualties?"

"It's more than heavy casualties?"

The old man who guarded the Zangshu Pavilion sighed: "The result is almost the same as the first time. It can even be said that it is even more tragic."

"Because the number of immortal cultivators who entered this time is much more than the first time, there are several thousand people."

"Although the strength is somewhat uneven, it is still very good in general, and their preparations are very sufficient."

"I thought the survival rate would be higher this way."

"Where do you know, the loss was extremely heavy. Thousands of immortal cultivators were also almost wiped out."

"There are only three immortal cultivators who survived in the end."

Lin Xiaoyao nodded.

Understand what the other party said, why this time, the loss is more severe than the first time?
There were ten times more immortal cultivators entering than the first time.

However in the end.

Only one more person came out alive.

This situation is indeed quite tragic.

Hearing this, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Then he murmured and said: "Since this place is called Xianyuan Valley, the three who survived must have gained great benefits just like the first two survivors, and their cultivation base will advance by leaps and bounds, becoming true immortals. "

"That's right." The old man nodded: "Master Patriarch, you guessed it right, indeed."

"Although the monks who went in were almost wiped out, the cultivation of the three who survived increased like a thousand miles a day, and finally became true immortals."

Afterwards, the other party continued: "All in all, that's how things are. The Fairy Fate Valley will appear about every 3000 years, and every time it appears, it will cause a sensation in the entire Yunzhou, and the cultivators will flock to it."

This is also not difficult to understand.

Although this place is indeed dangerous, what the cultivators are not afraid of is the danger, but that even if they take the risk, they will not get enough benefits.

in other words.

Even if there are dangers everywhere, as long as the income is guaranteed to be sufficient, the monks will also flock to it.

After all, those who are timid and cowardly, who dare not even take risks, cannot go far on the road of cultivating immortals.

So, every time Xianyuan Valley appears.

They will never be deserted.

Many immortal cultivators will come here admiringly.

Especially some immortal cultivators whose lifespan is approaching, or who have been plagued by bottlenecks for many years, are even more flocking to it.

Do your best to fight.

Although they know that the hope of surviving is slim, they all hope that they can be the lucky ones.

After all, this is the only chance, no matter what, I have to take a gamble.

It's a pity that the lucky ones are a minority after all.

Although there are many immortal cultivators who put their lives at risk every time, they try their best to take risks.

But in the end, there are only a very small number of people who can walk out of Xianyuan Valley.

Every time, it's just chatting with a few people.

But anyone who walks out of Xianyuan Valley.

Without exception, great benefits have been obtained.

It is certain that the cultivation base will advance by leaps and bounds, even the worst achievement is to cross the catastrophe and achieve great perfection.

There are also some who have become Sanxian.

Only half of them became true immortals.

This is also why, although Yunzhou is inconspicuous among the heavens and worlds, and can even be said to be one with very poor resources for cultivating immortals, for a long time in the past, there have been constant traces of fairy tales.

It is because of the existence of Xianyuan Valley that provides a great opportunity for brave and lucky people to have the opportunity to become immortals.


Master Qingyu couldn't help sighing when he heard this, and added something.

"It's a pity that since 2 years ago, for some reason, Xianyuan Valley suddenly disappeared and never appeared again. This is also why the current Yunzhou will become invisible."

"I see."

Lin Xiaoyao nodded.

If the other party didn't tell, he really didn't know that there was such a secret in the middle.

No wonder, I read the classics myself, and they all said that tens of thousands of years ago, for a long period of time, there was no shortage of true immortals in Yunzhou.

At that time, the world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou was very prosperous, and the number of masters was much more than now.

But then it became inexplicably weak.

As for the reasons for the decline, those classics are all vague.

Only now did Lin Xiaoyao know that the truth was like this.

Then, he couldn't help being a little curious.

"Then what is there in Xianyuan Valley?"

Although the entire army was almost wiped out every time, and there were very few people who survived, but there were always some.

Haven't the other cultivators thought about asking about it?

Not at all, they are all unwilling to say.

"It's not that I don't want to say it."

The old man sighed.

"It's because they don't know either."


Lin Xiaoyao was stunned, his first reaction was that he had heard wrong.

Are you so afraid that you are not kidding me?

These people are all survivors, who came out of Xianyuan Valley alive.

And each one reaps great benefits.

Then, you tell me that they don't know what's in Xianyuan Valley.

Listen, does this sound like human speech?
It's just outrageous!

"Don't tell me, they all lost their memory."

Lin Xiaoyao said with a sneer, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"The patriarch is really good, he guessed right."

The old man nodded repeatedly, his face full of admiration.

Lin Xiaoyao: "..."

Lin Xiaoyao was already stunned.

I just said that, and it was deliberately mocking, what's the matter with your admiration?

Don't tell me that I was talking nonsense just now, but in the end I got it wrong...

Unfortunately, Lin Xiaoyao really guessed right.

The old man explained to him very patiently.

It turned out that those people who came out of Xianyuan Valley lost a piece of memory for some reason.

Yes, it is the memory after entering Xianyuan Valley.

they can't remember
After I entered this valley, what did I experience, or what happened?
All in all, great benefits have been obtained, but the process is unknown.

Do you think it is outrageous?

At first, everyone scoffed at such an explanation, thinking how could it be possible?

This must be deliberate evasion.

However, a person may be evasive.

But after so many years, all the cultivators who entered the Immortal Fate Valley but came out alive, without exception, all spoke the same word and gave the same explanation.

This makes people have to believe it.

After all, even if it is lying to make excuses, such a large time span, and these surviving immortal cultivators also come from different sects of immortal cultivation.

It's not possible for everyone to have such a tacit understanding, unanimously say such old-fashioned reasons...

Even if you want to lie, no matter what, you should find a fresher excuse.

As a result, no!
This is worth pondering.

Finally, after research, everyone had no choice but to come up with a result.

It's just that these people didn't lie, I'm afraid they really lost part of their memory.

Although he gained great benefits in Immortal Valley, he just couldn't remember exactly what happened there.

As a result, Xianyuan Valley was even more mysterious.

Not only did the number of immortal cultivators going there not decrease, but it actually increased.

Until 2 years ago, this secret realm never appeared again.

That's how it all started.

After listening to the old man's introduction of the origin of Xianyuan Valley, Master Qingyu continued to talk.

"Xianyuan Valley originally appeared every 3000 years."

"But after it appeared for the last time 2 years ago, it disappeared inexplicably. Since then, it has never appeared in Yunzhou again."

"You mean, Xianyuan Valley has finally reappeared, so why did Su Zhiyan run into it?" Lin Xiaoyao thought about it and asked a question.

"Master Patriarch, you are right. The Fairy Fate Valley has indeed reappeared in Yunzhou. As for why Su Yatou entered it..."

Master Qingyu sighed: "I don't know about this either."

"But according to speculation, it should be because this Xianyuan Valley has disappeared for 2 years, and there are very few records related to it in the ancient books."

"So Su Zhiyan didn't know at all that what she encountered was Xianyuan Valley, and she just thought it was a very ordinary secret realm."

"I see."

Lin Xiaoyao nodded.

Although this is just speculation, it is indeed the most reasonable explanation that can be made under the current situation.

Su Zhiyan didn't know, so she entered the secret realm in a daze.

Well, that makes sense!

"Then you came to me because you hoped that I would rescue her from Xianyuan Valley?"

"Patriarch Mingjian."

Master Qingyu bowed respectfully.

"Then Su Zhiyan is a rare genius, the seed of immortality. This disciple really doesn't want her to make any mistakes. If possible, I would like to ask the Patriarch to save that girl."

"it is good."

Lin Xiaoyao nodded, agreeing simply and neatly.

"Thank you Patriarch."

Hearing Lin Xiaoyao's immediate acceptance, Master Qingyu couldn't help showing a look of extreme joy.

Although according to his expectation, he also felt that the patriarch would probably agree to this matter, but it was so easy, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

This heart is naturally very happy, and the expression is very grateful.

"Then Xianyuan Valley, where did it appear this time?"

"This... I can't explain it in just a few words, Patriarch, the disciple has already made a map."

For this, Master Qingyu was clearly prepared. Hearing Lin Xiaoyao's question, he turned his palm over and handed over a jade slip respectfully.

Lin Xiaoyao's face showed satisfaction, he reached out to take it, lowered his head slightly, and sank his spiritual thoughts into it.

Soon, lift it up again.

There was a hint of surprise on his face.

"It's actually in the Wild Demon Mountain?"

Lin Xiaoyao muttered to himself.

This is indeed quite surprising.

"Okay, I see, you don't have to worry about this, I will find a way to rescue that girl Su as soon as possible..."

Lin Xiaoyao spoke like this.

"Thank you Patriarch."

Lin Xiaoyao was a little impatient when he saw Master Qingyu wanted to bow down again. Although the other party respected him very well, with his personality, he didn't like too much red tape.

So, he ignored the two of them, his figure became slightly blurred, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Disciple sends Patriarch respectfully!"

Master Qingyu and the old man hurriedly saluted again, although they knew that the patriarch was easy-going, but as juniors, they did not dare to neglect their manners in the slightest.

As for Lin Xiaoyao turning around and leaving so quickly.

Nor were they surprised.

In other words, the immortal cultivators of the Huayu Sect have long been accustomed to the elusiveness of the patriarch and his old man.

After a full cup of tea, the two of them stood up straight again.

The expression on his face was still hard to hide his joy.

"Junior Sect Leader, since the Patriarch has agreed to take action, you don't have to worry about it. With his old man personally helping him, I believe that Su Yatou can definitely save the day."


Master Qingyu also nodded, the expression on his face was much more relaxed than before.

Obviously agree with this statement.

Although Xianyuan Valley is very dangerous and mysterious.

But in these years, Huayuzong has also experienced countless crises.

But every time, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are, as long as the patriarch takes action, the danger will be saved.

So in everyone's mind, his old man simply represented invincibility.

Since the Patriarch agreed so straightforwardly, he was probably quite sure, so Master Qingyu also felt that Su Zhiyan was saved.

 Thank you for the reward of 100 coins that can reach the sky in half a step

(End of this chapter)

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