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Chapter 172 The Miracle Created by the Immortal

Chapter 172 The Miracle Created by the Immortal
Wild Monster Mountain, as the name suggests, is the territory of the monster clan.

Lin Xiaoyao had never been there before, but he was no stranger to this place.

Because in Yunzhou, it is really famous.

Not long ago, because of the birth of a rare genius, under the leadership of the Hundred Demon King, the Yaozu challenged the world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou.

All of a sudden, life was overwhelmed.

Human monks were defeated like a mountain.

On the one hand, it was because they were caught off guard, and on the other hand, it was also because after tens of thousands of years of recuperation, the strength of the Yaozu was not what it used to be.

Later, it was all thanks to Lin Xiaoyao that he finally turned the tide, otherwise the current Yunzhou might have become the territory of the Yaozu.

In the battle of Huayuzong, the monster clan was hit head-on, bloody and desperate.

Hundreds of demon kings were executed, and countless great demons fell.

The remaining remnants of the monster tribe had to retreat back to the wild monster mountain in embarrassment.

No one expected that the secret realm of Xianyuan Valley, which had disappeared for 2 years, would appear in this place.


After agreeing to Master Qingyu's request, it was only half an hour later.

Lin Xiaoyao came to the Wild Demon Mountain.

As the saying goes, saving people is like putting out a fire, and he didn't want Su Zhiyan to make any mistakes, so he acted extremely quickly.

And this time, what he came here was the main body.

Because after listening to the description of the head of the Zangshu Pavilion, this Xianyuan Valley is obviously far from being comparable to ordinary secret realms. In order to be sure, he had to let the main body make a move.

Because if only one avatar was sent, Lin Xiaoyao had a hunch that maybe the matter could not be resolved.

Lin Xiaoyao raised his head and looked into the distance. In front of him, there was a large stretch of rolling mountains, crawling like a giant python, extending to the extreme far of the sky.

This is the famous Wild Demon Mountain.

After the defeat of the monster race, they fled here again, relying on the high mountains and dense forests to recuperate, hoping to slowly regain their vitality.

They have always done this before.

But this time, it is not so easy to fool around.

There is no other reason, this time the battle between humans and monsters, the loss of Yunzhou is too heavy.

It hurts.

Of course human cultivators are not willing to let it go.

Raising tigers as a threat must never be done again. Taking advantage of the situation to pursue is the most sensible choice at present.

After the last incident, all the immortal cultivators hated the monster race to the bone, and wanted to solve this huge crisis once and for all.

Therefore, under the intentional or unconscious guidance and support of the major immortal cultivating forces, a large number of immortal cultivators poured into the Wild Demon Mountain continuously.

Starting from the periphery, step by step into the depths of the mountains, in the process, they will kill every monster they see.

Therefore, when Lin Xiaoyao came here, he saw a large number of monks gathered not far from the entrance of the wild monster mountain.

Even, there is a small market.

This greatly facilitates the cultivators who come here.

After they entered the mountain, whether they killed the monster clan or gained anything due to other opportunities, they could all come to this market to trade.

At the same time, if you want to replenish the consumed pills, talismans, or other things, as long as you have enough spirit stones, this small market in front of you will definitely not disappoint you.

In the past two days, compared with the past, the number of immortal cultivators pouring into Fangshi has suddenly increased significantly.

Obviously, the news of the reappearance of Xianyuan Valley has quietly spread in Yunzhou.

Therefore, after learning of this information, countless immortal cultivators came here admiringly.

Although, everyone knows that this secret place is dangerous.

But after experiencing the conflict with the Yaozu not long ago, the immortal cultivators have a greater desire to become stronger.

Especially Chengxian.

It is no exaggeration to say that it has reached the point where the heart yearns for it.

The powerful power of the real immortal makes everyone envious.

If it was before.

They can only be envious.

After all, the gap is too obvious.

The road of cultivating immortals is full of thorns and thorns, and there is no shortcut.

But now, the opportunity is in front of us.

Although it is dangerous, as long as the income is sufficient.

As the saying goes, wealth and wealth are found in danger.

After witnessing the power of a true immortal, the entire Yunzhou was in a state of turmoil, and countless immortal cultivators came to this wild and demon mountain attracted by their fame.

Don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean that everyone who comes here will enter Xianyuan Valley to take risks.

After all, no matter how high the return is, one's own life is still very important.

Immortal cultivators are not reckless, and there may be bad-tempered guys, but most of them still have self-knowledge.

Therefore, these many immortal cultivators came here not necessarily to enter the Immortal Fate Valley, but to increase their knowledge so that they can brag in front of others in the future.

After all, 2 years have passed since the last time Xianyuan Valley appeared.


Lin Xiaoyao changed his appearance.

Afterwards, Shi Shi ran into Fangshi.

I walked around, but didn't find anything that interested me.

After a while, he came to a teahouse.

According to past experience, every time Xianyuan Valley appears, there are two chances to enter.

Needless to say, Su Zhiyan and the others had already entered for the first time.

The entrance will then close automatically.

After about one to four days, the portal will open again.

The second chance to enter Xianyuan Valley will appear.

So there is still plenty of time.

Lin Xiaoyao is still very interested in this secret place, Xianyuan Valley.

The only worry was that nothing would happen to Su Zhiyan before the entrance opened for the second time.

After all, no matter how powerful he is, if Su Yatou dies first before entering Xianyuan Valley, it will also be hopeless!
While Lin Xiaoyao was thinking secretly, the discussion in the teahouse was already in full swing.

"After 2 years, Xianyuan Valley once again appeared in Yunzhou. This time, how many strong people will come?"

"Hmph, needless to say? There must be countless, especially some immortal cultivators who are approaching their lifespan but have no hope of breaking through. They will definitely find a way to go here."

After hearing this analysis, everyone nodded in agreement.

Lier must be this Lier.

After all, if it were me, I would definitely grit my teeth and come to Xianyuan Valley to find opportunities when my lifespan was short and I couldn't break through the current realm.

Although there is little hope.

However, once it is done, there is hope of becoming a fairy.

As for what happens if you fail?

It doesn't matter, anyway, there is not much life left, so what do you think about so much?
In fact, the number of immortal cultivators who have entered Xianyuan Valley in the past is also the largest number.

"You said, will the immortal patriarch of the Huayu Sect come here this time?"

At this moment, a loud voice came to everyone's ears.

"The immortal patriarch of Huayu Sect..."

Everyone's expressions changed, and the noisy teahouse suddenly quieted down in an instant.

Yunzhou has a vast area. Although the overall strength has declined in recent years, in general, there are still many masters.

But as the saying goes, there is no one in literature, and no one in martial arts. Because there are so many strong people, no one dares to call himself number one in the world.

Otherwise, it will definitely be regarded as arrogant, ignorant of the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, which will not only make people laugh, but even lead to murder.

But now this situation happened.

The number one powerhouse in Yunzhou!
You know, Lin Xiaoyao didn't call himself this title.

Although the origin is untestable, but as the immortal patriarch of the Huayu Sect, he is famous all over the world, and his strength is so strong that he has been recognized by the entire immortal cultivating world in Yunzhou.

This is a fact!

And the title of Yunzhou's No. [-] powerhouse is extremely majestic and very enviable, but after so long, no one has dared to question it, let alone be dissatisfied and come to the door. He challenges.

In a word, jealousy is jealousy, but everyone is really convinced.

This immortal patriarch of Huayu Sect is the undisputed number one powerhouse in Yunzhou.

He once defeated the Hundred Demon Kings and saved the world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou from fire and water.

Mention the name, people are in awe.

At this moment, in this teahouse, I heard people ask, will this well-known number one expert in Yunzhou come to Xianyuan Valley?

The immortal cultivators present naturally pricked up their ears quietly.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone is very concerned about this issue.

However, no one could answer.

There is no other reason. Although the immortal patriarch of the Huayu Sect is powerful, he is elusive. Let alone outsiders like them, even the disciples of the Huayu Sect's main sect, it is as difficult as going to the sky to meet him. .

Nowadays, in the world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou, there are various legends related to him, but no one knows whether it is true or not.

A legend is always a legend.

All in all, there is only one word to describe the feeling of this senior.


Since I haven't even seen his face, let alone know his character, so it's really hard to say whether this person will come to Xianyuan Valley.

"I don't think it will come!"

In this way, after a while, a weak voice finally entered the ears.

"Oh, why, brother, why do you think so?"

Although the person who is speaking at this moment is unknown to everyone, it does not hinder everyone's interest. Anyway, it is just a random guess and listening to other people's suggestions. Naturally, there is no problem.

"It's simple."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the man seemed to be a little proud. He considered his words and began to talk about his thoughts.

"Think about it, why do we cultivators enter the Immortal Valley?"

"In the final analysis, isn't it just to find a chance to become an immortal? But the patriarch of the Huayu Sect is already a true immortal. Wouldn't it be unnecessary to come here again? So I think he probably won't come here."

Everyone was lost in thought.

Soon there was a voice of approval reaching the ears.

"What friend Daoist said is good."

"Well, that's true."

Obviously, his way of solving the problem has been approved by many people, so the voices of approval in the teahouse are one after another.

But soon, someone sneered.

"Nonsense, your speculation is a bit of a fixed mindset."

"Oh, what is the different opinion of fellow Taoist?"

The man was not angry just now, but asked for advice with a pleasant face.

Not to mention his cultivation, after all, many people who come here will hide their aura intentionally or unintentionally, but this bearing is quite commendable.

"Who said that the Immortal Fate Valley is useless to cultivators above the true immortal?"

"It's just that no real immortal has ever entered it before, but I have read a classic book and speculated about the origin of Xianyuan Valley."

"It is very likely that this valley was left behind by a greater existence whose strength surpassed that of a true immortal..."


The monks present heard this, but none of them refuted.

Although they didn't think in this direction before, but now they heard someone mention it, they have to say that there is some truth to it.

After entering Xianyuan Valley, there is a chance to become a true immortal, but it does not mean that the benefits and opportunities that Xianyuan Valley can provide only stop at this point.

It is entirely possible that it is because the people who entered had insufficient cultivation bases, so they could not obtain greater benefits.

Maybe after the real immortal enters, he can also get the opportunity, make great progress, and go further...

Although this has never happened before, no one can deny the possibility.

"What fellow Daoist said makes sense."

There was a look of emotion on the face of a cultivator: "According to what you said, the immortal patriarch of the Huayu Sect may really come here."

"Speaking of which, God is really kind to the Huayu Sect. It was originally just a little-known sect that lived in a corner, but now with the immortal patriarch, it has soared into the sky and even won the first place in Yunzhou. The reputation of Xianmen."

"Who said no?"

"Hey, we are also very envious. It would be great if there is such a patriarch in our sect."


As soon as these words came out, they got the sympathy and approval of all the immortal cultivators present.

In fact, there were not many casual cultivators in the teahouse at the moment, and those present were basically immortal cultivators from various sects.

It is no exaggeration to say that these sects were far from Huayu Sect in terms of fame and strength.

However... that was the past.

Today's Huayu Sect has benefited from Lin Xiaoyao's light, and it is no longer what it used to be. It has the reputation of the number one fairy sect in Yunzhou.

No one dared to stroke the old beard again.

Every year, countless geniuses travel thousands of miles to come to this sect and try their best to become an ordinary disciple of Huayu Sect.

All of these are not enviable.

And everyone is clear about how Huayuzong obtained all of this.

Therefore, although no one dares to provoke the Huayu Sect today, it does not prevent everyone from expressing their envy and jealousy.

After all, in their view, the faction's rise really can only be attributed to luck.

It all depends on that immortal patriarch!

"That senior immortal is simply amazing. He has the ability to turn decay into magic. Do you know that the original cultivation conditions of Huayuzong are not ordinary, and it can even be said to be unsatisfactory."

"However, that senior immortal did not know what kind of sky-reaching method he used to cause a change in the spiritual veins of the Huayu Sect. Now the spiritual veins of the sect are extremely excellent."

"Is what you said true or false?"

"That's right. Although there is no fairy trail in Yunzhou now, there is only one senior, but there are many real immortals in history. Immortals are amazing, but I have never heard that immortals can actually change the quality of spiritual veins."

"That's right. Although a true immortal has the ability to move mountains and seas, it would be too outrageous to say that it can change the quality and concentration of spiritual veins. I have never heard of such a thing. Did you hear it?"


All of a sudden, voices of chatter came to the ears, and almost all the immortal cultivators present showed expressions of disbelief.

"Hmph, it's because you have too little experience. You don't know, but it doesn't mean you don't have it."

Seeing that everyone began to question him one after another, the man was obviously anxious, he couldn't hold back his face, and spoke impatiently.

"The Huayu Sect is not what it used to be. Although it is protected by that senior immortal, becoming the number one immortal sect in Yunzhou is also inseparable from the improvement of the overall strength of the sect."

"It is."

Everyone listened and nodded.

Huayuzong has indeed produced a large number of masters these years.

In the past, there were only a few immortal cultivators in the Tongxuan stage, but now, the chief elders of the sect have basically advanced to become Mahayana-level immortal cultivators.

It sounds like it's just a big improvement.

Everyone in charge knows how incredibly difficult it is to go from Tongxuan to Mahayana.

In Yunzhou, having one Mahayana monk in a sect is enough to become the overlord.

However, in Huayu Sect, all the first elders were successfully promoted in a very short period of time.

If you say that this is all a coincidence, no one will believe it.

As long as they are not stupid, everyone knows that such incredible progress must be related to the mysterious fairy patriarch of the sect.

The question is, how on earth did he do it?
Everyone is puzzled.

You must know that although a true immortal can bring more cultivation resources to the sect, it can also give some guidance to the younger generations of the same sect on the road of cultivating immortals.

But this kind of help is actually very limited for the success of high-level monks.

By chance, one or two may be able to succeed.

However, more than a dozen elders of this sect have all advanced to Mahayana in a very short period of time, which is beyond everyone's imagination.

Even tens of thousands of years ago.

At that time, Yun Zhou had no shortage of true immortals.

But even for sects with immortals in charge, they still can't do this.

Thinking of this, all the immortal cultivators present gasped.

Doesn't this mean that the immortal patriarch of Huayu Sect is stronger and more remarkable than the real immortals who have appeared in the history of Yunzhou?
Otherwise, this matter cannot be explained at all.

Is it true what that guy said just now that the other party can change the concentration of spiritual energy in the spirit vein?

This thought turned in their minds, and everyone couldn't help being even more shocked.

Ordinary immortals cannot do this.

If the ancestor of the Huayu Sect can do it.


The immortal cultivators present could not help but gasp.

Think carefully.

If all this is true.

This patriarch of Huayu Sect is by no means an ordinary true immortal.

Not only is it extremely powerful.

The other means possessed are also all-inclusive.

Just then, someone sighed.

"That fellow daoist didn't lie just now"

"Although I can't figure it out, how did that senior do it, because ordinary immortals really can't change the quality of the spirit veins."

"However, that one did it easily, and now Huayuzong's spiritual veins are so excellent that it cannot be improved."

"Practicing there will make progress very easy. It is no exaggeration to say that the speed of cultivating immortals is increasing rapidly."

"Whether it's foundation building, alchemy, condensing Nascent Soul, or even hitting a higher realm, it can greatly reduce the difficulty and increase the success rate by a lot..."

(End of this chapter)

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