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Chapter 173 Immortal cultivators, the most important thing is vision

Chapter 173 Immortal cultivators, the most important thing is vision (6000 words chapter please subscribe)

"Really? The monks present still showed a skeptical look."

But at this time, someone exclaimed, recognizing the identity of the speaker.

"Master Feihe?"

"Are you Daoist Feihe from Bailingmen?"

Bailingmen is also a sect that has only emerged in Yunzhou in recent years.

Master Feihe is a Mahayana patriarch.

Moreover, his strength is extremely high. He once set a record of single-handedly defeating several immortal cultivators of the same level, but won a complete victory.

Although it is far from being able to compare with the senior immortal of the Huayu Sect, he has really gained a great reputation in Yunzhou.

Originally, people were a little skeptical about what they said just now, but now they saw that the person who spoke was actually the real Feihe who had been in the limelight in Yunzhou recently.

For a while, I couldn't help being very interested, and hurriedly asked for details.

Master Feihe sneered, but he didn't hide his clumsiness, and continued to tell a few secrets he knew.

Just listen to him say: "Actually, this matter is not unusual."

"Everyone just need to think about it, recently, why the geniuses in the entire Yunzhou are not far away, no matter how many hardships they face, they still cry and want to go to the head of the Huayu Sect, and the purpose is only to Do you want to join the faction?"

"Even if you just become an ordinary disciple of Huayu Sect, are you satisfied?"

"Isn't it because the Huayu Sect is famous and it's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree?"

Someone responded in confusion.

Others listened and nodded in approval.

It is no exaggeration to say that almost all the cultivators present thought this way.

"Hmph, it's true that it's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, but it doesn't make the whole Yunzhou, almost all the geniuses, swarm up to join them."

A sneer appeared on Feihe's face.

"If you can get the best care after you get started, for example, you can become a true disciple of the sect, then it's a good thing to say, because such a bargaining chip is indeed worthy of those geniuses."

"It's just the identity of an ordinary disciple. Think about it, is this enough?"


Everyone was taken aback when they heard this.

Originally, they ignored this question, but now that the other party brought it up, after thinking about it carefully, this is really the reason.

Left and right is the treatment of an ordinary disciple, it seems that it is really not worthy of those geniuses, so they follow one after another.

After all, even if the Huayu Sect is not what it used to be, and the treatment of all the disciples of the sect has increased, how much support and treatment can an ordinary disciple get?
No matter how strong the Huayu Sect is, as an ordinary disciple, the number of pills and spirit stones that can be received every month must be limited.

In this case, it is actually better to stay in other sects of cultivating immortals and receive training and intensive care as true disciples.

That's obviously more cost-effective.

"Perhaps, they want to win the favor of that senior immortal."

After a moment of silence, someone couldn't help but say something like this, seemingly giving this matter a reasonable reason again.

"Want to win the favor of that immortal patriarch of Huayu Sect?"

Master Feihe heard this, but couldn't help laughing, looked at the other party with a mocking look, and said lightly: "Do you believe this?"

That person: "..."

"As we all know, the immortal patriarch of the Huayu Sect is very mysterious, and it can be said that he can't see the end of the dragon."

"Even the head of the Huayu Sect doesn't know his identity, and he hasn't received a few words of guidance. You, a new disciple, want to get his favor?"

"How confident are you? How great do you think your aptitude is? You consider yourself a genius, but in terms of spiritual root aptitude, is it comparable to the Immortal Seed from Huayu Sect?"

"I've heard that even though Su Zhiyan was appreciated by that senior immortal, at most she gave a few pointers from time to time, so she would never have the chance to worship under that senior, even if she was a Named disciple."

"Could it be that those geniuses are so arrogant that they think their aptitude for cultivating immortals is stronger than Su Zhiyan's?"

As soon as these words came out, the man just opened his tongue, and the others stopped talking, and instead showed a thoughtful look.

After a while, someone said: "Then according to what seniors saw, what are those geniuses doing this for?"

"Idiot, I just said that the immortal patriarch of the Huayu Sect has the means to penetrate the heavens and the earth."

"The spirit veins of Huayuzong were originally ordinary, but after his improvement, the quality of the spirit veins has been raised to an incredible level."

"In this way, it becomes very easy to cultivate in the Huayu Sect. Even if you break through the bottleneck and advance, you can greatly increase the chance of success."

"Also, unlike a panacea, there are limited quantities."

"This is the welfare and benefit that everyone can share after becoming a disciple of Huayu Sect. An ordinary disciple, they are also happy."

"I see!"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized.

The original doubts were all resolved.

It turned out that this reason, this explanation, was indeed reasonable.

Different from other things, the improvement of the quality of the spiritual pulse is indeed a benefit that every monk of Huayuzong can share.

Thinking in another way, if I were one of those geniuses, I am afraid I would make exactly the same choice.

After all, good opportunities are rare.

No matter how high your aptitude is, cultivating immortals is definitely full of hardships and hardships.

And with a good spiritual vein, not only can you practice rapidly in daily life, but at critical moments, you can also increase the chance of successfully advancing.

How rare is this!

Just ask, who can not be envious of such benefits?

Originally, everyone thought that the claim that the immortal patriarch of the Huayu Sect could improve the quality of the spirit veins was too outrageous. After all, such a thing had never happened in the world of cultivating immortals.

The former true immortals absolutely couldn't do it.

But at this moment, after listening to Feihe's explanation.

For one thing, this is a well-known strong man in Yunzhou, so it is naturally impossible for him to talk nonsense in front of so many people.

Secondly, what the other party said just now is indeed well-founded, and there is no loophole to refute.

So, although it was unbelievable, all the immortal cultivators present gradually accepted his statement.

All of a sudden, the sound of admiration is endless.

Everyone admired it besides admiration.

It took a long time before someone couldn't help sighing: "It seems that this senior patriarch of Huayu Sect is not an ordinary true immortal. Not only is he powerful, but he also has other extraordinary methods..."

"Who said it wasn't? Well, it would be great if there was such a patriarch in our sect."

"If possible, we would like to have one too."

"Although we are only a family cultivating immortals, we also hope to have such an ancestor."


All of a sudden, chattering voices came to the ears, causing a burst of laughter from the bystanders.

Although everyone understands that such a statement is just a joke.

But in fact, it also represents the voice of the people.

After all, if there is such an opportunity, who wouldn't want such a patriarch?

It's a pity that it's an extravagant hope. It can only be said that Hua Yuzong's luck is really good.

Just then, someone spoke again.

"Actually, recently, besides the Huayu Sect, there is another sect that is also very popular."

"Your Excellency said, could it be the Wuyue Immortal Palace?"

There will be an interface soon.


The man just nodded his head: "It seems that Fellow Daoist has also heard about it."

"It's hard not to hear about it. There are rumors related to this everywhere now. As long as you pay attention, you will naturally hear about it."

"That's right. I heard that the Wuyue Immortal Palace had a grudge with the Huayu Sect in the past. The young master of the faction died at the head of the Huayu Sect."

"At that time, the Huayu Sect was still very weak, and there were only a few insignificant rumors about the Immortal Patriarch, and even the disciples of this sect might not believe it."

"Originally, everyone thought that this time, the Huayu Sect had caused a catastrophe, and if it was a little careless, it would be the result of being wiped out."

"That's right, I've also heard about this, but the development of the following things is surprising."

"The Mistress of the Wuyue Immortal Palace personally went to the head of the Huayu Sect. Although she is the only one, this Mistress is the Patriarch of Mahayana."

"At that time, the highest battle strength of the Huayu Sect was only a few Tongxuan practitioners. It stands to reason that with her own strength, she could easily uproot the Huayu Sect."

"But who knew, next, the palace lord made a choice that surprised everyone, and actually kowtowed step by step, apologizing to Hua Yuzong and admitting his mistake."

"Furthermore, after kneeling for several months, I finally obtained Hua Yuzong's understanding."

"At that time, this incident almost became the laughing stock of the entire immortal cultivating world. Everyone felt that the Mistress of the Wuyue Immortal Palace must have made a mistake in her training, became obsessed, and lost her mind."

After all, your apprentice was killed by the opponent, and your strength is much stronger than the opponent. No matter who is right or wrong, but according to the normal operation of the world of cultivating immortals, shouldn't you rush forward and destroy Huayuzong first?In the end, you were fine, but you ran to kneel down and admit your mistake. What kind of mysterious operation is this?
How dare you say that it wasn't practicing kung fu that made your brain go wrong?
Those who knew about it at the time thought so.

Secretly snickered endlessly.

But now, they realized that the clown was actually me, and the Mistress of the Wuyue Immortal Palace, whom they regarded as a laughing stock, acted very smart and had foresight in this matter.

Behind Huayuzong, there is an immortal boss. If she really came to seek revenge at that time, it would have been a different result. The Wuyue Immortal Palace may have been wiped out.

But no, the other party did the opposite, apologized and admitted his mistake, kept his posture very low, and even completely ignored his own face.

Although I was wronged, I was forgiven in the end.

And since then, Wuyue Immortal Palace and Huayuzong have had a very deep friendship.

The two sides can be said to be in the same spirit.

Hua Yuzong encountered trouble, Wuyue Immortal Palace received the news, and would do their best to provide the greatest help within their capabilities.

And soon, the rewards came.

Now the Huayu Sect is not what it used to be. It has become the number one fairy sect in Yunzhou.

Although the benefits obtained are far less than those of the Huayu Sect, they are not trivial, enough to be envied by other sects of cultivating immortals.

Not to mention anything else, the Mistress of the Wuyue Immortal Palace was originally very talented, but now his cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds. He has already reached the peak of the late Mahayana period, and he is only one step away from crossing the catastrophe.

This is quite remarkable in today's Yunzhou, and she has achieved such an achievement, which is naturally related to the immortal patriarch of the Assimilation Yuzong.

The other party may not necessarily provide direct help, but even if he is protected by his name, the benefits are inexhaustible for Wuyue Immortal Palace and the Palace Master.

People are all kinds of envious and jealous, and they all feel that the vision of the Mistress of the Wuyue Palace is really admirable.

Unexpectedly, instead of committing suicide, he was able to get a blessing in disguise and embrace such a thigh.

Not to mention the benefits obtained by Wuyue Immortal Palace, it is herself, and that is also a promising future.

In time, the real immortal dare not say it, but he should have great confidence in becoming the patriarch of Dujie.

No, this one is basically a certainty.

All of a sudden, people were amazed, and there were expressions and expressions of admiration on their faces.

"Palace Master Wuyue..."

Lin Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

Of course he remembered this woman.

After all, at that time, the other party knelt in front of Huayuzong's mountain gate for several months.

Although he was taught a harsh lesson at the time, he was extremely respectful towards himself afterwards.

I have an incarnation, and for a while, I was sitting in Wuyue Immortal Palace.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that the faction is not convinced and wants to plot something wrong, but because the background of Wuyue Immortal Palace at that time was deeper than that of Huayu Sect, and it was more suitable for signing in.

In fact, I did sign a lot of treasures there.

It has been of great help to the improvement of cultivation.

During this period, I also had some dealings with this woman.

Lin Xiaoyao was very satisfied with her submissive attitude, so occasionally when he was in a good mood, he would even give her a few pointers casually.

Although it is all said casually, it is effortless.

But with her own knowledge, she can naturally benefit greatly.

It is no exaggeration to say that the other party can break through the bottleneck and improve by leaps and bounds. It is no exaggeration to say that he has some inextricable ties with him.

My own help should have played a big role.

And then, the Mistress of Wuyue didn't let herself down.

His respectful attitude towards himself was no less than that of Master Qingyu, the head of the Huayu Sect.

But later, with the growth of his cultivation base, he gradually looked down on the things signed in Wuyue Immortal Palace, so the avatar also left.

At this moment when the audience mentioned it, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help but fell into memory.


However, just as this thought crossed his mind, he suddenly raised his brows slightly, as if he had sensed something, turned his head slightly, and looked in the direction of the door of the teahouse.

"It's a coincidence that Cao Cao will be here..."

The corners of Lin Xiaoyao's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a strange look.

He felt a familiar aura approaching here at an extremely fast speed.

as predicted.

After less than half a cup of tea, a woman in palace attire floated to this building.

It was a woman in her thirties, with picturesque eyebrows, a tall and straight figure, exuding an extraordinary demeanor all over her body.

One only needs to take a look to know that this is definitely not an ordinary cultivator.

Then the other party walked up to the teahouse calmly.

Although she didn't have any spiritual pressure blooming from all over her body, it was just this bearing that immediately attracted all the immortal cultivators present.

Everyone quietly looked at the woman in palace costume in front of them.

Guessing secretly, this person is probably not some unknown person, but some powerful boss. I don't know her reputation, whether I have heard of her.

"Palace Master Wuyue!"

While everyone was still guessing the identity of this woman, there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd.

Master Feihe's face was full of disbelief.

A pair of eyes fixed on this unexpected guest.

Just now they were discussing this admirable immortal cultivator, but they never expected that in the blink of an eye, the other party would actually come to them.


What a coincidence!

But the astonishment is the astonishment. Thinking about it carefully, this matter does not seem to be very strange.

After all, after 2 years, Xianyuan Valley reappeared in Yunzhou.

This may involve the opportunity to become a fairy.

A strong person like Princess Wuyue couldn't bear to let go of this opportunity, so she made a special trip to take a look, which is human nature.

"Is she the Mistress of Wuyue Palace?"

"You're so young, yet you're still so pretty."

"Idiot, he is an ancestor of the Mahayana, who has lived for thousands of years, the reason why he looks young is also because the exercises have the effect of retaining the face."

Some people sneered, but looking at Princess Wuyue's expression, it was also full of awe.

This is a Mahayana-level immortal cultivator, and he is also the peak of the late Mahayana. He is only one step away from crossing the catastrophe, and he is much more powerful than the real Feihe next to him.

After Wuyue Palace Master came to the teahouse, he didn't find a place to sit down, but wandered around, scanning every immortal cultivator present.

Then, it stopped on the face of an ordinary-looking old man with gray hair.

He said with a smile: "Thousand Huan Sanren, whether your disguise or blindness is useless to me, since I have found it, why do you hide your head and show your tail and make people laugh? Do you stand up on your own, or prepare for it?" Let me throw you out of your seat?"

The old man stood up, with a gloomy expression on his face, and his voice was hoarse and unpleasant: "Master Wuyue, I know that you have supernatural powers, but you can't go too far in doing things. As the saying goes, keep a thread in everything, so that we can meet in the future. Are you true?" Is it impossible to kill them all?"

"What, Thousand Illusions Sanren?"

As soon as Palace Mistress Wuyue said these words, all the immortal cultivators present turned pale with shock, with horrified expressions on their faces.

It's really because this guy is also famous.

Qian Huan Sanren is also a Mahayana ancestor.

And what's even more incredible is that he is a casual cultivator.

You must know that it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and casual cultivators can have such strength, and they have practiced to the Mahayana stage. Looking at the entire history of Yunzhou, there are very few such existences.

However, the reason why Qianhuan Sanren is famous is because he is good at disguise, blinding eyes and five elements escape.

These supernatural powers are so proficient that even if you look at the entire Yunzhou, there are not many people who can compare with him.

And relying on these abilities, this Qianhuan Sanren is even more daring.

You know, ordinary casual cultivators, because they are alone and lonely, dare not provoke the major cultivating forces, but this guy in front of him does the opposite, and likes to stroke the beards of the major cultivating sects.

Of course, he wasn't just looking for trouble, but he used his disguise technique to cover up his eyes, pretended to be a disciple of a major sect, sneaked into its main rudder, and stole various panacea and precious magic weapons.

For such behavior, all the immortal sects were naturally furious, and he hated him to the bone, wanting to beat this daring guy out of his soul.

But Qian Huan Sanren is extremely cunning, knowing that in the face of the siege of various sects, if he is alone, if he is tough, he must be asking for trouble, and he cannot beat him.

So every time he was discovered, he would only make one choice...using the Five Elements Escape Technique he was proficient in, to sneak away in front of the other party.

Not to mention his strength, but the mystery of the Five Elements Escape Technique he has mastered is really astonishingly perfect.

It is no exaggeration to say that even a cultivator with a higher realm than him, the other party may not be able to catch up.

In addition, he is alert, and when he sees something wrong, he will immediately choose to run away. Therefore, in these long years, although he has been trying to die, every time, he has successfully escaped, and he has never missed it. , has been at ease until now.

I don't know how he got into trouble with the Mistress of Wuyue Palace this time?
Could it be that he had the audacity to go to Wuyue Immortal Palace to steal treasures?
This idea turned in the mind, and everyone couldn't help but guess like this.

Fortunately, there is no need for them to guess here.

Qian Huan Sanren's next sentence successfully resolved the doubts in everyone's hearts.

"Master Wuyue Palace, you have already chased me thousands of miles away, why do you have to push me hard? It was my mistake to go to Wuyue Immortal Palace to steal treasures, I admit it, but I have already returned all the treasures You, don't you really want to kill them all?"

"Hmph, I'm chasing you so hard, it's not because you stole treasures from my Wuyue Xiangong."

Palace Mistress Wuyue's voice reached her ears.

Her voice was quite pleasant, but there was a chill in her tone.

"It's not because I stole the treasure from Wuyue Immortal Palace, what is that for?"

Qian Huan Sanren was stunned, and there was a hint of surprise on his face.

The cold voice of the other party continued to be heard in the ear.

"If you just steal treasures from my Wuyue Immortal Palace, that's all. The left and right are just some panacea. My palace master is not so stingy. If it's just such a trivial matter, I won't care about it with you."

Speaking of this, her voice suddenly turned severe: "But you absolutely shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't have smashed the statue of that senior immortal from the Huayu Sect enshrined in this palace when you came to steal treasures." statue."

 Thank you for the reward of 100 coins that can reach the sky in half a step

(End of this chapter)

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