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Chapter 174 Be careful!opponent's trick

Chapter 174 Be careful!opponent's trick
Broke the statue of the senior immortal enshrined by the Mistress of the Wuyue Palace?

The immortal cultivators present could hear clearly, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise on their faces.

Could it be that he was talking about the immortal patriarch of Huayu Sect?

It must be so!

For there can be no other explanation than this.

And the reason why Palace Master Wuyue pursued him so hard was not because the other party stole the treasures of Wuyue Immortal Palace, but because this guy smashed the statue?

Qian Huan Sanren could hear clearly from the side, and he couldn't help showing that dull look on his face.

Some couldn't laugh or cry, and murmured: "It turns out that you are chasing me so hard because of such a trivial matter!"

"As for it? It's just an ordinary statue, and it's not a precious treasure. If it breaks, it will break. If it's a big deal, I'll pay you!"

Although he was submissive, when he said these words, he was obviously a little angry.

After all, knowing that he was hunted down by thousands of miles was actually for this reason, out of emotion and reason, he must feel a little uncomfortable.

However, Palace Mistress Wuyue was furious after hearing this.

He said arrogantly: "Bold, you still don't know how to repent. If you really broke the statue of that senior by accident, it is not unforgivable, but I can see clearly that you did it on purpose. .”

"It's an unforgivable crime to dare to disrespect senior immortals."

"Now I give you two choices, either obediently tie your hands together, and I don't want your life, I will only take you to the Huayu Sect personally, and wait for the senior immortals."

"Either way, let me do it, but when that time comes, don't blame me for being ruthless. Even if you lose your soul, it's your own fault. Don't complain anymore..."

After hearing these two choices, Qian Huan Sanren's face could not help but flash a hint of uncertainty.

Then he sneered: "Master Wuyue, I admit that you are indeed famous, and your strength may be better than this deity, but so what?"

"I have been cultivating immortals for thousands of years, and I have come and gone without a trace. I don't know how many heads of famous sects I have patronized, and I have even met immortal cultivators who are more powerful and higher than you. Still alive and well?"

"I advise you not to think too highly of yourself, you can't catch me..."


A trace of anger flashed across the face of Palace Mistress Wuyue.

Ever since she suffered that hardship, she learned from the pain and learned a lesson. From then on, she respected that immortal of Huayu Sect with utmost respect.

Facts have proved that this is a very correct choice.

Over the years, the rewards for this are also very generous.

If there is no suggestion from the immortal, she may not be able to break through the bottleneck that has plagued her for many years.

She has long since forgotten the conflict and unhappiness of that year.

Now, she is both respectful and grateful to Lin Xiaoyao, and she admires Lin Xiaoyao very much from the bottom of her heart.

In the end, I didn't expect that when I met such a guy, it would be nothing more than going to Wuyue Immortal Palace to steal treasures, but the other party even intentionally broke the statue of the senior immortal he enshrined.

Then he stomped hard a few times.

Although I don't know why.

It is not clear whether the other party did this because of jealousy, or because he has enmity with Hua Yuzong.

But Mistress Wuyue didn't care what the reason was.

Seeing this scene, I exploded on the spot.

It is tolerable and unbearable.

This guy is simply too much.

So he tried to take him down.

However, although Qianhuan Sanren's strength is not as good as hers, he is extremely cunning, and the Five Elements Escape Technique has really been cultivated by him to the point of perfection and incomparable mystery.

Palace Master Wuyue didn't notice for a while, and was actually escaped by the other party in front of her.


This is even more intolerable.

So the woman started chasing and killing without saying a word.

So, for half a month, without sleep or rest, and with the strength of the Mahayana period of the two, God knows how far they ran during this period.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are thousands of rivers and mountains.

Then came here.

At this moment, in front of all the monks, Palace Mistress Wuyue revealed the reason for chasing and killing him, and did not end the matter, but gave the other party a choice.

As long as he tied his hands, he would not do anything, but would take him to the Huayu Sect to wait for that senior immortal.

Whether he will die or live at that time will depend on his luck and attitude of pleading guilty.

Palace Master Wuyue thinks that she has reached the point where she has reached the point where she is benevolent and righteous.

Unexpectedly, this guy was so ignorant, stubborn, and relying on his mysterious escapism, he actually said in front of everyone that although his cultivation was high, there was nothing he could do about him.

This is what I am looking for to die!
Mistress Wuyue was not a good-tempered immortal cultivator in the first place.

Although when facing Lin Xiaoyao, he would definitely lower his eyebrows and please his eyes.

But facing other immortal cultivators, how could they bear such grievances?


If I don't teach this guy a lesson today, where will I save my face?
"If you don't eat a toast, you don't eat fine wine. Are you so good at escaping? Well, I want to see if you can escape the trap today."

Before the words were finished, Princess Wuyue flicked her jade hand, and a gray brilliance shot out from her sleeves, directly grabbing the opponent's head.

"The net of heaven and earth?"

Qian Huan Sanren's face changed, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

But he didn't have time to think carefully, because the gray light just now flew towards his face.

This thing looks inconspicuous, but he knows it well, it is a very powerful treasure!

For the past half month, Palace Master Wuyue has been chasing him closely. Although Qian Huan Sanren is very good at the Five Elements escape technique, the opponent's realm is much stronger than him after all, and as the master of a faction, he is also exquisitely thoughtful. figure.

He tried his best, but he couldn't get rid of it, and the other party was really not easy to fool.

On the contrary, he was almost blocked by the opponent several times.

In the end, I was forced to rush and had to choose to do it.

Although, he didn't dare to really fight with the opponent, after all, once he was entangled, he would definitely end badly, this point, Qian Huan Sanren knew it well.

So every time he strikes, he has a very good sense of proportion and rhythm.

After all, he never thought of defeating his opponent, and everything was to escape.

But even these three-movement and two-style fights really allowed him to experience the supernatural powers of Mistress Wuyue.

No wonder, this woman has recently gained a great reputation in Yunzhou. Her skills are indeed outstanding, and there are no worthless people under her reputation. This is indeed true.

So in the face of that ray of gray light, how dare he have the slightest negligence?

With a flick of the sleeve robe, he also sacrificed his own treasure.

It is a long knife!

However, the shape is slightly different from the ordinary ones, it is more slender and twists and turns like a poisonous snake.

Then it collided fiercely with the gray light.

Immediately, the sound of tinkling and clanging was endless, and the two treasures were entangled with each other at a fast speed in mid-air.

In the blink of an eye, there have been hundreds of collisions.

Mistress Wuyue looked as usual.

And Qian Huan Sanren's expression was a little ugly, his face was pale, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth. Obviously, in such a split-second fight, his weakness had already been revealed, and it was obvious that he couldn't win the opponent.

"Ask yourself."

The corner of Wuyue Palace Mistress's mouth curled up slightly, outlining a somewhat ironic smile.

Of course he will not show mercy.

On the contrary, at this time, you should take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

So, she made a formula with both hands, obviously, she was going to use some powerful magical spells again.

Qian Huan Sanren could see clearly, and his expression became even uglier.

All in all, almost as soon as the two sides played against each other, the winner was already determined.

It is no exaggeration to say that from the very beginning of this battle, there was no suspense at all, and the gap between them was too obvious.

This point does not need to be so good at all, even ordinary cultivators can easily see it at a glance.


The bystanders gasped.

Recently, the Mistress of the Wuyue Palace has become famous and gained a lot of fame in the entire Yunzhou, which is indeed well-deserved.

"As expected of an immortal cultivator at the peak of the late Mahayana period, his strength is truly remarkable."

"Who said no? I even suspect that the strength of this palace master has surpassed the ordinary late Mahayana stage. Could it be that this palace master Wuyue really got advice from the senior immortal of Huayu Sect?"

"Most likely, otherwise, why would she respect this senior immortal so much? Looking at his attitude, it is as if he regards the other party as the patriarch of our sect, and his respect is even more than that..."

Everyone nodded, obviously agreeing with this analysis.

And in the conversation between these two words, the outcome between the two has become more and more obvious.

Qianhuan scattered people are left and right.

His situation has reached a precarious position.

This is not unusual!
This guy was originally only in the middle stage of Mahayana.

On the surface, although it is only a small difference from the opponent.

But the gap between each other's strength is like nothing.

What's more, what he is good at is disguise change and five elements escape.

As for the method of killing, it can only be said that it is ordinary and sloppy.

It's not even comparable to ordinary cultivators of the same level.

Therefore, when confronted with this Princess Wuyue, it was natural that she would immediately pale in comparison.

It's just three moves and two moves, and he is already in a hurry and almost unable to resist.

And Palace Mistress Wuyue hated him for being rude to Lin Xiaoyao, so he didn't hold anything back.

After all, I had already given the other party a chance to choose, and it was this guy who didn't know what was good and what was wrong, so he let down his good intentions.

Since he had to die, no one else could be blamed for his fall.

all in all.

In this battle, the strength of the two sides is very different, and there is no suspense about the outcome.

Qian Huan Sanren's complexion was unbearably ugly.

The odds are against him, but he certainly isn't sitting idly by.

Knowing that he couldn't beat the opponent, running away became the only option.

I saw him make a feint, his figure blurred slightly, and he rushed towards the diagonal stab.

His movements were so fast that the immortal cultivators present could barely see clearly.

"It's the Void Escape Technique!"

Master Feihe stared wide-eyed, with a shocking look on his face.

Void escapism is a more advanced and mysterious supernatural power than five elements escapism, and it even only exists in legends.

It is said that in order to succeed in cultivation, one needs to possess extremely amazing talents.

Unexpectedly, Qian Huan Sanren had already mastered it.

No wonder, the major sects of cultivating immortals clearly hate him, yet he has been at ease for so many years, and no one can do anything about him.

Unexpectedly, this guy has successfully cultivated the Void Escape Technique.

This involves a trace of space law.

It's hard to imagine how a mere Mahayana level cultivator accomplished it.

It can only be said that his talent in escapism is ridiculously high, it can be called shocking.

"What, is this the Void Escape Technique?"

"The legendary method of escape?"

"It's no wonder that this Thousand Imaginary Sanren dared to go to the forbidden area of ​​the main rudder of the various sects, and stole all kinds of panacea and treasures recklessly. This guy really has a trump card."


All of a sudden, there were voices of exclamation one after another.

Just when people thought that Qian Huan Sanren would be able to create another miracle and run away in front of an immortal cultivator whose strength was far superior to his, an accident happened.

His figure didn't escape very far, he had just touched the railing of the tea house, and he was bounced back with a flash of inspiration

"This is……"


In front of everyone, Qian Huan Sanren fell into a mess.

And the other immortal cultivators also had their eyes widened, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

what happened?

what just happened?
The mysterious and abnormal void escape technique in the legend will lose its effect?
Everyone was astonished besides astonishment.

But soon, a sneer came to everyone's ears.

There was a bit of sarcasm on the corner of Wuyue Palace Master's mouth.

"Idiot, for half a month, you have chased thousands of mountains and rivers so far, what methods do you have, I have already learned all of them."

"It's not the first time you've used this Void Escape Technique. How could I be unprepared? It was your biggest mistake to hide in this teahouse. It's in Zhang's house. I've already laid a net around here. "

"The net of heaven and earth?"

The hearts of the people were awe-inspiring.

Palace Mistress Wuyue did mention this name just now, but at that time, no one paid attention to it.

Looking at it now, they actually underestimated the Mistress of the Wuyue Palace in front of them. The net is so powerful that even the legendary Void Escape Technique can easily trap him.


A trace of resentment flashed across Qianhuan Sanren's face.

Naturally, he didn't want to sit still, or he was not convinced, so his figure became slightly blurred, and he used the void escape technique again, and rushed towards the outside of the teahouse.

Palace Mistress Wuyue could see clearly, there was a sneer at the corner of her mouth, she didn't intend to stop at all, just watched from the side with a smile.

Clearly, she was confident.

He felt that what the other party did was just a futile struggle.

And the fact is.

Next, I saw Qianhuan Sanren trying his best to run rampant like a headless chicken.

But the result?

The result is useless.

All attempts are nothing but futile struggles here.

He couldn't get out of the range of the teahouse in front of him at all.

Every time, it will be blocked by an invisible force, and then bounce back fiercely.

No matter which direction he rushed, the final result was the same.

It was as if there was really an invisible net covering the surroundings of the teahouse. In this case, there was no way to escape from here.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked.

For so many years, this Thousand Imaginary Sanren has patronized the head rudders of the forbidden areas of countless cultivating sects, and he must have encountered formations.

It can even be said that he must have been trapped by the formation restriction more than once, but in the end, he escaped successfully.

However, in front of...

What exactly is this net of heaven and earth?
Why is it so amazing?
The methods of Thousand Illusions Sanren, in front of it, have no effect at all, and all of them have lost their effect?
Everyone was surprised besides being surprised.

At this moment, the voice of Palace Mistress Wuyue came to her ears.

"Idiot, don't waste your efforts. This sky net is a treasure bestowed by the senior immortal, and it implies a trace of space law. It is impossible for you not to escape."


Everyone gasps
The speculation in my heart was also confirmed.

This treasure was indeed from the hand of that senior immortal.

It's no wonder that even the legendary Void Escape Technique will be smashed in front of it.

"This is... the treasure I bestowed?"

Lin Xiaoyao heard this, but couldn't help frowning.

Why no impression?
After careful consideration, he finally remembered that this happened many years ago. At that time, he sent an avatar to sit at the helm of Wuyue Immortal Palace.

Of course, it's not that I'm worried, but because I want to sign in there, I will occasionally order Princess Wuyue to complete some tasks that I have assigned.

And the other party is also very dedicated, in general, has been doing very well.

There was even one time when the task was completed very beautifully.

It is no exaggeration to say that it far exceeded my expectations.

And Lin Xiaoyao's character has always been clear about rewards and punishments.

If the other party has done a good job, of course, he will not only praise verbally, but also give some real things as encouragement.

That's how Luo Di Wang's formation flag was sent out that day.

Anyway, this thing is of no use to Lin Xiaoyao.

But once the chicken ribs in his eyes fell into the hands of others, the value would be completely different.

Before his eyes, Qian Huan Sanren was shocked and angry, with an incredible expression on his face.

"Impossible, the void escape technique is extremely mysterious, even the great array of heaven and earth can't trap me, how did this heaven and earth net do it?"

This time, Master Qingyu really panicked.

After all, the secret technique at the bottom of the box had lost its effect, and was trapped by the opponent's formation, which made him feel like he was at the end of his rope.

Could it be that he would really fall here today?

But what no one noticed was.

Although he was panicked on the surface, in the depths of his eyes, a smug smile unexpectedly flashed.

Many people, including Palace Mistress Wuyue, missed this point, or didn't pay attention at all.

However, Lin Xiaoyao could see clearly, and he immediately had a clear understanding in his heart.

The so-called panic was nothing more than a play played by this guy.

if you serious you lose.

This guy has a backhand.

No, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as the backhand.

He felt that this was like a game deliberately set up by the other party.

On the surface, Palace Mistress Wuyue has the upper hand, but unconsciously, she has actually fallen into the opponent's scheme.

Want to understand this.

Some of the original doubts were also readily resolved.

For example, it is not good for Qian Huan Sanren to escape, so why escape to this teahouse.

You know, this kind of narrow terrain is not good for him in the first place.

If it is in an open place, the ground net will not be able to play a role at all.

Therefore, the other party was deliberately throwing himself into the trap.

But he obviously didn't want to court death.

Instead, a trap was set up here, waiting for Palace Mistress Wuyue to jump into it.

Here comes the question.

Where is the trap set by the other party?

(End of this chapter)

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