Chapter 175
What kind of ghostly idea is this guy playing in his heart?

For a while, Lin Xiaoyao was also a little unclear.

However, he doesn't care.

As the saying goes, when soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up.

No matter what conspiracy the other party has arranged, in the final analysis, the most important thing in the world of cultivating immortals is strength.

Otherwise, it would be nothing more than a spectacle that provokes people's ridicule.

With himself here, Lin Xiaoyao really didn't believe it, what kind of splash could the other party afford?
In a word... a waste of effort.

I just need to stay aside, quietly waiting for the answer to the mystery to be revealed.

Or to put it more clearly, with a happy mood... to watch a play!
Therefore, even though he saw something was wrong, Lin Xiaoyao remained calm.

But the other immortal cultivators don't know about all this, in their eyes, this Thousand Imaginary Sanren is at the end of his rope.

Qian donkey is so poor that he can't do any tricks anymore.

Apparently, Mistress Wuyue thought the same way, a trace of indifference flashed in her eyes, but there was a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth.

"You don't eat a toast, you don't eat fine wine, your Excellency has fallen into such a situation, have you ever regretted it?"

The cold voice came to the ear, but before the other party answered, the woman continued to speak.

Her voice was still indifferent, faint, and filled with a sense of murder.

"It's useless to regret it. I just gave you the opportunity to go to the Huayu Sect and wait in front of the senior immortals."

"It was you who didn't know how to live or die, and gave up such a god-given opportunity. Since you made a choice, you will be responsible for your actions, can die in peace now!"

After saying this, Mistress Wuyue raised her right hand.

Following his movements, a group of gray brilliance came into everyone's eyes again.


Then, the tooth-piercing sound of piercing through the air came to the ears, and the cloud of gray light slammed down towards Qianhuan Sanren's neck.

This blow was clean and neat, obviously, it was going to take off his head directly.

In the eyes of Palace Master Wuyue, if this guy dared to insult the senior immortal, he would have died long ago, so he was merciless in his attack.

The others also widened their eyes.

There is no sympathy for this, and even a little excitement.

Don't get me wrong, it's not because the cultivators in front of me like to gloat.

It's because Qian Huan Sanren has offended too many fairy sects these years!

At this moment, there are quite a few immortal cultivators from various sects in the teahouse, and the clan they belong to has a lot of grudges with this Qian Huan Sanren.

So seeing this guy in front of him being unlucky, and even about to fall soon, in their hearts, of course, there was a kind of joy of revenge.

Only Lin Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes slightly, and among all the cultivators present, he was the only one who could see that this matter was far from being as simple as it appeared on the surface.

But there is another mystery in it.

That being the case, this Thousand Illusions Sanren would definitely not wait to die.

Now that the situation is in crisis, he has reached the moment when his life is hanging by a thread. From the perspective of reason, if this guy has any means, he should use it now.

Otherwise it will be too late!

For this, Lin Xiaoyao was full of expectations.

Because even he wants to know what cards this guy has.

According to the normal way of thinking, he spent a lot of hard work and took huge risks to lure Mistress Wuyue here, so he must have set up an ambush around here.

Therefore, Lin Xiaoyao released his spiritual thoughts.

Want to find out what kind of backhand and ambush the other party has arranged.

As a result... nothing!
What surprised Lin Xiaoyao was that there was nothing nearby.

Not to mention the tea house and the square market in front of me, even if the distance is pushed a little farther, there is absolutely no ambush in a radius of thousands of miles.

Lin Xiaoyao is very sure of this.

Because he has full confidence in his own strength, if the other party lays an ambush, no matter how ingeniously arranged, it is absolutely impossible to hide from his divine sense as a true immortal.

So, really no.

So this thing in front of me seemed very strange.

Without preparation and ambush, what means can the other party have to turn defeat into victory in this situation where they are at their wit's end?


In short, Lin Xiaoyao really couldn't figure it out.

And he was sure that he was not mistaken.

On the surface, Qian Huan Sanren's situation is extremely dire, but in the depths of his eyes, there is clearly a bit of pride hidden.

Where does this look like being in a desperate situation?

It was clearly an expression that he held the initiative.

This made Lin Xiaoyao puzzled.

Knowing that the other party has backhands, but he was able to hide it from his own eyes and ears...

This is very interesting.

How on earth did this guy do it?
And what kind of means did he arrange to turn defeat into victory?

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't figure out what to think, so he could only wait and see what happened.


the other side.

Seeing that gray light fly out from the sleeve of Palace Mistress Wuyue, its momentum was as fast as lightning, and it ruthlessly chopped off the head of Qianhuan Sanren.

It seems that this battle is about to end at this moment.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.


The gray light hadn't hit the opponent yet, but Qian Huan Sanren suddenly trembled all over, and let out an extremely shrill scream.

Everyone couldn't help but have question marks all over their heads.

However, the next moment, their eyes widened.

I saw countless pitch-black demonic energy, without any warning, suddenly bursting out of the body of this thousand illusions like a flood bursting a bank.

"what happened?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that there was something wrong with their eyes.

Looking at Yunzhou, this Qianhuan Sanren can be regarded as a famous immortal cultivator.

Although I don't know what his master's background is, it is obvious that this guy is definitely not a demon cultivator.

The initiative with Wuyue Palace just now also confirmed this point.

What the other party used was not magical powers at all.

But what's going on at this moment, why is his whole body surrounded by this surging devil energy?
Moreover, the devilish energy was so pure that Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, and he even faintly felt a little familiar.

Could it be that……

The thoughts in Lin Xiaoyao's mind hadn't changed yet, but the situation in front of him changed again.

Faced with this unexpected turn of events, Mistress Wuyue was also taken aback.

However, as the leader of a faction, this woman is a peak figure in the later period of Mahayana, and she has very rich fighting experience. Although her eyelids are jumping, she has not changed her tactics at all.

On the contrary, she also made a formula with both hands, making a strange seal.

As it moved, the gray light became brighter and brighter, and the sound of piercing the air was almost piercing to the point of ear-piercing.

With the momentum of thunder, he continued to slash at the opponent's head fiercely.

This is the smartest choice!

Not affected by the changes in front of him at all, no matter what tricks the opponent has, as long as he can behead his head, he will naturally win this fight.

Maintaining the status quo.

It's simple to say, but if it wasn't for a firm-minded immortal cultivator, in the situation just now, I'm afraid he would have been in a hurry.

But at this moment, Qianhuan Sanren suddenly let out a low growl.

As soon as he raised his head, his face was covered with a thick layer of black air, his eyes turned gray and white, and he stared straight at the flying gray light without any fear.

In the blink of an eye, the gray light had come above his head.

The distance is less than ten feet.

At this critical moment, Qian Huan Sanren suddenly waved his hand, and the sound of metal impact was extremely ear-piercing, and then the ray of gray light was blocked by something, and it flew out.

And a shiny black hatchet was suspended in front of Qianhuan Sanren.

The surface was shining with a dark luster, and there was a ferocious grimace on the handle of the axe. At first glance, this was no ordinary treasure.


Although the confrontation just now was very short, the judgment was high and low. Palace Mistress Wuyue's killing blow was almost easily resolved by the opponent.


The immortal cultivators present could see clearly, and couldn't help but gasp.

Afterwards, the voices of chattering incessantly came to my ears.

"I'm not mistaken, how did Qian Huan Sanren become a demon cultivator?"

"And his cultivation realm is also different from just now..."


As soon as these words came out, all the cultivators fell silent.

If you don't see it with your own eyes.

It was also hard for them to believe what was happening in front of them.

It's nothing more than converting the opponent's mana into magic energy. What's even more incredible is that the breath and spiritual pressure that he bloomed are improving and growing at a jaw-dropping speed!

In the beginning, it was only the middle period of Mahayana.

But in the blink of an eye, he has already broken through the bottleneck in the middle stage and became a cultivator in the late stage of Mahayana.


It's not over yet!

His cultivation base is still growing and climbing rapidly at an astonishing speed.

Later Dzogchen!

Everyone watched helplessly as he broke through the bottleneck he was about to face and became a cultivator at the level of crossing the catastrophe.

"Oh my god, the cultivation base is still rising!"

"Could it be that I'm hallucinating because of my drowsiness? When did cultivating immortality become so easy?"


In the crowd, the exclamation came to the ears again.

The expressions on everyone's faces were one of shock and envy.

He stared blankly at this incredible scene.

In the end, the opponent's cultivation base reached the peak of the Great Perfection, and finally stopped, no longer breaking through.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If this continues, the other party will soon become a strong immortal who they can't even hope for.

In my heart, I was still full of strong doubts, Qian Huan Sanren is also a famous figure, how could he become a demon cultivator in front of them, and his strength has grown so quickly?
"This guy must be cheating!"

Someone couldn't help muttering something in private.

"No, it's not cheating, he already has such strength, this guy is rare, a cultivator of dual souls!"

At this moment, Master Feihe's voice reached his ears.

There was still a look of shock on his face. He had only seen this kind of situation in a very old classic, but he never expected that it would suddenly become a reality in front of him today.

"The immortal cultivator of the dual infant, what is that?"

In the teahouse at this moment, there are dozens of immortal cultivators gathered. Faced with this unbelievable scene, some people couldn't help asking.

"Shuangyuanying's immortal cultivator, as the name suggests, is this guy who has condensed two Yuanying, which is the so-called secret technique of the second Yuanying."

"What, the secret technique of the second Nascent Soul?"

"There really is such a magical power in the world?"

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

All the cultivators present couldn't help showing shocking expressions on their faces.

Of course they have heard of the secret technique of the second Nascent Soul.

But only for hearing.

Not to mention that this supernatural power is extremely mysterious, most of it has been lost, even if it has not been lost, in front of you, there are not many immortal cultivators present who have such perseverance and courage to practice.

There is no other reason, it is too difficult!
It is not easy for Jindan stage cultivators to condense Nascent Soul, but it is not as simple as doubling the difficulty in trying to condense two Nascent Souls at the same time.

It's ten times, a hundred times as difficult.

So even if the method of cultivation is right in front of you, very few people do the thing that asks for trouble. Even if they overestimate their capabilities, most of them will fail in the end.

As for the successful ones?

Well, of course there are records in the classics.

But it can be summed up in one sentence...that is pitifully few.

Of course, if you succeed in cultivation, you can also gain many benefits.

After all, this supernatural power is so difficult, so once it is achieved, the rewards must be amazing.

First of all, having two Nascent Souls is equivalent to having two lives.

Secondly, other immortal cultivators usually have only one major cultivation method, while two Nascent Souls can practice two.

And it doesn't matter even if two kinds of exercises that conflict with each other are practiced at the same time.

For example, one Nascent Soul practiced Taoist spells, while the other Nascent Soul practiced magical powers.

Even in this case, it can also be done without interfering with each other.

If there is only one Nascent Soul, if you are capable, try it...

In less than two days, I will definitely go crazy.

In short, the dual infant has many benefits, but it is too difficult.

Even if the second Nascent Soul is successfully condensed, but then, because of the two reasons, it needs to be cultivated, so it will consume double the cultivation resources.

No wonder this Thousand Fantasy Sanren would go to the head helms of the major cultivating sects to steal panacea and treasures...

In the past, everyone thought he was good at escapism and bold.

Only now did I know that to support the cultivation of the two Nascent Souls, he would consume more resources than ordinary cultivators.

So had to make this choice.

It's not like running to die as soon as your head gets hot.

All the mysteries are revealed.

"But why doesn't anyone know his secret? As the saying goes, paper can't cover fire, why doesn't anyone in Yunzhou know that he has practiced the secret technique of dual infant?"

The voice of a cultivator came to his ears, but there was panic in his tone.

This is not because he is as timid as a mouse, but because although he is asking a question, he already has some guesses about the answer behind the question.

It's just that I was too nervous, so Jin didn't dare to face it and face it squarely.

"It's very simple, because those immortal cultivators who knew the old man's secret in the past all died. I sent them to the underworld, and the dead will naturally not reveal the secret."

Qian Huan Sanren's plain voice came to his ears, but his tone was so cold that all immortal cultivators who heard these words seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar.

"They are all dead?"

"That's right, how can the old man let the world know about my cards? The world of cultivating immortals is full of dangers. Only the more cards others don't know, the more likely they will be the winner. So anyone who knows my secret, don't let anyone know my secret." want to live."

He explained patiently.

The tone was indifferent, as if introducing a trivial matter of course.

However, the more this was the case, the more frightening it was. Many people present were dripping with cold sweat, and felt a chill rising from the soles of their feet.

Originally, the conflict between the other party and Palace Mistress Wuyue, as bystanders, they just watched the drama from the sidelines, no matter who wins or loses, they don't have to care.

But suddenly, they changed from spectators to participants.

Facing a powerful enemy, life is in an instant, this feeling is too bad...

And everyone knew that the other party was definitely not joking.

Although in the rumors of the world of cultivating immortals, Qian Huan Sanren is not a cruel cultivator except that he likes to steal treasures.

But now everyone knows, that's because all the immortal cultivators who knew his secret are dead.

"What should I do? I don't want to fall..."

Someone's face turned bitter.

However, at this time, no matter how wailing or begging for mercy, nothing can be changed, and the other party will not show mercy.

Master Feihe's expression was extremely ugly.

He didn't expect that, just watching a scene of excitement, he would inexplicably lead to a murderous disaster.

He didn't want to fall, but he was no match for the old monster in front of him.

If we join forces with Palace Master Wuyue...

This thought flashed through his mind, but then he smiled wryly and shook his head.

It sounds pretty good.

But even joining forces is futile.

He is only in the early stage of Mahayana, and Mistress Wuyue is only in the late stage of Mahayana.

Not to mention the two of them, even with a few more Mahayana-level immortal cultivators, they are no match for that guy at all.

The gap is too far!
The huge difference in realm between each other is difficult to make up for with strength, and futile resistance is nothing but seeking death...

and many more!

He suddenly thought of another question.

If this guy, as an immortal cultivator of the dual infant, has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, why did he wait until now to reveal his true strength?
You know, Mistress Wuyue has been chasing him for half a month.

The two chased each other and ran across thousands of rivers and mountains.

In the middle, there must be many places that are deserted. If he wants to kill Mistress Wuyue, he can do it at that time.

Why wait until now?

Could it be that true immortal who is afraid of Huayu Sect?
If so, why are you not afraid now?

Could it be related to the upcoming secret realm of Xianyuan Valley?

Thoughts flashed through Feihe's mind, and a possibility came to his mind.

The other party may indeed be a real immortal who is afraid of the Huayu Sect, so he chose to fight here.

Because Palace Master Wuyue was killed here, Xianyuan Valley will open soon.

He can go into that valley.

Not to mention the failure, if it falls inside, all the grievances and grievances of the past will of course be written off.

And if he succeeds, he will have the opportunity to become a true immortal.

Moreover, he is still a true immortal with two Nascent Souls.

At that time, even if the news spreads, so what if the true immortal from Huayu Sect comes to the door?

At that time, who should be afraid of whom is still two.

 Thank you for the reward of 100 coins that can reach the sky in half a step

  Thanks to C John Heffam D 100 coins for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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