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Chapter 176 Jun 1 Shot, True Immortal Shot

Chapter 176 In the nick of time, the real fairy shot
This guy has calculated all this clearly from the very beginning, just waiting for the fish to take the bait.

After trying to understand the cause and effect, Master Feihe's expression turned ugly.

This is really a fire at the city gate, which affects the fish in the pond!
The opponent has already made it clear that he will not leave anyone alive. Now that the enemy is strong and we are weak, what should he do if he is trapped in it?

Even Daoist Feihe, a Mahayana monk, panicked. Needless to say, the faces of the others were even uglier.


Some people even begged on the sidelines.

Palace Mistress Wuyue's complexion was also extremely gloomy, but compared to the others, this woman was obviously calmer.

In the blink of an eye, she also thought a lot.

Including just now, the doubts in Master Feihe's heart, she almost thought of the same thing.

And there's more.

At this moment, Palace Mistress Wuyue spoke slowly: "So you've been scheming against me from the very beginning..."

"Not bad!"

Qian Huan Sanren's face was full of complacency.

Now that things have come to an end, he certainly doesn't need to hide it. It's a good feeling to see the other party fall into his trap.


Palace Mistress Wuyue's face was full of doubts: "I have no grievances or enmities with you..."

"There is indeed no grudge between you and me. If you want to blame, you should blame you for not taking refuge in the Huayu Sect, especially that goddamn god. I can't wait to beat him to death!"

The sound of Qianhuan Sanren gnashing his teeth reached his ears.

"Do you have any enmity with Senior Immortal?"

The expression on Mistress Wuyue's face showed astonishment, obviously this situation was beyond her expectation.

"Hate is as deep as the sea!"

Now, of course, there is no need for the other party to hide.

He turned his head and looked around at the immortal cultivators present.

Although these people's faces were full of timid and fearful expressions, they still couldn't help the curiosity in their hearts.

Seeing everyone's expressions one by one, a smile appeared on the corner of Qianhuan Sanren's mouth: "Well, God has the virtue of being good at life, since you are all so doubtful, then I will show kindness and let you do it." A ghost who understands is fine."

"Do you know which sect of immortal cultivator this old man is?"

"Which sect are you an immortal cultivator?"

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other, even the most knowledgeable Palace Master Wuyue and Master Feihe couldn't help frowning.

Qian Huan Sanren is well-known, but I have never heard of which sect he was born in, and everyone has always thought he is a San Cultivator...

But just now everyone has known that this guy is actually a cultivator of the dual infant, and he is cunning and has a lot of secrets in him, so the theory of loose cultivation is probably used by him to confuse everyone...

"Which sect of immortal cultivator are you?" Palace Mistress Wuyue paused in her ears: "Now that things have come to an end, there is no need to keep playing tricks here."

"Okay, then the old man will tell you that I am actually a cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Sect."


As soon as these words came out, all the monks present turned pale with shock.

"A cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Sect?"

This was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Even though they already knew that one of the Nascent Souls of this guy was practicing the magic technique, but at the beginning, everyone still never thought about linking him with the Heavenly Demon Sect.

After all, back then, it was the highest-ranked magic sect in Yunzhou.

"Hasn't the Heavenly Demon Sect been destroyed?"

At this time, there was a cultivator in the teahouse who couldn't help but whispered.

"Not bad!"

Qian Huan Sanren turned his head, his eyes couldn't help revealing a look of gnashing of hatred, the meaning of resentment was obvious: "The Heavenly Demon Sect was indeed destroyed, and it was destroyed in the hands of that goddamn immortal Huayu Sect..."

At this point in the conversation, there is actually no need to continue.

Now the whole Yunzhou knows that Lin Xiaoyao uprooted the mighty Heavenly Demon Sect back then.

And this Thousand Imaginary Sanren in front of him is actually a cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Sect?
That is the so-called fish that slipped through the net.

And it's a big fish.

Now no one cares about what position he holds in Tianmozong.

You don't need to ask to know that he is a very honorable monk.

I am afraid that it is not much worse than the suzerain and the great elder.

Otherwise, he would not have such terrifying strength, and after so many years of destruction of Tianmozong, he still couldn't forget it and tried his best to get revenge.

Of course, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't afford to offend him for the time being.

Even the Huayu Sect didn't dare to stroke the tiger's whiskers for the time being after much deliberation.

Because every time Hua Yuzong encountered a crisis, that real immortal would appear in time, and in this case, he didn't want to die.

So after weighing, Wuyue Immortal Palace became his best goal and choice.

Who made the other party get so close to Hua Yuzong?

Moreover, Princess Wuyue still respects that goddamn god so much that he has long since disliked it.

That's why he deliberately went to Wuyue Fairy Palace to steal treasures.

Break the statue.

And pretended to be accidentally seen by the other party, and caught one.

In fact, where is the carelessness?

Everything was calculated by him, all he wanted was for Palace Master Wuyue to chase after him after he found out.

Only in this way can he have a chance to kill this woman and let out the anger in his chest.

The reason why they didn't dare to do anything along the way was because of fear, the immortal patriarch of Huayu Sect was really elusive.

Every time it can appear at the nick of time.

He was afraid of self-defeating, so he didn't dare to act rashly, and has been silently enduring it.

Until he came here.

Now, Xianyuan Valley is about to reappear.

He no longer has any scruples.

Kill this girl, and then enter the Immortal Fate Valley, looking for opportunities and treasures to become an immortal.

That true immortal, no matter how powerful he is, what can he do?

If he fell into it, he would have no choice but to accept his fate, but if he succeeded, as an immortal cultivator of the dual infant, after he became a true immortal, he would definitely flatten the Huayu Sect and avenge the Heavenly Demon Sect.

All in all, he has calculated everything, and now it's time to see him.

Seeing that Mistress Wuyue had fallen into his trap, a smug smile naturally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although it is still far away from his goal of razing Huayuzong to the ground, at least he has successfully taken the first step of revenge.

And Princess Wuyue in front of him, he would never let her die easily.

Let him suffer all kinds of torture and refine his soul, only in this way can he slightly reduce the hatred in his heart.

With this thought in his mind, Qian Huan San Ren was ready to make a move.

There was no sign at all, the terrible spiritual pressure bloomed from the surface of his body.

Just feeling the suffocating pressure, Mistress Wuyue couldn't help stepping back a few steps.

His face also suddenly became pale and bloodless.

One is the late stage of Mahayana, and the other is the Great Consummation of the Transcendence Tribulation Stage. There is a big gap in the realm, not to mention, this guy is still an immortal cultivator of the dual soul.

Originally, he had been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but now he was going all out, and the fighting power shown was simply not something that Palace Mistress Wuyue could compete with.

The difference is too far!

"not good!"

Master Feihe's expression changed. Although he didn't want to lie in the muddy water, the other party had already expressed his attitude just now, and he would not let any of the immortal cultivators here go.

So if you don't want to kill yourself, standing up and resisting is the only choice.

Although he estimated just now, even if he joins hands with Palace Mistress Wuyue, he won't be able to defeat this guy at all.

But defeat and being killed are two concepts.

Originally, Master Feihe thought that with the cooperation of himself and Mistress Wuyue, and the assistance of these immortal cultivators nearby, even though he was lost, there was still hope for self-preservation and escape.

But now it seems that he is too naive.

Too underestimated the powerful enemy in front of him.

How to do?
He was in a dilemma.

But a decision was made quickly.

It is impossible to sit and wait for death. Even if you know you are invincible and the hope of escape is negligible, you still have to fight for it.

So, Master Feihe sacrificed his treasure.

A fairy sword swims out from his sleeve, grows in the wind, and turns into a huge sword in an instant, directly grabbing Qianhuan Sanren's head.

A gleam of joy flashed across Princess Wuyue's face. Of course it was much better to have helpers than to fight alone.

So without further ado, he made a move.


The sharp sound of piercing through the air came to her ears, accompanied by several points of cold light, flying out of her sleeves.

In a flash, they stab each other's eyebrows, throat, and dantian Zifu respectively...

"Flying needle magic weapon?"

There was an involuntary exclamation from the crowd.

The voice seemed both surprised and admired.

You must know that although the shape of the magic weapon is theoretically various, far beyond the scope of eighteen kinds of weapons, but in terms of difficulty of refining, the flying needle magic weapon can definitely be ranked among the top ten.

But because the attack power is concentrated, it is also infinitely powerful.

A flying needle magic weapon is very good, not to mention that Princess Wuyue sacrificed as many as three in one go.

How could the immortal cultivators present not admire him?
Everyone feels that there are no worthless people under the great name, this sentence is simply too reasonable.

"God-sent opportunity, we also take the lead."

Then someone in the crowd yelled.

The crowd clapped.

After all, Qian Huan Sanren had already expressed his attitude just now, even innocent bystanders like them did not intend to let go.

In order to avoid the leak of news, this guy will be killed when the time comes.

Instead of sitting and waiting to die, such a good opportunity, of course, will be worse, no, it is to take the opportunity to resist.


next moment.

The immortal cultivators present made their moves one after another.

In an instant, the aura was dazzling, large and small flying knives, flying swords, and magic weapons of other shapes soared into the sky, turning into countless auspicious rays of light, and swarming towards Qianhuan Sanren.

"Idiot, I really don't know how to live or die!"

Facing the crowd's attack, Qian Huan Sanren didn't show any panic on his face, but sneered in disdain. Afterwards, he neither hid nor sacrificed his defensive treasure, but raised his right hand, and casually sneered He pointed his finger forward.

with its action.

Terrible devilish energy swarmed out from the surface of his body again, pouring forward like a river bursting its embankment.


It collided head-on with the auspicious rays of light transformed by those magic weapons.

A loud noise like thunder came to everyone's ears.

Then, an incredible scene happened.

This guy was outnumbered, but he easily gained the upper hand.



"It hurts!"


There were screams one after another, and the immortal cultivator who had just made a move was like a gourd rolling on the ground. Although he was a mess and was seriously injured, nearly half of them couldn't get up.

Even Palace Mistress Wuyue and Daoist Feihe, the two strongest Mahayana patriarchs, were also having a hard time, and retreated a few steps in a row.

Then with a "wow", a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth.

Obviously, both of them were seriously injured.

His face was extremely pale.

The gap is so outrageous!

The hearts of the monks seemed to fall from heaven to hell in an instant.

Just now, I thought that I could take the opportunity to beat the dog in the water, but I didn't expect to find myself turned into a clown in the blink of an eye.

The strength of the other party far exceeded what I imagined, and it has reached a level where they are completely unable to compete.

If you continue to fight, it will only be self-defeating.

How to do?
Could it be that he can only be killed here.

"Oh, I don't want to fall..."

Whoever said that cultivators are very strong, some people have already cried out loud because of fear.

The faces of the others were also extremely ugly, and everyone felt that the shadow of death had come over their heads.

This Thousand Imaginary Sanren is actually so ridiculously strong?
There was a wry smile on the corner of Feihe's mouth.

Of course he didn't want to sit still, but it seemed that no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't change the ending.


Is there really no other way?

He couldn't help but glanced at Palace Mistress Wuyue next to him, only to find that this woman's face was as pale as his own, with deep fear in her eyes.

Obviously, this one is already at the end of his rope.

Of course, this is not to say that Palace Master Wuyue doesn't have the means to suppress the bottom of the box.

But the problem is... no use!
The difference in strength between the two sides is so outrageous, even if they try their best, it is impossible to escape from the other side. This time, they may really return to the underworld.

All of this was clear to Qianhuan Sanren.

So of course the expression on this guy's face seemed very proud.

Feeling that he had taken a solid step on the road of revenge, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Then he looked up at Palace Mistress Wuyue, with a sarcasm on the corner of his mouth: "Stupid guy, don't you admire that immortal patriarch of Huayu Sect? Don't you think he is invincible and omnipotent? Let me ask you, Where is that **** fairy now?"

"You are now a fish on the old man's chopping board. If you have the ability, you can call that real fairy to save you."

"Do you understand what it means to be unable to quench your thirst when you are far away? That goddamn god you worship is also helpless against this old man, hahaha..."

Having said that, he became more and more complacent, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

However, at this moment, a faint voice entered the ear.

"Is that so, you are so sure that Lin has nothing to do with you? Old guy, I think you are too deep into the drama, too arrogant, extreme joy begets sorrow, have you heard this sentence?"

The voice came suddenly.

Almost immediately, the other party's smug laughter was interrupted.

Qian Huan Sanren's wild laughter stopped abruptly.

Instead, he felt a huge, inexplicable fear in his heart.

I don't know why, but I just panicked.

So he hurriedly looked around, looking for the person who just spoke.

Unknowingly, his voice also became terrified because of fear, and there was a little more hysterical taste in it.

Then, everyone heard a hoarse exclamation.

"Who? Who was talking just now?"

Because the incident happened so suddenly, Qian Huan Sanren was far from the only one who felt astonished.

Then everyone's eyes were quickly locked on a table near the railing.

Beside that table, there was only one immortal cultivator sitting.

At the moment, I am drinking tea and eating delicious food.

A calm and relaxed look.

The turmoil just now and the fighting among the monks did not affect him in the slightest.

And what's even more weird.

He was obviously sitting not far from everyone.

But before he spoke, no one noticed.

He obviously didn't use the technique of concealment, so he just sat there carelessly, but for some reason, he seemed to have no sense of existence at all.

Even if people glanced at him, they somehow ignored him.

The other party is like a transparent person.

If it's just one person, it's possible, it's just a coincidence.

But with so many immortal cultivators present, including even the old monsters of Mahayana and Dujie level, everyone ignored this existence that was so close at hand.

This is a bit unusual.

In a word, this will not be a problem for all the cultivators.

I'm afraid this person is too powerful and mysterious.

And even more incredible is.

He was obviously sitting there.

Just sit not far away.

His face was not covered by anything or spells.

Everyone could clearly see his facial features, but for some reason, they would forget them inexplicably in the blink of an eye.

I forgot everything, and couldn't remember the person's appearance at all.


this discovery.

All the cultivators present could not help but gasp.

If it weren't for their personal experience at the moment, everyone would be unbelievable.

This is too incredible.

He was sitting there, and I could see his figure and face clearly.

But I can't remember it anyway.

The next time we meet, I'm afraid he will be treated as a complete stranger.

Can you imagine the feeling?
There is no sense of presence at all.

You stare at his facial features, but still can't remember his face clearly. This kind of feeling makes you feel chills down your spine.

"Who are you?"

Qian Huan Sanren stared fixedly at the unexpected guest with his widened eyes, but after only a short while, he was dripping with inexplicable cold sweat, and there were bean-sized drops of sweat all over his forehead.

There was a chill from the bottom of my heart.

In the blink of an eye, the feeling of fear had enveloped him all over, but he couldn't explain it clearly at all.

Where did that terrible feeling come from?

The other party gave him a feeling.

Mysterious, powerful, completely beyond his ability to deal with.

Facing Qian Huan Sanren's doubts, Lin Xiaoyao didn't hide it, but spoke with a smile.

"Didn't you still say my name just now, saying that I am a goddamn god, saying that you can't quench your thirst in the distance, I have nothing to do, I have come in front of you now, do you have the guts to stand in front of me?" Now, can you say what you just said again?"

 Thank you for the reward of 1000 coins that can reach the sky in half a step

  Thank you book friend 20190824150251714 for rewarding 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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