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Chapter 186 Good Luck, I Met a New Immortal Fate

Chapter 186 Good Luck, I Met a New Immortal Fate

A blessing in disguise!

This sentence should be the most appropriate description of the current situation.

Of course, this is also the result of Lin Xiaoyao's amazing supernatural powers, flexible mind, adaptability, and courage to try.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for a cultivator to have this kind of ability.

The two of them didn't know the twists and turns, but they looked at Lin Xiaoyao at this moment with an extremely respectful expression.

The other party is the number one powerhouse in Yunzhou, and he was already famous. Naturally, the two cultivators had heard of his name, and they admired him very much.

After experiencing the scene just now, the two realized that the so-called famous is not as good as meeting, this sentence is really true.

This senior is very famous, but after actually seeing him make a move, he realized that this senior's strength and mysterious methods are far beyond the imagination of people like himself.

The two sincerely admired each other.

So after the shock, they knelt down at the same time and saluted Lin Xiaoyao: "Thank you for saving my life, senior. I can't repay this junior, but I will remember my great kindness for the rest of my life."

Lin Xiaoyao nodded.

Without talking nonsense, he said directly: "Have you seen Su Zhiyan from Huayu Sect?"

"Senior, did you mean Fairy in the Cloud?"


Lin Xiaoyao was taken aback for a moment, and finally nodded in affirmation.

He almost forgot about Su Yatou, because of her amazing talent, rapid growth in strength, and peerless beauty, she got a name in the world of cultivating immortals and was called Fairy in the Clouds.

"Did you see her?"


The two nodded: "Just yesterday, the two of us met Fairy Yunzhong."

"So coincidentally?"

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help being overjoyed.

Originally, he didn't have much hope for this, so he just asked casually.

Unexpectedly, these two guys in front of them actually knew about Su Zhiyan's whereabouts, which would save a lot of trouble.

"Then do you know where Su Zhiyan is now?"

"Sorry senior, we don't know about this."

Their heads shook like rattles.

After that, without waiting for Lin Xiaoyao to ask, he began to tell the story very consciously.

It turned out that after being teleported to Xianyuan Valley, the two began to explore carefully.

As a result, just yesterday, they met Su Zhiyan by chance.

However, when the two sides met, before they could say a few words, a group of monsters came from a distance. Those monsters were fierce and powerful.

They can't take care of themselves.

So they could only flee for their lives, and then they got lost again.


Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help but frown when he heard this. He can be sure that it's not those guys in the wild monster mountain, because the time is not right.

He didn't bother to ask for details, but just said: "Then you can see clearly, which direction Su Zhiyan is fleeing to?"

"It should be there."

Although the scene was very chaotic at the time, the two guys in front of them were not weak, so they could clearly see the direction in which Su Zhiyan was running.

Hearing Lin Xiaoyao's question at this moment, he didn't open his mouth, but gave him a very positive answer.

"That direction..."

Lin Xiaoyao looked up at the two of them.

A normal look.

But these two guys suddenly felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave, their whole bodies were stiff and unable to move.

"Senior, you..."

The two were shocked.

But immediately, Lin Xiaoyao looked away, and the uncomfortable feeling on their bodies disappeared without a trace, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't pay any attention to the two of them, and disappeared without a trace in a flash.

Watching his back go away, the expression of the middle-aged monk was full of doubts: "Brother, what happened just now?

Just now, the other party just glanced at the two of them, and he felt as if he was going to be out of his wits.

However, this feeling came and went quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it was just an illusion.

This made him very puzzled.

Not even sure if that was an illusion.

"That senior didn't have any malice, he was just trying to tell if we were lying or not."

The gray-haired old man was an immortal cultivator in the Void Refinement Stage. He had extensive knowledge and obviously knew the whole story, so he explained it like this.

But his face was full of lingering fear.

The other party's glance just now was just a very casual look, but it seemed to fall into the bottom of their hearts, and they easily saw through all the secrets of the two of them.

Just thinking about it makes me terrified.

He could be sure that if the two of them had lied about life and death just now, they would probably have turned into two corpses at this moment.

The number one expert in Yunzhou is not only extremely powerful.

Moreover, the various mysterious methods they have mastered are also far beyond their imagination.

"Well, I don't know if I will have the opportunity to cultivate to one-thousandth of his old man's strength in this life. No, even one-ten-thousandth, I am satisfied, because that is enough to make a name for myself in the world of cultivating immortals..."


Not to mention the thoughts of these two people, on the other side, after distinguishing that they were not lying to him, Lin Xiaoyao embarked on the journey to find Su Zhiyan again.

This Xianyuan Valley is indeed different from ordinary secret realms or ancient ruins.

Although the opportunities we have are not trivial, the risks involved are also unimaginable for ordinary people.

Like the iron fire ants just now, it is enough to sweep Yunzhou.

Except for himself, other immortal cultivators would die if they met, so he had to find Su Zhiyan as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if that girl is unlucky, she might really fall.

And this situation is obviously not what I want to see.

Lin Xiaoyao let out his divine sense and searched for it while flying.

His divine sense is extremely powerful, but the process of finding someone is not smooth at all.

A day passed in the blink of an eye, let alone rendezvous with Su Zhiyan, along the way, they did not get any useful clues at all.

Lin Xiaoyao stopped Dunguang and couldn't help but sighed.

Of course those two monks did not dare to deceive themselves yesterday.

Su Zhiyan must have gone in this direction at the beginning, but she must have changed her direction halfway, so she couldn't find it.

It really wasn't that easy.

Of course, the main reason is that the area of ​​Xianyuan Valley is too big.

Since he couldn't find the other party for a while, Lin Xiaoyao could only hope that the lucky girl had her own destiny.

He looked up at the sky, although this Xianyuan Valley is a small world, it also has day and night, as for the flow of time, it is exactly the same as outside.

Another day passed before I knew it.

In other words, the system has been refreshed, and I can find a place to sign in again.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyao's originally depressed mood suddenly improved.

The reason why he agreed to Master Qingyu's request and came all the way here was because of two goals.

The first is to look for Su Zhiyan, and the second is to sign in.

Compared with tracing people, signing in is obviously more important.

Of course Su Zhiyan wanted to look for it too, but for me, the most important thing was to sign in.

What's more, there is no clue now, so Lin Xiaoyao began to think, where should he sign in today?
You know, he had an idea yesterday, but he signed up for the supernatural power of the insect control technique, and he also subdued the iron fire ant by the way. It is no exaggeration to say that he gained great benefits.

Of course, I don't expect to have the same big harvest today, but this opportunity to sign in must not be wasted, and we must grasp it well.

You must find a place with a very deep relationship to sign in.

Lin Xiaoyao thought secretly in his heart.

So he released his divine sense again, never thought, but this time he gained something.

In front of him on the left, there was a very weak wave of spiritual energy.

Although it was not obvious, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help frowning after sensing it.

Because at first glance, the spiritual energy fluctuations seemed very weak, but after careful identification, it gave off a very violent feeling.

Of course, Lin Xiaoyao would not be unfamiliar with this situation.

Someone is fighting!
It was a coincidence.

Could it be Su Zhiyan?

He doesn't know.

But go and have a look and you will know.

It's far away from here.

For an ordinary true fairy, it would take a little time to fly over.

But for Lin Xiaoyao, this is not a problem at all.

Using the supernatural power of space, he can achieve a real sense of instantaneous distance.

Soon Lin Xiaoyao got there, and then he saw two groups of monks fighting lively.

No, to be correct, one side is the immortal cultivator, while the other side is the demon clan.

There are not many cultivators, three men and two women.

And there are fewer demon cultivators.

There was only one.

However, not only is his realm superior to those cultivators, but he also has a large group of monsters around him.

There were dozens or hundreds of them, so it was the demon cultivator who had the upper hand.

It can even be said that the strength of the two sides is very different, but these immortal cultivators use a set of formations as a cover.

This formation is quite mysterious, so it can withstand the fierce attack of monsters.

When Lin Xiaoyao arrived there, the two sides were fighting very lively.

Seeing him as an uninvited guest, both the human immortal cultivator and the demon cultivator were shocked.

There is no other reason, the way Lin Xiaoyao appeared is really weird.

After all, what he used was spatial supernatural powers, which ordinary cultivators could not understand, so it seemed extremely mysterious to the eyes of both parties.

For a moment, both sides felt as if they were facing a big enemy, not knowing whether the unexpected guest who appeared suddenly was an enemy or a friend.

"It's you?"

When Lin Xiaoyao's figure gradually became clear, the demon cultivator suddenly exclaimed, with a look of extreme horror on his face, and then, without saying a word, it turned into a rainbow of shock.

Speeding like lightning, it flew towards the distant horizon.

This guy actually knows himself?
Lin Xiaoyao was slightly surprised, but of course it was impossible for the other party to leave in front of her.


He directly opened his mouth to perform the immobilization technique.

The method of speaking is easy to use. As soon as he finished speaking, the other party was already unable to move, and he didn't even need to do anything during the whole process.

"you know me?"

Lin Xiaoyao looked at the demon cultivator.

The other party did not answer.

Apparently, he knew that by now, he would have died without a living.

Even if it is said, the proof in front of him is that the true human immortal will not let him go, so why should he cooperate?

"tell me!"

Lin Xiaoyao was too lazy to perform the soul-searching technique, and continued to consult, but this time he also used the magical power of speaking and following.

"That's right, I witnessed the battle between you and the Hundred Demon King in Huayu Sect."

The other party's voice reached his ears, and his face was full of horror.

Because he had clearly decided not to say anything, but after the other party asked for the second time, he couldn't help answering.

This made the demon cultivator feel both shocked and surprised.

I don't understand why, how did the other party do it?
This is simply incredible.


His voice became hoarse.

However, Lin Xiaoyao didn't want to listen to his wordy words, and asked another doubt of his own neatly.

"After you entered Xianyuan Valley, did you see Su Zhiyan from Huayu Sect along the way?"

Because he was afraid that the other party would not recognize him, Lin Xiaoyao also used magic to transform Su Zhiyan's face into a lifelike one.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it."

The demon cultivator didn't want to answer at all, but he couldn't help himself for no reason, and answered Lin Xiaoyao's question very honestly.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Lin Xiaoyao was very satisfied.

It is simply amazing to speak out the law. In addition to fighting skills, there are other infinite magical functions, which can provide oneself with many conveniences.

Then he glanced at the demon cultivator in front of him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "In that case, you can die now."

After saying this, Lin Xiaoyao raised his right hand and tapped lightly, without any anger.


However, the demon cultivator had a look of extreme fear on his face.

The screams came to the ears, but soon stopped abruptly, and then his body turned into powder and disappeared with the wind.

No, not just this demon cultivator.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of thumping was endless, but all the more than a hundred monsters fell to the ground without any breath, and they died like this.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life."

Seeing the fall of the powerful enemy, all the monks who had been hiding in the formation came out and bowed to Lin Xiaoyao with a very grateful expression on their faces.

"That's it."

Lin Xiaoyao waved his hand, and then said directly: "Have you seen Su Zhiyan from our sect?"

"Fairy in the cloud?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, then shook their heads: "I'm sorry senior, we haven't seen each other before."

The faces of several people were worried, as if they were afraid that Lin Xiaoyao would blame themselves for this, but they did not dare to lie to each other.

But they thought too much, Lin Xiaoyao was not so unreasonable.

Since he had never seen him before, he didn't bother to chat with these guys, and planned to leave in a flash.

He was going to look for a place to sign in while looking for it.

Anyway, there are no clues, and it doesn't matter which direction you go, so these two things will not delay each other at the same time, and there will be no impact.

However, at this moment, a voice came to his ears: "Senior, please stay."

Lin Xiaoyao turned his head and found that it was one of the five monks.

This person was about forty years old, and his appearance could not be called handsome, but he gave off a gentle and refined feeling.

"Is something wrong?"

Lin Xiaoyao frowned slightly, not impatiently, but a little strange.

Because he knew in his heart that if there was no special reason, the other party would not dare to stop him like this, so he was naturally curious.


The man nodded, and said very respectfully and sincerely: "We found an interesting place here, which may be a good opportunity, but our cultivation base is low, and we dare not take risks with our own strength. I know if Senior is interested..."

"Aren't you afraid that I will take your chance?"

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help laughing.

"Senior was joking, you have saved our lives, and this junior is not a person who doesn't know what to do, so you should take that chance."

"What's more..."


Lin Xiaoyao looked at the other party with a smile.

The other party didn't dare to play tricks and answered honestly.

"That place is very dangerous. The juniors are powerless. Instead of letting it go for nothing, it is better to dedicate it to the seniors. If we can find a chance, I believe the seniors will not treat us badly. If you take the treasure, we can get some treasures." Little benefit."

This is true.

Lin Xiaoyao nodded.

Satisfied with the other party's frankness.

This guy is very smart. He knows that it is best not to play tricks on himself. The more honest he is, the more he can get his own approval and approval.

"Let's go, lead the way."

Lin Xiaoyao just pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Anyway, he had to find a place to sign in. The other party said that since the place is not trivial, it might have a deep fairy relationship, so it's okay to go and have a look, and it won't waste much time.

"Thank you senior."

Hearing Lin Xiaoyao's agreement, several monks couldn't help being overjoyed, and then took the lead and flew forward.

Lin Xiaoyao's movements are much more casual, such as walking in the courtyard, following behind them.

That place is not far away, and they will arrive in about half an hour.

"This is……"

After arriving, Lin Xiaoyao's eyes narrowed, and a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

What came into view was actually a large piece of ruins, with ruins everywhere.

This is a little strange.

Xianyuan Valley does not only open once in thousands of years. How can there be so many dilapidated buildings here?

Is there actually someone living here?
He released his divine sense.

It is indeed very dangerous and strange to find that there is still some forbidden atmosphere in this ruins.

It's right for these guys in front of them not to dare to risk themselves, otherwise, with their strength, they might have fallen here.


Lin Xiaoyao's pupils shrank slightly, and he made another surprising discovery.

On the other side of the ruins, in a very hidden corner, there are actually several powerful auras secretly hiding there.

He is a powerhouse at the level of a real fairy!
Although it is only the first level of true immortality and the second level of true immortality, it is already very shocking.

One must know that apart from himself, there are no real immortals in Yunzhou today?Not to mention, quietly entered this fairy valley.

Could it be that the entrance of Xianyuan Valley is not only in Yunzhou, but also appears in other interfaces?
In Lin Xiaoyao's mind, there was such a guess and analysis in an instant.

And this discovery surprised him rather than delighted him.

If this is the case, maybe Xianyuan Valley can bring him greater benefits.


This thought has not been turned around, suddenly, an incredible scene appeared in front of my eyes, just like going back in time, the ruins in front of me, the ruined walls were restored quickly.

Afterwards, the ruins disappeared, and a magnificent palace was replaced by him.

But in addition to being surprised, Lin Xiaoyao felt a burst of ecstasy, because in this palace, he felt a huge immortal fate and Dao Yun, the intensity of which far surpassed any place he had signed in for decades.

 Thank you LANDES for rewarding 2000 coins

(End of this chapter)

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