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Chapter 187 Amazing Immortal Fate!phoenix appears

Chapter 187 Amazing Immortal Fate!phoenix appears
Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

Sensing the astonishing aura of fairy fate and Taoism emanating from the palace in front of him, the expression on Lin Xiaoyao's face was full of ecstasy.

With such a strong Taoism, if I sign in here, I am afraid that the rewards and benefits I get will be better than any previous time.

He couldn't help but smile, and regardless of the dumbfounded monks beside him, he planned to rush forward.

Yet at this moment.


Suddenly there was a loud sound of breaking through the sky, but it was the mysterious true immortals who had been hiding in the dark just now rose into the air, and rushed towards the palace building in front of them at an astonishing speed.

Get started first!
The wishful thinking of these guys is quite good.

However, at the next moment, their eyes widened in astonishment, because Lin Xiaoyao unexpectedly stood in front of them very strangely.

First come first.

Several people looked at each other.

But then he couldn't help but fly into a rage.

"Boy, get out of the way!"

"You are living impatiently."

"The opportunity here belongs to the sect, and those who are familiar with it should leave here quickly."


Although they said to let Lin Xiaoyao go away, they unanimously sacrificed magic weapons, and the five joined forces to bombard him.

For a moment, there was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and flying knives and flying swords wrapped in brilliant aura slashed viciously at Lin Xiaoyao.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoyao faced a total of five enemies.

Two of them are true immortals at the first level, and the remaining three are immortals at the second level of true immortals.

And Lin Xiaoyao himself is only at the second level of the true immortal.

It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the two sides is very different at this moment.

The opponent also took the initiative to attack.

Team up and sneak attack.

The situation is naturally more unfavorable for him.

However, Lin Xiaoyao's expression was very calm.

He raised his right hand, punched lightly, and blasted forward.

"This is……"

The cultivators from the True Wonderland were stunned.

The other party is so entrusted with it, and they don't even offer sacrifices to treasures. Could it be that they want to court death?


The five of them didn't pay attention to Lin Xiaoyao at all.

However, the next moment, blood spurted from their mouths.

Lin Xiaoyao's punch looked ordinary, but it was just an appearance.

As soon as they came into contact with their magic weapon, the treasure sacrificed by the five people suddenly felt as if struck by lightning, and the aura on the surface quickly dimmed.

"This guy……"

The faces of the five people showed a look of astonishment. Could it be that the strength of the other party is much stronger than them, and they are just pretending to be pigs and eat tigers here?
Various thoughts flashed through their minds, but they were unwilling to let go of the opportunity in front of them.

A stern look flashed across the face of the leading man.

He reached out and patted his waist, turned his palm over and took out a talisman.

This is a life-saving item given by the master before the action. Although the monk in front of him is mysterious and powerful, he believes that this magic talisman will definitely help him to defeat the enemy.

Thoughts turned in his mind, and the leading man was about to sacrifice this treasure.

However, at this moment, without any sign, the void in front of his eyes suddenly became blurred, the space was distorted, and it seemed that even the flow of time had slowed down.

It felt very weird.

The leading man was shocked, and when he managed to react, he found that Lin Xiaoyao had come in front of him.

The distance between the two is only Zhang Xu, so it can be said that they are close at hand.

What's even more incredible is that the magic talisman that he used as his trump card fell into the opponent's hands somehow.

All of a sudden, he felt cold sweat dripping down his back, and a chill rose from the soles of his feet. He didn't know what happened. How did the other party easily snatch the treasure from him without his knowledge?

The more he thought about it, the more horrified he became. The man in the lead trembled all over, and his expression became extremely terrified.

Since the other party was able to take away the talisman from him without his knowledge, it would be easy for him to take his life.

In other words, the other party had shown mercy just now, otherwise, he would be a corpse now.

The more he thought about it, the more startled he became.

If you can't clearly sense everything around you, you might think it's a dream or hallucination.

The leading man was sitting on pins and needles at the moment, not daring to move at all.

He is not a fool.

By now, of course, he knew that the opponent's strength must be far superior to his own.

"A high-level true immortal!"

"The other party must be a high-level true immortal!"

The leading man yelled in his heart.

Then he fell to his knees with a plop.

It wasn't that he wanted to kneel, but because of the short distance, he sensed a sage's aura emanating from Lin Xiaoyao.

Although it was only a small point, it had already made his hands and feet cold and his face full of despair.

The pressure brought by the other party is much greater than when facing the master.

This made him completely lose the courage to resist.

"Elder Brother, you..."

Seeing the leading man kneeling, the remaining four monks looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although the enemy is very strong, there is no need to do this.

Because they were far away, Lin Xiaoyao didn't release the saint's breath on purpose, so they didn't sense it.

So naturally, he couldn't understand the fear and despair that senior brother felt at the moment.

I just feel baffled, when did the elder brother become so timid?
Doubts are doubts, they are also a little at a loss at the moment, after all, the elder brother has fallen into the hands of the other party, so the remaining four guys seem to have no leader.

But at this moment, a clear chirping sound entered the ears, but the gate of the majestic palace in front suddenly opened.

Originally, Lin Xiaoyao was blocking them, but now he came to the leader man's side, so unintentionally, he gave way to the road ahead.

"Godsend opportunity!"

The four couldn't help being overjoyed, so they unfolded their body skills without hesitation, rushing towards the palace like that.

Lin Xiaoyao could see clearly, and a gleam flashed in his eyes, but this time, for some reason, he didn't stop him.

Even if he really wanted to stop him, he could actually stop him very easily.

So in the blink of an eye, those four guys flew into the palace.

Although they also know that doing so is equivalent to abandoning the senior brother.

But the treasure is right ahead, facing this rare opportunity, they still made such a choice without hesitation.

After entering the palace, all four were ecstatic.

What if the opponent is stronger than them?
In the end, they were not one step ahead of them.

Don't underestimate the advantage they have seized, it greatly increases their chances of winning the fairy fate.

Then the four of them prepared to close the gate of the palace.

This is no ordinary palace.

Although there are only very vague records in their fairy gate.

But what is certain is that once the door of the palace is closed, the guy in front of him, even if he has great abilities, will not be able to break in.

Lin Xiaoyao could see clearly, but he didn't stop him, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As if they were doing something stupid.

The four of them couldn't help but thump in their hearts.

Faintly felt something was wrong.

But at this moment, there is no time to think carefully.

They were afraid that Lin Xiaoyao would follow.

Although there are many of them, they are not opponents at all.

And just when the four wanted to close the palace door.


A burst of clear sound entered the ears.

There was no sign at all, and the temperature in the air suddenly rose a lot.


A little red light came into view.

Then the red light became more and more dazzling, and turned into a huge spiritual bird.


King of birds!

The wingspan alone exceeds a hundred feet.

The movements of the four of them froze immediately, and expressions of disbelief appeared on their faces.

The sound of "giggling" came to the ears, it was someone's teeth chattering in fear.

Although they are strong in the real fairyland, the phoenix is ​​also one of the best among the true spirits, and its strength is comparable to that of Daluo. Even if they are true immortals, they are no different from ants in front of the king of birds.

Of course, the four of them were full of fears and apprehensions. They didn't know what their fate would be like, and their hearts were full of doubts. How could a true phoenix appear in this place?
Although Xianyuan Valley is not trivial and contains many opportunities, but no matter what, there should not be such a powerful existence as Phoenix.

This was completely beyond their expectations.

Let alone resist at this moment, they can't even escape.

No, to be correct, they couldn't move. I can only hope that Phoenix won't embarrass ants like them.

However, things didn't go as planned, Phoenix gently flapped its wings.

Immediately, fiery red flames swept across, and the four unlucky guys were wiped out in the blink of an eye.

The leading man could see clearly, and his face was also extremely pale.

Originally, the four fellow gatekeepers left him here, and he entered the palace to find Xianyuan by himself, which made him extremely angry.

But who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, the four of them would end up like this?
This made him feel unpredictable.

And the few cultivators who brought Lin Xiaoyao here were also stunned.

They discovered this place by accident, and it was very strange to see this large area of ​​ruins from a distance, so they thought that there might be opportunities here, but they dared not explore by themselves.

So I told Lin Xiaoyao.

One is to thank the other party for his life-saving grace, and the second point is to use the other party's strength, hoping that if the other party really finds a fairy fate, the other party can eat meat and drink some soup.

Unexpected things are unexpected.

There are actually other true immortals hiding here.

The few immortal cultivators were stunned. Obviously, these were not immortal cultivators from Yunzhou, because there were not so many real immortals in Yunzhou.

There are as many as five people on the other side.

It made their hearts beat.

The immortal patriarch of the Huayu Sect would definitely not be able to defeat him with outnumbered enemies.

If he loses, people like himself will definitely not end well.

However, if they are in a hurry, it is impossible for them to help, because the difference in strength between them is too great. Even if they want to provide some help, they have neither the ability nor the qualifications, so they can only worry on the sidelines.

Unexpectedly, things developed unexpectedly.

Lin Xiaoyao was ridiculously strong, so strong that he was far beyond their imagination, and defeated those real immortals easily with one against five.

And it's effortless.

This surprised the few monks.

Unexpectedly, a phoenix appeared in front of his eyes.

The four of them couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Although their cultivation base is low, the phoenix is ​​really famous as the king of all birds, and there are legends about it in all the heavens and myriad worlds.

Never expected that there would be a phoenix in Immortal Valley.

At this moment, they were not in the mood to consider whether this was reasonable or not. They watched the four real immortals turn into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Although they are enemies, it is inevitable that the rabbit will die and the fox will be sad at this moment. At the same time, they are also very worried about their own fate, and they don't know how the Phoenix will punish them.

Will it also unleash the flames and reduce them to ashes?
The few immortal cultivators were extremely disturbed, but they didn't dare to run away, because doing so would only be self-defeating, attracting Phoenix's attention, and leading to a dead end.

There was nothing they could do now, they could only stay where they were and shiver.

This is the sorrow of the weak, whose destiny is completely beyond their control.

And Lin Xiaoyao's expression was much calmer, although the appearance of the Phoenix here also made him a little bit surprised.

Even if Xianyuan Valley is famous, it is still too outrageous for the King of Birds to appear here.

and many more!

This is not a real phoenix.

A gleam flashed in Lin Xiaoyao's eyes.

As a saint, even if his strength has not recovered, he can still see some things that other monks cannot see.

Although the phoenix in front of him looked very powerful, he could easily kill several true immortals by releasing a ray of flames.

But it is far from the point where it can be compared to Da Luo in the legend.

So this is definitely not the body of the phoenix, but something similar to an incarnation.

Of course, it may be different from the external incarnation of a cultivator, but the basic principle should be the same.

Just as Lin Xiaoyao was thinking, a phoenix cry resounded throughout the world.

Immediately afterwards, the huge phoenix flew out of the mysterious and gorgeous palace ahead with a flap of its wings.

Its wingspan exceeds a hundred feet, and its huge body brings enormous pressure like a mountain.

Soon, it came to Lin Xiaoyao, and the distance between the two sides was only twenty feet.

For Phoenix, this is close at hand.

It lowered its head slightly and looked at Lin Xiaoyao.

The man who was named the leader just now was the only one who survived among the several true immortals. At this moment, he had collapsed on the ground.

The expression on his face could no longer be described in words. In front of that huge phoenix, he felt that he was inferior to an ant.

You must know that the coercion that Phoenix is ​​exuding at this moment is not aimed at him, this guy is just because the distance is relatively short, so the city gate caught fire and caused Chi Yu.

But even so, he still felt like he was going crazy.

The mana in his body was like boiling water, and when it boiled, he felt as if he was about to go mad in the next moment.

The phoenix in front of him is powerful, too powerful, it is something they can fight against.

Not to mention him, even if their entire sect is combined, although there are countless masters, it is not worth mentioning in the face of this terrifying phoenix.

"Hey, why is he all right?"

He was obviously going crazy with fear, but for some reason he was very clear-headed. The man in the lead noticed Lin Xiaoyao standing beside him with a calm expression on his face.

Not even blinking an eye.

How can it be?

Isn't he afraid of facing Phoenix?
Even if the opponent is a high-level true immortal, no, even a golden immortal cannot fight against the phoenix!
The leading man originally thought that he had overestimated Lin Xiaoyao, but only now did he realize that the person in front of him couldn't see through it, he couldn't imagine it.

It's ridiculous that he dared to fight against him just now, he really didn't know what to do, he felt that he was shaking the tree like a fly.

Lin Xiaoyao and Fenghuang looked at each other.

On the surface, he and Fenghuang were completely different in terms of size and strength. In front of the king of birds, he was just a small ant.

But it's not like that.

Phoenix is ​​indeed very strong, but Lin Xiaoyao is not an ordinary cultivator.

It cannot be calculated by common sense at all.

It's a pity that my strength has not recovered, otherwise, so what if Phoenix is ​​comparable to Da Luo?
Facing a saint, he is only worthy of pulling a cart for himself.

Of course, the current Lin Xiaoyao is still too far away from recovering the strength of a saint, but what is in front of him is not the real phoenix either.

It's just a strand of soul, or an incarnation.

So, why would he be afraid?

So when the two sides looked at each other, Lin Xiaoyao acted extremely calm, but as time went by, the phoenix became a little anxious.

The humans in front of him gave it a very uncomfortable feeling.

As if sensing a huge threat.

How can it be?

Just a mere human being.

But the uncomfortable feeling that made it feel very clear.

Not an illusion!

This made Phoenix very puzzled.

You must know that even if you are facing Da Luo, you can evenly share the results.

This guy in front of him is nothing more than an ant on the second floor of a true immortal.

As time passed, a look of anxiety flashed in Phoenix's eyes.

Can't help but want to do it?

Lin Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

He absolutely cannot let this situation go. Although the guy in front of him is not the real king of birds, his mana is still far superior to himself.

If you are really tough with him, it will be very bad for yourself.

It's not that he must lose, after all, the several great supernatural powers he has mastered are not trivial, but he doesn't want to confront the opponent head-on when it is not necessary.

Then the only way is to find a way to subdue others without fighting.

So Lin Xiaoyao took a deep breath, no longer hiding, no longer keeping, releasing a powerful aura that belongs to a saint.

The sage's aura is different from the spiritual pressure. When faced with it, it will not sense the actual pressure, but in fact, the impact is much greater. Phoenix, who was about to make a move, was shocked at that time.

The eyeballs almost popped out, and he looked at the immortal cultivator in front of him with incredible eyes.

"Holy... saint?"

It is hard to be confident. The guy in front of him who he thought was an ant is actually a legendary saint.

How can it be?

In all the heavens and worlds, the traces of saints have long disappeared, even Daluo, that is also rare, and it is rare to see, how could a dignified saint appear in this inconspicuous small world in front of him?

Is it fake?
But the thought was only fleeting.

Among the heavens and worlds, absolutely no one can pretend to be a saint.

It is neither possible nor dare to!

The aura released by the other party at this moment is definitely a saint!
As fake replacement.

Phoenix was stunned.

Then, it made its choice without hesitation.

Let out a clear phoenix cry.

He lowered his head, the hostility and anxiety in his eyes disappeared without a trace, replaced by a flattering look.

Then Phoenix's voice reached his ears.

"I've seen seniors!"

 Thank you LANDES for rewarding 2000 coins

(End of this chapter)

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