Sign in to the sage at the beginning

Chapter 189 Cultivation by leaps and bounds, the 5th floor of the real fairy

Chapter 189 Cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds, the fifth level of true immortal

Lin Xiaoyao was overjoyed.

You must know that after stepping into the Realm of Immortal Realm, cultivation is even more difficult. Even if he has no bottleneck, he still needs astronomical mana for every step up to a realm.

In a word, cultivation is not easy!
Originally, he estimated that it would take several years to go from the second level of the true immortal to the third level of the true immortal, even if everything goes well.

He never expected that after taking this elixir, he would be promoted immediately.

This time, Xianyuan Valley really came to the right place.

Lin Xiaoyao was very happy.

Then he discovered that the matter was not over yet. Although he had successfully advanced to the third level of the True Immortal, the medicinal power of the elixir just now was only consumed by a small half.

At this moment, in his Dantian Zifu, there is still a lot of mana stored.

As a result, his cultivation continued to grow crazily at an astonishing speed.


Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help being a little stunned.

Is it possible that I can raise another realm?

There is such a good thing in the world?
Although it feels a little outrageous, but I am extremely looking forward to it in my heart.

In this way, the mana continued to increase, and half an hour later, Lin Xiaoyao broke through again and became a cultivator of the fourth level of true immortality.

This time, not only his face was full of joy, but Fenghuang who was beside him was also stunned.

As expected of a saint, he practiced so quickly!
Once again, it felt that its choice was right, following this person would definitely have a bright future, and one day, it might be able to be reborn and become a real phoenix.

"Congratulations senior!"

Lin Xiaoyao nodded, sensing the majestic mana in his body.

In less than half a day, his cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has been promoted continuously, raising two full realms. This kind of experience, looking at the heavens and the world, is absolutely rare, not to mention unprecedented.

If you were an ordinary cultivator, even if you had such an adventure, you would still face many hidden dangers.

Because the promotion is too fast, the Dao heart is not stable enough, and the state will drop at the slightest, and the madness will occur at the worst...

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. For them, such an adventure also contains a huge crisis.

If you are unlucky, you may even attract demons from outside the territory.

That would be even more irreversible.

But Lin Xiaoyao is different.

There are no hidden dangers at all.

Almost as soon as he was promoted, his realm of the fourth level of true immortality became extremely stable.

As for whether it will provoke demons from outside the territory?

To be honest, Lin Xiaoyao was quite looking forward to it.

It's a pity that the other party didn't seem to dare to come.

At this moment, he sensed that the promotion of the two realms made his strength leap forward, at least ten times higher than just now.

If it were an ordinary cultivator, the power would increase so much at once, it would be difficult to control it, at least one hundred years of retreat would be required to slowly adapt to the new power.

But for Lin Xiaoyao, this problem does not exist at all.

He has the status of a saint.

Strictly speaking, this is not called promotion, but recovery.

So don't say that the strength has only increased by ten times, even if it has increased by a hundred times, a thousand times, or even more in an instant.

He can also easily grasp it, and there will be absolutely no discomfort.

And with the improvement of the realm, the growth of mana, the power of spells and supernatural powers also increases accordingly.

If at this moment, Lin Xiaoyao was asked to fetch the elixir just now, there would be no such trouble at all.

Where can the three supernatural powers cooperate with each other?
Directly say what you want, say a word, let the other party come over, the elixir will not be violated, and will obediently come to your side.

All in all, Lin Xiaoyao's strength and strength at this moment are really different after being completely reborn.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and then Lin Xiaoyao is ready to sign in here.

It's not a sudden whim, but the place where he is at the moment is the place with the strongest Dao Yun in the entire palace.

Lin Xiaoyao could see it clearly, signing in here would definitely bring him a lot of money.

An excellent place to sign in, plus today's good luck, these two conditions are superimposed, and Lin Xiaoyao is really looking forward to what rewards the system can give.

So he said, "System, sign in for me."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and getting an elixir."


Lin Xiaoyao thought that his ears had misheard, and almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

The reason why he was able to advance two levels in a row just now was because he got an elixir, but he didn't expect the system to reward him with another one. Is there such a good thing in the world?
But soon, Lin Xiaoyao realized that maybe it was just the same name, and the elixir rewarded by the system might not be the one he took just now.

Thinking about it this way, I was a little disappointed.

He was worrying about gains and losses there, and the mechanical and indifferent voice of the system came to his ears again: "Do you want to claim it now?"


Lin Xiaoyao did not hesitate.

Even if the elixir given by the system is not the one just now, it should be a good thing.

In this regard, Lin Xiaoyao still has some expectations.

As soon as the words fell, an elixir the size of a longan, which seemed to be between reality and fiction, came into view.


Lin Xiaoyao was stunned.

Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

He didn't believe in the pie falling from the sky before, but now he completely believes it.

This elixir is exactly the same as the one I just took.

There is no difference at all.

Although he was looking forward to it, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help being a little dazed when the huge pie fell in front of him.

Then comes ecstasy.

Today is really my lucky day.

Is it possible to advance two more times?

Of course, he would not doubt the treasure given by the system, and he just raised his head and swallowed this elixir.

Then the majestic medicinal power appeared in the seven meridians and eight meridians again, and then gathered in his Dantian Zifu, and his cultivation base began to grow rapidly again.

The Phoenix on the side was stunned.

There is obviously only one elixir, and the senior has already swallowed it, why did he take out another one in the blink of an eye?

Where did this elixir come from?It is puzzling.

But if the senior didn't say anything, of course it didn't dare to ask.

Just sigh in my heart.

Worthy of being a saint!
Sure enough, it has unpredictable abilities.

After taking this elixir, Lin Xiaoyao's cultivation base continued to grow rapidly, and half an hour later, he broke through the realm again.

Then he became a powerhouse at the fifth level of the true immortal.

However, the growth of mana has come to an end. Lin Xiaoyao is slightly disappointed, but it is not surprising.

After cultivating immortals, it is getting more and more difficult. Every time a level is raised, the amount of mana required is multiplied.

If it is an ordinary immortal cultivator, even if he has good aptitude, after entering the realm of true immortality, it will take tens of thousands of years to upgrade to one level.

In less than half a day, I was able to advance to three consecutive levels, from the second level of the true immortal to the fifth level of the true immortal. This is unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future.
Entering Xianyuan Valley this time, the harvest is already full, far beyond Lin Xiaoyao's original imagination.

But being able to sign such a precious treasure here, Lin Xiaoyao was a little reluctant to leave.

So he asked, "System, can I check in repeatedly here?"

If possible, Lin Xiaoyao intends to stay here.

Slowly brush the wool here first, and then go back after the wool is cleaned.

As for Su Zhiyan?
Of course, it can't be ignored, Lin Xiaoyao intends to let an incarnation outside the body to save her.

As for whether the avatar has the strength to bring this girl back safely, it depends on the girl's luck.

After all, although Lin Xiaoyao valued this woman, it was obviously more important to sign in at this place.

So he asked the system, is it possible to check in repeatedly in this place?
"No, just signed in has exhausted the Dao Yun of this place, so this is not a place where you can repeatedly sign in."

The mechanical and indifferent voice of the system came from the ear.

Lin Xiaoyao was a little disappointed.

Since he couldn't continue to sign in here, there was no need to stay, so he turned and left without hesitation.


At the same time, outside the palace.

Six immortal cultivators are waiting quietly.

Five of them are the monks who brought Lin Xiaoyao here, so naturally they will not leave.

As for the other one, it was the man who was the leader among the few true immortals just now.

His senior brothers have all fallen, and he is the only survivor.

Although his fellow disciple died in front of his eyes, which made him a little bit sad, but the man in charge didn't dare to have the slightest bit of resentment towards Lin Xiaoyao.

Just kidding, he already guessed a little bit about the other party's identity.

Although it seems impossible.

But it can make Phoenix so respectful.

That leaves only one answer, saint.

When he thought that he had actually done something to the saint just now, he felt terrified, and felt that it was a miracle that he hadn't fallen yet.

Although that senior had already entered the palace, and he didn't seem to have left any means to prevent him from escaping, he didn't dare to do anything wrong...

The sage's methods are unpredictable, and he voluntarily escaped, he must be courting death!

He is not a fool.

Although it is very disturbing to stay, this is the best choice.

As for whether he can survive, it only depends on his own luck.

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, half a day had passed.

They waited anxiously there, and there was really nothing they could do except wait.

Suddenly, the gate of the palace ahead opened.

With a flash of a figure, Lin Xiaoyao walked out leisurely from inside.

The five immortal cultivators who led the way were overjoyed and hurried up to meet them.


They just opened their mouths to speak, but they stopped, with a look of horror on their faces.

Because they felt that this senior immortal seemed to be different from before entering the palace.

It was an indescribable feeling.

Although the opponent was already very strong, but now it seems to have become even more unpredictable.

Is this an illusion?
Several people are a little puzzled.

And the man next to him was even more shocked.

Unlike these low-level immortal cultivators, he is a true immortal!
Although the person in front of him may be a saint, but for some reason, the cultivation level shown by the other party just now seems to be different from his own, as if he is only a second-tier true immortal.

He was quite sure of that.

After all, I just wanted to die and fought with this senior.

But now, when he looked at Lin Xiaoyao, he was shocked to find that the other party had become unfathomable.

It is impossible to find out what his cultivation base is.

This shows what?
It means that the opponent's cultivation base has skyrocketed, far surpassing his own.

That's why he can't see through.

But it was only half a day, how could the opponent's cultivation have increased so much?

This is incredible.

To know that he is also a true immortal, he naturally knows how difficult it is to cultivate after entering this realm.

Back then, it took me 1 years to go from the first level of true immortals to the second level of true immortals.

But the other party only took half a day to improve his cultivation by leaps and bounds, and the improvement should be more than one level.

This made him extremely shocked, so his expression became more respectful.

"See senior!"

Seeing Lin Xiaoyao coming in front of him, he hurriedly saluted respectfully, but couldn't hide his uneasiness, not knowing how the other party would deal with him.

"Tell me about your history."

Lin Xiaoyao spoke with a flat expression.


The leading man didn't dare to be negligent after hearing this, so he hurriedly said: "Senior, this junior is a cultivator of the Celestial Star Realm."

"The Celestial Star Realm?"

Lin Xiaoyao was taken aback.

It is so similar to Tianxingzong, is there any relationship between the two?
But then shook his head, the possibility is not much, it should be purely a coincidence, the names just happen to be similar.

"go on."


The other party did not dare to be negligent, and told his origin in great detail.

Lin Xiaoyao listened quietly, and it was as if it was different from what she had guessed. The entrance of the Fairy Fate Valley would not only appear in Yunzhou, but also appear in other interfaces.

Celestial Realm is one of them.

From the other party's introduction, Lin Xiaoyao learned that the strength of the Celestial Star Realm is infinitely stronger than that of Yunzhou. It not only has a larger area, but also has strong people at the Golden Immortal level.

Half an hour later, after listening to the other party's introduction, Lin Xiaoyao nodded, and then said: "Okay, this matter is over, you can go now with peace of mind..."

Of course, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't let go of this guy in front of him.

You must know that he wanted to kill himself at the beginning, and the reason why he behaved so submissively now was not because of his conscience, but because he realized that there was a huge difference in strength between them.

But Lin Xiaoyao still remembers the scene of him sneaking up on him just now.

Everyone has to pay the price for their actions.

If he made a sneak attack on himself, that would be more than a crime.

What's more, this guy also guessed his own saint status, so it is even more impossible for Lin Xiaoyao to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

In fact, what he did was already very kind. If he were to live in a different place with another immortal cultivator, the fate of this guy in front of him would probably be utterly wiped out.

"Thank you senior!"

The leading man's face turned pale, and he secretly sighed in his heart, the other party really didn't want to let him go.

However, he didn't mean to complain, such a result was considered good, at least there was a chance of reincarnation.

Lin Xiaoyao made a choice, stopped talking nonsense, and with a wave of his hand, the other party immediately turned into ashes.

There was only one storage bag left, which came into view alone.

Lin Xiaoyao turned his head and glanced at the other monks.

"Show respect to the seniors."

Seeing Lin Xiaoyao looking over, they didn't dare to breathe, their eyes were full of respect and fear.

After all, just now with a casual swipe of the other party, a true immortal died in front of him. This scene is really shocking.

Even though they also knew that the guy had deserved to die, they still couldn't help feeling a little uneasy when they saw this scene.

It would be a lie to say that I am not afraid at all.

"You guys are good, you should be rewarded!"

Lin Xiaoyao nodded kindly to them.

Those true immortals from the Celestial Realm who attacked him deserved death, but the monks in front of him were different, they brought him here.

Otherwise, how could one's cultivation advance by leaps and bounds, and also get the benefits of Phoenix True Fire?

Of course, Lin Xiaoyao is not a cultivator who crosses rivers and destroys bridges. He has already obtained great benefits from this trip, so he must give these guys some rewards out of reason.

Half an hour later, the five immortal cultivators left with gratitude.

Everyone was elated, with an unconcealable look of joy on their faces.

Looking at the backs of several people, Lin Xiaoyao shook his head.

Low-level monks are really easy to pass.

Just now, he just casually took out a few pills and treasures that he didn't need at all from the storage space.

To put it bluntly, these things are not even tasteless to Lin Xiaoyao.

But after those monks got it, they all showed expressions of ecstasy.

I would like to thank Lin Xiaoyao for his generosity and generosity.

And it was obviously sincere, not sarcasm, which made Lin Xiaoyao feel a little embarrassed.

I really want to say that these things are of no value to me, they are rubbish.

But seeing how happy the people were, he didn't say anything in the end.

Otherwise, if you say this, although what you say is the truth, you will definitely be misunderstood as deliberately pretending to be coercive.

Why bother?

Well, as long as they like it.

This is a happy result.

Seeing a few people leave, Lin Xiaoyao also set off to leave.

He glanced back at the ruins behind him, and there was still a bit of reluctance in his eyes.

I really got a lot of benefits here.

His cultivation base improved by leaps and bounds, he was promoted to three levels in a row, and he also got Phoenix Skyfire.

If possible, Lin Xiaoyao didn't want to leave at all, but planned to continue to sign in here.

But this idea can only be thought about, because the system has already said that the fairy fate in this place has been exhausted, and you can only sign in once.


Lin Xiaoyao sighed, and finally turned around and left here.


after one day.

Lin Xiaoyao came to the front of a rolling mountain.

The mountain peaks are verdant and verdant, and very gorgeous pavilions and pavilions can be seen faintly, and the aura here is much stronger than other places.

Looking at the plaque in front of him, Lin Xiaoyao showed a strange look on his face.

He never dreamed that there would be a sect of cultivating immortals in the Valley of Immortal Fate.

After leaving the ruins yesterday, Lin Xiaoyao continued to search around in Xianyuan Valley.

Find the whereabouts of Xianyuan and Su Zhiyan.

It didn't take long for him to find him.

Someone had seen Su Zhiyan and provided him with a clue.

Lin Xiaoyao was overjoyed, so he quickly followed the map and flew over.

As a result, when they arrived, what caught their eyes was a very strange scene.

If you were in Yunzhou or other immortal cultivation interfaces, what you saw in front of you would of course not be surprising.

But don't forget that this place is in Xianyuan Valley!
It is said that the ancient secret realm, which is only opened once in thousands of years, is extremely dangerous.

It is simply unbelievable that there will be a sect of cultivating immortals here.

 Thank you for the reward of 200 coins that can reach the sky in half a step

(End of this chapter)

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