Chapter 190
The corners of Lin Xiaoyao's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a faint smile.

It seems a bit strange that the Feixianmen appears here.

But he was not surprised but happy.

This weird fairy gate was decided by himself, not only because he got the clue, Su Zhiyan was captured, someone saw with his own eyes, and she was brought here.

Naturally, people must be saved.

At the same time, in the depths of the main rudder of Feixianmen, Lin Xiaoyao also discovered a profound fairy fate and Taoism.

The opportunity to sign in has been refreshed!
Lin Xiaoyao certainly has no reason to let go of such a blessed place in front of him.

He planned to go to collect the wool, ah, no, he used this place to sign in.

Saving people is like putting out a fire. Lin Xiaoyao didn't intend to hide his whereabouts. He came here today to play games.

So, when he came to the foot of the mountain, Lin Xiaoyao slapped the prohibition in front of him.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

The mountain peaks in front of them collapsed directly and were razed to the ground.


A streak of colorful light emerged.

On this mountain peak, there are also some gorgeous buildings and monks' caves, which were destroyed at this moment, and all the immortal cultivators inside flew out.

Everyone looked terrified and very angry.

Then, they found Lin Xiaoyao.

However, no one scolded, or rushed to settle accounts with him.

Although they wished to take the soul out of the guy who ruined their own cave, they knew very well in their hearts that the opponent's strength was far superior to theirs, and they couldn't beat them at all, and it would only be humiliating to take revenge.

So there was no one who spoke harshly, and they all fled.

Simply neat!

One by one is too cowardly.

Such a choice, although surprising, is clearly correct.

"How cunning!"

Lin Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help but be amazed.

It's not that he hasn't been to other fairy gates to challenge before.

And more than once.

Tianmozong and Baiqiaoyuan were all razed to the ground by him.

When I came outside the mountain gates of those sects and broke the restriction, the immortal cultivators I met were all frightened and angry, shouting at me to kill.

They seem vicious, but they are actually a group of idiots, and the group of guys who know how to escape are obviously much more difficult to deal with...

With little knowledge, this Flying Immortal Sect is probably not trivial.

But Lin Xiaoyao is not afraid, he came here with his own body, and his strength is not what it used to be.

So the more remarkable this Feixianmen is, the more it will interest him.

I don't know what secrets are hidden here.

He had a hunch that signing in here would bring great benefits.

Of course, before that, Su Zhiyan had to be rescued first.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles. Although I lament that these guys know how to judge the situation and retreat immediately when the situation is wrong.

But from Lin Xiaoyao's point of view, of course he couldn't just watch them run away like this.

Want to escape, did you ask me?
So Lin Xiaoyao spoke with a relaxed tone: "You all come back to me."

Follow the law!
As soon as the words fell, the dozen or so immortal cultivators found out in horror that they obviously wanted to run away, but their bodies didn't obey their commands, and they flew towards the terrifying enemy.

How is this going?

They were bewildered.

Naturally, she wouldn't just tie her hands up, and quickly struggled desperately.

However, it was useless, and it was still very fast, and came to Lin Xiaoyao.

Then the sound of thumping continued into the ears, and these guys all knelt down.

Lin Xiaoyao: "..."

Lin Xiaoyao was speechless, these guys were too cowardly, he just used his words to stop them from escaping, but he didn't let these guys kneel down.

Don't you want to lose face?
"Senior, please be merciful. If you have anything to ask us, this junior will know everything and talk endlessly."

Lin Xiaoyao: "..."

Lin Xiaoyao was speechless again, well, I haven't said anything yet, and you all guessed it.

It is said that it is easy to deal with smart people, and the ancients did not deceive me.

"Okay, let's talk about the origin of Feixianmen."

Lin Xiaoyao ordered that he was naturally curious about the appearance of a sect of cultivating immortals in Xianyuan Valley.

"Seniors want to hear, but juniors naturally know everything."

The one who spoke was the most eloquent guy among the group.

The other party's cooperative attitude made Lin Xiaoyao even more satisfied.

So listen intently.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The group of guys who were kneeling in front of him just now, who were so cowardly, suddenly sacrificed their treasures at the same time, with a murderous look on their faces, and blasted towards Lin Xiaoyao.

Soldiers never tire of cheating!

It turned out that the reason they acted so cowardly was to confuse people and make Lin Xiaoyao relax his vigilance so that they could sneak attack.

All of a sudden, with a flash of inspiration, more than a dozen magic weapons of different shapes all slammed on him fiercely.

"Haha, you really deserve it."

"If you destroy Mo Mou's cave, you will have to pay for it with your life."


Laughter came to the ears, these people are very arrogant, although they are only immortal cultivators in the Tongxuan realm, but at such a short distance, if the opponent is hit by their magic weapon without any defense, even a true immortal will surely fall .

At least they were seriously injured and completely lost their combat effectiveness.

Who said that leapfrog challenges must rely on strength?

In the face of a strong enemy, the mind is the most important.

Seeing that the sneak attack was successful at this moment, it's no wonder these guys got carried away with complacency.


A sneer came into his ears.

Lin Xiaoyao felt that these guys were a little outrageous just now.

Even if you are timid, you are not so timid.

Now it seems that there is indeed a fraud.

It turned out that it was to lower my vigilance and defenses!

Hmph, really cunning.

But it's useless, their plot has been seen through by themselves.

What's more, even if you don't see it through, how can you hurt yourself with the strength of these guys in front of you?

Although it has to be said, their methods are still very clever.

Immortal cultivators are not demons after all, except for body refiners, their physical bodies are very fragile.

Even high-ranking true immortals would inevitably be seriously injured if they were hit by magic weapons of so many monks without any precautions.

But Lin Xiaoyao is different.

What the other party did was just playing tricks on others.

Not to mention that the opponent's magic weapon didn't hit him, even if it hit him ten thousand steps back, it would be useless.

Lin Xiaoyao's figure reappeared in situ, unscathed.

"No, run away!"

The sound of wild laughter stopped abruptly.

The dozens of immortal cultivators turned pale with shock, all of them showed expressions of fear.

Originally thought that his strategy of showing weakness to the enemy was flawless, and the sneak attack was successful.

Unexpectedly, it was a mayfly shaking the tree.

Since the other party is fine, then guess, will he let himself go?
"Escape, one who can escape is one."

They made the choice to flee in all directions, hoping that Lin Xiaoyao would take care of one thing and lose another, so that there would always be lucky people who could escape.

It's a pity that it's too naive.

Lin Xiaoyao raised his right hand and flicked his fingers slightly.

The foundation of the five elements, fireball!

A fist-sized ball of fire roared out.

Then it flashed against the wind and turned into dozens of smaller flames.

Also flying in all directions.

next moment.

The screams came to the ears, but soon stopped.

Lin Xiaoyao had clear grievances and grievances, and he might have been merciful at first, but the dozen or so guys just attacked him unexpectedly, which was an unforgivable crime, so he turned them all into ashes with flames.

"It turns out that the origin of Feixianmen is like this."

Lin Xiaoyao's face showed a hint of enlightenment.

While killing the opponent with the fire bomb technique just now, he also searched the souls of these dozen people by the way, so he easily obtained what he wanted to know.

Xianyuan Valley opens every 3000 years, and the entrance will not only appear in Yunzhou, but also in the Celestial Realm.

And this is only what he knows, maybe there are other worlds of cultivating immortals, and there will also be entrances to the Valley of Immortal Fate.

All in all, opportunities are rare, so every time there will be a large influx of immortal cultivators, looking for opportunities or treasures here.

But there are very few lucky ones.

Only one or two can come out alive every time, and they don't know what happened in Xianyuan Valley, and they all forget it inexplicably.

So everyone took it for granted that those who failed to come out in time had already fallen.

One of the important evidences is that the primordial lamp they left in the sect was extinguished.

Therefore, such speculation has always been recognized by the entire world of cultivating immortals, and no one has ever doubted it.

But this is not the case.

The Immortal Valley is indeed dangerous. Every time there are immortal cultivators who come to take risks, many people will die, but there are definitely not only one or two who survive.

On the contrary, quite a lot.

It's just that Xianyuan Valley is easy to get in and hard to get out, and most people will be stranded in it.

As for why, although they were clearly alive, the primordial lamps left in the sect would go out, no one knew the reason.

As for the cultivators who stayed here, they could only continue to live in the Immortal Fate Valley.

Continue to practice, continue to hunt for treasure, of course, there are often fights between each other.

In order to allow themselves to survive better here, the cultivators naturally began to join forces here.

Obviously it was only a temporary alliance, but as time went by, one after another sects of cultivating immortals gradually formed.

fight each other.

And every time the entrance of Xianyuan Valley is opened, a large number of immortal cultivators will pour in, bringing them new disciples.

In this way, the battle lasted for tens of thousands of years, and finally Feixianmen became the victor with the last laugh.

Although the other sects of cultivating immortals have not been completely wiped out, they are still in a state of dying.

"It turned out to be a sect formed by those foreign monks."

Lin Xiaoyao was talking to himself, with a pensive look on his face.

In this case, the Feixian sect is probably much stronger than the Xiuxian sect in the usual sense.

This sect does not have low-level immortal cultivators at the Qi-refining and foundation-building level, and the entire sect is almost entirely composed of high-level monks.

Things have changed over time, so many years have passed, this sect has been staying in Xianyuan Valley, and I don't know how many opportunities and treasures have been scoured.

There are probably countless masters in the door.

After all, those who go out can become immortals, and those who stay here will get more opportunities and treasures, and their strength is naturally conceivable.

By the way, how many treasures are there in Xianyuan Valley?

It can be provided to so many immortal cultivators to practice and search, but it has been inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Originally, Lin Xiaoyao thought that this secret realm might be left behind by a golden fairy, but now it seems that he may have underestimated it.

He felt awe in his heart, and he took a higher look at the strength of the Feixianmen.

Of course, high expectations are high expectations, but Lin Xiaoyao is not afraid.

On the contrary, I am more and more looking forward to the check-in at the other party's main helm.

He believes that the harvest must be no small matter.

He didn't know why the other party arrested Su Zhiyan.

Is it because she took a fancy to Su Yatou's aptitude for cultivating immortals, or is there some other reason?
Lin Xiaoyao didn't delve into it.

After dismantling the other party's main rudder, it is naturally clear.

Then he raised his head.

I saw that startling rainbow flying in front of me.

The speed is very fast, and it is in front of you in the blink of an eye.

The light converged, revealing an old man with gray hair. Although his face was wrinkled, he was hale and hearty.

Immortal cultivator of the fifth level of true immortality.

Lin Xiaoyao's eyes lit up.

Fortunately, when I killed those guys with fire bombs, I used the soul-absorbing technique by the way, and learned about the origin of Feixianmen, otherwise I would be very surprised to see such a master suddenly.

It seems that things are similar to what I guessed, there are indeed many strong people in Feixianmen.

However, the fifth level of true immortals should have certain strength and status in this Feixianmen.

Lin Xiaoyao was thinking.

The other party also came in front of him.

Looking at the collapsed mountain gate and the razed mountain peak, a trace of ferocity flashed across the opponent's face.

"court death."

Then he raised his right hand, and a sword light slashed towards Lin Xiaoyao.

Facing this scene, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help flashing a look of surprise on his face.

This buddy is not bad, he doesn't talk too much.

Unlike those villains, they just go on and on.

This one is capable of hands-on work, and doesn't say a word of nonsense, which suits my personality quite well.

It's a pity that he is a little overwhelmed. For a cultivator of the same level, Lin Xiaoyao's instant kill is still like playing?

Facing the radiant sword light, he didn't even bother to do anything, so he just breathed out.


A breeze blew by.

Then, that sword glow disappeared.

The old man's eyes widened, and his first reaction was that he was wrong.

"Impossible, could it be that I'm hallucinating?"

However, this thought was only fleeting.

Then he was startled all over and fled.

Lin Xiaoyao: "..."

Lin Xiaoyao was dumbfounded, but couldn't help admiring this guy's quick response.

Seeing that the situation is slightly wrong, he immediately runs away. In short, if he can avoid putting himself in danger, he will never put himself in danger.

Such decisiveness almost made Lin Xiaoyao admire him.

He found that the immortal cultivators of Feixianmen were not only powerful, but also very cunning.

Never die!

In the face of danger, you can always make the right choice.

Maybe it's because they have been staying in Xianyuan Valley and often hunt for treasures in the secret realm, so they are so vigilant.

However, do you still want to run here?

"It's indecent to come and not to go, and Lin also sent a sword light."

With a flick of Lin Xiaoyao's sleeve, the aura was dazzling, and at some point, a sword glow flew out from his sleeve.

Immediately, the sky and the earth changed color, and they slashed forward at an astonishing speed.

"not good!"

Missed just now.

The old man had already seen that the person coming was no small matter, and he didn't intend to fight recklessly, so he chose to run away.

Unexpectedly, the other party would not let him go.

Without hesitation, he took out his sword and cut like himself.

Naturally, he could see that this sword possessed astonishing power, and he didn't want to take it hard, but it was too late to dodge it.


A trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

But soon his expression became determined.

I want to perform mysteries.


next moment.

A "poof" came into the ears, and blood splashed out, this guy had been cut in half.

Old man: "..."

This guy is dying.

He made a decision obviously fast enough, but how could he have imagined that the ray of sword light released by the opponent did not talk about martial ethics.

Flying, flying suddenly accelerated, so he had no time to react, and was hanged directly.

"So weak."

"This cultivator at the fifth level of the True Immortal is too weak. He shouldn't be able to cultivate the kind of supernatural powers that are easy to advance but weak in strength!"

Lin Xiaoyao complained in his heart.

Fortunately, the old man did not know.

Otherwise, even if he didn't fall, he would still be pissed off.

Where is your weakness?

Among the monks of the same level, he is already considered the best.

Obviously you are the monster.

Too strong!

Lin Xiaoyao didn't think too much about it, just made a casual remark, and put the other party's storage bag into the system space.

Regardless of whether it is used or not, the treasures inside must be kept first.

Then it continued to fly forward.

After flying for a while, Lin Xiaoyao stopped the light.

There was an odd smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although the scene in front of him has not changed, he feels that he has fallen into the formation.

"It's interesting, this formation can actually put itself into it silently."


At this moment, outside the formation, several monks are watching.

"Hey, why did he stop?"

"Still looking left and right, could it be that you have already found yourself falling into the formation?"

"Hmph, according to me, why is it so troublesome? The few of us can kill this guy easily, why use the formation to trap it?"

On the side, there was also a voice of disdain reaching the ears. Obviously, some people felt that doing so was superfluous.

"Don't be careless, Junior Brother Tie died in the hands of this guy just now, and he only used one sword."

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into silence.

Although Junior Brother Tie's strength is slightly weaker than theirs, but he is also a cultivator of the fifth level of true immortality. It is really scary to think about it.

It was precisely because of this that senior brother Liang thought of trapping him with a formation.

And the reason for doing this is because they don't want to win and defeat the enemy, they just want to delay time.

From their point of view, the powerful enemy in front of them is no small matter, and it is better to find a way to delay it than to take the risk and fight him personally.

The master master is retreating, but it will end soon. After he leaves the customs, he should be able to deal with this guy easily, so people like himself don't have to take risks easily.

Different from the immortal cultivators outside, the cultivators in the Immortal Fate Valley often explore in the secret realm, so they are very knowledgeable about how to save their lives in the face of danger.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, they will not risk their lives.

In the current situation, if it was placed in another sect, and someone attacked the sect, the monks of this sect must be fighting against each other, and they would not back down even in the face of a strong enemy. guy.

But these monks of Feixianmen are different.

After realizing that Lin Xiaoyao was not easy to mess with, what they thought was delaying, waiting for the master master to come out, and wait for him to deal with this guy, so that they would not have to take risks.

 Thank you for the reward of 100 coins that can reach the sky in half a step

(End of this chapter)

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