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Chapter 191 The top powerhouse on the 8th floor of the true immortal

Chapter 191 The Top Expert of the Eighth Level of True Immortal

This kind of problem-solving thinking, other sects of cultivating immortals will not have, in a word... It's too embarrassing.

But the monks of Feixianmen took it for granted.

Safeguard yourself!

For them, nothing is worth their own lives.

Obviously, you can defeat a powerful enemy without taking risks, so why do you want to join in so stupidly?

That's why they chose to trap Lin Xiaoyao with a formation to delay time.

This formation is no small matter, they have tried it themselves, once they are trapped, it is very difficult for them to find out.

They thought that at least they could control their opponents for a few days.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiaoyao found out easily in a blink of an eye.

What does this mean?
It shows that the opponent's strength is far superior to his own.

What should we do now?
Several elders of Feixianmen looked at each other in blank dismay.


Just looking at each other, these guys immediately made the same decision.

Since he has repeatedly determined that the other party is not easy to mess with, it would be foolish to stay and fight the other party.

They don't want to die.

Now there is only one way left, and that is to find the real master, as long as the master makes a move, he can definitely suppress this guy easily.

In this way, they don't have to take any risks.

No, there are risks too.

That is to disturb the sect master's retreat, the sect master will be very angry, but compared with his own life, a little punishment is definitely worth it.

This is the principle of the lesser of two evils.

These guys quickly made a choice, escaping one by one faster.

They had just walked for a few breaths when there was a loud thunderous sound in the air.

Then the void shook, and the vitality of the world became extremely chaotic. Lin Xiaoyao broke out, and his figure reappeared in sight.

Seeing this scene, several monks of Feixianmen were shocked and ran away even more vigorously. At the same time, they secretly sighed in their hearts that they chose to escape, and it was indeed right.

This kid in front of him is too powerful, if the formation in front of him is replaced by an immortal cultivator of the fifth level of true immortality, he will not be able to break it within half a day.

How did he escape in an instant?

Could it be that this guy is still a formation master?
Thinking of this, the elders of Feixianmen fled more and more quickly. They felt that this kid was unfathomable, and they couldn't figure out his details.

In this case, they are more and more unwilling to risk themselves.

Don't laugh at them as timid as mice, they just cherish their lives.

You know, when they entered the Immortal Fate Valley, they were just ordinary cultivators, and then they stayed here all the time, working hard, looking for opportunities and treasures everywhere, and now they have finally become true immortals.

Although his strength is much stronger than before, he has become more cautious when encountering problems.

Because they still want to go further on the road of cultivating immortals!

Not to mention becoming a golden immortal, but at least one must become a high-level true immortal, so as to gain more lifespan.

In a word, the stronger the strength, the more afraid of death you become!

What's more, they don't think there is anything wrong with what they do. There is a real master who can easily suppress this guy, so why should they risk themselves?
No need, no point, it would be stupid to do that!

With this thought in mind, they each showed their special abilities, one by one escaping faster than the other.

Lin Xiaoyao was speechless, okay?

It's not that he hasn't challenged the head helm of other sects of cultivating immortals.

Playing the court is far more than once.

However, such a thing has never been encountered.

All of them cherish their lives too much, and if their knowledge is wrong, they will run away.

No matter how high or low the cultivation base is, it's all like this.

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't laugh or cry.

Like breaking out of the formation at this moment, I originally thought that those guys would become angry and immediately besiege me, but I never expected that they would grease the soles of their shoes, but chose to run away at the first time.

How afraid of death is this?

If that's the case, why bother to catch Su Zhiyan and provoke him.

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help complaining secretly in his heart.

But having said that, he does not take the enemy lightly.

The more these guys act like they are afraid of death, the harder it is to deal with them.

On the contrary, those simple-minded guys who only know how to fight and kill are not a threat.

Of course, Lin Xiaoyao would not let these guys escape from his eyes.

He glanced away.

It was found that although these guys were fleeing, they chose different directions.

Hmph, it really is more cunning than imagined.

Is this to make yourself care about one thing and lose another?

There was a hint of a smile on the corner of Lin Xiaoyao's mouth.

Among the supernatural powers I know, it's not that there are no large-scale attack spells. Since these guys are so afraid of death, let them learn more.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyao raised his right hand and moved a little forward at will, but it enveloped all directions.

"Look at the trick, you can snap your finger at the old lady!"

Although the elders of Feixianmen were running away, they were still watching and listening.

They knew that Lin Xiaoyao would not let them go, so they were always on guard against the opponent's sneak attack.

See the opponent make a move at this moment.

All the elders also sacrificed the defense measures they had prepared.

There are magic weapons, talismans, and spells...

The means are different, but they are all extremely mysterious.

Since these guys cherish their lives and are afraid of death, of course they dare not hide their clumsiness in this situation, and they all go all out.

However, it was useless. If Lin Xiaoyao was using spells, these defensive methods would still be somewhat useful.

But in the face of supernatural powers, it seems that all the efforts are just futile struggles.

Following Lin Xiaoyao's pointing out, they didn't feel any pain, but the next moment, exclamations came one after another.

"Impossible, why am I getting old?"

"Shouyuan, Shouyuan is rapidly disappearing."

"What kind of spell is this?"


Not one person was shocked, but everyone panicked.

Although the elders of the flying fairies fled in all directions on purpose, none of them managed to escape smoothly. They all fell under Lin Xiaoyao's snapping fingers.

Feeling that their lifespan was passing away quickly, they were startled and angry.

The reason why these people are so cowardly is that they don't want to take risks and hope to live longer, but they didn't expect it to be the opposite.

At this moment, their hearts were naturally filled with fear to the extreme.

But of course they wouldn't sit still, they hurriedly displayed their magical powers, trying to fight against the passing of Shouyuan, but found that it had no effect at all.

Everyone panicked, and then made a choice unanimously.

They all flew back, then knelt down to Lin Xiaoyao and begged for mercy.

"Senior, spare your life, and show mercy."

"As long as senior let me go, I will remember your great kindness and virtue, and I am willing to do my best for you."


Lin Xiaoyao was unmoved, these guys were shameless and cunning, he didn't believe a single word they said.

I have never seen such a thick-skinned immortal cultivator, and Lin Xiaoyao naturally despises them.

"Ms. Lin came here to find someone. This woman was captured by you, and now she is dead or alive. Where is she locked up?"

Lin Xiaoyao didn't talk nonsense, and directly typed out a spell, and a flash of inspiration flashed in the sky, and Su Zhiyan's figure appeared in everyone's eyes.

Lifelike, lifelike.

"This person……"

The elders hurriedly raised their heads, saying that when they saw Su Zhiyan's phantom clearly, they couldn't help being startled, and they all showed puzzled expressions.

After a while, he opened his mouth carefully.

"Senior, we have never seen this fellow Taoist in front of us. Are you sure she was taken away by a cultivator?"

"Senior, did you make a mistake?"

"That's right, if our sect really arrested this girl, we as elders should have heard some news, but there is nothing like this."


The chattering voices came to the ears again, but at this moment, there was a dazed look on the faces of everyone.

No lie!

Lin Xiaoyao raised his brows, and then frowned slightly. He could see that what these people were telling was the truth. In this situation, as long as they were not stupid, they would never dare to use lies to prevaricate themselves.

Then this thing seemed a little weird.

Because the reason why Lin Xiaoyao came here to look for someone was because he got very accurate information.

He can be sure that he is not mistaken.

Su Zhiyan must have been captured by the monks of Feixianmen.

Unexpectedly, even the elders in front of him didn't know, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help but became more and more worried about the safety of Su Yatou.

Saving people is like putting out a fire, and we cannot delay here.

With this thought turning in his mind, Lin Xiaoyao ignored the cries and begging for mercy of the elders in front of him.

All together.

Continue to fly forward.

As for these guys in front of him, he had forgotten them intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing Lin Xiaoyao ignoring him, these people not only did not feel amnesty, but the expressions on their faces became more and more frightened.

Because they feel that the loss of longevity is getting faster and faster.

If it continues like this, it won't be long before they will all perish, because their lifespan is exhausted, and they will sit here and die of old age.


"I fought with you."


While these people were terrified, a look of extreme resentment flashed in their eyes.

They hated Lin Xiaoyao to the bone.

The reason why he begged for mercy just now was to deceive the other party and remove the terrible spell.

I didn't expect the other party to ignore it.

Now that they have nowhere to go, they naturally don't want to just sit and wait for death.

Don't think they are really timid, they just didn't need to work hard just now.

Now that there is no hope of survival, they have dropped their disguise.

"Asshole, I'm fighting with you."

"The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken."

"You really think that you can kill so many of our immortal cultivators by yourself, boy, you are too arrogant, you will pay the price."


Along with the roar, these guys also staged a scene for Lin Xiaoyao, what it means to turn one's face is like turning a book.

They were still begging a moment ago, but seeing that Lin Xiaoyao ignored him, they immediately shouted and killed him, trying to kill him.

And these guys, of course, were not just clamoring, the next moment, they viciously sacrificed their magic weapon.

For a time, swords, guns, swords and halberds.

There were also some magic weapons with extremely strange shapes, and they all rushed towards Lin Xiaoyao.

No reservations whatsoever.

Obviously, when these guys are desperate, they really want to fight to the death.

Trapped beasts are still fighting!

However, the fighting power that these guys exploded out of despair is also extremely astonishing.

All kinds of magic weapons and numerous spells covered Lin Xiaoyao's face.


Lin Xiaoyao turned a blind eye.

It's as if you didn't see it.

He was so arrogant that the elders of Feixianmen were shocked and angry. The other party actually looked down on him so much?
However, the next moment, a scene that shocked them all happened.

There was no sign at all, and the rate at which their lifespan was lost suddenly increased tenfold.

Lin Xiaoyao's strength is not what it used to be. Of course, the power of all kinds of magical powers he has mastered has also increased. Now that he has been hit by his own confidant, how can these guys in front of him have the ability to resist?

Their fate has long been in Lin Xiaoyao's hands.

Letting these guys fall was effortless for him, just a thought flashed in his mind.

With the loss of life insurance, the mana of those people also quickly withered, and there was not much left.

In this way, no matter whether it is the magical powers they cast or the treasures they sacrificed, they are no longer useful.

Before flying to Lin Xiaoyao's body, the spiritual light fell down dimly.

As for the dozen or so elders of Feixianmen, although their faces were full of resignation, but until now, they have no way to recover.

Shouyuan was exhausted, and they all perished.


There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of Lin Xiaoyao's mouth.

It has to be said that these guys are very cunning, but their strengths are very different, and any conspiracy is useless in front of him.

But it's self-inflicted humiliation.

With a lift of his hand, he took away the storage bags of more than a dozen guys.

Then it continued to fly forward.

Unhindered all the way.

More than a dozen elders all died, and the news spread quickly. Under such circumstances, how could other monks of Feixianmen dare to stroke the tiger's beard?

Instead, the guys are running faster than the other.

Lin Xiaoyao was also speechless.

The immortal cultivators of this school are not good at fighting with others, but how to save their lives.

Seeing the great disparity in strength, there was not even a single person standing up to stop him. These guys seemed to be waiting for the master to make a move.

It seemed that although they were terrified of themselves, they had full confidence in the sect's leader.

After catching a few guys to perform the Soul Containing Technique and getting such a result, Lin Xiaoyao didn't bother to continue bumping here like a chicken without a head.

After asking about the cave of the head of the Feixianmen, he turned into a ray of light and flew over in an open and honest manner.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
What's more, the other cultivators who should be sent seem to really have no idea where Su Zhiyan is being imprisoned!
In this case, Lin Xiaoyao had no choice but to find trouble with the head of the other party.

The head of the Feixian Sect has a mysterious origin, and no one knows what his cultivation level is.

Along the way, Lin Xiaoyao collected the souls of several immortal cultivators, but the information he got was all exactly the same.

This thing is a little weird.

It has never been heard that the leader of any sect actually wants to hide his strength from his disciples.

This Feixian sect is really different from the ordinary cultivating sect.

However, as the leader of a faction, the other party is definitely not an easy person.

The Feixian sect has faced crisis several times, and it was always the head of the sect who took the initiative and defeated the powerful enemy with ease.

So although it is mysterious, its power is beyond doubt.

This is why, knowing that Lin Xiaoyao is not easy to mess with, the monks of Feixianmen still have full confidence in him.

At present, Lin Xiaoyao only has so much information.

Although the head of the Feixian Sect is not easy to provoke, Lin Xiaoyao is not afraid, Su Zhiyan must be saved.

In the worst case, soldiers will come to block, and water will come to cover him. He is still confident in his own strength.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the place where Fang Fang's cave is located is the place where Dao Yun's affinity for immortality is the strongest in the main rudder of Feixianmen.

So go here, save people and sign in.

In this way, Lin Xiaoyao has nothing to hesitate.

Because he didn't encounter any obstacles along the way, it only took Lin Xiaoyao a short time to arrive at the destination.

"Is this the cave of the head of Feixianmen?"

He looked at the mountain in front of him, and it really was a rare paradise.

Xianyuan Dao Yun is extremely profound.

Lin Xiaoyao was very satisfied.

However, he didn't rush to sign in right away. There were priorities, and he planned to deal with the powerful enemy in front of him first.

He glanced at the cave on the mountainside.

Lin Xiaoyao raised his right hand, and with a flick of his sleeve, a horrific sword light emerged, stretching hundreds of feet long, like a cave on the mountainside.

This is his greeting gift to the other party.

Now that he has broken his face with Feixianmen, of course Lin Xiaoyao will not be polite to him. If he dares to arrest Su Zhiyan, he must have the awareness of being revenged by himself. Lin Xiaoyao has never been a big-hearted cultivator.

People don't offend me, I don't offend people.

Dare to take the initiative to provoke, my revenge will make you doubt your life.

At the same time, inside the cave.

An old man in green robe opened his eyes.

There was a trace of anger and resentment in his eyes.

I have reached a critical moment in my cultivation, and I will be able to break through the eighth floor of the real fairyland immediately.

Unexpectedly, a strong enemy came at this time.

The elders and disciples of our sect are really a bunch of trash!
It seems that I have to teach them a good lesson this time, otherwise I will always be so greedy for life and fear of death, and count on myself every time I encounter a crisis, so what use does the existence of Feixianmen have for me?
But anger turned to anger, seeing Lin Xiaoyao slash out fiercely with his sword, but there was not much fear in his eyes.

He is very clear about the character of the disciples of this sect, so he has already arranged countless killing arrays around this cave.

The other party released a sword light casually, but it was just asking for trouble.

Hmph, even if he tried his best, it would not be so easy to break through the formation in front of him.

So there is enough time. In his opinion, he still has time to break through the eighth layer of the real fairyland.

So while continuing to practice, he merged a ray of distraction into the numerous killing formations outside the cave.

Immediately, there was a great inspiration, and the sound of rumbling thunder kept coming out of the ears.

I saw that his cave was surrounded by layers of light curtains.

The multiple killing formations all appeared, constantly evolving and merging...

Afterwards, a huge ax with a length of one hundred feet turned out to be slashed fiercely like Lin Xiaoyao's sword light.

Attack is the best defense!

This heavy killing array can not only block the opponent's attack, but even help him kill the powerful enemy in front of him.

A smile appeared on the corner of the old man's mouth.


next moment.

Jian Guang made contact with the giant axe.

An incredible scene happened.

The rumbling sound came to the ears, and the ax looked menacing, but it was vulnerable and was easily chopped into pieces by the sword light.

Not only that, but the layers of formations outside his cave also began to shatter and collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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