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Chapter 192 The Treasure Beyond the True Immortal Realm

Chapter 192 The Treasure Beyond the True Immortal Realm

The head of Feixianmen suddenly changed color, with a shocked expression on his face.

The formation of his cave is not trivial, even a high-level true immortal, it is not so easy to break through, and just now, the opponent just released a sword light.

This guy is not to be underestimated!
Fortunately, he still has cards.

The green-robed old man was still sitting in the middle of the cave, but a broken talisman suddenly lit up in front of him.


However, it is not an ordinary talisman.

This is the most precious treasure he found in countless expeditions in Xianyuan Valley.

He has helped him out of danger many times.

This talisman was left by a golden immortal.

It's a pity that he has used it many times during these long years, and now there is very little mana left in it.

But it doesn't matter.

Although he can only use it for the last time, he believes that this talisman can still protect him for several days, and the time he buys is enough for him to advance.


The next moment, the residual talisman ignited spontaneously without wind, turning into a light curtain, protecting the entire cave.


A smile appeared on the face of the green-robed old man.

At the same time, the sword light that Lin Xiaoyao just casually released has already broken through like a bamboo at this moment, clearing away all the layers of restrictions outside his cave.

Then, he finally bumped into the light curtain transformed by the talisman.

A loud noise reached the ears.

The light curtain swayed fiercely, but the sword light still failed to break through, the power was exhausted, and it turned into a little bit of starlight and dissipated.

"Can it shake the defense of the talisman?"

The green-robed old man's eyes were full of astonishment, and he felt that he really underestimated the other party.

Although at this moment, the power in the talisman is running out, but after all, it is left by the great power of the Golden Immortal.

Could it be that this seemingly casual blow was actually his most powerful stunt?

Well, it must be so.

After all, everything can not just look at the appearance.

This kid is so cunning, who would have thought that the sword light he released casually is actually his most powerful stunt, if the opponent is a little careless, he might really be beheaded here.

The head of Feixianmen began to think about it, with a sneer on his face, thinking that he had seen through Lin Xiaoyao's trick.


Lin Xiaoyao's expression was quite surprised when he saw that the sword light he released had already broken through the layers of restrictions outside the cave, but was blocked by a new light curtain in the end.

Although the power contained in the sword light is not much left after breaking the numerous restrictions, it is definitely not something that can be blocked by ordinary defense methods.

The feeling of the light curtain in front of me is completely different from the formation restriction just now.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and released his consciousness.

Immediately, a playful look appeared on Lin Xiaoyao's face.

On this light curtain, he felt a power far higher than that of a true immortal.

Strictly speaking, in fact, the mana contained in this light curtain is not much, but the quality is ridiculously high.

It is definitely not something that ordinary true immortals can have.

Could this be a treasure related to Jinxian?
Lin Xiaoyao suddenly had a guess in his mind.

He had originally guessed that the Immortal Fate Valley might be related to the Golden Immortal, so it didn't feel so strange that a treasure of this level appeared now.

"Although it is a power beyond the level of a true fairy, it is too presumptuous to stop Lin with a mere treasure."

Lin Xiaoyao was talking to himself, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, just to try his magic power.

Let's see what kind of result it will be if we face things at the Jinxian level with our own strength.

This thought turned in his mind, he raised his right hand, and punched directly towards the light curtain in front of him.

"This kid really doesn't know how to live or die!"

In the cave mansion, the old man in green robe had a look of disdain on his face.

Although he is cultivating with all his strength at this moment, preparing to break through the realm, he has also separated a wisp of divine consciousness, so he can clearly see everything that happened outside the cave.

This has no effect on him, the supernatural powers he cultivated can be used in two ways.

Seeing that Lin Xiaoyao used his fist to hit the light curtain transformed by the Golden Immortal Talisman, he suddenly felt ridiculous.

At the same time, I couldn't help being ecstatic.

He didn't think the opponent's punch would be useful.

On the contrary, not only would it not be of any use, but the punch would bounce back ten times and a hundred times, causing the kid to suffer the consequences and suffer heavy injuries.

He was looking forward to seeing Lin Xiaoyao deflated.

Lin Xiaoyao's punch looked ordinary, but the moment he touched the light curtain transformed by the talisman, it exploded with terrifying power.

As if countless thunderbolts exploded in his ears at the same time, the green-robed old man was unprepared at all, and was almost thrown into a trance by the shock.

There was a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

The light curtain transformed by the Golden Immortal Talisman began to shake violently like a candle in the wind.


The old man couldn't help but opened his eyes.

Practice has been interrupted.

Although he understands that he should not be affected by external objects at this moment.

But the problem is not being able to bear it.

The power of the opponent's punch is too amazing!

It made him unable to turn a blind eye, and raised his head involuntarily.

Fortunately, the treasures left behind by Jinxian were not trivial, and finally blocked the attack of this punch.

But soon, an inexplicable sense of weightlessness came from around.

This surprised him, and he hurriedly let out his divine sense and wandered around.

Then found out.

The mountain where his cave was located has disappeared.

Was moved to the ground.

The power of the opponent's punch just now was extremely terrifying, the light curtain transformed by the Golden Immortal Talisman only protected his cave.

As for the mountain peak, it was affected by the aftermath of this punch, and the whole mountain was turned into dust.

Without the support of the mountain peak, his cave naturally fell down. Although protected by the light curtain, he was unscathed, but such a scene still made the old man in green robe extremely angry.

He felt that what the other party did was slapping himself in the face on purpose.

But apart from anger, there was also a trace of fear on his face.

The opponent's punch just now was too terrifying!
It looks unremarkable, but it possesses terrifying power, almost unable to support the light curtain transformed by the golden immortal talisman.

The scene just now has been deeply imprinted in his mind.

I must break through the realm of the eighth level of the true immortal, otherwise I might not be able to beat this kid.

He closed his eyes again, and restrained his consciousness at the same time, and even took back that ray of distraction.

The old man decided not to be influenced by the outside world, and devoted himself to cultivation, striving to break through the bottleneck in the shortest possible time.

On the face of it, doing so seems extremely risky.

But he has full confidence in the Golden Immortal Talisman. After all, it is a treasure left by the Golden Immortal. Although there is not much power left in it, this kid will never break it within three to five days.

And this time is enough for him to advance.

In this regard, he is full of confidence.

Seeing that one punch failed to break the light curtain, Lin Xiaoyao raised his brows slightly. The treasure of the Golden Immortal level is indeed very important. It seems that ordinary attacks will not be of much use to it.

Forget it, how about trying the power of supernatural powers?
Although Lin Xiaoyao felt that even with a normal attack, it was not really impossible to break the light curtain in front of him, but it would definitely take a lot of effort.

The point is, it's completely unnecessary!
There is obviously an easier way, why make it so complicated?

The next moment, Lin Xiaoyao raised his right hand.

Put your five fingers together and it turns into a hand knife.

Then he raised his right hand high, and gently swung it down towards the front.


Following his movements, a ten-foot-long light blade emerged.

In a flash, it flew towards the light curtain in front at an extremely fast speed.

The green-robed old man had restrained all his spiritual thoughts and wanted to practice hard.

He has full confidence in the light curtain transformed by the Golden Immortal Talisman.

However, he had just practiced kung fu for a moment, and suddenly his heart jumped, and an uncontrollable panic filled his heart.

An inexplicable feeling of panic.


He couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

How dare you turn a blind eye to such spiritual omens?
He raised his head in astonishment and doubt.

Then he saw that bright light blade cutting towards his cave.

What is this?
The pupils of the green-robed old man narrowed slightly, both surprised and puzzled.

On the surface of the light blade, he didn't feel the surging magic power.

Where did the fear and anxiety in my heart come from?
He was puzzled, but his face couldn't help but become more dignified.

It should be noted that when one's strength has reached his level, spiritual omens in one's mind seldom go wrong.

And the strength of this guy in front of him is no small matter, so I must not be careless.

He was hesitating whether to hide or not, the light blade had already slashed fiercely on the light curtain transformed by the Golden Immortal Talisman.


There was no sign at all, the light curtain suddenly shattered and collapsed.

Lin Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

Worthy of supernatural powers!
This air-piercing flash is really awesome, and the spatial cracks it creates can't be blocked even by treasures at the Golden Immortal level.

Of course, this is also because there is not much power left in the talisman, otherwise, relying on the difference in the realms of the two sides, they can still resist one or two grounds barely.

But no if.

But in an instant, the light curtain was completely shattered and turned into nothingness.

And that space crack remained unabated, continuing to slash forward fiercely.

"not good!"

The old man in green robe broke out in cold sweat.

There was a look of disbelief on his face.

What is the origin of this kid?
Even the Golden Immortal Talisman couldn't stop it.

There was a look of extreme fear on his face, seeing the light blade slashing towards him, he didn't dare to take it head-on, he immediately flew towards the slanting stab with green light all over his body, trying to avoid it.

His reaction was not to be described as swift.

But it was still a step too late.


A scream came to his ears. Although he managed to avoid the vitals, he was still cut off with one arm and trembling with pain, but his life was finally saved.

His face was terrified.

A trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

But he turned around and left immediately.

Lin Xiaoyao: "..."

Lin Xiaoyao was speechless.

The monks of Feixianmen have a temper.

Run away if you can't fight, cowardly enough.

Ordinary disciples are just timid, but I didn't expect even the master to be like this.

This made Lin Xiaoyao unable to complain.

But of course he would not let the other party escape.

It wasn't that he was afraid of letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and there would be endless troubles, but that he hadn't gotten Su Ziyan's whereabouts from the other party's mouth.

So Lin Xiaoyao stood in front of the opponent with a flash.

"Boy, don't bully people too much."

There was a look of resentment on the face of the green-robed old man.

Not only was he cut off an arm, but his plan to break through the bottleneck was also broken.

In this case, he is prone to inner demons, and the next time he wants to break through, the difficulty will definitely be doubled. Why doesn't he hate Lin Xiaoyao so much?
However, the other party could easily break even Jinxian's talisman, which made him very afraid.

So even though he wished to take this kid out of his soul, he didn't dare to rush up and do it.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!

He didn't think it was cowardly to give in at this time, in his opinion, he had to wait until he was sure before taking revenge on this kid.

"Hand over Su Zhiyan, and I'll let you go."

After Lin Xiaoyao finished speaking, he used a formula, and Su Zhiyan's figure once again appeared in the void.

"You came to the chief helm of our sect to save people?"

The other party glanced at Su Zhiyan, but did not deny her existence.

"Where is she? Give her to me, and I will spare your life."

Lin Xiaoyao said lightly, with a sincere expression on his face.

Of course, this is all a lie.

When the other party handed over Su Ziyan, he would definitely kill this guy without hesitation.

Now that the two sides have forged a deep blood feud, if they don't kill the grass and roots, are they still waiting for the other party to take revenge?

Lin Xiaoyao is not stupid, he doesn't know how to behave like a woman.

Of course, his acting skills are absolutely excellent, and the other party must not be able to see any flaws.

"Boy, it turns out that you are just wishful thinking to save that girl. Do you think you can get out of this sect alive?"

Lin Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

If the other party is just unwilling to hand over Su Zhiyan, he can understand.

Originally, Lin Xiaoyao never thought that the trip would go smoothly, but to his surprise, the other party not only refused to hand over the person to him, but also uttered threatening words.

This is a little strange.

Where did he get the courage?
Didn't this guy just want to escape?
Why did he suddenly become brave again, no, he became arrogant?

This made Lin Xiaoyao feel very strange.

Does the old guy in front of him have any cards?
"Don't say it, okay, I'd like to see, how long can you be so stubborn?"

Lin Xiaoyao didn't bother to analyze why the other party suddenly changed his attitude, and became arrogant and tough for no reason.

Instead of guessing, doing it directly is the best choice.

Teach this guy a good lesson, he doesn't want to say, at worst, he can directly use the soul search technique.

"Wait a minute."

However, just as he was about to make a move, the other party suddenly stopped.

"Why, did you change your mind and plan to talk again?"

Lin Xiaoyao had a half-smile look on his face.

Although the other party was talking harshly just now, he has already seen the thick skin of the monks of Feixianmen.

So if the other party suddenly slaps him in the face, he won't be surprised.

"No, I just hope you give me some time to heal my wounds. I just had an arm cut off, and the blood hasn't stopped yet."

"The two of us will fight next, don't you want a fair duel?"

Lin Xiaoyao: "..."

Lin Xiaoyao was speechless.

This guy really thinks of himself as a fool?
There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "You want to delay time, do you really think I can't see it?"

"Forget it, I can wait with you, but you have to take my trick first."

"Look at the trick, you can snap your finger at the old lady."

After Lin Xiaoyao finished speaking, he pointed forward.

Since the other party wants to play tricks, let him reap the consequences.


The old man in green robe suddenly felt a huge crisis.

It was too late to escape.

So he made a formula with both hands, gathered all his magic power, and defended with all his strength.

But he didn't guard against it, and he was still hit by a magical power.

And then... he starts to age.

But Lin Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

He felt that the prestige of Hongyan Lao had been weakened a lot.

It seems that supernatural powers are not indefensible.

The same is true.

Otherwise, wouldn't he be invincible with this move?

However, although Lin Xiaoyao was not satisfied, as his enemy, the old man in green robe panicked even more.

He felt that his lifespan was passing quickly.

what happened?

What kind of spell is this?
Is it a hallucination?

I have never heard of any secret method in the world of cultivating immortals that can directly reduce the lifespan of others.

This is too outrageous!
But he only felt it for a while, and found that this was not an illusion, his lifespan was indeed decreasing.

This is simply unbearable for the cultivators who are looking for the road to eternal life.

There was an expression of extreme fear on his face at first, but then it was replaced by anger and resentment, and he shouted violently: "Boy, I will fight with you."

Before he finished speaking, he sacrificed his talisman.

It is a flying sword.

The aura is dazzling, and the speed is so fast that it cannot be increased.

In a flash, Lin Xiaoyao's head was viciously chopped off.

Although he failed to advance to the next level, as a cultivator of the seventh level of true immortality, the power of this blow is still no small matter.

But Lin Xiaoyao didn't care.

In his view, this is nothing more than playing tricks on others.

With a flick of Lin Xiaoyao's sleeve, he released a burst of sword energy, easily blocking the opponent's attack.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the other party rushed in front of Lin Xiaoyao in a flash, and the distance between the two was only a few feet away.

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help being a little surprised by such a change.

What is the other party trying to do?
Deliberately narrowing the distance between himself and himself, could it be that he is a body refiner?
For a cultivator, if he encountered such an unexpected change, he would definitely choose to defend cautiously.

Do not seek success, but seek no fault.

But Lin Xiaoyao didn't need to think so much.

His response was clean and neat, and he slapped the opponent directly.

The green-robed old man did not hide.

On the contrary, he continued to rush forward without fear of death.

Not only that, but the magic power in his whole body became extremely violent.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help frowning slightly.

This a bit weird.

No, to be correct, it should be very weird.

All the immortal cultivators of Feixianmen are as timid as mice.

When encountering a crisis, the first thing you think about is how to save your own life.

The old man in green robe did the same thing just now.

Why in the blink of an eye, he suddenly changed his temper and did the opposite.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he wants to fight himself desperately, wanting to die together?

And, this is by no means a bluff.

Lin Xiaoyao could see that he really wanted to work hard.

Make no mistake!

Is this guy crazy?
The scene in front of him is completely unreasonable.

So Lin Xiaoyao believed that there must be some unknown tricks in it.

(End of this chapter)

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