My prehistoric times are too hard

Chapter 432 Preliminary determination of the chapter, 4 Sea Dragon King

Chapter 432 Preliminary reincarnation, Dragon King of the Four Seas (16 plus more)

Xuanyuan didn't think there was anything wrong with Houtu's statement.

When dealing with fresh affairs, it is indeed necessary to maintain sufficient caution.

What's more, the so-called Celestial Race is just an idea of ​​Xuanyuan, and this race does not exist in the prehistoric world.

Therefore, Xuanyuan said to Houtu: "The details of this matter still need to be deliberated over and over again. I also need a period of time to conceive the so-called Celestial Human Race. There is no rush. We just need to set a framework for cooperation first."

Houtu nodded, and she also understood that this matter was not as simple as imagined, and there might even be many problems that they hadn't considered.

But once successful, their gains will not be small.

It can even be said that Houtu will gain the most.

Because this is equivalent to Xuanyuan accompanying Houtu to deduce the way of reincarnation.

This is also of great value for Houtu's practice, even surpassing many external benefits.

Because for Houtu, being in her current state is very embarrassing.

He is neither a saint nor a Hunyuan.

But she can exert the power of Hunyuan in the land of reincarnation.

Of course she wants to reach the real Hunyuan Realm as soon as possible.

And the cooperation with Xuanyuan will obviously be a good direction of practice.

After she succeeds, she will definitely go a step further in her practice, and maybe there is hope for Hunyuan.

Only then did Houtu understand better why Xuanyuan was talking about cooperation.

For Xuanyuan and Houtu, this matter is indeed a win-win situation.

After this matter came to an end, Xuanyuan began to mention the second cooperation he wanted to reach with Houtu.

"The second cooperation item is actually the future hell."

"In the future underworld, there will also be a corresponding organizational structure to rule the underworld."

"As long as there is rule, there must be corresponding regulations."

"If you rely solely on your strength, Fellow Daoist Pingxin, you can also establish a corresponding organizational structure in the land of reincarnation, but this structure can be used to govern the land of reincarnation, but it cannot govern the entire Nine Nether Underworld."

"After all, Daoist Pingxin, you are only the Lord of Reincarnation, not the Lord of Nine Netherworlds or the Underworld."

"To put it bluntly, I rely on the authority of the Emperor of Heaven to appoint a great supernatural being who has a relationship with the Nine Nethers as the Lord of the Nine Nethers, so I must be able to compete with you in the Nine Nethers. "

Seeing that Houtu wanted to refute, Xuanyuan added before that: "Perhaps you understand what a Heavenly Emperor is, but you are not that familiar with the authority of a Heavenly Emperor."

"Heavenly Emperor, who is in charge of the authority of the prehistoric world, also has the ability to grant authority to other monks."

"However, if I fight against you, fellow Daoist with a peaceful heart, both sides will suffer. More importantly, it will be detrimental to the development of the prehistoric world."

"That's why I want to reach a consensus with you on this matter, to maintain the development of the prehistoric world as much as possible, and strive for a win-win situation."

After listening to Xuanyuan's words, although Houtu believed part of Xuanyuan's words, it was obviously impossible for Houtu to agree like this.

Therefore, her attitude inevitably changed slightly: "Oh, what kind of win-win method is that?"

Xuanyuan also understood Houtu's subtle emotions that suddenly appeared, so he didn't take it to heart.

"I can support you to sit on the position of the Lord of the Nine Nether Underworld, and I can also use the authority of the Emperor of Heaven to give you the authority of the Lord of the Nine Nether Underworld."

"However, in the future, the underworld must have clear rules and regulations for the governance of Jiuyou and reincarnation. This rules and regulations must be consistent with the rules of heaven."

"For the judgment of the dead souls, there also needs to be a clear rules and regulations. Everything is done in accordance with the rules and regulations to ensure the fairness of the development of the prehistoric world."

Seeing Houtu's increasingly unhappy face, Xuanyuan added: "Of course, you can draft the rules and regulations, as long as they can ensure fairness and are beneficial to the development of the prehistoric world, I don't have any rules and regulations here in principle. Opinion."

After listening to Xuanyuan's words, Houtu's expression softened a lot.

Because the power to formulate rules is actually the core power of the underworld.

Xuanyuan handed over the drafting of the rules and regulations to Houtu, which also meant delegating power.

In this way, Houtu has not been encroached on too much power, and this condition is still within the scope of consideration.

Seeing Houtu's thinking, Xuanyuan added: "The rules and regulations of the underworld will also be integrated into the rules of heaven. In the future, they will also be protected by the heavens. deal with those involved."

Regarding Xuanyuan's statement, Houtu quickly wanted to understand the mystery.

Although it seems that the heaven is maintaining the rules and regulations of the underworld and the rule of the underworld.

But once the rules and regulations of the underworld were merged into the heavenly rules, the heavenly court would have completed its alternative rule over the underworld.

At least in the eyes of all beings in the prehistoric world.

However, Houtu didn't pay much attention to this point.

Because Houtu understands that once the corresponding cooperation is reached, the underworld will inevitably be under the jurisdiction of the Emperor of Heaven.

Even if no cooperation is reached, the Emperor of Heaven can still manage the affairs of the underworld in name.

Relying on Xuanyuan's cultivation base, as long as there is an explanation in the righteousness, even Houtu himself can't stop Xuanyuan's actions.

Because the Emperor of Heaven is the supreme being in the prehistoric world, he has the right to govern everything in the prehistoric world.

What's more, Houtian also knew in his heart that Xuanyuan would not give up his right to rule the underworld, even if he used force in the end.

With the strength of Xuanyuan and Qingluan, she really didn't have much room to fight back.

As for cooperating with other people, such as Hongjun, to compete with Xuanyuan.

Houtu may not get more things than directly cooperating with Xuanyuan.

At least cooperating directly with Xuanyuan won't have so many struggles and frictions.

Of course, even if Houtu figured it out, he would not immediately agree to this point.

Because unless it is a last resort, they will not give up their rights and accept the rule of others.

Even if the gains are greater.

It seems that some bosses know that their company is acquired and their income is higher, but they may not choose to be acquired.

Even if the acquisition fails, it will be suppressed.

Because interests are not a single standard of virtue, there are too many things that go beyond interests.

Xuanyuan is also very clear about Houtu's entanglement and dissatisfaction.

Therefore, after talking about this matter with Houtu, Xuanyuan did not press too hard, which may cause Houtu's dissatisfaction and have a counterproductive effect.

Xuanyuan looked at Houtu and said: "This matter still needs to be discussed in the long term. If you have any new ideas to bring forward, maybe it will not be too late to bring them up after you have figured them out. After all, there is still a long way to go before the Jiuyou Hell is fully born. time."

After listening to Xuanyuan's words, Houtu's feeling of oppression also eased a lot.

At least Xuanyuan didn't force her to make a decision right away, so there was still room for relaxation.

At least she won't make any irrational decisions under duress.

Presumably, she should be able to make up her mind when the Jiuyou Difu is really born.

Whether it is to agree to Xuanyuan's request or to oppose it, at least enough time can be left for preparation.

Right now, she really doesn't have much room and ability to object.

This was also intentional by Xuanyuan. Originally on this trip, Xuanyuan just wanted to reach the first cooperation with Houtu.

The reason for mentioning the future is that the future will leave enough space for Houtu's psychological construction.

He didn't want to be too high-spirited and aggressive.

That's not his style.

If a consensus can be reached peacefully, Xuanyuan will try his best to achieve his goal in a gentle way.

It doesn't matter even if you give Houtu some benefits in this regard.

After all, Xuanyuan's original intention of ruling the underworld, in addition to maintaining the authority of his own emperor, is also to hope that the underworld can work with him to make corresponding contributions to the future development of the prehistoric world.

Therefore, as long as Houtu agrees to his request, Xuanyuan can fully delegate power to Houtu on the basis that the rules and regulations of the underworld conform to his own ideas.

After all, Xuanyuan only needs results, and a good development in the underworld is enough.

In addition, it is only necessary to maintain the emperor's nominal rule over the underworld.

After all, the so-called power is just a fleeting moment to Xuanyuan, how can the power be compared with the strength brought by his Hunyuan cultivation base?
Obviously it is impossible.

Therefore, after talking about the second cooperation item, Xuanyuan added: "Of course, this second matter does not affect the cooperation we discussed earlier."

Hou Tu nodded: "I still need to think about this matter, and I will reply after I finish thinking about it."

After talking about these two matters, Xuanyuan and Houtu exchanged details on the first cooperation matter, and agreed on an agenda for discussing cooperation matters together.

After everything was discussed, Xuanyuan also chose to leave.

Houtu also sent Xuanyuan out of the land of reincarnation all the way.

After leaving the land of reincarnation, Xuanyuan came to the East China Sea Dragon Palace in a flash.

At the same time, Xuanyuan summoned Daluo monks who are now in charge of the Dragon Clan, and also summoned Wulong.

Xuanyuan sat on the chief seat without hesitation.

When a group of Dragon Clan monks arrived, they first congratulated Xuanyuan in unison on ascension to the throne of Heavenly Emperor, and then sat down one by one.

Although such etiquette seems to make the distance between Xuanyuan and the dragon monks farther, it is also human nature.

After all, Xuanyuan was a high-ranking member of the Dragon Clan at the beginning and participated in the development and growth of the Dragon Clan.

Now he is the supreme leader of the Dragon Clan and deserves such etiquette.

What's more, if Xuanyuan stops these dragon monks, it will appear too polite, which will make the dragon monks have more thoughts.

Therefore, Xuanyuan also let them go.

After all, even if you are not a member of the Dragon Clan, such cultivation and status are worthy of such etiquette.

After the group of dragon monks were seated, Xuanyuan said: "Under the heavenly court, there will be dragon kings of the four seas, who will perform the duties of cloud distribution and rain. I intend to select four of you to be appointed."

"The Dragon King of the Four Seas is an upright god in the heavenly court. It is a good way to practice to enjoy the luck of the heavenly court."

"However, I have something to say first. The Dragon King of the Four Seas needs to perform corresponding duties. If he violates the rules of heaven, he will be punished by the rules of heaven. There is no human kindness at all."

"This position is of great importance. It is related to the development of the prehistoric world and the life and death of all living beings in the prehistoric world. If you do not have the corresponding psychological preparation, sitting on it will be a disaster rather than a blessing. At least, your practice will be frustrated, and at worst, you will die."

"Under the Dragon King of the Four Seas, corresponding manpower is also needed. The post of Prime Minister of the Dragon Palace will be assisted by monks from the Turtle Clan."

"My Dragon Clan and the Turtle Clan have been friends for generations, and the Prime Minister of the Turtle Clan is also a priest in heaven, and he is the number one person under the Dragon King, so he must not be humiliated."

"Otherwise, not only will Heaven punish you, but I will not forgive you lightly. The family friendship between the Dragon Clan and the Turtle Clan must not be broken in your hands."

"As for the affairs of the four seas, all small matters are left to the Dragon King to decide. As for the general situation of the Dragon Clan and the internal affairs of the Dragon Clan, the previous management method is still followed."

"The Dragon King of the East Sea is King Guangde, named Ao Guang."

"The Dragon King of the South China Sea is King Guangli, named Aoqin."

"The Dragon King of the West Sea is King Guangshun, named Ao Run."

"The Dragon King of the North Sea is King Guangze, named Ao Shun."

"The dragon kings of later generations will all be known by this name."

Among the Dragon Clan, the current Xuanyuan can be said to be able to make decisions on the big and small affairs of the Dragon Clan.

Therefore, after everyone was seated, Xuanyuan directly announced his decision to the dragon monks.

As for the candidates for the Dragon King of the Four Seas, as well as the candidates for the positions under the Dragon King of the Four Seas, there is no need for Xuanyuan to consider.

The dragon monks present can discuss it by themselves.

Even if they want to let the Dragon King of the Four Seas rotate according to the number of years, it's okay.

It can be said that although the Dragon King of the Four Seas is a priesthood in heaven, it is not a position within the Dragon Clan.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas performs the duties of the heavenly priesthood, and the internal affairs of the Dragon Clan are still in accordance with the previous model.

In other words, the Dragon King of the Four Seas does not have jurisdiction over the Dragon Clan, or does not have much jurisdiction.

This is also a necessity.

After all, since the development of the Dragon Clan, there has long been an effective management model, and all the members of the Dragon Clan are also accustomed to the existence of this model.

Perhaps after continuous development in the future, the Dragon King of the Four Seas will be in charge of the Dragon Clan, but at least in the current Dragon Clan, no so-called Dragon King of the Four Seas will be allowed to rule the Dragon Clan.

Not only because there is a mountain named Xuanyuan on the head of the Dragon Clan.

Among the dragon clan, there are also Wulongs, and even Fenglong, Yunlong, Zulong, Zhulong and others still have time to return.

If you want to be the real leader of the Dragon Clan, it is impossible to do it without a high level of cultivation.

After Xuanyuan issued the order, with Xuanyuan's permission, a group of dragon monks at the scene began to discuss the corresponding candidates.

In the end, the four Da Luo Jinxians obtained the four gods.

Because Daluo Daoguo and even the monks above have found their own way, or have a general direction.

The throne of the Dragon King of the Four Seas is actually a burden for them.

That's why the Dragon King of the Four Seas fell on the heads of these four Daluo Jinxians.

After that, they need to recruit people under their respective gods to form the organizational structure of the Universal Dragon Palace.

From the day when Xuanyuan is officially conferred, they will have to perform the duties of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, traveling clouds and rain.

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(End of this chapter)

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