Chapter 128 Battle ([-])

Yang Tuo didn't care too much, and sacrificed Taoist Lu Ya's Nisei Wheel to protect his whole body.

Today, Jinglun is an innate spirit treasure after all, or an innate spirit treasure that focuses on defense. With the support of Yang Tuo's infinite mana, it may not be so easy to break through.

The golden lotus of the twelfth grade of merit was devoured, the most important thing was that there was no magic power to support it.However, it cannot be denied that the ability of mosquitoes is indeed amazing.

Yang Tuo took precautions before looking at the mosquito.This was the first time he had seen the zerg with his own eyes.

I saw that its whole body was pitch black, only the pattern on its abdomen was visible, but it was a black mosquito.

Behind him, a pair of wings vibrated and buzzed.The sharp thorns in the mouth are slender and sharp, and they seem to be shining coldly.

It's not a good person at first glance, Yang Tuo reckons, even the ancient beast Six-winged Golden Cicada is probably no more than that.

Hei Mosquito stopped in mid-air and looked at Yang Tuo in front of him.Although he doesn't have much wisdom, he also knows that this person wants to kill it.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the black mosquito, and as the wings vibrated, they turned into a jet-black streamer and rushed towards Yang Tuo.

Yang Tuo hurriedly mobilized the power of the formation, and set up three lines of defense in front of his eyes.The boundless flames, the howling wind, and the three kinds of divine water, the sun, the moon, and the stars, turned into three heaven-penetrating barriers, separating Yang Tuo from the black mosquitoes.

Taking advantage of the short time, Yang Tuo released the Sunlight Divine Water, Moonlight Divine Water, and Starlight Divine Water from the three gourds.

And put the boundless blood into the gourd again, so as to prevent the black mosquitoes from using it to recover their injuries and form a tug of war.

Now is the most critical moment for Fengshen.In the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, the battle between saints is imminent. Yang Tuo doesn't have much time to waste here.

Yang Tuo had just finished setting up the barrier when he saw the black mosquito folded its wings, and its whole body, with the sharp thorns on its mouth as the front, shrunk into a needle.

The three barriers didn't stop them at all, and they were pierced by the black mosquitoes.Its speed was so fast that the flames, strong winds, and divine water did not cause much damage to it.

Yang Tuo didn't want to use the spirit treasure on his body to try the ability of the spikes on his mouth.Seeing the black mosquito rushing towards him, he threw away the Heavenly Demon Transforming Blood Sword in his hand.

The magic power surged, and the blood-transforming sword turned into a ferocious blood dragon, and killed the black mosquito.Yang Tuo's target is the wings behind him.

To get rid of its speed first, there is a good chance of winning.When the black mosquito saw the blood dragon attacking, its body continued to swell, and it also turned into the same size as the blood dragon.

When the black mosquito gets bigger, it looks even more terrifying.The six legs under the body, like six sharp blades, clashed with the four dragon claws of the blood dragon.

Yang Tuo controlled the blood dragon and kept rushing towards the black mosquito's wings.However, the black mosquito's six sharp claws firmly protected itself, and the blood-transforming magic knife could not perform meritorious deeds.

And after the black mosquito got used to it, it hit the blood dragon with the spikes on its mouth from time to time.With every blow, you can see the blood dragon being shot out of the sky.

Yang Tuo could feel the wailing of the blade. In terms of hardness, the Blood Transforming Sword was far inferior to the spikes on the black mosquito's mouth.

However, after the black mosquito was entangled, the flames in the formation approached again.Yang Tuo was on the side, and from time to time he used the Five Elements God Thunder to help him with the Blood Transformation Sword.

If it weren't for Yang Tuo's mana and the support of Shenlei, the Blood Transforming Sword would have been defeated long ago.

Yang Tuo thought about his own skills, and there were not many who really had a strong attack power.He also lacks the ability to make the final call.

After the blood-transforming magic knife was hit by black mosquitoes a few times, Yang Tuo changed his style of playing wide open and close at the beginning.

The flying knife moves back and forth, tossing and turning, just not to confront the black mosquito head-to-head, and keeps staring at the black mosquito's wings all the time.

Although the black mosquito had the upper hand, it couldn't help but lose the magic sword of blood for a while.

After a moment of stalemate between the two sides, Yang Tuo stretched out a finger, and a crescent moon appeared on the fingertips. The moonlight was like water and frost, shining with icy cold light.

This is the congenital spiritual treasure - Moon Jinglun.Yang Tuo turned the Yuejing Wheel into the size of a thumb and used it quietly.

The moon essence wheel was silent, spinning like a full moon, bypassing the blood-transforming magic knife from below, and appearing behind the black mosquito.

Suddenly a cold light flashed, Yuejinglun's killing intent flourished.With a flash of cold light, it stroked towards the base of the black mosquito's wings.

The black mosquito was fighting with the blood dragon, and it didn't feel a chill in its body. It came from the instinct of the mosquito, and it shook its wings and hid.

The black mosquito was distracted to dodge, but was caught by the blood dragon, and slashed at its abdomen, only to hear a ding.

The black mosquito's belly flashed brightly, and the blood-transforming magic knife was bounced away, but the black mosquito was also sent flying.

The moon spirit wheel, which was dodged by the black mosquito, whirled and flew back again.The black mosquito was powerless to dodge in the air, so it quickly turned its body, turned its wings down, and used the sharp thorns on its mouth to meet the attack of the congenital treasure moon essence wheel.

There was another "ding" sound, and the moon spirit wheel slashed on the sharp thorns.The two sides stalemate for a moment, but no one can do anything to each other.

The hardness of the mosquito's pointed mouth has long been beyond Yang Tuo's imagination.The spikes are hard and sharp, almost impossible to break.

At this time, a group of congenital divine fire descended from the sky and blasted into the belly of the black mosquito.The black mosquito's abdomen flashed brilliantly, scattering the divine fire.

However, the mosquito was still knocked down from the air by this blow, and fell into the divine water below.

This time it was not so lucky, the sea below was filled with the three kinds of divine water of the sun, moon and stars.

among them:

The golden sunlight divine water wears away the flesh and blood;
The silver moonlight divine water corrodes the soul of the primordial spirit;

The purple starlight divine water swallows the consciousness of true spirits.

After the black mosquito fell, it was enveloped by the three-color brilliance of gold, silver and purple.The three divine waters are constantly eroding its body and soul.

The black mosquito has a strong body and can resist it for a while.However, Yang Tuo made the Shenshui into a ball and locked the black mosquito in it.

His wings are wrapped in divine water, no matter how he stirs, he will vibrate in the divine water, and all his strength will be absorbed by the divine water.

Shenshui stuck it firmly, and the black mosquito couldn't escape for a while.Yang Tuo took the opportunity to use the Moon Jing Wheel and the Blood Transforming Sword to kill the black mosquito on the spot.

But this black mosquito is an ancient alien species, and its legs block its body to resist.There was no serious injury for a long time.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo couldn't help it. The sharp beak of the black mosquito was too strong.The Blood Transforming Sword can't do anything to it at all.

The moon essence wheel was not a magic weapon obtained by Yang Tuo, so it could not exert its due power.

Yang Tuo thought for a while, and didn't want to entangle with him anymore.Taking advantage of the fact that the black mosquito was stuck by the divine water, he couldn't move.

Yang Tuo took out another magic weapon, which was Taoist Lu Ya's Immortal Slaying Flying Knife.This flying knife is so sharp that there is almost nothing that cannot be killed.

Yang Tuo sacrificed the Immortal-Chopping Flying Knife in the air.Mana poured in, and a thing flew out from the gourd. This thing had eyebrows and eyes, and two white lights shot out from its eyes.

The white light fixed the spirit of the black mosquito, and the black mosquito lost the power to resist in an instant.

Although Yang Tuo was also moved by this black mosquito, there was almost no magic weapon that could lock this black mosquito.

Even if it is sealed in the formation, you have to worry about when it will break out of the formation.

If you are so worried, it's better to kill it, lest you have time to backfire on yourself, it's too late to regret!

Yang Tuo bowed to Zhanxian Flying Knife and said, "Please turn around, baby!"

A brilliance flashed by, and the black mosquito's ferocious head fell off.Even his soul was beheaded.

The black mosquito lost all vitality in an instant.Seeing it, Yang Tuo sighed, "This Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife is really sharp!"

(End of this chapter)

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