Chapter 129
Yang Tuo killed the black mosquito with a flying sword.Immediately, all kinds of spiritual treasures were put away, but the protective spiritual treasures on his body were not taken back.

He looked at the black mosquito's body, but didn't approach it.With a thought, a cloud of green phosphorous fire ignited on the corpse.

The yin fire burned slowly, and there was no movement for a long time, Yang Tuo finally confirmed that the black mosquito was really dead.

Immediately, he took back the magic weapon for protection, and walked slowly to the black mosquito's corpse.He looked at the corpse, after burning for such a long time with the green phosphorous yin fire, it didn't cause much damage to the corpse.

These ancient ferocious beasts are really powerful by nature, and they are so powerful without training.

Yang Tuo checked the body. Although the black mosquito was dead, its body was still as big as a calf.It seems that the body of the black mosquito is this big.

At the beginning, that tiny form should be his innate supernatural power, the size is as desired.

Many ancient creatures have this supernatural power.A huge black mosquito corpse with its head thrown aside and long mouthparts growing from its mouth.

The strongest part of its whole body is the sharp thorn on its mouth. Although the sharp thorn is black, it seems to be shining with silver lights.

The forest is cold and cold, exuding a chilling aura, which makes people daunting at first sight.

Secondly, it has six mosquito legs.The mosquito's legs were covered with dense barbs, and the cold light shone.

Although the mosquito legs are not as good as the spikes on the mouth, they are far superior to ordinary materials, and are excellent materials for refining magic weapons.

Its wings are thin and soft, not too hard, but they are like cicada wings, and it is a good material, but I don't know how to use it for a while.

The belly of the black mosquito has complicated patterns, and its body forms its own space.Yang Tuo checked and found no other features.

It seems that those two times, when it hit the abdomen, the brilliant light that came out was not the natural supernatural power of the black mosquito's abdomen.

Yang Tuo thought for a moment, and thought: "I'm afraid it's the third-grade golden lotus in its body, which is working!"

Yang Tuo used mana to break open the abdominal space, and a golden lotus fell out of it.On this golden lotus, merit flows, which is very similar to the golden light of merit behind its head.

Although he had never seen the golden lotus of merit, he still recognized at a glance that it was the third-grade golden lotus of merit that was sucked away by mosquitoes.

I don't want it to condense into a lotus platform in the belly of the black mosquito.Although it is only the third rank, it is still the innate spirit treasure with astonishing defense.

Following the fall of the virtuous golden lotus, several items fell out of the space.A pearl shining with the brilliance of the sun and the moon, it looks very extraordinary.

It also exudes an innate aura, which is another innate spiritual treasure.

Beside this bright pearl, there is also an inner alchemy and a tortoise shell.

Yang Tuo looked at these items and understood that they were left by the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit.He sighed secretly in his heart, he didn't want the cultivation of the Holy Mother of the Guiling, Daluo Jinxian, to end up like this next time.

It can be seen from this that even Da Luo Jinxian may not be able to guarantee his own safety.

Yang Tuo put away the two innate spiritual treasures, and picked up the inner alchemy and tortoise shell of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit.I looked at it, and there were no other items. It seemed that the items that the black mosquito had swallowed before had been digested by it.

Only the items swallowed this time are still in its body.Yang Tuo put away the body of the black mosquito and waited until he was free to deal with it.

Then he sat cross-legged, preparing to refine the two innate spirit treasures.Although the time was tight, he still wanted to sacrifice the two innate spirit treasures initially to avoid any accidents.

Yang Tuo first took out the third-grade golden lotus of merit. Now, although this golden lotus of merit is not easy to use openly, it can be used as a trump card to save one's life.

If someone from the Western religion discovers it, even though he did not go to the Western religion to steal it, he will lose this treasure.

Yang Tuo has no ability to keep this treasure.Yang Tuo has two ideas. One is to return it to the Western religion. Based on the importance of the treasure to the Western religion, the saint will not treat him badly.

But this is not the best choice. As Yang Tuo, although he will get some rewards, it will not be too much. After all, the West is not very rich.

The second option is to dedicate it to Laozi or Yuanshi Tianzun.This treasure is very important to Western religion, and it is a treasure to suppress luck.

Yang Tuo couldn't get too much benefit from Xixijiao.But it's different in the hands of a sage, which is equivalent to mastering the lifeblood of Western religion.

At that time, I am afraid that I can get more benefits from Laozi or Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yang Tuo hadn't made a choice for a while, so he definitely couldn't keep Jinlian.If you leave it, there is a possibility of chicken flying eggs.

Yang Tuo put Jinlian in front of him, put away his thoughts, and stopped thinking about it.No matter who he dedicates this treasure to in the future, it will not affect his current refinement.

After refining, you can also take a peek at the way of the lotus flower.As the saying goes, flowers bloom to see me, and I see Bodhi.

Yang Tuo revealed the Qingyun above his head, and the three flowers on it appeared, and the waves in the Qingyun were rough.There are Dinghai pearls, Luobao money, and purple jade bamboo floating on it.

Yang Tuo threw the virtuous golden lotus into Qingyun and sacrificed it with the primordial spirit.As the mana circulated, the primordial spirit left his mark on it not long after.

Following the circulation of Yuanshen and mana, Yang Tuo carefully felt the golden lotus of merit.He refined the golden lotus of merit very smoothly, and there was some faint connection between the golden lotus and the golden wheel of merit behind his head.

Following Yang Tuo's sacrifice, he made new discoveries.It seems that there are several scriptures engraved in this golden lotus of merit.

Yang Tuo watched carefully and found three scriptures in the lotus platform.They are: the six-foot golden body, the universe in the palm, and the six-character mantra.

On the third-grade lotus platform, there are three Dafas taught by the West.Could it be that there are twelve grades of golden lotus with merits and virtues, and each grade has a piece of the fundamental law taught by the West?
While Yang Tuo was thinking in his heart, he was also silently comprehending these three scriptures.Although he has no intention of abandoning Taoism and becoming a Buddha.

However, this fundamental scripture is the greatest wisdom of a sage, and it is the "Tao" that a sage understands.Even if you don't practice, you can learn from it.

This six-foot-long golden body is the Dafa practiced by the Taoist priests. It is different from the Bodhi golden body of the Taoist Zhunti. It does not have so many heads and arms.

It doesn't seem to be that good at fighting, but this six-foot-tall golden body is the gathering of Tao and merit, and it is immune to evil and dharma.

It also has great magic power and supernatural powers, and it is easy to subdue demons and eliminate demons.It is a first-class method of cultivating the incarnation.

The universe in the palm is to open up a world with the palm of the hand, and people without great magic power cannot practice.

The Tathagata Buddha used the universe in his palm to cultivate the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, and subdued the lawless Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

Its method should not be underestimated, it can be used not only to develop believers, but also to fight, it is also a fundamental method.

As for the last six-character mantra, Yang Tuo didn't know much about it. He only knew that on the Five Elements Mountain, it was the copybook written by the Tathagata with the six-character mantra, which formed a seal to suppress the monster monkey.

But Yang Tuo could feel that there was great magic power, great wisdom, and great compassion.As long as the cultivation is completed, there is also a boundless Dafa.

These three great methods are not only the practice method, but also the combat method.Practicing in accordance with the law, Da Luo is expected!

Yang Tuo looked at the virtuous golden lotus in his hand, and thought: This harvest is really not small.

(End of this chapter)

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