Enlightenment begins with the consecration of God

Chapter 157 Daji Enters the Heavenly Palace

Chapter 157 Daji Enters the Heavenly Palace

The two chatted very happily, and King Biancheng knew that Jin Dasheng was Emperor Ziwei's mount, but he didn't take it seriously, and still fell in love with him.

The relationship between the mount, the boy and the master is sometimes even higher than that of many disciples.Disciples pass on the orthodoxy, but they seldom follow the teacher after leaving the teacher.

Mounts are different from boys, as long as they are not driven away, they will always follow their masters.As time goes by, the feelings may be deeper than the disciples.

The two chatted for a long time, and the conversation was also very pleasant under the deliberate friendship between the two parties.Soon, the judge brought an innocent, romantic, delicate and shy woman into the hall with a beautiful appearance and a beautiful country.

When King Bian Cheng saw his appearance, he was also taken aback.He has been Yan Jun for many years and has seen countless ghosts. The appearance of this woman can also be said to be unparalleled in the world. No wonder Emperor Ziwei also sent people to look for her.

King Biancheng thought he had understood the emperor's heart, so he smiled and was amiable, changing his previous serious and majestic image.He opened his mouth and said, "Is Su Daji from Jizhou down there?"

The woman smiled slightly, and said: "The little girl is Su Daji, I don't know why Yan Jun called me?"

Seeing that Su Daji didn't know what happened, King Biancheng nodded slightly.This judge is very good, not talking nonsense.King Bian Cheng continued, "It's not that I'm looking for you, but that the envoy is looking for you!"

After speaking, he introduced Jin Dasheng who was beside him: "This is the envoy sent by Emperor Ziwei, the envoy will explain to you what happened!"

Daji immediately looked at Jin Dasheng who was at the side. She confirmed that she did not know this person, so she asked cautiously, "I don't know what is the envoy's business, to find the little girl?"

Although the judge didn't explain what was the matter, he said that he was on a mission to look for it.Since she was assassinated by the nine-tailed demon fox and her soul returned to the underworld, she has also experienced a lot of ups and downs.I also understand many things in this world, and many times life and death are beyond my control.

Jin Dasheng looked at the woman in front of him, she was beautiful and graceful.No wonder when the master asked him to come to the underworld to select the maid, he specified that he would bring her back to the Heavenly Palace.

Jin Dasheng collected his thoughts and didn't dare to think about it anymore, so he said: "My emperor, who has just ascended the throne, lacks a maid by his side. I have been specially sent to lead you to heaven as an official, do you understand?"

Daji heard that she was going to be an official in heaven, although her heart was a little moved.But she didn't know anything about this so-called emperor, so she was very hesitant and didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, King Biancheng explained: "Don't worry about it. Although the emperor has ascended the throne for the first time, he is still a great virtuous man of the human race. You should cherish this opportunity. Besides, the emperor's decree has been issued and must not be changed!"

When Su Daji heard this, she bit her red lips lightly, not knowing how to answer for a while.Seeing this, Jin Dasheng understood his worries. Although the emperor's decree must not be violated, wouldn't it be better if he could go to heaven willingly.

Jin Dasheng immediately smiled and said: "Do you still have questions? You can learn more about it later. You need to know that your father and brother are both officials under the emperor, so what else can you worry about?"

Hearing this, Su Daji opened her beautiful eyes wide, looked at Jin Dasheng watery, and asked softly, "When will my father and brother go to heaven to be officials?"

Jin Dasheng sighed: "I don't know the specific details, but the emperor said that you are the daughter of the official Dongdou Xing, so there will be no difference in the future, as long as you enter the heavenly court, you can speak for yourself!"

Only then did Su Daji feel relieved, she was afraid that she would be another king who coveted her beauty, and she died because of this, but she felt sorry for her.Then she tapped her jaw and remained silent.

Seeing him nodding, Jin Dasheng felt relieved.This woman is really lovable and charming.After becoming an official in heaven, how do you know that there is no possibility that he will be favored by the emperor?If you are favored by the emperor, even if you become a concubine, it is not impossible.

That's why he explained it so carefully.Seeing his promise now, I feel relieved.Then he said: "Just wait for a while, I still need to select some Gong'e warriors, heavenly soldiers and generals, to serve as the emperor's driving force."

When Daji heard the words, she immediately stepped aside and stopped disturbing the two of them.When the two saw Su Daji, they each had their own thoughts, and they didn't speak for a while.Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit deserted, King Bian Cheng immediately ordered someone to set up a banquet for the two of them to have a feast.

After a while, the banquet was ready.King Biancheng invited Jin Dasheng and Su Daji to the table, and the scene became familiar, and a group of judges and underworld servants were on the sidelines to help, and the atmosphere suddenly became more lively.

Although Jin Dasheng is a golden immortal, he has never seen the banquet in this underworld.Many local specialties are really eye-opening.

Although Daji was born in the Hou Kingdom, she enjoys the glory.However, since the soul returned to this underworld, I saw that this underworld is barren, never thought that there are so many delicacies in the underworld.

Jin Dasheng couldn't help sighing: "I am grateful for Yan Jun's kindness. Such a banquet is really rare in the world, but I have never seen it before!"

But King Bian Cheng smiled and said: "What is this? The envoy follows the emperor, and there are treasures in the sky and on the earth that will never be seen. For a long time, I am afraid that this small banquet in the underworld will never be able to enter the eyes of the envoy again." .”

Jin Dasheng hurriedly said: "Why did Yan Jun say this, just because of Yan Jun's kindness, I will never forget it!"

King Bian Cheng laughed out loud after hearing this. Isn't this exactly what he needs.

All the banquets are changing, and some ghosts come to report.After listening to his words, King Biancheng said to Jin Dasheng: "My lord, many lonely souls who died in vain and heroic spirits who died in battle have been selected. I wonder if my lord can go and check it out?"

Hearing this, Jin Dasheng also put down the cup in his hand, and said: "But I have to go and have a look. The emperor's account should not be sloppy. As for the banquet, next time I have a chance, I will invite the emperor to have a feast."

King Biancheng smiled and said, "Just follow what the envoy said!"

Immediately, Jin Dasheng led Daji to watch the selected ghost.I saw his women, all charming and charming.A group of fighting spirits are also full of evil spirits, and they are all good soldiers.

Jin Dasheng nodded in satisfaction, then cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Lord Yan! If it weren't for Lord Yan, this matter would not have gone so smoothly. I will definitely make it clear to the emperor, and I will not forget the hard work of Lord Yan!"

King Biancheng waved his hand and said, "I haven't put in much effort, I've always done things for the emperor, what else can I say. If there is still a shortage of manpower, just come here, I will definitely prepare for the emperor!"

Jin Dasheng then bid farewell to King Biancheng and returned to Nanfangbuzhou.With a group of ghosts, they headed towards the northern sky.Along the way, Yin Qi billowed, attracting a lot of attention.

However, there was no one who didn't open his eyes to make trouble, even the big monsters in Beiju Luzhou, no one came to stop him.Everyone knew that Emperor Ziwei had just ascended the throne, and no one wanted to be the target of Liwei.

As for some unidentified little monsters, they were all beaten out of their wits by Jin Dasheng.Everyone returned to Ziwei Palace smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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