Chapter 158 Fairy Ziwei
As Jin Dasheng left, the judge at the side said: "Your Highness Yan Jun, you have handed over many elites to that person, and the strength of our dead city will be greatly damaged. Is it worth it?"

The people judges go out to select are not all new dead ghosts, many of them are old ghosts in the dead city, and there are also many elite ghost soldiers from the underworld!

King Biancheng smiled and said, "What do you know? You thought it was so easy to turn from a ghost to a god. This is a chance that only happens once in millions of years. When the emperor has enough people, there will be no one for these people." Chance."

"I have given them such a great opportunity now, and they will achieve something in the future, how can they not think of me?" King Biancheng was not worried at all about the loss of the strength of the underworld.

Not to mention other things, in this Netherworld in Nanbuzhou, there are ten temples of Yama, and he is just one of them.

Even if something happens, you can ask other Yan Jun for help.As for the damaged strength, after a long period of time to make up for it, it will naturally recover.

However, the opportunity to be a god in heaven will never come again.If it is not limited by the position of God, he would like to be an official in the heavenly court.

Who would want to be in this dark dungeon if he could work in the beautiful scenery of that day's palace.

Not to mention the gossip between the two, after Jin Dasheng rushed to Beitianmen with a group of ghosts, he was stopped by Fang Xiang and Fang Bi.

Even if they knew Jin Dasheng, they couldn't let Jin Dasheng bring all the ghosts into Ziwei Palace.It is also necessary to report to the emperor and obey the emperor's arrangement.

At this time, Yang Tuo was practicing, and he hoped to make up for his short training time.According to Fang Xiang's report, Jin Dasheng led a group of ghosts and had arrived outside Beitianmen.

Yang Tuo ordered Fang Xiang, "Put it in the side hall."

Fang Xiang bowed and replied: "Yes, Emperor!" Then he left the hall and headed for the North Heaven Gate.

Not long after, Jin Dasheng led Su Daji into Ziwei Palace.

Seeing Yang Tuo sitting on the cloud bed, Jin Dasheng hurriedly bowed, "I've seen the master!"

Yang Tuo nodded, and then looked at the beautiful woman beside her.

Seeing the emperor looking over, the woman hurriedly saluted and said, "Little girl has seen the emperor!"

Yang Tuo said slowly at this moment, "You are Su Daji?"

"It's the little girl!" Daji quickly replied.

Yang Tuo nodded again, and said, "That's right, it's true that you know the book well!"

Daji hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to speak.

Yang Tuo went on to say: "Speaking of which, you suffered innocently. You were killed by the nine-tailed demon fox and then replaced by it. You are notorious for bewitching King Zhou with the Song of Songs."

"I called you to the upper realm today, firstly because my Ziwei Palace lacks some female officials, and secondly, to compensate you." Yang Tuo just said briefly, but did not explain the reason clearly.

The nine-tailed demon fox was sent by Empress Nuwa, but Su Daji suffered innocently.Although it was not the original intention of Empress Nuwa, it was also caused by it.

Yang Tuo didn't make it very clear, after all, it involved the prestige of Empress Nuwa.

Su Daji said softly: "Thank you, Emperor, for your kindness!"

Yang Tuo thought for a while, and then said: "I will now call you Fairy Ziwei, who is in charge of the maids and maids of the Heavenly Palace."

Su Daji hurriedly bowed down and said, "Thank you, Emperor Long En!"

Yang Tuo waved his left hand, and a divine light flashed across, covering Su Daji's whole body.But in an instant, Su Daji appeared with a body forged with divine power.

Su Daji was overjoyed when she felt her new body.It has been more than twenty years since I died, and I have not felt a physical body.

Yang Tuo was delighted to see him, but he didn't care.Then with a wave of his hand, all the ghosts in the side hall also transformed their ghost bodies into god bodies.

Originally, even if you go to heaven as a god, you still need to gather your divine power and train your divine body.But now that Ziwei Palace is short of manpower, Yang Tuo spared them this process.

Immediately, Jin Dasheng and Su Daji were asked to arrange affairs for everyone to make Ziwei Palace work.

With the addition of part of the manpower, Ziwei Palace finally looked less cold!

After doing all this, Yang Tuo no longer cared about the situation in the palace.

Concentrate on retreating and practicing, hoping to step into the realm of Taiyi Jinxian as soon as possible.In the final analysis, this prehistoric world is a world where great power belongs to itself.

As long as you are strong enough, no one will dare to underestimate you even if you are alone.

Although he has obtained the position of god and the authority of heaven and earth, he has infinite divine power added to his body.However, he didn't incorporate divine power into his body, and still took the way of heaven and immortals as his foundation.

With the use of divine power, there are always some obstacles.The most urgent task now is to cultivate an incarnation to store divine power and wield divine power.

Yang Tuo carefully comprehended the mystery of the Zhangliu Golden Body. This Zhangliu Golden Body is broad and profound, full of infinite wonderful ways to guide the saints.

It takes the Dao as the foundation, the aura of black and yellow merit as the skeleton, and the infinite power as the flesh and blood to forge the immeasurable dharma body.

This dharmakaya has supernatural powers as you wish, and it can change freely in the countries of the ten directions. It may appear large and fill the sky, or it may appear small, measuring six or eight feet.The shapes that appear are all true gold, the light of immortality.

If Yang Tuo wanted to use it to create Ziwei's dharma body, he also needed to use the Dao as the foundation.There is no need to worry about this step, the authority held by Emperor Ziwei is the way and the law.

Although Yang Tuo didn't fully comprehend it, it didn't affect its use.

Secondly, it needs to use Xuanhuang Gongde Qi as the skeleton.Yang Tuo is not lacking in this Xuanhuang meritorious spirit, and as Emperor Ziwei takes over the divine power and acts on behalf of the heavens, there will naturally be meritorious deeds descended.

In the end, the infinite will power is the flesh and blood.Yang Tuo ascended the throne for the first time, without incense and vows.However, the essence of this divine power is condensed with the power of incense and fire.

Yang Tuo's divine power is the natural descending of the law of operation.Its essence is also condensed by the wishes of all living beings, but there is no need for incense to worship, and the heaven and earth are directly condensed.

Like an innate god, it is not restricted by incense, and directly melts the vows of all living beings from the void, and condenses them into divine power.

All the conditions have been met, Yang Tuo only needs to follow the cultivation method of the Zhangliu Golden Body step by step, and he can condense an incarnation of Emperor Ziwei.

With Yang Tuo's retreat, 50 years have passed.In the past 50 years, the manpower of the Northern Heavenly Court has increased a lot.

The heavenly soldiers and generals under Lian Xinhuan's command numbered in the tens of thousands.Although there are many suspicions of impostors, the manpower has increased significantly.

These heavenly soldiers and generals are nothing more than ordinary soldiers with some mana.Among them, there are very few people who become immortals.

Anyone who becomes an immortal is granted the title of Heavenly General, and can be regarded as an immortal official with a rank record.

In front of Yang Tuo, there is a golden body with a height of six feet.This golden body is not the image of Buddha in the future, but a god of heaven.

His face was similar to Yang Tuo's, but very majestic.There is a purple mark on the forehead, wearing a lake-blue Star Emperor robe, white long sleeves, blue ripples on the shoulders, and luminous beads scattered on the hammer.

There are immeasurable divine lights emanating from his whole body, shining on Daqian, and the sun, moon and stars are hidden behind him, and the three lights flow.

The image of this avatar is slightly different from Yang Tuo's initial image of the emperor.A little more majesty of the divine way, but less of the elegance of the immortal way!
(End of this chapter)

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