Chapter 162

Yang Tuo, who was refining the treasure of Proving Dao, was also disturbed by these two pieces of news.Although he knows that Buddhism and Taoism will be established, he doesn't know when and how to establish it.

This sudden news almost made him go wrong during the process of refining the magic weapon.Fortunately, he stabilized his mood in time, so nothing went wrong.

As soon as these two news came out, Yang Tuo was not in the mood to take care of the Jiuling Yuansheng for the time being.At most, Jiuling Yuansheng just took some troubles, and the next thing may be related to his "Tao".

Now that Buddhism and Taoism are established, the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism is not far away.Soon there will be Lao Tzu going west to Hangu Pass, turning Hu into a Buddha, in order to share the luck of Buddhism.Yang Tuo could not miss this critical moment.

Yang Tuo kept practicing the purple jade bamboo stick with the magic formula in both hands.As the dao pattern continued to emerge, Yang Tuo also transformed the fire of the stars into the water of three lights.

The water and fire repeatedly sacrificed the purple jade bamboo staff, and finally there was a soft sound.The precious light of the purple jade bamboo staff flourished, and the infinite starlight around it was bounced away at once.

The bamboo stick floats in mid-air, the precious light is shining, and the purple energy is full of body.There are four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, which are either hot or cold.

After half a quarter of an hour, all phantoms disappeared into the bamboo stick.The bamboo stick slowly fell into Yang Tuo's hands from the air.

Caress carefully, feel everything about this purple jade bamboo stick.This treasure fruit of enlightenment is different from ordinary treasures. It is the extension and evolution of its own Tao, and it progresses together with itself.

Yang Tuo held the bamboo stick in his hand, waved it casually, and hit the bamboo stick in the void.

In the void, a point of origin suddenly exploded, and a world of nothingness took shape in it.

The world gradually takes shape, then grows, prospers, and finally perishes.All this has been done in the blink of an eye.

Birth, development, growth, and destruction, it seems to complete a cycle in an instant.Yang Tuo stroked the body of the stick, blending his own mana and dao rhyme with it, constantly offering sacrifices to refine the magic weapon.

This will become a normal state, and this process of sacrifice will never end.

When Yang Tuo finished refining the magic weapon, he gave birth to the heart of the lower realm.He then left Emperor Ziwei's dharma body to guard the heavenly realm, while he quietly descended to the realm with only his mount, the yellow ox, while Gao Ming Gaojue stayed behind as the eyes and ears of Emperor Ziwei.

There was no accident during this trip, he went down from Beitianmen to Beiju Luzhou very smoothly.

Yang Tuo planned to go all the way south, cross the North Sea, and return to Nanfang Buzhou.Now, nearly a hundred years have passed since conferring the gods, and everything has become a little strange.

Yang Tuo rode a yellow ox and walked slowly on Beiju Luzhou.Whenever you go to a place, check the local customs first.

If you encounter a human country, you will pass on the 24 solar terms.

However, there are few human races in Beiju Luzhou, and there are monsters everywhere. They encountered all kinds of monsters along the way, and the country of human races is rarer.

There are so many monsters that it is unimaginable.It is also difficult for a group of people to live in a country.Either it is guarded by the strong, or it is enshrined by the monster race.

Although he didn't see the scene of massacring all living beings, life was still difficult.Xin Huan has worked hard for a hundred years, but it is just a drop in the bucket.

On this day, Yang Tuo was heading south when suddenly a wolf demon jumped out.This wolf demon was born ferocious, walking upright on his hind legs, coming and going like the wind.

He was heading north, but when he didn't want to, he saw a human race walking in the wild on a yellow ox.

He couldn't help being overjoyed, and said in his heart: "I don't think I would have such a blessing to meet a human race!"

There are very few people in Beiju Luzhou, most of them are hiding in the city, and they will not go out easily.Many monsters have never seen a human race in their entire lives.

The wolf demon thought about what the elders of the clan said before, saying that human flesh is the most delicious, delicious and nutritious.

But he has never eaten it, and he doesn't want to think about today, when times come and go.In this wilderness, I met a lone traveler.

Although most of the people who appear in the wild also have some skills.But he didn't care, he still had some confidence in his ability.

Except for the strong human beings guarding the city, he is not afraid of the rest of the human race.In Luzhou, Beiju, a barren land, everything depends on strength. If he can survive well, he naturally has some strength.

The wolf demon rolled his eyes, thinking that he had lost the gift, and he happened to use this human race as a gift.Immediately stopped Yang Tuo and asked, "You human race, where do you want to go?"

Yang Tuo didn't care when he saw a monster jumping out. The monsters he encountered along the way were not rare.

He is a man of high art and boldness, but for an ordinary person, he would have been scared out of his wits long ago.

He found out that the monster didn't rush forward, and he was a little curious for a while.Ordinary monsters have no brains, they just passively absorb the aura of heaven and earth, they are all reckless and cruel people.

Maybe there are some monsters with good talents, but it's a pity that they have obtained some methods from their blood, but they are a minority after all.Most of the monsters are reckless, and when they see a human race, they rush forward regardless.

I didn't want this wolf demon to jump out, but instead of making a direct attack, he even came to talk to him.After walking for so long, it was rare for someone willing to talk, and Yang Tuo also planned to chat with him.

Yang Tuo's two disciples were both from the monster clan, so they didn't discriminate against monsters.It's just that many monsters are ferocious and unable to communicate.

This wolf demon seems to have some brains.He also planned to ask about the situation of the demon clan in Beiju Luzhou.

Yang Tuo replied honestly: "I want to go to Nanfang Buzhou!"

Yang Tuo glanced at the wolf demon and asked, "Where are you going?"

Seeing that this man was not afraid of him, the wolf demon immediately replied: "I want to go to the endless mountains in the north!"

Yang Tuo asked, "What are you doing there?" This endless mountain range is a place where monsters gather, and the Jiuling Yuansheng is in the endless mountain range.

Hearing that the wolf demon was going to the Endless Mountains, he also felt a little curious.

The wolf demon said proudly: "I'm going to attend the banquet of Lord Demon Saint!"

Yang Tuo couldn't help asking: "Which demon saint, what banquet?"

The wolf demon snorted coldly and said, "Why do you have so many questions, obviously I asked you first."

Yang Tuo thought the wolf demon was a bit funny, and he didn't know why he jumped out.Seeing what he said, he couldn't help saying: "You answer me first, and I will naturally answer you."

The wolf demon thought about it, and thought it made sense.Then he said: "I am the envoy sent by the Yunlang tribe to congratulate Lord Yaosheng."

"Why is there only one messenger? Didn't he bring any gifts?" Yang Tuo was curious.

Unexpectedly, he asked about the itch of the wolf demon, and he proudly replied: "I can be the smartest wolf in our tribe, otherwise why would the leader send me to the banquet!"

"As for the gift, I lost it on the way, so I plan to take you with me." As soon as he finished speaking, he covered his mouth!
Yang Tuo pretended not to hear it, and said with a smile: "You have been talking for a long time, but you still haven't said what kind of banquet it is!"

The wolf demon patted his head and said: "You don't even know this, the nine-headed king in the endless mountains has just become a Daluoxian, so he held a banquet to celebrate."

After hearing this, Yang Tuo sighed in his heart.Finally encountered the most difficult situation.The Jiuling Yuansheng still entered the Dao realm.

But he doesn't plan to return to the Heavenly Court, even if Jiuling Yuansheng becomes Daluo Sanxian, his Ziwei dharma body is not weak.

His current task is to spread solar terms, become a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and go to Hangu Pass to wait for Lao Tzu to transform Hu.

As for Jiuling Yuansheng, let Ziwei Dharma Body deal with it.

When he descended to the realm, he had not heard of this matter, so it must have happened not long ago.

But with Gaoming Gaojue, Dharmakaya must have known about this matter, but I don't know how to deal with it!
(End of this chapter)

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